Level 3 Template 3.5 Writing

Level 3 XXXXX
Achievement Standard XXXXX: Write a variety of text types in
clear (Target Language) to explore and justify varied ideas and
Languages 3.5 Version 1 (Target Language)
Credits: 5
Write a variety of text types
in clear (Target Language) to
explore and justify varied
ideas and perspectives.
Achievement with Merit
Write a variety of text types
in clear convincing (Target
Language) to explore and
justify varied ideas and
Achievement with
Write a variety of text types in
clear effective (Target
Language) to explore and
justify varied ideas and
Student instructions
This assessment activity requires you to produce three written texts in (Target
Language). Write in a format and style that is linguistically and culturally appropriate.
Ensure that the content is clear, informed, well organised, and fit for the purpose and
Enter task overview
Task Title1
You could include in your writing:
More detailed instructions on the task
Task Title 2
You could include in your writing:
More detailed instructions on the task
Task Title 3
You could include in your writing:
More detailed instructions on the task
Assessment Conditions
All work must be your own. Extracts from external sources should not be included
without acknowledging the sources. Any extracts from external sources will not be
considered in the final judgement. Language from the language samples may not be
used unless it is significantly reworked. See the languages authenticity statement
There is no word limit but it is recommended that, across the three texts, you write a
total of about 400–500 words/900 kana/400-500 characters. Quality is however more
important than quantity.
You may draft and revise your writing. You may use resources such as search
engines, word lists, spelling and grammar checkers, pamphlets, dictionaries, text
books, and grammar notes to help you when you are drafting and revising. Only your
final versions will be assessed.
You will be assessed on how effectively you use (Target Language) to explore and
justify a variety of ideas and perspectives in your three pieces of writing.
Your teacher will also give you general feedback about your writing, or feedback to
the whole class. You may then rework your writing before you file it. You must keep
all your drafts in your classroom folder. Only your final versions will be assessed.
Your writing can be in electronic format but you must ensure that you store backup
copies and label versions clearly to avoid loss and confusion. As well as electronic
format, you must also keep a hard copy in your classroom folder.
NZQA says:
Unmodified extracts from any external source should not be included without
acknowledgement of sources and will not be considered for the final achievement judgement.
When considering the authenticity of the evidence: ‘the teacher’s knowledge of the student’s
work and learning enables the teacher to make judgments of the authenticity of the evidence’
(NZC pp 39 -41).
At Epsom Girls Grammar School, this means:
It is vital that you present only your own work.
You may use words and phrases from your resources but must be certain to adapt them. You
may not reproduce whole sentences or paragraphs from the resources, or from previously
corrected work.
If the teacher suspects that you have used work that is not your own, you may be asked
questions to test your level of understanding.
Where evidence indicates work presented is not your own work, ‘Not Achieved’ will be
Task overview
Task 1
In your writing you could discuss:
More detailed instructions on the task
Task 2
In your writing you could discuss:
More detailed instructions on the task
Task 3
In your writing you could discuss:
More detailed instructions on the task
Task 4
In your writing you could discuss:
More detailed instructions on the task
Across the texts, aim to:
write clearly, so that you communicate your intended meaning
use language in a way that is controlled and integrated
make appropriate use of New Zealand level 8 communication skills, language
and cultural knowledge.
As far as possible, avoid inconsistencies that might hinder communication (for
example, inconsistencies in format, spelling, lexical choice, level of formality,
language conventions, or language features).
Write a variety of text types in clear (Target Language) involves organising text
in a linguistically and culturally appropriate format and style, and organising
informed content which is fit for purpose and audience. Communication is
achieved overall, despite inconsistencies such as:
 format
 spelling
 lexical choice
 level of formality
 language conventions
 language features.
Write a variety of text types in clear convincing (Target Language) involves
developing ideas and perspectives in (Target Language) which is generally
credible and connected. A range of language and language features are selected
and used that are fit for purpose and audience. Communication is not
significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
Write a variety of text types in clear effective (Target Language) involves
developing ideas and perspectives in (Target Language) which is controlled and
integrated. Language and language features are capably selected and
successfully used that are fit for purpose and audience. Communication is not
hindered by inconsistencies.
Variety of text types refers to a range of different text types which have been
created for different audiences and purposes.
Clear refers to language that gives no doubt as to intended meaning.
Explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives involves evaluating and giving
explanations or evidence to support own ideas and perspectives as well as
supporting or challenging those of others.
The quality of the texts, considered as a whole, is more important than length.
Conditions of Assessment related to this achievement standard can be found at
Assessment schedule: Languages XXXXX (Target Language) – Task Title
Evidence/Judgements for Achievement
Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with
In clear (Target Language), the student has
produced three written texts of various types for
the agreed scenarios. The total length of the texts
is approximately 400–500 words/900 kana/400500 characters.
In clear, convincing (Target Language), the
student has produced three written texts of various
types for the agreed scenarios. The total length of
the texts is approximately 400–500 words/900
kana/400-500 characters.
In clear, effective (Target Language), the student
has produced three written texts of various types
for the agreed scenarios. The total length of the
texts is approximately 400–500 words/900
kana/400-500 characters.
Across the three texts, the student explores and
justifies varied ideas and perspectives. They do
this by:
Across the three texts, the student explores and
justifies varied ideas and perspectives. They do
this by using language that is generally credible
and connected to:
Across the three texts, the student explores and
justifies varied ideas and perspectives. They do
this by using language that is controlled and
integrated to:
 evaluate and give explanations or evidence to
support their own ideas and perspectives
 evaluate and give explanations or evidence to
support their own ideas and perspectives
 support or challenge the ideas and perspectives
of others.
 support or challenge the ideas and perspectives
of others.
Their writing:
Their writing:
 demonstrates use of a range of language and
language features that are fit for the purpose
and audience
 demonstrates successful use of a range of
language and language features that are fit for
the purpose and audience
 is organised in a linguistic and culturally
appropriate format and style
 is organised in a linguistic and culturally
appropriate format and style
 makes appropriate use of New Zealand
Curriculum level 8 communication skills,
language and cultural knowledge, for example:
 makes appropriate use of New Zealand
Curriculum level 8 communication skills,
language and cultural knowledge, for example:
Language Example
Language Example
 evaluating and giving explanations or evidence
to support their own ideas and perspectives
 supporting or challenging the ideas and
perspective of others.
Their writing:
 is organised in a linguistic and culturally
appropriate format and style
 consists of content that is informed and fit for
the purpose and audience
 makes appropriate use of New Zealand
Curriculum level 8 communication skills,
language and cultural knowledge, for example:
Language Example
Communication is achieved overall despite
inconsistencies (such as format, spelling, lexical
choice, level of formality, language conventions, or
language features).
The example above relates to only part of what is
required, and is just indicative.
Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with
Communication is not significantly hindered by
inconsistencies (such as format, spelling, lexical
choice, level of formality, language conventions, or
language features).
The example above relates to only part of what is
required, and is just indicative.
The example above relates to only part of what is
required, and is just indicative.
Final grades will be decided using professional judgement based on a holistic examination of the evidence provided against the criteria in the
Achievement Standard.