Research-Based District-Adopted Literacy and Language Intervention Materials Title/LAP/ELL Intervention Guidelines 1. Title/LAP/ELL intervention must be supplemental to each student’s core literacy instruction in the classroom. 2. Title/LAP and ELL services should be integrated so that each student gets instruction in ALL components of reading (ELL also need oral language), whether this occurs in the classroom, in Title/LAP or in ELL. 3. The Intervention Roster is intended to provide a way help identify the neediest students for intervention and to monitor students’ progress regularly. 4. For any curriculum, be sure to use diagnostic information (either within the curriculum, or another assessment) to place students appropriately within the curriculum. 5. Please use all intervention curriculum with fidelity (all components, in sequence). 6. Using the tools listed, collect progress monitoring data to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. 7. New students need to be inserted on the rank order whenever they arrive and should be served immediately if eligible. 8. Rank orders need to be revisited mid-year with the January assessment information and make adjustments as needed to who is receiving which services. DRAFT 2/16/16 Research-Based District-Adopted Literacy and Language Intervention Materials Title/LAP/ELL All need to be used with fidelity and consistency. Reading Component Phonemic Awareness Recommended Curriculum Grades K-1 Early Reading Intervention (ERI) K-1 Phonemic Awareness for Young Children 1-4 Headsprout (not all schools) Progress Monitoring Tools DIBELS FSF DIBELS PSF DIBELS NWF CORE Phonics District Multi-syllabic Hi-frequency sight words (regular phonetic) K-3 2-6 2-6 4-6 Early Reading Intervention (ERI) Scholastic Phonics Readers Scholastic Phonics Decodable Readers (not all schools) Scholastic Phonics Booster Books (not all schools) Read Well (multiple versions) Scholastic Phonics Chapter Books Phonics for Reading – 3 Levels REWARDS - Intermediate Fluency 2-6 2-6 Six Minute Solution – Read Naturally DORF Hi-frequency sight words (irregular) Vocabulary K-6 K-6 Imagine Learning English (ELL only) Text Talk – K/1, 1/2, 2/3 CORE Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures, 2nd Edition - Vocabulary Assessment (2 per grade level) Comprehension K-2 K-6 3-6 4-6 Primary Comprehension Toolkit Text Talk - K/1, 1/2, 2/3 Comprehension Toolkit Read 180 rBook- DAZE Phonics K-1 K-2 K-2 K-2 DRAFT 2/16/16 Research-Based District-Adopted Literacy and Language Intervention Materials Title/LAP/ELL Oral Lang (ELL) K-6 K-6 Imagine Learning English Text Talk ADEPT (three times per year) Additional Information Classroom Strategies and Interventions (not Title, LAP, or ELL pullout interventions) CORE Instructional strategies for each of the components Marzano and Beck strategies for Vocabulary Linguistic Remedies/Living Linguistics/Wired for Reading GLAD Zoophonics Etc. Extra Practice Opportunities (supplemental to another intervention) Reading A to Z iPad Applications (Title only) Etc. DRAFT 2/16/16