A PROGRAMME OF SUSTAINABLE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR MATHEMATICS TEACHERS: DESIGN AND PRACTICE Teresa Smart and Celia Hoyles Abstract A shortage of well-qualified mathematics teachers means that fewer students have their interest in mathematics stimulated, so fewer continue their study in higher education. Where are the mathematicians and mathematics teachers of tomorrow? Breaking this downward spiral requires improving the subject knowledge and enthusiasm of existing teachers, in a way that is linked to improved pupil engagement and motivation. To do this, the London Mathematics Centre (LMC) based at the Institute of Education, London, is piloting a 10-day programme of professional development for secondary mathematics teachers in London schools. The programme aims to create a trajectory that gives teachers sufficient mathematics confidence to move towards taking ownership of their teaching by designing materials informed by and responding to the needs of their pupils. Interview and observation data are being collected to test both the change in teaching attitudes and approach and the response of the students. Teresa Smart and Celia Hoyles London Mathematics Centre (LMC) The Institute of Education Teresa Smart is director of the London Mathematics Centre t.smart@ioe.ac.uk Professor Celia Hoyles is chair of the London Mathematics Centre and Dean of Research and Consultancy at the Institute of Education. c.hoyles@ioe.ac.uk The London Mathematics Centre is a three-year project funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation A PROGRAMME OF SUSTAINABLE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR MATHEMATICS TEACHERS: DESIGN AND PRACTICE, Teresa Smart and Celia Hoyles Abstract A shortage of well-qualified mathematics teachers means that fewer students have their interest in mathematics stimulated, so fewer continue their study in higher education. Where are the mathematicians and mathematics teachers of tomorrow? Breaking this downward spiral requires improving the subject knowledge and enthusiasm of existing teachers, in a way that is linked to improved pupil engagement and motivation. To do this, the London Mathematics Centre (LMC) based at the Institute of Education, London, is piloting a 10-day programme of professional development for secondary mathematics teachers in London schools. The programme aims to create a trajectory that gives teachers sufficient mathematics confidence to move towards taking ownership of their teaching by designing materials informed by and responding to the needs of their pupils. Interview and observation data are being collected to test both the change in teaching attitudes and approach and the response of the students. Background A shortage of mathematics teachers in England has become more acute in the last four years, with many students being taught by teachers with little specialist knowledge (OU/NAMA/KC, 2002; Smith, 2004). The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) highlighted this growing crisis and linked it to the steady decline in students continuing their study of mathematics after compulsory schooling (ACME 2002). There is no simple correlation between the ‘amount’ of subject knowledge mastered and the quality of teaching, but a teacher’s confidence and enthusiasm for mathematics, alongside an appreciation of how students learn, make it more likely that a teacher can stimulate student engagement in exploring the subject. A mathematically confident educator will teach for relational rather than instrumental learning (Skemp, 1976). As well as a clear need to improve the specialist knowledge of many existing teachers of mathematics, there is also a need to provide opportunities for those with specialist knowledge to rekindle their enthusiasm for the subject. Both ACME (2002) and the Smith Inquiry (Smith, 2004) reviewed the evidence and called for all teachers of mathematics to have an entitlement to a programme of continuous subjectspecific professional development. The London Mathematics Centre (LMC) In June 2004, the LMC launched a 10-day a pilot professional development programme for twenty-three mathematics teachers from sixteen schools. The design of the pilot was informed by the evidence that sustained and collaborative professional development has a positive impact on teaching and learning (EPPI-Centre, 2003; Joyce & Showers, 2002). The 10-day programme was planned in collaboration with the users and set out to integrate teachers’ own learning of mathematics with developing an enhanced understanding of mathematics pedagogy. Extending teachers’ mathematics is a given even for those with a strong mathematics background. ACME (2002) reenforced what had already had been noted in the USA, that in all programmes of professional development, teachers need to build the ‘three kinds of knowledge [that] are crucial for teaching school mathematics: knowledge of mathematics, knowledge of students, and knowledge of instructional practices.’ (National Research Council, 2001 p.370). The ten days of the programme are divided into six face-to-face tutored sessions and four mentored school-based days. This sustained period of professional development encourages teachers to adopt a reflective approach to their practice when they try out in the classroom what they have been learning at the University. The LMC programme builds on these ideas with several additional features identified from prior research and experience of successful professional development for teachers of mathematics: 1. Teachers should be engaged from the start in investigating mathematics for its own sake – prior to any consideration of classroom activity. This was found to be the crucial factor in successful take up in the Microworld Project (Hoyles, Noss & Sutherland, 1991). 2. Starting points for mathematical investigation are based on prior research or development work and are carefully designed around a mathematical theme or a ‘deep’ idea such as ‘generalising’ or ‘proof’. The research-informed activities aim to challenge teachers by presenting new perspectives on known mathematics or by extending mathematical knowledge with new ideas. Jaworski, a confident mathematician, acknowledged how a classroom discussion while working in a ‘co-learner partnership’ with teachers ‘allowed me to gain new perspectives of relationships [between quadratic functions and equations] and hence to enhance my own knowledge’ (2001, p.313). 3. Though teachers at first explore mathematics following pre-planned starting points, an essential part of the programme is that teachers design their own activities. In the design process, teachers work collaboratively in networks or ‘communities of practice’ (National Research Council, 2001 p.397). 4. As well as planning for impact in classrooms, the programme is designed from the outset for sustainability after the programme has ended. The Programme consists of face-to-face classes taking full days at the University, each built around a mathematical theme, followed by work in schools. The programme provides a trajectory to lead the teachers from being users of prepared curriculum resources to becoming confident mathematicians who design materials to use their mathematical knowledge and their knowledge of students’ learning. University days Each University day follows the same format. A speaker introduces the theme providing some mathematical starting points for further investigation, modelling the process with some examples. In order to improve their students’ mathematical knowledge, teachers need to be guided to learning some new mathematics for themselves. Knowing mathematics for teaching also entails more than knowing mathematics for oneself. Teachers certainly need to be able to understand concepts correctly and perform procedures accurately, but they also must be able to understand the conceptual foundations of that knowledge. In the course of their work as teachers, they must understand mathematics in ways that allow them to explain and unpack ideas in ways not needed in ordinary adult life. (National Research Council, 2001 p.371). The teachers engage in exploration of ‘new’ mathematics or new perspectives on mathematics by working in small groups on a mathematical inquiry based on one of the starting points offered by the speaker. ‘New’ may mean doing ‘old’ mathematics in a new way because it is modelled with ICT, which is integrated into each theme. In this respect, LMC uses ICT as suggested by Laborde (2001) ‘as a catalyst for teachers to restructure their mathematics’. The following uses have been made: spreadsheets to explore variables and functions and to model applications of mathematics, dynamic geometry to engage in construction and geometrical reasoning, and statistics packages to explore data sets and trends. In each case, teachers are provided with research-informed materials and work in small groups negotiating how to best adapt these material for use in their own classrooms. As well as using ICT throughout the programme we also use examples of student responses to reasoning on proof drawn from the Longitudinal Proof Project (Hoyles and Küchemann, 2002) as a catalyst for designing activities. A number of teachers on the LMC Programme have opted to become ‘teacher researchers’ in a follow-up study1 devising activities based around the student responses, aiming to develop further student reasoning and quality of explanations. Follow-up study ‘Developing Research-informed Materials in Mathematical Reasoning for Teachers’ (Küchemann & Hoyles) 1 Support in the classroom Between the university days, the teachers try the materials in their own classrooms. They work along with colleagues and create demonstration lessons for collective critique and revise them in the light of the experience and discussion. The teachers then are asked to design and pilot their own mathematical teaching sequences. We know this is a hard step to take but one that is essential, as teaching from prepared materials without adaptation does not adequately respond to the needs and diversity of a student cohort (Ball, 2000). Laborde (2001) has documented this process for a team of teachers writing activities that will fully integrate the use of a dynamic geometry package to support pupils’ mathematics learning. Laborde noted that bringing technology into a mathematics classroom creates a ‘perturbation’ (p.87) in the teaching/learning process which causes teachers to examine and vocalise their beliefs on mathematics and how it should be taught. Teachers must challenge and change their beliefs but find this process difficult. The LMC programme provides support through the organisation of networks or ‘communities of practice’ working together on the same activity. The network will collectively decide what to try and will work on the responses in an iterative cycle. The aim is that networks will continue to function after the end of the programme, and that teacher leaders will emerge, who will contribute to the programme’s plans to scale-up in the future. As Ball reports ‘the most effective professional development model is thought to involve follow-up activities, usually in the form of long-term support, coaching in teachers’ classrooms, or ongoing interactions with colleagues’ (Ball, 1996, pp 501-502). Ongoing work The LMC programme is at a pilot stage and will be monitored by analysis of data derived from interviews with the participants and their head teachers, from observation of their classrooms and from the final presentation of their collective reflections. We can report that already the teachers are reflecting on their practice as a result of their encountering new perspectives and the need, as Jaworski (1998) notes, to ‘address “hard” and “difficult” questions about their teaching’. As an older teacher with a traditional approach to teaching remarked: At the first session, we were asked if we agreed with this hypothesis – ‘A mathematics lesson without the opportunity for pupils to generalise is not a mathematics lesson’. I keep thinking about that statement, it is so new to me and trying to achieve this is what will change my practice. Another teacher, reflecting on what he had learnt from trialling some of the materials from the Proof Project (Küchemann & Hoyles) said: I was convinced that a proof is only a proof if it has algebra in it. Now I am not totally certain after I have seen the pupils talking about proof. At the ICMI Study Group, we will present some of these analyses involving descriptions of the different trajectories along which teachers developed from the common starting point to their work in classrooms. References ACME (2002). Continuing Professional Development for Teachers of Mathematics. London. Ball, D.L. (1996). Teacher learning and the mathematics reforms: What do we think we know and what do we need to learn? Phi Delta Kappan, 77. Ball, D.L. (2000). Bridging Practices: Intertwining Content and Pedagogy in Teaching and Learning to Teach. Journal of Teacher Education, 51(3). EPPI-Centre, (2002). How does collaborative Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers of the 5-16 age range affect teaching and learning? EPPI-Centre Reports on Line, London: Institute of Education. Hoyles, C., Noss, R., & Sutherland, R. (1991). Final Report of the Microworlds Project. London: Institute of Education, University of London. Hoyles, C. and Küchemann, D. (2002). Students’ understandings of logical implication. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 51(3), 193-223. Jaworski, B. (1998) Mathematics teacher research: Process, practice and the development of teaching. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 1 Jaworski, B. (2001). Developing Mathematics teaching: Teachers, Teacher Educators, and Researchers as Co-Learners. In F.L. Lin and T.J. Cooney. Making Sense of Mathematics Teacher Education (165-183). The Netherlands: Kluwer. Joyce, B., and Showers, B. Student Achievement Through Staff Development, 3rd Edition. ASCD: Virginia. Laborde, C. (2001). The Use of New Technologies as a Vehicle for Restructuring Teachers’ Mathematics. In F.L. Lin and T.J. Cooney. Making Sense of Mathematics Teacher Education (87-109). The Netherlands: Kluwer. National Research Council. (2001). Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics. J. Kilpatrick, J. Swafford, and B. Findell (Eds.). Mathematics Learning Study Committee, Centre for Education. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. OU/NAMA/KC (2002). Shortage of Mathematics Teachers: a report of the survey of secondary mathematics departments. In S Johnston-Wilder. Key Stage 3 mathematics teachers: the current situation, initiatives and visions: Proceedings of a National Day Conference. Milton Keynes: The Open University. Skemp, R. R. (1976). Relational and Instrumental Understanding in the Learning of Mathematics in Mathematics Teaching, 77. Smith, A. (2004). Making Mathematics Count: The Report of the Professor Adrian Smith’s Inquiry into Post-14 Mathematics Education, London.