Lesson 1 Anchor Text A Fine, Fine School Humorous Fiction Paired Selection One-Room Schoolhouses Informational Third Grade Harcourt Journeys Unit 1 Skill/Strategy Topic/Essential Question Story Structure Education: Summarizing How is learning at Analyze Illustrations school different from learning at home? Drawing Conclusions The Court System: Infer/Predict Why are courts an Author’s Word Choice important part of our government? 2 The Trial of Cardigan Jones Fantasy You Be the Jury Informational 3 Destiny’s Gift Realistic Fiction Kids Making a Difference Informational Understanding Characters Analyze/Evaluate Story Message 4 Pop’s Bridge Historical Fiction Bridges Informational Compare and Contrast Infer/Predict Story Structure 5 Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates Biography Baseball Poems Poetry Cause and Effect Visualize Literal and Nonliteral Meanings Passages and Poem Poems: Falling Asleep in Class; School Rules Passages: Poem: Passages: Meet the Judge; American GovernmentJury Duty (above level) Volunteers: Why is Poem: volunteering good Passages: Saving for a community for a Cause; A and its people? Better Community Engineering: Why Poem: is everyone’s role Passages: on a project Bridging the Gaps important? in New York City (above level) Sports: What are the traits of a hero? Poem: Passages: Going to Bat; Famous African Americans: Jackie Robinson Possible Read Alouds Rain School Nasreen’s Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan How the US Government Works The US Constitution and You City Green Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen Real Kids, Real Stories, Real Change The World’s Most Amazing Bridges Twenty-One Elephants and Still Standing Teammates Jackie Robinson: Strong Inside and Out (Time for Kids Biography) Lesson Anchor Text Paired Selection 6 Bat Loves the Night Narrative Nonfiction A Bat is Born Poetry 7 What Do Illustrators Do? Informational Jack Draws a Beanstalk Traditional Tale Third Grade Harcourt Journeys Unit 2 Skill/Strategy Topic/Essential Question Sequence Mammals: What Asking Questions makes bats interesting Domain Specific and useful? Vocabulary Text and Graphic Visual Arts: How do Features pictures help tell a Analyze/Evaluate story? Sequence Passages Poem: Passage: Poem: Passage: Possible Read Alouds Bats by Gail Gibbons Stellaluna Trust Me, Jack’s Beanstalk Stinks! The Story told by the Giant. Kate and the Beanstalk Mirror 8 The Harvest Birds Folktale The Treasure Folktale 9 Kamishibai Man Realistic Fiction The True Story of Kemishibai Informational 10 Young Thomas Edison Biography Moving Pictures Informational Drawing Conclusions Infer/Predict Literal and Nonliteral Meanings Cause and Effect Monitor/Clarify Analyze Illustrations Traditions: What do traditional tales tell readers about life? Performance Arts: How is a live performance different from other kinds of entertainment? Main Idea and Details Inventions: What Summarizing important traits must Sequence an inventor have? Poem: Passage: Poem: Passage: Bringing Books to Life Poem: Passage: Inventions that Changed our World Anansi the Spider Wreck of the Zephyr The Book Woman The Storyteller’s Candle Now and Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin George Washington Carver Lesson Anchor Text Paired Selection 11 Technology Wins the Game Informational Science for Sports Fans Informational 12 Tops and Bottoms Trickster Tale Goodness Grows in Gardens Informational 13 Yonder The Trail of Tears Mountain: A Informational Cherokee Legend Legend 14 Aero and Officer Mike Informational Kids and Critters: A Nature Newsletter Informational 15 The Extra Good Sunday Humorous Fiction Imagine a Recipe Informational Third Grade Harcourt Journeys Unit 3 Skill/Strategy Topic/Essential Question Sequence Inventions: Text and Graphic How do inventions help Features athletes? Asking Questions Theme Agriculture: Why is it Point of Vies important to grow food Visualizing crops? Compare and Contrast Story message Analyze and Evaluate Author’s Purpose Point of View Summarizing Understanding Characters Formal and Informal Language Infer/Predict American Indian History: Why are stories from different cultures important? People and Animals: What are some benefits of dogs interacting with people? Cooking: Why are safety rules important? Passages and Poem Possible Read Alouds Poem: Passage: Poem: Passages: George Washington Carver; The Discovery of Farming Poem: Passage: Native American Homes Poem: Passages: Animal Helpers; Amazing Animal Helpers Poem: Passage: Calling Kid Chefs How Groundhog’s Garden Grew Knots on a Counting Rope Lesson Anchor Text 16 Judy Moody Saves the World Humorous Fiction 17 The Albertosaurus Mystery: Phillip Currie’s Hunt in the Badlands Informational A Tree is Growing Informational 18 19 Two Bear Cubs Myth/Play 20 Life on the Ice Informational Third Grade Harcourt Journeys Unit 4 Paired Selection Skill/Strategy Topic/Essential Question My Smelly Pet Story Structure Conservation: Humorous Fiction Theme Why is it important Monitor and Clarify to take care of the environment? Finding Fossils for Fun Drawing Conclusions Fossils: What can Informational Point of View fossils tell us about Visualizing the past? Stopping by Woods on Text and Graphic a Snowy Evening Features Poetry Domain-Specific Vocabulary Asking Questions Whose Land Is This? Story Structure Informational Story Message Summarizing The Raven: An Inuit Myth Myth Main Idea and Details Literal and Nonliteral Meanings Infer/Predict Passages and Poem Possible Read Alouds Poem: Passage: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Poem: Passage: Trees: What are some differences among types of trees? Poem: Passage: Community: How do members of a community help each other? Climate: What are the coldest places on Earth like? Poem: Passage: Poem: Passages: At Home in the Arctic; Winter Worries and Health Hazards Recess at 20 Below