Year 10 Semester 2 Program 2015

IMCC Year 10 Course 3
Program Outline 2015 – Semester 2
Term Three:
Term 2
Term 3
Teaching Content/ Focus
Animal Farm
 Contextual research of the Russian Revolution using worksheets, resources on
teachers, library and Internet.
 Introduce the concept of fables/allegories. Discuss how and why animal characters
are used in stories to symbolise meaning or to convey a moral/ message. 
Go through simple animal fables. Students can deduce the moral. Discuss why
using animals makes the message easier to understand and more accessible. 
Complete Pre‐Reading activities where students look at a synopsis of the novel
and match it up to a particular historical context from the selection provided. 
Go over important literary and political terminology 
Introduce concept of Satire and how it applies to novel. Students are to be taught
definitions and apply these to various examples.
Students will read novel in class with class teacher (1-2 weeks)
Students are to complete chapter questions
Focus on characters – analysing the comments made about human nature through
each character/animal
Other resources/ worksheets, which demonstrate understanding of plot, setting,
symbolism and themes in novels.
Go through practice essay questions and start drafting 
Australian Curriculum strands
Understand that people’s evaluations of
texts are influenced by their value systems, the
context and the purpose and mode of
communication (ACELA1565) Analyse how higher order concepts are
developed in complex texts through language
features including nominalisation, clause
combinations, technicality and abstraction
(ACELA1570) Analyse and evaluate how people, cultures,
places, events, objects and concepts are
represented in texts, including media texts,
through language, structural and/or visual
choices (ACELY1749)
Identify and analyse implicit or explicit
values, beliefs and assumptions in texts and
how these are influenced by purposes and
likely audiences (ACELY1752) Use comprehension strategies to compare
and contrast information within and between
texts, identifying and analysing embedded
perspectives, and evaluating supporting
evidence (ACELY1754) Compare and evaluate a range of
representations of individuals and groups in
different historical, social and cultural contexts
Evaluate the social, moral and ethical
positions represented in texts (ACELT1812) Identify, explain and discuss how narrative
viewpoint, structure, characterisation and
devices including analogy and satire shape
different interpretations and responses to a
text (ACELT1642) Assessment
Essay – In class essay. Unseen
question, from 2 possibilities. 1
page of notes permitted.
(Due week 4)
Current Affairs
 Brainstorm what students know about the genre of current affairs and view
segments students will recognise
 Discuss characteristics
 Complete Current Affairs Booklet – outlining newsworthiness, subjectivity,
conventions, media bias
 View more examples of current affairs to demonstrate principles
 Current Affairs PowerPoint - focusing on the use of language, the construction of
reality, music, authority figures, interviews, dramatic re-enactments, graphics and
character archetypes
 Hand out task sheet and allow students time to prepare their group presentation.
 View presentations in Week 8.
Understand how language use can have
inclusive and exclusive social effects, and can
empower or disempower people (ACELA1564)
Evaluate the impact on audiences of
different choices in the representation of still
and moving images (ACELA1572) Refine vocabulary choices to discriminate
between shades of meaning, with deliberate
attention to the effect on audiences
(ACELA1571) Analyse and evaluate how people, cultures,
places, events, objects and concepts are
represented in texts, including media texts,
through language, structural and/or visual
choices (ACELY1749)
Identify and explore the purposes and
effects of different text structures and
language features of spoken texts, and use this
knowledge to create purposeful texts that
inform, persuade and engage (ACELY1750) Use organisation patterns, voice and
language conventions to present a point of
view on a subject, speaking clearly, coherently
and with effect, using logic, imagery and
rhetorical devices to engage audiences
(ACELY1813) Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations
selecting and sequencing appropriate content
and multimodal elements to influence a course
of action (ACELY1751) Identify and analyse implicit or explicit
values, beliefs and assumptions in texts and
how these are influenced by purposes and
likely audiences (ACELY1752) Create sustained texts, including texts that
combine specific digital or media content, for
imaginative, informative, or persuasive
purposes, and that reflect upon challenging
and complex issues (ACELY1756) Use a range of software, including word
processing programs, confidently, flexibly and
imaginatively to publish texts, considering the
identified purpose and the characteristics of
the user (ACELY1776) TASK NINE:
(Productive /Creating)
Current Affairs Segment – In
groups prepare a current affairs
segment to present to the class,
either live or as a recorded
(Due week 8)
Successful English 3:
10 minutes at the start of each
lesson. Relevant pages include:
p.24 Punctuation revision
p.26 Apostrophes revision
p.30 Prefixes
p.31 Suffixes
p.76, p.92, p.106
p.114 Audience, and purpose
p.134 A motivational speech
Term Four
Gender Study - Still Images, poetry and expository texts, short stories
 Go over Folio Task (Gender) – introduce the 2 tasks (Poem and Short story)  Start looking at texts on gender, including the poem ‘What are little boys made of’
and consider stereotypes and binary oppositions that are commonly reinforced and
 Look at booklet of images and discuss binary oppositions and dominant stereotypes
for males and females  Go through Year 10 Visual Conventions hand out and explain the concept of
deconstructing visual images.  Annotate Red Tape shoes image (Women in vending machine) as a class and
annotate thoroughly based on ideas it endorses about gender.  Go over Expository Conventions  Annotate the feature article “Dark undercurrents of teenage girls’ selfies’ looking at
how issues pertaining to gender are conveyed.  Other possible feature articles like ‘A breadwinner rethinks gender roles’  Go over poetry conventions  Annotate and analyse the poems ‘Pigtails’(Freeverse),‘The Butcher Shop’ (Ballad)
and, if me permits, ‘Homage to my hips’  Annotate and analyse the advertisement for the opera ‘Don Giovanni,’ looking at
the way masculinity is constructed in the image.  Students can begin drafting their free verse poem for their Assessment
 Revise Narrative Conventions and then read and annotate the short story, ‘The altar
of the family,’ looking at how issues about masculinity are explored.  Students draft and prepare their short story
Exam revision
 Students revise the concepts learned over the semester
 Provide students with a practice exam in the same style as the one they
will be given and work through some practice questions, etc.
Understand how language use can have
inclusive and exclusive social effects, and can
empower or disempower people (ACELA1564) Refine vocabulary choices to discriminate
between shades of meaning, with deliberate
attention to the effect on audiences (ACELA1571) Evaluate the impact on audiences of different
choices in the representation of still and moving
images (ACELA1572) Analyse and evaluate how people, cultures, places,
events, objects and concepts are represented in
texts, including media texts, through language,
structural and/or visual choices (ACELY1749)
Identify and analyse implicit or explicit values,
beliefs and assumptions in texts and how these are
influenced by purposes and likely audiences
(ACELY1752) Use comprehension strategies to compare and
contrast information within and between texts,
identifying and analysing embedded perspectives,
and evaluating supporting evidence (ACELY1754) Compare and evaluate a range of representations
of individuals and groups in different historical,
social and cultural contexts (ACELT1639)
Review of all outcomes
(Productive /Creating)
Folio Gender Study – Creative
poem and short story
(Due week 5)
TASK ELEVEN: (Receptive /
Creating & Responding)
Examination – students
complete an exam that tests
their knowledge of spelling,
grammar, comprehension
and analysis.
(Exams Week 7)