PACE Frontiers Discovery Drilling Program 2015 Project Proposal Form PART A – Applicant(s) Details Project Proponent ** Name of Company or Individual Contact Address of Project Proponent Project Proponent ABN / ACN Project Proponent Registered for GST? Registered Office of Project Proponent Yes / No (if different from contact address above) Applicant is the/a Tenement Holder? Yes / No If not a tenement holder, please state the nature of the relationship between the applicant and tenement holder. PART B – Location and Timing Proposed Drilling Program Please attach a location plan of the tenement(s) relevant to this project proposal. Exploration Licence Number(s) Exploration Licence Holder 1 % Share % Exploration Licence Holder 2 % Share % Exploration Licence Operator Proposed Program Start Estimated Program Duration PART C – Summary Drilling Program Proposed Drilling Program Please attach a table of drill hole locations including: Number of Holes Estimated Metres to be Drilled Hole_ID; Easting & Northing; Elevation (m); Estimated Drilling Costs Total Hole Depth (m); and, Geodetic Datum and Projection. Direct drilling costs only; specify if exclusive or inclusive of GST. Drilling Methods Government Funding Sought PACE Frontiers – Discovery Drilling 2015– Project Proposal 1 PART D – Project Rationale Summary Project Description Maximum 500 word summary of project aim, targets and results / data to be delivered from the project. Exploration Model and Geological Context Please provide a review of the regional and local geological context and the exploration model being applied to the area. Where appropriate, please attach additional maps / diagrams that would help to provide further information include: Regional geological setting, predictive cross sections and exploration models; geophysical coverage and models; geochemistry grids; and, 3D modelling. Criteria Assessed: Discussion of regional and local geological context; Discussion of deposit style / mineral system; Clear and sufficient scientific evidence and reasoning for targeting this area/region; and, Appropriate plans, diagrams and sections. Previous Work Please provide a review of the results of any previous work (e.g. historic and recent geophysics, geochemistry or drilling) on the tenement(s) with particular reference to the results used to define the drill target. Where appropriate, please attach additional maps / diagrams that would help to provide further information including: Historic and recent drilling; and, Historic and recent geophysical or geochemical surveys and modelling. Criteria Assessed: Sufficient discussion and assessment of previous exploration data and results. Proposed Drilling Program PACE Frontiers – Discovery Drilling 2015– Project Proposal 2 Discuss the specific location, targeting rationale and drilling program details including expected drilling depths and predictive geology. Where appropriate, please attach additional maps / diagrams that would help to provide further information including: Collar locations and predicted geological cross-sections; and, Exploration targets and models. Criteria Assessed: Clear and sufficient scientific reasoning for proposed drilling program; Discussion of targeting rationale including: o drilling method; o collar location; o drilling depths o drilling plan / pattern o predicted geology Appropriate plans, diagrams and sections Program Objectives and Results Discuss the specific geoscientific objectives to be tested, impact of the program and the data / results to be presented as part of the final report. Note: All OUTPUTS will be required in the format given by the DSD Mineral Exploration Reporting Guidelines (including the requirements for submission of digital data). Criteria Assessed: Range and appropriateness of collected data and analyses; and, In-fills knowledge gaps in geological information. Environmental Management Plan Summarise the environmental management program that will be implemented during / post drilling including discussions of site management, rehabilitation and timing. If a PEPR has already been completed for this program, this section can be addressed by attaching a copy. Project Risk Management List the potential risks (e.g. drilling logistics/safety, rig availability, site access, tenement approvals, timing, personnel, environmental incidents) and record consequence and proposed management of each. PACE Frontiers – Discovery Drilling 2015– Project Proposal 3 Risk Potential Consequence and Management Data Confidentiality Will a Period of Confidentiality be required for Drilling Results and Proposal Contents? If yes, what length will this period be? A maximum allowance of 3 months is available commencing after final report submission. Yes / No PART E – Stakeholder Management Stakeholder Management Plan Detail progress of access requirements listed below and comment on how stakeholders will be kept informed of the programs progress and their concerns managed throughout the program. Stakeholder Current Status Future programme and management Native Title Groups e.g. NTMA / Part 9B Agreement; Heritage Survey. Landowner e.g. Form 21 – Notice of Entry; Form 22 – Declared Equipment. DSD e.g. PEPR / EWA / DEF. Commonwealth e.g. Deed of Access / Exploration. Further Comments PART F – Contact Details PACE Frontiers – Discovery Drilling 2015– Project Proposal 4 Proponent Contact Details for Correspondence Please include a postal and street office address, contact name, title, phone and fax number and email address. I fully understand and accept the terms and conditions as outlined in APPENDIX 1: Legal Parameters Of Proposals and APPENDIX 2: Conditions Of Acceptance For Successful Applicants within the PACE Discovery Drilling 2015 Guidelines for submission of mineral drilling proposals – November 2014. Signature of Proponent DATE: DSD Use Only DATE RECEIVED RECEIVED BY DATED CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT BY PROGRAM COORDINATOR PROPOSAL NO. PACE Frontiers – Discovery Drilling 2015– Project Proposal 5