Recommendation for Admission to the Ph.D. program in Economics and Management (Please Type or Print Legibly) Instructions to the Applicant: Please type or print your name and hand a copy of this form and an addressed envelope to each individual you have asked to provide a recommendation in support of your application to the Ph.D. program. Last Name: First Name: Instructions to the Recommender: The person named above is applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in Economics and Management of the Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management at Bielefeld University, Germany. Please complete this evaluation form and mail it to the address printed below. If you prefer to return the form to the applicant, please seal it in an envelope and sign across the seal. The information you provide will be kept confidential. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Name: Position / Title: Institution / Organization: Phone: E-Mail: In what capacity and how long have you known the applicant? Evaluation: Please rate the performance of the applicant in comparison with other students in the same field who have the same amount of experience and training. Top 5% Top 10% Top 20% Upper 50% Lower 50% Unable to rate Academic performance Knowledge in subject of proposed study Mathematical and logical abilities Written expression Oral communication skills Originality and intellectual creativity Motivation and perseverance toward goals Please comment on the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses. Please use the back of this form or attach a separate letter of recommendation if necessary. Recommendation: Please indicate your recommendation taking into account the applicant’s academic record, special abilities, ambition, and determination. Signature: ___ Recommend strongly ___ Recommend with reservation ___ Recommend ___ Cannot recommend Date: Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management Bielefeld University, P. O. Box 10 01 31, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany Phone: +49-521 – 106-6931, E-Mail: