Name Number Holes Part 4 Questions Chapter 10 (Pages 48-51) 1. What does Stanley find near his hole? 2. What does Stanley think his discovery will do for him? 3. PREDICT: What type of discovery would the Warden consider ‘interesting’? Chapter 11 (Page 52-54) 1. What does X-Ray want Stanley to do the next time he finds something interesting? Why? 2. Why does Stanley agree? 3. Why is it unusual that X-Ray is the leader? 4. What does Stanley realize about his own size? 5. While digging, what does Stanley imagine to distract himself? 6. PREDICT: What type of friendship will Stanley establish with the boys at Camp Green Lake? Chapter 12 (Pages 55-58) 1. What are the boys discussing in the circle with Mr. Pendanski? 2. What is Mr. Pendanski’s advice about life? 3. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley that he is at Camp Green Lake because of one person. Who does Stanley think he is talking about? 4. What does Zero say he likes to do? 5. PREDICT: Why doesn’t Zero fir in with the rest of the group? What will happen to him in the future? Chapter 13 (Pages 59-63) 1. How does Stanley envision himself a year and a half from now? 2. What does Stanley find while he is digging? 3. What do the boys think it is? 4. What does Stanley suggest X-Ray do with the find? 5. What happens to Stanley while the boys wait in line for water? What is the significance of this? 6. PREDICT: What did Stanley find? Chapter 14 (Pages 64-68) 1. What happens when Stanley tries to talk to X-Ray the next morning? 2. How does Mr. Pendanski think the Warden will feel about the tube? 3. What is the Warden like? 4. How does the Warden treat Mr. Pendanski? 5. PREDICT: What is the Warden looking for? Chapter 15 (Pages 69-71) 1. How does the Warden change the way the boys dig? 2. What happens if they find something? 3. According to Zigzag, how does the Warden know the boys’ names? 4. Why doesn’t X-Ray talk to Stanley at breakfast? 5. What does Stanley realize about why they dig holes? 6. PREDICT: Why does Stanley memorize the location of the hole where the tube was found? What will he do with this information?