The Royal Berkshire (Reading)

The Royal Berkshire (Reading)
The Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading serves a catchment population of approximately
500,000. In 2007-8 there were 6000 deliveries and 4060 gynaecological outpatient episodes;
in addition there were 867 Colposcopy sessions. There are about 300 hysterectomies
performed annually, and 700 laparoscopic procedures.
The medical staffing establishment at 2008 was
Mr Roger Williams, FRCS, FRCOG
Mr Alan Crystal, FRCS, FRCOG
Mr Mark Selinger, MD, FRCOG
Miss Helen Allott, MA, MRCOG
Miss Patricia Street, FRCOG
Miss Jane Siddall, FRCOG
Miss Jill Ablett MRCOG
Mr Kevin Smith, MRCOG
Miss Rajee Vijayanand MRCOG
Dr. Suruchi Ancora
Consultant Gynaecologist
Consultant Gynaecologist
Consultant in Feto-Maternal Medicine
Consultant in Feto-Maternal Medicine
Consultant in Feto-Maternal Medicine
Consultant in Feto-Maternal Medicine
Deputy Head of School
Consultant in Feto-Maternal Medicine
College Tutor
Consultant Gynaecologist
Consultant Gynaecologist
College Tutor
Associate Specialist in O&G Ultrasound
There are seven posts recognised for Specialist Registrar training, two at ST3-5 and five at
ST6/7. Seven staff grades are also in post.
There are 3 ST1/2 posts, 4 VTS and 3 F2 doctors who rotate every 4 months within the
All trainees will receive training and provide service in both obstetrics and gynaecology. The
ST6/7 trainees on rotations C, D, E and G will have proportionately more day time duties in
Obstetrics or Gynaecology depending on special interest.
All consultant gynaecologists offer a wide training in gynaecological surgery, including
minimal access work, and conduct both general and PMB out patient. services, Mr Williams
has a special interest in sub-fertility, with designated clinic facilities, Mr Crystal undertakes
gynaecological cancer cases as does Ms Vijayanand and Mr Smith has subspecialty
expertise in urogynaecological services. There is an Early Pregnancy Assessment Service.
Training in all of these areas is available; trainees will normally access two of these firms
during the year.
The ST6 trainee on rotation E will work for Mr Smith for six months and one other
gynaecologist according to training needs for the other six months.
All obstetricians offer a broad training in the management of medium to high risk pregnancy,
with five on-site and two satellite outpatient clinics. In addition, Miss Street runs a diabetic
ANC in conjunction with the consultant endocrinologists. Miss Allott has an interest in HIV.
Miss Siddall in drug and alcohol miss use and Miss Ablett in cardiac disease. There is a Day
Assessment Unit for monitoring hypertensive disease etc.
Mr Selinger offers training in invasive prenatal diagnostic techniques and imaging to senior
trainees. Miss Allott runs a clinic for bereaved parents and also one for women with previous
traumatic birth experiences. Access to these clinics is for the senior trainee who is pursuing
training in F-M medicine (Rotation G)
The Delivery Suite has a designated consultant for 40 hours each week, with plans to move
to 60 hours shortly, who will supervise ward rounds and teach obstetric skills as necessary
to any trainee.
All trainees are required to participate in the perinatal morbidity and mortality meetings, and
the gynae pathology meetings, each held monthly. Junior trainees are expected to attend
specialty teaching and training every Friday afternoon, and to undertake an audit project
whilst in post. In addition, senior trainees are invited to attend policy and clinical governance
meetings, and are encouraged to help draft guidelines, care pathways etc. Audit projects
should also be undertaken.
Rota: Full shift.
Banding: Anticipated 1b from August 2009.