Open Item - Mary of Lourdes School

March 6, 2012
6:30 PM MOLMS Library
Call to order
Opening prayer: Michelle Athmann
Roll Call
Present: Paul Anez, Michelle Athmann, Dawn Knopik, Ann McNamara, Sara Schultz,
Sarah Filippi, Lisa Germscheid, Joyce Borash,
Maria Heymans-Becker, Krissy Mielke, Carrie Zupko, Fr. Mark
Absent: Mary Sowada, Fr. Nick
Guests: Bryan Long from “Smart Tuition”
1.3 Correspondence: None
Approval of agenda: Approved with minor changes in order of items.
Public Comment: None
Minutes of the Regular meeting, February 7, 2012
Approval of minutes: Approved as presented
Old Business
Further discussion whether to implement Smart Tuition Program. Bryan Long from Smart
Tuition presented an information booklet to the board. Bryan explained that Smart Tuition
was a privately owned company and that tuition payment management was its only focus.
He stated that the company has a 24 hour call center for parents to obtain information
regarding their school account and that payments could be made over the phone. He also
explained the accounting reports that would be generated by the company and mentioned
that the entire idea of the program is to enhance the payment experience for parents and to
keep them motivated to make their school payments. Questions were presented to Bryan
by board members and answered.
A board member recommended listing family Scrip tuition credit at least quarterly on their
tuition statements. This would show parents the discount more often and encourage them
to use Scrip.
The funds to pay for Smart Tuition would come from the budget and not parents. The cost
would be approximately $7,000.00 per year. The finance committee will consider Smart
Tuition and make a recommendation to the board.
Offering partial benefits to staff who work 20-32 hours per week instead of full benefits.
More details were presented to the board regarding prorating benefits. It was decided that
policy be drafted and it would read 20-32 hours per week for hourly employees and
contract employees would be by the percentage (i.e. .8 etc.) The policy should also state
that the benefits were based on the “hired work standard” that was offered the employee.
Maria Becker will present a written draft to the finance committee who will make a
recommendation to the board.
New Business
Approval of a new MOL staff wage scale increase for bookkeeper & lunch manager. The
wage scale was presented to the board and approved. (New staff wage scales for cooks,
paras, custodians, and secretaries were approved at the February board meeting.)
Approval of a teacher’s request for one-year leave of absence. Maria explained the request
by a teacher employee to have a one-year leave of absence and read a letter written by the
employee. The board approved the leave of absence with stipulations and a time table for
decisions regarding the return of the employee.
Registration updates were presented to the board. Options for teaching models were
discussed. A board member shared the “combination grade” teaching model and explained
how a 3rd/4th grade “combination” would work. Question were presented by board
members and explained by the board presenter. It was decided that Maria and Mary would
see how registration totals come in and go from there.
Kindergarten teacher/student classroom ratio policy. The current teacher/student ratios
were discussed, as well as the current policy (K’ teacher/student ratio is 1:20). A board
member had done some research with the local public schools regarding kindergarten
teacher/student ratios and gave the board her findings. Another board member stated that
she felt the kindergarten rooms were too small to accommodate a larger kindergarten class.
Maria will have one of the custodians at MOLE measure room sizes and decide if there
were any options at MOLE, regarding room size. Overall, the kindergarten registrations
were up for this time of year. Kindergarten registrations will be closely monitored so that
Maria and Mary can present more details at the next board meeting.
Reports (Information to the Board)
(a) Principals report: Maria told the board about the MOLS bank switch. Since Home
Savings closed their doors suddenly, Maria & Cheryl Pietrowski investigated the banking
possibilities and made the decision to start our major bank account with Mid–Minnesota
Federal Credit Union for MOLS.
Maria gave the board a report on funds made at the “Toast to Winter” benefit and the
Catholic United Financial raffle. Both fundraisers were very successful.
Maria mentioned that teacher contracts will be prepared by May 1st.
(b) Financial report & Finance Committee: Maria presented a financial report to the
board and asked that they review the report and e-mail her with any questions.
(c) Scrip Committee: An information report was presented to the board. Any comments
or questions on the report were to be e-mailed to Maria.
(d) Marketing & Development Committee: A meeting is tentatively scheduled for April
16th, but an email will be sent to all committee members.
(f) Home and School report: A meeting will be held this week.
(g) Ad Hoc Committee: An “all staff” budget meeting will be held March 19th. Board
members are encouraged to attend to show support to the staff.
8:50 p.m.
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, April 17, 2012.
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: MOLMS Library