11-Systemic Psychotherapy


Systemic Psychotherapy

Individuals can only be understood _________________________________.

System –

Wholeness –

Boundaries –

Systems require methods for controlling and maintaining organization.

Homeostasis –

Controlled adaptation –

Feedback loops – most important control mechanism

positive feedback loop – increase in one behavior leads to increase in another;

negative feedback loop – increase in one behavior leads to decrease in another;

The patient is no longer an individual – the patient is the system (the family).

Communication/Strategic Therapy

Communication is the key to understanding human behavior. All behavior is communication. We cannot NOT communicate. Even silence is communication.

Theory of Psychopathology


- is an

- often results from a

- is most likely w

5 Axioms of communication:

1. It is impossible to not communicate.

2. Communication implies a commitment and defines the nature of the relationship.

- report –

- command –

3. The nature of a relationship is dependent on how communication is punctuated.

4. Humans communicate verbally and nonverbally.

5. All exchanges are symmetrical or complementary.

-symmetrical – equality between partners

-schism –

-complementary –

Therapeutic Process

Goal: help family communicate more effectively.

Consciousness Raising

Focus on here and now

Become aware of dysfunction

Relabeling or reframing

Prescribing the symptom

Reductio ad absurdum


Therapist gives paradoxical instruction and family can choose to cooperate or rebel. o If they act out symptom o If they rebel


Learning to express emotions more appropriately.

Types of people based on feelings they omit: o Blamers – o Placaters – o Super-reasonable – o Irrelevant communicators –

Many people express one emotion to cover another

Therapeutic Relationship

Must start with accurate empathy, positive regard, genuineness

Then therapist is active and direct

Therapist is in control of the new system


sessions last 1.5-2 hours

lots of videotaping, observation, supervision

fees per session not per person

sometimes must identify an IP for insurance

Structural Therapy

Theory of Psychopathology

Most concerned with what maintains psychopathology, not what caused it.

Focus on structure of system and subsystems

o o o

Focus on boundaries around system and subsystems

Two major pathological structures o Disengaged – o Enmeshed –

Therapeutic Process

Consciousness Raising

The therapist does most of the work

Therapist reframes individual problem as family problem

Enactments –


Family members choose to attend sessions and be attentive

Therapist joins the family o

Accommodation – maintaining structure by supporting subsystems

Mimesis – matching communication patterns

Marking boundaries – drawing structure and then correcting problems

Blocking technique – change patterns of communication by blocking one member

Therapeutic Relationship

Joining creates empathy and rapport so that family can tolerate challenges.


Room should be large and seating should be flexible

Full family should be present

Just parents seen occasionally

Metachange – teaching family to change current and future behavior
