Ill Study Guide w/answrs

Name ___________________________
Study Guide and Test Review - The Illinois Constitution
Fill in the blank space with the correct answer.
1. Illinois was admitted as the 21st state on this date
and the first capitol was at the city of ____Kaskaskia_______ . The present
capitol of Illinois is the city of ___Springfield______(57).
2. The state seal of Illinois shows an eagle holding a banner saying
___________State Sovereignty National Union___________________.(58)
3. The main body of the Legislative Branch in Illinois is called the
___General Assembly______________, and the 2 main houses are called the
__House of Representatives____ and the ___Senate____(26)
4. In order to be elected to legislative branch in Illinois, a person must be at least
_____21____ years old and live in their district for at least __2_ years. (26)
5. There are 59 members in the ___________Senate____ and 118 members in the
_________House of Representatives__________ (26)
6. The main job of the Legislative Branch in Illinois is to _______Make
7. A Senator in Illinois serves a term of __4___ years while a Representative serves a
term of ___2_ years. (26)
8. The main job of the Executive Branch in Illinois is to ______Enforce or carry out
laws ____________.(76)
9. If the President is in charge of the federal executive branch, then in Illinois the
person in charge of the executive branch is called the __governor____.
10.The head of the Illinois executive branch must be at least _25__ years old and
serves terms of _____4__ years. (76)
11. The head of the executive branch in Illinois government can serve
________unlimited__________ terms. (76)
12. Just like the President of the U.S., the Governor can approve or disapprove a bill. If
the Governor disapproves a bill it is called a ___veto_____.
13. If the Governor can no longer fulfill his or her duties, the __________Lieutenant
Governor___________ takes over.(75)
14. The chief legal officer of the state is called the ___Attorney General_____.(77)
15. All officers in the Illinois Executive Branch are elected for terms of _____4_
16. The main job of the Judicial Branch is to ____Interpret the laws_______.
17. The state courts include the Illinois Circuit Courts, the Illinois Appellate Courts and
the Illinois __________Supreme________. (78)
18. The Illinois Supreme Court has _____7__ justices.(78)
19. Illinois Supreme Court Justices are elected for _10__ year terms. (79)
20. The three branches of Illinois government are:
21. Our current Illinois Constitution was approved by the voters on
_______________12/15/1970_______. (65)
22. The western boundary of Illinois is the _____Mississippi River_____.
23. The state to the north of Illinois is ___Wisconsin_______.
24. The state to the east of Illinois is _Indiana__________.
25.To vote in the state of Illinois, a person must be at least ____18__ years old.(112)
26. The Governor of the state of Illinois is now _______Pat Quinn____.
27. The Lieutenant Governor of the state is _____Sheila Simon__________.
28. The Attorney General of the state is ____Lisa Madigan____________.
29. The biggest city in the state of Illinois is ___Chicago_______.
30. What is the slogan on the standard Illinois car license plate?
_________Land of Lincoln__________________
31. State tree ___white oak____
33. State bird __cardinal________
32. State flower ______violet_____
34. State fish ___bluegil______
35. State snack food ___popcorn_
36. State fruit __goldrush apple____
37 . State animal __white tailed deer__
38. State mineral __flourite_____
39. State reptile _______painted turtle_____________________
40. State soil _____drummer_________________________________
41. State fossil _____tully monster_______________________________
42. State song _________________Illinois_______________________
43. State dance _____________ Square dance_____________________________
44. State prairie grass ______Big Blue Stem________________________
45. Name one VERY famous person who came from Illinois
46. You will need your Zip+4 code. Go to either the web sites of Mr. Sifling or Mr.
Weber and find the link ‘Find Your Federal or State Representative’. Use the Zip+4
locator and enter your code without any dashes. Enter the following information:
Your U.S Senators in Washington D.C.
Party (R or D)
Your U.S. Representative in Washington D.C.
Your Senator in the Illinois General Assembly
Your Representative in the Illinois General Assembly