Ethnic Studies - University Libraries

Social Sciences Library
Collection Development Policy
Ethnic Studies
Subject Specialist and Selector
Sylvia A. Nyana, Social Sciences Librarian
Social Sciences Library
208J Paterno library
Phone: 814-865-8865
The ethnic studies selector uses the collection development statement to insure
consistency and balance in the growth and maintenance of the library’s ethnic
studies collections, and help communicate these guidelines to students, faculty and
Penn State community.
The ethnic studies collections focus mainly on the history, social, political and cultural
issues of ethnic groups living in the United States and their relations to the dominant
group. Included in this group are Asian Americans (Chinese Americans, Japanese
Americans, Korean Americans, Filipino Americans, Vietnamese Americans, and other
Asian Americans groups living in the United States), Native Americans, African
Americans and Hispanic Americans. The collection meet the U.S. Culture classes,
teaching and research needs of Penn State undergraduate, graduate, and research
needs of faculty. The focus of the collection is on contemporary and historical issues
on race, culture, ethnicity, gender and class.
There is no ethnic studies department, but the collection supports the
interdisciplinary field and research needs of students and faculty in U.S. Cultures,
General Education. There is a great overlap with other subject areas and funds
 African American Studies
 Women Studies
 Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual studies
 Art and Humanities
 Social Sciences
A. Languages Collected
The primary language of the collection is English.
B. Geographical Areas
United States and comparative studies published in other countries
C. Chronological Limits
No limitations, however, current publications emphasized.
D. Types of materials collected
 Books, reference works (encyclopedia, indexes, abstract, handbooks,
dictionaries and bibliographies), periodicals, AV Materials and electronic
Academic and Trade publications: Include scholarly, non-fiction monographs,
monograph series, and reference works in different formats.
Periodicals: The library subscribes to print and online covering ethnic studies,
and with links to titles free online.
Government Documents: U.S. local, state and national related to ethnic
Legal Materials: Ethnic studies specialist in consultation with other librarians
in the Social Sciences Library selects materials relating to African American
law and legal issues.
A-V Materials: The ethnic studies specialist added many videos to the
collection and continue to collaborate with other subject specialist for a
balanced collection.
Electronic Resources: Materials in electronic format are selectively acquired.
Types of Materials Excluded: Ethnic groups outside the United States, but
comparative materials on ethnic studies will be considered
Types of materials not collected: Textbooks, juvenile materials, dissertations,
popular magazines
The ethnic studies selector work closely with other subject specialists and selectors in
the University Park Libraries to assure that all requested materials are purchased.
Library of Congress call Numbers for Ethnic Studies
Materials in ethnic studies can be found under various call numbers such as, E184
(Ethnic groups in America), HM-HV and J (sociological or political issues), LC
(education), PN, PR, and PS (ethnic literature and writers), and RA, RC, and RJ
(health related issues), GN (Anthropology), K (Legal issues), HA (Social Science
statistics). This is not a complete list, for specific call numbers; please check the
CAT (online catalog).