Muskegon Railroad Historical Society
561 W. Western Ave
P.O. Box 765
Muskegon, MI 49443
Minutes of the January 18th, 2011, MRHS Board of Directors Meeting
President Steve Bowyer, Presiding
The 18 Jan 2011 Board Meeting of the Muskegon Railroad Historical Society was called to order by President Steve
Bowyer at 7:03 P.M.
Roll Call
Steve Bowyer, Mark Kelley, Steve Shick, Andy Busard, Tom Anderson, Leo Deuster, Dave Vryhof
Presentation of Minutes
 President Steve Bowyer noted that the minutes from the previous meeting had been presented and
corrections should be forwarded to the secretary in due course.
President’s Report:
 Steve Bowyer called Jim Bach to check on Jason Bach's status, it seems he will be gone a few more
months yet.
Secretary’s Report:
 We have received some renewals that have to be entered into the membership database.
Treasurer’s Report:
 Andy Busard, No Report
 None
Committee Reports:
Layout Committees:
O Gauge:
 Still Running fine, All the loops run good. They are going to put an article in the newsletter requesting
input concerning the layout
HO Gauge:
 Seems to be running, has replaced some wiring and lighting in the layout. Tim got power out to the car
ferry dock.
N Scale:
 N Scale Chairman Mark Kelley reported that all four lines are operating.
Building Committee:
 In the new meeting room area the floor has been nailed down. Drywall is coming in the near future.
Library Committee:
 Library Committee Chairman Jim Funnell reported that the library is getting more organized. There are
some donations still coming, but nothing has arrived yet.
Train Shows:
 We need to have the contract for the arena reserving the space for April 10th, 2011. There is discussion
concerning where to advertise.
 The Fall Train Show will be the 18th of September 2011.
Program Committee:
 Programs are set through April of 2011.
Publicity Committee:
 Tom Anderson - No Report.
Donations Committee:
 Nothing to Report
Editorial / Website Committee:
 Steve Shick - Newsletter to print Jan 24th, get it to Steve by email NLT the 23rd.
 Website is back online, and it has been renewed on his card for the Quarter.
Special Committee Reports
Long Term Planning:
 None
Business and Project Updates:
Tri Cities Museum:
 We are going to begin working on the layout on Saturday's beginning Saturday, 29 Jan 2011. The 29th
will be used as a "What do we need to do" planning session.
News and Views:
 None
Unfinished Business:
 Steve Bowyer bought forward discussion on layouts. Mark Kelley bought forward a motion to dismantle
the "O" gauge layout with the intent of rebuilding it in the present meeting room area. Steve Shick 2nd
the motion. There was a motion by Andy Busard to put off deciding the motion until the January Board
Meeting. Steve Shick 2nded. Motion carried.
Comments from the audience:
1. I would like to see it fixed up, and not torn down.
2. Chuck Tompkins - I think that it's a show draw for when folks are here. Keep the layout in
running order. Don't do anything with the space until the meeting room is completed.
3. Anissa Vryhof - The layout needs a plan if we are going to tear it down, otherwise I don't feel the
space would be properly used.
4. Jim Funnell - There will be a large room here in the present meeting room area for another
Tom Anderson - would not like to see the layout taken down. He would like to get volunteers more
involved with the layout. The present base could be reworked, and reused in it's present condition.
I want to see things held off, and given more time to get his plan together.
Board members had several different discussions concerning the state of the various layouts. Relocating
layouts in the different spaces.
The board gave Tom Anderson a 30 day window to poll interest in Model Railroading, and then bring
forward his results for the board for discussion, and motions.
We need to do something about the credit card / funding for the website.
Budget - Nothing to report now.
New Business:
 Club Outing in August.
 Leo Duester made a motion to delay action on the layouts until the February Board Meeting.
 None
Adjournment of Meeting:
 Steve Bowyer, President, adjourned the January 18th, 2011 MRHS Board Meeting at 8:51 P.M.
Minutes Submitted by Mark Kelley, Secretary.