Synopsis of a published paper “Strehl ratio for primary aberrations: some analytical results for circular and annular pupils” By Sheng Yuan Oct 28, 2006 Abstract In this synopsis paper, I am going to introduce prof. Virendra N. Mahajan’s paper “Strehl ratio for primary aberrations: some analytical results for circular and annular pupils 1 ”.I am going to present the key result of this paper and I will also infer who would want to use it and which type of application it will be used. 1. Introduction: For small aberrations, the Strehl ratio is defined as the ratio of the intensity at the Gaussian image point (the origin of the reference sphere is the point of maximum intensity in the observation plane) in the presence of aberration, divided by the intensity that would be obtained if no aberration were present, S I (0) / I (0)0 , here is phase aberration. In this paper, the author obtains simple analytical expressions for the Strehl ratio of images formed by imaging systems with circular or annular pupils aberrated by primary aberrations(third order). Both classical (Seidel aberration) and balanced (orthogonal, Zernike) primary aberrations are considered. Numerical results are obtained from these expressions for up to five waves of a classical aberration. These result are compared with the approximate results obtained by using the Marechal formula ( S1 (1 2 )2 ) to 2 determine its range of validity. It is shown that, in general, a long as the Strehl ratio is greater than 0.6, the Marechal formula gives results with an error of less than 10%. The author also checked the famous Rayleigh quarter-wave rule--that the aberration tolerance for a Strehl ratio of 0.80 is a quarter-wave. The Strehl ratio is calculated for a primary aberration when its aberration coefficient, peak absolute value, and peak-to-peak value, are each a quarter-wave. It is shown that only a quarter-wave of spherical aberration and a quarter-wave peak value of balanced spherical aberration give a Strehl ratio of 0.80. A quarter-wave of coma and astigmatism do not give a Strehl ratio of 0.80. The author thus concluded that the Rayleigh quarter-wave rule does not provide a quantitative, but only a qualitative, measure of aberration tolerance. The author also considered non-optimally balanced aberrations. It is shown that, unless the Strehl ratio is quite high, an optimally balanced aberration (in the sense of minimum variance) does not give the maximum possible Strehl ratio. As an example, spherical aberration is discussed in detail in this paper. A certain amount of spherical aberration in balanced with an appropriate amount of defocus to minimize its variance across the pupil. However, it is found that minimum aberration variance does not always lead to a 1 maximum of Strehl ratio. The author find out for the circular pupil chase, only for less than 2.3 waves of spherical aberration, the maximum Strehl ratio is obtained with balanced spherical aberration(with defocus). Otherwise, minimum variance does not corresponding to minimum Strehl ratio. In the case of coma, the situation is even worse, the author find out only for very small coma aberrations(less than 0.7 waves) does balanced coma give the maximum Strehl ratio; otherwise a non-optimal value of tilt gives the maximum Strehl ratio. 2. Key result: From the definition of Strehl ratio, S= 1 2 2 2 1 e i ( , ) 0 d d (1) 0 By expanding the complex exponential of equation (1) into a power series and keep the first 2 terms only for small aberration, the author derived the following approximated expression for Strehl ratio (Marechal formula), 2 )2 , is the standard deviation of phase aberration (2) 2 Now neglecting the 4 term in formula (2), the author provided another famous approximated expressions for Strehl ratio, S2 1 2 , (3) S1 (1 If the pupil is annular, then the definition of Strehl ratio changes to, 1 S= 2 (1 2 )2 2 2 1 e i ( , ) d d (4) 0 Using formula(1)-(4), the author calculated the primary aberrations and their corresponding standard deviations and the Strehl ratios for both circular and annular pupil, as listed blow in Table 1.Both classical and balanced aberration(in the sense of minimum variance) are considered. The corresponding orthogonal (Zernike) aberrations are given in Ref 6 .Note that the form of an orthogonal aberration is identical with that of a balanced aberration, except in the case of a rotationally symmetric aberration, in which case it differs by a constant (independent of pupil coordinate) term. Since the variance or the Strehl ratio for an aberration does not depend on a constant aberration term, the study in this paper of a balanced aberration is equivalent to that of an orthogonal aberration. Using the expressions given in Table 1, the author then go ahead compared formula (1) and (2), numerically calculated how the Strehl ratio varies with the coefficient of primary aberrations up to 5 waves. The variance of the percent difference 100(S-S 1 )/S for circular 2 pupil is shown blow in Fig 1 as an example. (To see all other calculations, please refer to the paper itself) Fig1. Percent error 100(S-S 1 )/S as a function of S for circular pupil From Fig1, it is easy to see for S 0.8 ; the error is negligible and practically insensitive to the type of aberration being considered. The error is less than 10% for S 0.6 . Thus the author concluded that as long as 0.67 , or the standard deviation of the wave aberration w ( / 2 ) , S1 gives Strehl-ratio results with less than 10% error to 9.4 S. 3 The author then go ahead examined the famous Rayleigh quarter-wave criterion, namely, that the quality of an aberrated image will be good if the absolute value of the aberration at any point on the pupil is less than a quarter-wave. Table 2 shows the values of the Strehl ratio for primary aberrations of absolute peak value of a quarter-wave. Table 2 Strehl ratio for primary aberrations of absolute peak value of a quarter-wave From this table it is easy to see, that except for spherical aberration (the example provided by Rayleigh) and balanced spherical aberration, a Strehl ratio of 0.8 is not obtained for a quarter-wave of peak absolute value (or peak to peak value) of a primary aberration. Thus the Rayleigh quarter-wave rule does not provide a quantitative measure of the quality of an aberrated image. At best, it provides an indication of a reasonable good image. Finally, the author examined the Strehl ratio for non-optimally balanced aberration. He found out for large aberrations, there is no simple relationship between the Strehl ratio and the aberration variance. For the case of Spherical aberration, the author calculated the following result as shown in Fig 2 blow. From fig 2, it is easy to see, minimum aberratio variance does not necessary means minimum Strehl ratio. 3. Discussion: Prof Virendra N. Mahajan published a series of papers on Strehl ratio, classical aberration expansion Vs. Zernike polynomial in aberration balancing 18 . This paper is pretty much a basis of what he is going to discuss in his other papers, because in this paper, different models for calculating Strehl ratio is examined , and the detail relationship between aberration variance and Strehl ratio is provided. From here, we are able to discuss how we can make use of Zernike polynomial to minimize the aberration variance thus benefit in aberration balancing. 4 Strehl ratio is a very important figure of merit in system with small aberration, i.e., astronomy system where aberration is almost always well corrected, thus a good understand of the relationship between Strehl ratio and aberration variance is absolutely necessary. This paper provided a very useful and complete reference for this kind of application. Fig 2. Reference: 1. V. N. Mahajan, “Strehl ratio for primary aberrations: some analytical results for circular and annular pupils,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 72, 1258–1266 (1982), Errata, 10, 2092 (1993); “Strehl ratio for primary aberrations in terms of their aberration variance,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 73, 860–861 (1983). 2. V. N. Mahajan, “Symmetry properties of aberrated point-spread functions,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A11, 1993–2003 (1994). 3. V. N. Mahajan, “Line of sight of an aberrated optical system,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 2, 833–846 (1985). 5 4. V. N. Mahajan, “Zernike annular polynomials for imaging systems with annular pupils,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 71, 75–85(1981); 71, 1408 (1981); 1, 685 (1984); “Zernike annular polynomials and optical aberrations of systems with annular pupils,” Appl. Opt. 33, 8125–8127 (1994). 5. V. N. Mahajan, “Uniform versus Gaussian beams: a comparison of the effects of diffraction, obscuration, and aberrations,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A3, 470–485 (1986). 6. V. N. Mahajan, “Zernike circle polynomials and optical aberrations of systems with circular pupils,” Appl. Opt. 33,8121–8124 (1994); and “Zernike polynomials and optical aberrations,” Appl. Opt. 34, 8060–8062 (1995). 7. V. N. Mahajan, “Zernike-Gauss polynomials for optical systems with Gaussian pupils,” Appl. Opt. 34, 8057–8059(1995). 8. V. N. Mahajan, Optical Imaging and Aberrations, Part II: Wave Diffraction Optics, SPIE Press, Bellingham,Washington (2001).Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5173 17 6