MIT Zero-Gravity Flight Experiment Team A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY The pervasive force of gravity shapes physical processes at all levels, from the scale of celestial bodies to that of molecular particles. We are all familiar with gravity-driven buoyancy and convection that govern flows, flames, and other natural phenomena, many of which enable our survival. At the same time, we have little understanding of physical processes in the absence of gravity: a world of unknown phenomena await discovery. The absence of gravity can be simulated through free fall: Earth-orbiting spacecraft provide such an environment indefinitely, but at great expense. Ground-based drop towers can support a few seconds of free fall, rarely long enough to observe macroscopic processes. Short of space launch, parabolic aircraft provide the only prolonged opportunity to simulate a zero-gravity environment. Due to regulatory delays, parabolic aircraft flights have not become commercially available until recently. While NASA has operated zero-gravity research aircraft for some time, these flights are restricted to NASA programs and selected two-person teams of undergraduate students. Now, for the first time, parabolic aircraft research flights have been made available to the general research community. Through an arrangement with the Zero-Gravity Corporation, our team at MIT has secured the opportunity to establish the first-ever zero-gravity graduate student research program. In our first year’s experiment, we will revive a promising research effort in microgravity aerogel formation, which may point the way to a new generation of useful materials. We hope you will join with us in this unique opportunity! The MIT Zero-Gravity Flight Team MIT Room 33-218c 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139 © 2006 1 MIT Zero-Gravity Flight Experiment Team OUR RESEARCH TEAM Stephen Steiner (Principal Investigator) is a second-year master's student in Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. As an undergraduate, he was selected to participate in the NASA zero-gravity flight research program, where he pioneered techniques for rapid aerogel formation in reduced gravity. In recent years, he has worked as a crew member on several parabolic aircraft flights for the Zero-Gravity Corporation. Outside of his graduate research, he leads the MIT Chapter of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS), develops equipment for nanomaterials manufacturing, and works with the MIT Space Elevator Team. Darrell Cain is a sophomore in Aerospace Engineering at MIT. He currently leads the MIT Space Elevator Team and represents MIT on the national council of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS). He believes that the destiny of the human race lies in space exploration, and plans to work in both private and public space programs after college. In his free time, he participates in various theater productions at MIT. Thomas Coffee is a graduate student at MIT in Aeronautics & Astronautics. His prior research has included autonomous space life support systems, reducedgravity spaceflight physiology, neurovestibular responses to artificial gravity, geometry for modular spacecraft, design impacts on manned launch vehicle operations, novel concepts for low-cost space launch, and modeling languages for rapid conceptual design. He has led numerous space community and outreach activities in New England and nationwide, including the MarsWeek and SpaceVision conferences at MIT. When not reaching for Mars, he enjoys music performance and composition, reading, teaching, and playing soccer. Shannon Dong is a graduate student in the Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics at MIT, working with the Model-based Embedded and Robotic Systems group in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL). Her research interests are in autonomous space systems, and she intends to stand on Mars one day. Nicholas Hoff doubled majored in Aerospace Engineering and Physics at MIT. He is currently a graduate student at MIT in space systems. Nick's life passion is human spaceflight. He began formal flight training at age 15 and holds multiengine instrument ratings on his pilot's license. Other long-term interests include music and karate. He can play saxophone, guitar, and piano, and has been active the past three years performing vocal music. In his free time he likes to run (or sail) along the Charles River, work out, take in a symphony concert, or play piano. © 2006 2 MIT Zero-Gravity Flight Experiment Team 2006 EXPERIMENT: MICROGRAVITY AEROGEL FORMATION Aerogels are nanoporous, solid foams made by supercritical evacuation of a solid particle matrix formed in a polymer gel. Aerogels possess the lowest density and highest internal surface area of any known solid material. This makes them extremely high-performance materials for collision damping, acoustic and thermal insulation, structural support, and surface chemistry. One inch thickness of aerogel provides the same thermal insulation as 30 panes of window glass. A block of aerogel the size of a person would weigh roughly one pound, but support the weight of a small car. Gravity-induced buoyancy and convection currents during gelation induce disturbances in the solid matrix. Previous experiments have suggested (inconclusively) that aerogels formed in microgravity may exhibit up to 5% reduced density and up to 15% increased internal surface area over conventional aerogels. They may also exhibit near-perfect transparency, by eliminating the Rayleigh scattering that causes a bluish tint in conventional aerogels. Transparent aerogels would find numerous applications, from lowmass space telescopes to common window insulation. Prior research in reduced-gravity aerogel formation has been limited by the necessary time for gels to form. However, our principal investigator has developed a novel technique that forms gels in ~23 seconds, fast enough to complete during one parabolic arc on a zero-gravity aircraft. This has been successfully demonstrated on KC-135 research flights, and enables inexpensive formation of high-quality polymer gels in microgravity. Our 2006 experiment will form several dozen polymer gels in microgravity, which will be supercritically dried to form aerogels, and tested for chemical and mechanical properties. We expect this experiment to produce the most high-performance aerogels ever created, generating publishable scientific results and potentially significant industrial applications. By demonstrating the existence of such materials and providing a feasible mechanism for manufacturing them, we hope to advance the state of the art in both chemistry and production. Our team inherits a wealth of knowledge in aerogel chemistry and zerogravity research apparatus and operations, that makes us uniquely qualified to construct, execute, and document this research effort. Pages 4-5 show the design of the experiment and its supporting infrastructure. © 2006 3 MIT Zero-Gravity Flight Experiment Team 2006 EXPERIMENT DESIGN (1) Two syringes with one-way check valves, depressed simultaneously, mix the reagents into a volume-expandable mold, where they form a gel. ~30 such pre-loaded syringe assemblies will be activated during the research flight. Mold racks constructed of tight-fitting foam will damp out high-frequency vibrations that might disturb the microgravity environment for gel formation. © 2006 4 MIT Zero-Gravity Flight Experiment Team 2006 EXPERIMENT DESIGN (2) Computer-controlled stepper-motor linear actuators with embedded feedback potentiometers on each syringe assembly will ensure simultaneous syringe depression at consistent rates, ensuring even mixing and uniformity of samples across all gels obtained in the experiment. A sealed containment glove box (bottom) will guard against liquid or vapor release from the gel-forming apparatus and isolate the molds from lower-frequency vibrations. The box contains acceleration, temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors to monitor the internal environment, and the connectors to feed data and power to and from the external PC and power supply. The box has been tested on four previous zero-gravity aircraft flights, and shown to properly handle experimental operations and contain liquid and vapor leaks. © 2006 Removable Inner Door Panel Aluminum L-Beams for Attaching Equipment 5 MIT Zero-Gravity Flight Experiment Team 2006 PROJECTED SCHEDULE 23 Jan 2006 ......................... Experiment proposal and load analysis submitted 04 Feb 2006 ......... Experiment approved for flight aboard Zero-G Corp. aircraft 17 Feb 2006 ....... Test equipment data package and operations plan submitted 06 Mar 2006 ...... Final experiment data package and safety analysis submitted 11 Apr 2006 ....... Laboratory space established, began structural modifications 18 May 2006 .............. Structural modifications complete, major parts procured 30 Jun 2006 .................................. Experimental apparatus testbed assembled 28 Jul 2006 ....................................... Experimental apparatus testing complete 25 Aug 2006......................... Final experimental apparatus assembly complete 01 Sep 2006....................................Payload integration in Cape Canaveral, FL 03 Sep 2006.......................................... Experiment flight and sample stowage 29 Sep 2006........................Aerogel supercritical drying and analysis complete 27 Oct 2006 ...................... Documentation complete and draft paper submitted 2006 PROJECTED BUDGET* Research flight costs (5 personnel $4000/person) ............................ $20,000 Airfare to Cape Canaveral (5 personnel $400/person) ......................... $2000 Experiment shipping costs (2 trips $750/trip) ........................................ $1500 Additional experiment materials .............................................................. $1000 Silicon alkoxide reagents Syringes and tubing equipment Linear actuators Instrumentation (3-axis accelerometer, hygrometer, thermometers, pressure sensor) Data acquisition unit Power supply Lodging in Cape Canaveral (5 personnel $200/person) ....................... $1000 Transportation in Cape Canaveral (4 days $120/day) ............................ $500 _____________________________________________________________ Total .................................................................................................... $26,000 * not including post-experiment analysis © 2006 6 MIT Zero-Gravity Flight Experiment Team SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS All Sponsors … Your name and logo appear on team publications and web site You receive copies of publicity materials documenting team activities and research flights for your own outreach activities Bronze ($1000+) … Your name and logo appear on team apparel We provide you a tour of our laboratory for your own outreach activities Silver ($5000+) … Your name and logo feature prominently on publications, web site, and team apparel We acknowledge your participation in all conference and media presentations Gold ($10,000+) … Your name and logo feature prominently on experiment apparatus and video documentation of the research flight We invite your representatives to attend final payload integration activities and participate in pre- and post-flight video documentation CONTACT INFORMATION The MIT Zero-Gravity Flight Team MIT Room 33-218c 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139 © 2006 7