Mat Fraser `From Freak to Clique` promo Transcription:

‘From Freak to Clique’ Performance by Mat Fraser
Video Promo Transcription
Title: Mat Fraser….
(Mat Fraser’s voice over title sequence)
“….stars in tonight’s very special show “From Freak to
That’s right a very special disability show
(animal dinosaur sound).
For all people to celebrate
their differences, deformities and deafness, and their
myopias, melanomas and mutations.”
Title: From Freak to Clique
(Clips from Mat Fraser’s performance on stage)
“I should tell you about my arms really. A lot of people
don’t know why I look like this. People under 30 don’t
In the early 60’s my mother along with thousands
of other women all over Canada and Europe (most of all)
was pregnant and she had morning sickness as many women
do in the first trimester of her pregnancy.
The local
doctor, she was actually onto it in Leicester, uncannily
Richard as it goes (reference to audience member Richard
Sandell, University of Leicester) as it goes although I’m
not blaming you…unless of course you’re father was doctor
in the early 60’s.”
Audience laugh
“He had this new wonder drug which was the first ever non
barbiturate pain killer that the profit hungry drug
company were aggressively asserting for all the doctors
to prescribe and he did provide her famously thalidomide
which she took three times in one week.
And here I am
with short arms and no thumbs.
That miracle of human
evolution the opposable digit, that sets apart the humans
from the animals such as squirrels and mutants such as
Clip of Mat Fraser doing a T-Rex impression and sound
Audience laugh
Song lyrics:
“I’ve got respect for anyone with Paraplegia, Tourette
Syndrome or Parkinson’s disease, a state of shock coma or
schizophrenia, or any one of those other disabilities.
No I will not criticize if you’ve non functioning eye’s,
I’ll just celebrate your refusal to see.
It would be
boring if we were all the same, because we’re all just a
little bit different and you know I think that’s
something that we should celebrate. So if you’ve got two
heads or need hoisting into bed, I’ll just celebrate your
disability. A little bit wobbly because of your cerebra
palsy, I’ll just celebrate your disability…eeeee hah!”
Audience applaud
“I used to feel so sorry for the disabled kid who’d
joined the fire service for the day on ‘Jim’ll Fix It’
and they had the head of the fire team there didn’t they:
(in a Jimmy Savile accent) “So now then, now then, do you
think this little man, this brave little solider, would
make a good fireman?”
Mat Fraser does a strip tease with fake arms on set to
upbeat music
“Some impairments are ok in some genres of media.
music it’s blind isn’t it? Blind ‘Oh bleep that’s cool
isn’t it?!’
Stevie Wonder, Jeff Healy, Blind Lemon
Shandy, my mate Dave again, he’s blind; I just think
that’s really weird. Like if a member of the pussy cat
dolls had cerebra palsy that would be pretty radical
wouldn’t it? “Don’t you think your girlfriend was spice
like me urrrgh (does a facial impression)” It’s not gunna
happen is it? But it should, it should happen.”
Song lyrics:
“Disabled performers years ago had just one outlet, the
freak show.
We’ve come so far after since beginning so
low the audience of yesterday just didn’t know. In these
post modern times we’re all in the know you, celebrate
the liberals in guise to this show, my emancipated stage
craft makes you glow to not a disabled performance but a
disabled pro. You’d accept us in a classic play and Mis
Saigon with Downs could be theatrical bliss. Am I ahead
of myself or are you ready for this? Please don’t laugh
when I use my arms or I’ll think you’re taking the piss.”
Audience applaud
Fade to black