cv - Georgetown University

Fung-Lung Chung, Ph.D.
Home Address:
302 Oak Knoll Ter.
Rockville, MD 20850
Office Address:
Department of Oncology
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Georgetown University Medical Center
3800 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20057-1465
Phone: (202)687-3021
Fax: (202)687-1068
Chung-Yuan College of Sciences &
Chung-Li, Taiwan
1968 - 1971
B.S., Bio-organic Chemistry
Graduate Education: University of Utah
Medicinal Chemistry
Salt Lake City, Utah
1973 - 1978
Ph.D., Medicinal Chemistry
Columbia University
Comprehensive Cancer Center
New York, NY
Staff Associate, 1979 - 1980
Postdoctoral Fellow, 1978 - 1979
Date(s) of Service:
2008 - 2011
Co-leader, Cancer Risk Program
LCCC, Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Date(s) of Service:
2004 - Present
Tenured Professor
(The Martha and Edward
LCCC and Departments of Oncology and
Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular
Washington, DC
Haddad and the E.H. Winkler Professor)
Date(s) of Service:
Date(s) of Service:
Date(s) of Service:
Date(s) of Service:
2010 Spring semester
Visiting Professor
National University of Singapore
1996 - 2004
Program Leader:
Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis and
Institute for Cancer Prevention (IFCP)
(NCI-designated, formerly American Health
Foundation Cancer Center)
Valhalla, NY
1995 - 2004
Chief, Division of Carcinogenesis &
Molecular Epidemiology
Institute for Cancer Prevention (IFCP)
(NCI-designated, formerly American Health
Foundation Cancer Center)
Valhalla, NY
1990 - 1995
Associate Chief
Division of Chemical Carcinogenesis
American Health Foundation
Valhalla, NY
Date(s) of Service:
1985 - 1995
Head, Section of Nucleic Acid Chemistry
American Health Foundation
Valhalla, NY
Date(s) of Service:
1981 - 1984
Associate Research Scientist
American Health Foundation
Valhalla, NY
Date(s) of Service:
1993 - 2001
Adjunct Associate Member
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY
Date(s) of Service:
1992 - 2004
Adjunct Professor
New York Medical College
Valhalla, NY
2010 - Present
Editorial Board Member
ISRN Pulmonology
2008 - Present
Editorial Board Member
Lung Cancer: Targets and Therapy
2003 - 2012
Editorial Board Member
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
Session Chair
International Symposium on Novel
Strategies and Targeted Prevention
and Treatment of Cancer, New Delhi,
Scientific Advisor
Tea Council of the USA, NYC, NY
AACR Program Committee on
Chemical Carcinogenesis, Orlando,
Organizer and Co-Chair of the
Symposium on Chemistry and
Mechanisms of Tea in Disease
226th American Chemical Society
National Meeting in New York City
Organizer and Chair of the
Symposium on DNA and Protein
Modifications by Aldehydic
Compounds from Lipid Peroxidation
222nd American Chemical
Society National Meeting in Chicago.
Featured on the cover
Cancer Research, Vol. 59, July1
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry,
Chemoprevention Supplements
1994 - 1997
Editorial Board Member
Chemical Research in Toxicology
Chair of the Poster Discussion
Session on Oxygen Radicals
AACR Annual Meeting in
Washington, DC.
1993 - 1995
Editorial Board Member
Oncology Reports, an International
Chair of the Poster Discussion
Session on Dietary
AACR Annual Meeting in San Diego,
Chair of the Session on Chemical
Carcinogenesis and Cancer
6th SCBA International Symposium,
Vancouver, B.C.
Chair of the Mini-Symposium on
Detection of DNA Adduct
AACR Annual Meeting in
Washington, DC.
Young Investigator Award
1986 - Present
American Association for the Advancement of
1983 - Present
American Association for Cancer Research
1978 - Present
American Chemical Society
Date(s) of Service:
Regular member
The NCI PREVENT Program Review
2012 – Present
Date(s) of Service:
Review Committee Member
NIH Program Project Special Panel IV
2011- Present
Date(s) of Service:
Regular Review Committee Member
ACS Scientific Review Committee
2007 – 2012
NIH Scientific Review Committee Ad Hoc
Chemo- and Dietary Prevention Study
Section, Division of Research Grants.
2003 - Present
Date(s) of Service:
Date(s) of Service:
NIH Review Committee Ad Hoc member
Program Projects and Cancer Center Support
1990 - Present
Date(s) of Service:
Program Leader, Mechanisms of
Carcinogenesis Program
AHF Cancer Center Grant from the NCI
(rated as an outstanding program).
1996 - 2004
Date(s) of Service:
Senior Advisory Committee
American Health Foundation (IFCP)
1992 - 2004
Ad Hoc Member
American Cancer Society Scientific Review
1990 - 2004
Date(s) of Service:
Date(s) of Service:
Consultant of IARC handbook on Cancer
Prevention, vol. 9: Cruciferous Vegetables,
Isothiocyanates and Indoles.
International Agency for Research on
Cancer, World Health Organization.
Date(s) of Service:
AACR Program Committee, Washington,
Date(s) of Service:
NCI Lung Cancer Progress Review Group
Member of Chemical Pathology Study
NIH Scientific Review Committee
1990 - 1994
Date(s) of Service:
Title of Presentation:
Institute/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Tubulin and mutant p53 as potential
targets of chemopreventive ITCs
School of Environmental Medicine
New York University Medical School
Molecular targets of isothiocyanates
as cancer chemopreventive agents
Ground Rounds at the Cancer
Institute of New Jersey, Rutgers
9/21/ 2011
Mechanisms of cancer prevention by
isothiocyanates: From animals to
Grand Rounds at the Kimmel Cancer
Center of Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia, PA
Cyclic DNA adducts: Formation and
possible roles in human cancers
American Chemical Society 239th
National Meeting, Symposium on
Reactive Carbonyl Species and their
Health Consequences, San Francisco,
Cancer prevention by cruciferous
vegetables derived ITCs: From lab
to human
International Symposium on Herbal
Medicines and Vaccines for Cancer
Therapy, Academia Sinica, Taipei,
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Mechanisms of cancer prevention by
Department of Pharmacology and
Biochemistry, Penn State University,
Hershey, PA
Lung cancer chemoprevention by
ITCs: A mechanisms study
The 12th SCBA International
Symposium, Academia Sinica,
Taipei, Taiwan
Lung cancer prevention by ITCs
Uniformed Services University of
Health Sciences, Armed Forces
Radiobiology Research Institute
Cancer prevention by dietary ITCs:
From mechanisms to humans
International Conference on Cancer
Prevention by Foods and Chemicals:
Basic and Clinical Research. Taipei,
Cruciferous vegetable-derived
isothiocyanates covalently bound to
tubulin: A mechanism of cell
growth and apoptosis
International Symposium on Novel
Strategies for targeted Prevention and
Treatment of Cancer, New Delhi,
Selective depletion of mutant p53 by
ITCs as a potential mechanism for
their chemopreventive activities
Biochemistry and Biophysics Center,
DIR/NHLBI/NIH, Laboratory of
Molecular Biophysics, Bethesda, MD
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Mechanisms of prevention of oral
cancer in smokers: A clinical
The 9th International Conference on
Mechanisms of Antimutagenesis and
Anticarcinogenesis, Jeju Island,
Covalent binging to tubulin: A
mechanism of cell growth arrest
and apoptosis by isothiocyanates
Symposium on Cancer
Chemoprevention, the 12th World
Congress on Advances in Oncology,
Crete, Greece
Phytochemicals in Cancer Prevention
Shanghai Cancer Institute, Shanghai,
Mechanism based chemoprevention
of lung cancer by isothiocyanates:
studies from animals to humans
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX
Chemoprevention of tobacco-induced
University of Kentucky, Department
of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
Knoxville, KY
Tea in lung cancer prevention:
studies from animals to humans
Taiwanese American Science of
Technology Association (TASTA),
Bethesda, MD
Recent progress on tea and cancer
Tea Council of America, New York,
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Institution/Society Name:
Date of Presentation:
Polyphenols as antioxidants
American Chemical Society National
Meeting in Washington, DC
Tea as a cancer chemopreventive
Tea Expo on “Take me to Tea.”
Symposium on Tea and Health,
Providence, RI
Chemoprevention of lung cancer by
Fred Hutching Cancer Center, Seattle,
Green tea and cancer prevention:
Studies in animals and humans
Chemistry and Mechanism of Tea in
Disease Prevention, ACS national
meeting, New York, NY
Committee Name:
Date(s) of Service:
Cancer Center Shared Resources Committees
2010 - Present
Committee Name:
Date(s) of Service:
Tumor Biology Oversight Committee
2006 - Present
Committee Name:
Georgetown University Animal Care and
Use Committee (GUACUC)
2005 - 2007
Date(s) of Service:
Tea and cancer prevention
Symposium of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry Award to Dr. C.T. Ho.
The 230th ACS National Meeting,
Washington, DC
Name and Course Number:
Topics in Molecular Epidemiology
TBIO 581
Course Director and Lecturer
Number of Direct Contact Hours:
Year Taught:
2004 - present
Number of Students:
6 - 10
Overall Evaluation Score:
Name and Course Number:
Cellular and Molecular Aspects of
Transformed Cells, TBIO 508
Carcinogenesis Section Course
Director and Lecturer
Number of Direct Contact Hours:
Year Taught:
2004 - 2009
Number of Students:
15 - 20
Overall Evaluation Score:
Name and Course Number:
Molecular Basis of Carcinogenesis,
BCHB 540/RASC 540
Number of Direct Contact Hours:
Year Taught:
2006 - present
Number of Students:
12 - 18
Overall Evaluation Score:
Name and Course Number:
Cancer Control and Prevention,
TBIO 540
Number of Direct Contact Hours:
Year Taught:
2007 - present
Number of Students:
8 - 10
Overall Evaluation Score:
Name of Mentee:
Kamal Datta (Research Assistant Professor)
Dates of Mentorship: August 2010 - present
Dr. Datta has submitted grants to NIH, but
has not been approved for funding.
Name of Mentee:
Ling Zheng (Assistant Professor)
Dates of Mentorship: May 2008 - present
Tenured associate professor
Name of Mentee:
Anthony DiPasqua (Postdoctoral Fellow)
Dates of Mentorship: August 2008 – April 2011
Tenure-track assistant professor
Name of mentee:
Lixin Mi (Postdoctoral Fellow)
Dates of Mentorship: August 2004 - March 2011
Research assistant professor
Joint Publications
Wang, X., Di Pasqua, A. J., Govind, S., McCracken, E., Hong, C.,
Mi, L., Mao, Y., Wu, J., Tomita, Y., Woodrick, J. C., Fine, R.,
Chung, F.-L., Selective depletion of mutant p53 by cancer
chemopreventive isothiocyanates and its structure-activity
relationships. J. Medicinal Chem., 54(3), 809-816, 2011.
Dyba, M., Wang, A., Noone, A-M., Goerlitz, D., Shields, Zheng,
Y.-L., Rivlin, R., Chung, F.-L. Metabolism of isothiocyanates in
individuals with positive and null GSTT1 and M1 genotypes after
drinking watercress juice. Clin. Nutr., 29(6), 813-8, 2010.
Pan, J., Keffer, J., Emami, A., Ma, X., Lan, R., Goldman, R.,
Chung, F.-L. Formation of acrolein-derived DNA adduct in human
colon cells: its role in apoptosis induction by docosahexaenoic acid.
Chem. Res. Toxicol., 22, 798-806, 2009.
Mi, L., Gan, N., Cheema, A., Dakshanamurthy, S., Yang, D. C. H.,
Chung, F.-L. Cancer preventive isothiocyanates induce selective
degradation of cellular α- and β-tubulins by proteasomes. J. Biol.
Chem., 284, 17039-17051, 2009.
Kang, H.J., Hong, Y.B., Kim, H.J., Rodriguez, O.C., Nath, R.G.,
Tilli, E.M., Albanese, C., Chung, F.L., Kwon, S.H., Bae, I.
Detoxification: a novel function of BRCA1 in tumor suppression?
Toxicol Sci., 122(1), 26-37, 2011.
Current Active
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Percent Effort:
Total Dollar Amount:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Mechanisms of Chemoprevention
by Isothiocyanates
Principal Investigator
Prevention of Oral Cancer in
Smokers by Tea: A Mechanism
Role on Project:
Percent Effort:
Total Dollar Amount:
Principal Investigator
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Lipid Peroxidation-Derived Cyclic
Adducts in Hepatocarcinogenesis
Principal Investigator
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Percent Effort:
Total Dollar Amount:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Percent Effort:
Total Dollar Amount:
Current Pending
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Percent Effort:
Total Dollar Amount:
Previous (Since 1982)
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
P30 CA51008-18 (PI: Weiner)
Cancer Center Support Grant
Enals in Tumorigenesis
(Renew in progress)
Principal Investigator
Chemistry and Mechanisms of
Tea in Disease Prevention
Principal Investigator
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Modification of Proteins and DNA by
aldehydes from lipid peroxidation
Principal Investigator
Identifying Number:
Research Agreement #98-2
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
DNA Biomarkers for Auto
Mechanics Exposed to Aldehydes
Principal Investigator
Tea Trade Health Research
Tea and Tobacco Carcinogenesis
1994-1997 & 1998-2001
Principal Investigator
NCI, Chemoprevention Branch,
Chemoprevention of Lung Cancer in
Strain A Mice
Principal Investigator
NCI, Chemoprevention Branch,
Chemoprevention of TobaccoSpecific Nitrosamine-Induced Lung
Tumors in Rats With Substituted
Principal Investigator
RO1 - CA-51830
Endogenous Enals in Nitrosamine
Principal Investigator
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
PO1 - CA-46535
Isothiocyanates and Nitrosamine
Carcinogenesis; Project 1: StructureActivity Relationships for Inhibition
Project Leader of Project 1
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
RO1 - CA-43159
Enals in Tumorigenesis
Role on Project:
Principal Investigator
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
RO1 - CA-41544
Glucosinolates and Environmental
Nitrosamine Activation
Principal Investigator
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project:
Identifying Number:
Title of Project:
Dates of Project Period:
Role on Project
RO1 - CA-23901
Environmental Nitrosamines –
Metabolism and Carcinogenesis
Sinigrin as Anticarcinogen to
Principal Investigator
Screening for Inhibitors of NNitrosamine Carcinogenesis
Principal Investigator
Original Papers in Refereed Journals
Chung, F.-L., Schram, K.H., Panzica, R.P., Earl, R.A.,
Wotring, L.L., Townsend, L.B. Synthesis of certain [6:5:6]
linear tricyclic nucleosides as potential antitumor agents.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 23, 1158-1166, 1980.
Chung, F.-L., Earl, R.A., Townsend, L.B. Reductive
debromination of some purine and purine-like nucleosides.
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 45, 4056-4057, 1980.
Chung, F.-L., Earl, R.A., Townsend, L.B. Synthesis of 5amino-9-(-D-ribofuranosyl)-v-triazino[4,5-b]-pyrimido[4,5d])pyrrol-4-one and unusual ring opening of this new ring
system with the Vilsmeier-Haack reagent. Journal of Organic
Chemistry, 45, 2532-2535, 1980.
Chung, F.-L., Earl, R.A., Townsend, L.B. The novel synthesis
of a [6:5:6] linear isoguanosine type tricyclic nucleoside using
carbonyl sulfide. Tetrahedron Letters, 21, 1599-1602, 1980.
Hernandez, M.A., Chung, F.-L., Earl, R.A., Townsend, L.B. A
general route for the facile synthesis of 4-thioxopyrimidin-2one derivatives via the annulation of cyclic o-aminonitriles
using carbonyl sulfide. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 46,
3941-3945, 1981.
Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S. Formation of cyclic 1,N2-adducts by
reaction of deoxyguanosine with -acetoxy-Nnitrosopyrrolidine,4-(carbethoxynitrosamino) butanal, and
crotonaldehyde. Cancer Research, 43, 1230-1235, 1983.
Chung, F.-L., Young, R., Hecht, S.S. Formation of cyclic 1,N2propanodeoxyguanosine adducts in DNA upon reaction with
acrolein or crotonaldehyde. Cancer Research, 44, 990-995,
Chung, F.-L., Juchatz, A., Vitarius, J., Hecht, S.S. Effects of
dietary compounds on -hydroxylation of N-nitrosopyrrolidine
and N'-nitrosonornicotine in rat target tissues. Cancer
Research, 44, 2924-2928, 1984.
Kochevar, I.E., Chung, F.-L., Jeffrey, A.M. Photoaddition of
chlorpromazine to DNA. Chemico Biological Interactions,
51, 273-284, 1984.
10. Chung, F.-L., Wang, M., Hecht, S.S. Effects of dietary indoles
and isothiocyanates on N-nitrosodimethylamine and 4(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone -hydroxylation
and DNA methylation in rat liver. Carcinogenesis, 6, 539-543,
11. Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S. Formation of the cyclic 1,N2-glyoxaldeoxyguanosine adduct upon reaction of N-nitroso-2hydroxymorpholine with deoxyguanosine. Carcinogenesis, 6,
1671-1673, 1985.
12. Chung, F.-L., Tanaka, T., Hecht, S.S. Induction of liver tumors
in F344 rats by crotonaldehyde. Cancer Research, 46, 12851289, 1986.
13. Chung, F.-L., Wang, M., Carmella, S.G., Hecht, S.S. Effects of
butylated hydroxyanisole on the tumorigenicity and
metabolism of N-nitrosodimethylamine and Nnitrosopyrrolidine in A/J mice. Cancer Research, 46, 165-168,
14. Palladino, G.F., Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S. 3-(2-Deoxy--Derythropentofuranosyl)-6,7-dihydro-6,7-dihydroxyimidazo[1,2a]purin-9(3H)one, a major deoxyguanosine adduct formed
from a novel diazohydroxide product of -hydroxylation of the
carcinogen N-nitrosomorpholine. Journal of the American
Chemical Society, 108, 6066-6068, 1986.
15. Foiles, P.G., Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S. Development of a
monoclonal antibody-based immunoassay for cyclic DNA
adducts resulting from exposure to crotonaldehyde. Cancer
Research, 47, 360-363, 1987.
16. Chung, F.-L., Roy, K.R., Hecht, S.S. A study of reactions of
,-unsaturated carbonyl compounds with deoxyguanosine.
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 53, 14-17, 1988.
17. Wang, M., Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S. Identification of
crotonaldehyde as a hepatic microsomal metabolite formed by
-hydroxylation of the carcinogen N-nitrosopyrrolidine.
Chemical Research in Toxicology, 1, 28-31, 1988.
18. Morse, M.A., Wang, C.-X., Amin, S.G., Hecht, S.S., Chung,
F.-L. Effects of dietary sinigrin or indole-3-carbinol on O6methylguanine-DNA-transmethylase activity and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone-induced DNA
methylation and tumorigenicity in F344 rats. Carcinogenesis,
9, 1891-1895, 1988.
19. Sodum, R.S., Chung, F.-L. 1,N2-Ethenodeoxyguanosine as a
potential marker for DNA adduct formation by trans-4hydroxy-2-nonenal. Cancer Research, 48, 320-323, 1988.
20. Chung, F.-L., Wang, M., Hecht, S.S. Detection of exocyclic
guanine adducts in hydrolysates of hepatic DNA of rats treated
with N-nitrosopyrrolidine and in calf thymus DNA reacted with
-acetoxy-N-nitrosopyrrolidine. Cancer Research, 49, 20342041, 1989.
21. Morse, M.A., Wang, C.-X., Stoner, G.D., Mandal, S., Conran,
P.B., Amin, S.G., Hecht, S.S., Chung, F.-L. Inhibition of 4(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone-induced DNA
adduct formation and tumorigenicity in the lung of F344 rats
by dietary phenethyl isothiocyanate. Cancer Research, 49,
549-553, 1989.
22. Morse, M.A., Amin, S.G., Hecht, S.S., Chung, F.-L. Effects of
aromatic isothiocyanates on tumorigenicity, O6-methylguanine
formation, and metabolism of the tobacco-specific nitrosamine
4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone in A/J mouse
lung. Cancer Research, 49, 2894-2897, 1989.
23. Hecht, S.S., Lijinsky, W., Kovatch, R.M., Chung, F.-L.,
Saavedra, J.E. Comparative tumorigenicity of N-nitroso-2hydroxymorpholine, N-nitrosodiethanolamine, and Nnitrosomorpholine in A/J mice and F344 rats. Carcinogenesis,
10, 1475-1477, 1989.
24. Chung, F.-L., Young, R., Hecht, S.S. Detection of cyclic 1,N2propanodeoxyguanosine adducts in DNA of rats treated with
N-nitrosopyrrolidine and mice treated with crotonaldehyde.
Carcinogenesis, 10, 1291-1297, 1989.
25. Wang, M., Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S. Formation of acyclic and
cyclic guanine adducts in DNA reacted with -acetoxy-Nnitrosopyrrolidine. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2, 423428, 1989.
26. Morse, M.A., Eklind, K.I., Amin, S.G., Hecht, S.S., Chung, F.L. Effects of alkyl chain length on the inhibition of NNKinduced lung neoplasia in A/J mice by arylalkyl
isothiocyanates. Carcinogenesis, 10, 1757-1759, 1989.
27. Hecht, S.S., Morse, M.A., Amin, S., Stoner, G.D., Jordan,
K.G., Choi, C.-I., Chung, F.-L. Rapid single dose model for
lung tumor induction in A/J mice by 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone and the effect of diet. Carcinogenesis,
10, 1901-1904, 1989.
28. Foiles, P.G., Akerkar, S.A., Chung, F.-L. Application of an
immunoassay for cyclic acrolein deoxyguanosine adducts to
assess their formation in DNA of salmonella typhimurium
under conditions of mutation induction by acrolein.
Carcinogenesis, 10, 87-90, 1989.
29. Sodum, R.S., Chung, F.-L. Structural characterization of
adducts formed in the reaction of 2,3-epoxy-4-hydroxynonanal
with deoxyguanosine. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2,
23-28, 1989.
30. Morse, M.A., LaGreca, S.D., Amin, S.G., Chung, F.-L. Effects
of indole-3-carbinol on lung tumorigenesis and DNA
methylation induced by 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1butanone (NNK), and on the metabolism and disposition of
NNK in A/J mice. Cancer Research, 50, 2613-2617, 1990.
31. Morse, M.A., Reinhardt, J.C., Amin, S.G., Hecht, S.S., Stoner,
G.D., Chung, F.-L. Effect of dietary aromatic isothiocyanates
fed subsequent to the administration of 4-(methylnitrosamino)1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone on lung tumorigenicity in mice.
Cancer Letters, 49, 225-230, 1990.
32. Morse, M.A., Eklind, K.I., Toussaint, M., Amin, S.G., Chung,
F.-L. Characterization of a glucuronide metabolite of 4(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) and its
dose-dependent excretion in the urine of mice and rats.
Carcinogenesis, 11, 1819-1823, 1990.
33. Eklind, K.I., Morse, M.A., Chung, F.-L. Distribution and
metabolism of the natural anticarcinogen phenethyl
isothiocyanate in A/J mice. Carcinogenesis, 11, 2033-2036,
34. Foiles, P.G., Akerkar, S.A., Miglietta, L.M., Chung, F.-L.
Formation of cyclic deoxyguanosine adducts in Chinese
hamster ovary cells by acrolein and crotonaldehyde.
Carcinogenesis, 11, 2059-2061, 1990.
35. Smith, T.J., Guo, Z., Thomas, P.E., Chung, F.-L., Morse, M.A.,
Eklind, K., Yang, C.S. Metabolism of 4-(methylnitrosamino)1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone in mouse lung microsomes and its
inhibition by isothiocyanates. Cancer Research, 50, 68176822, 1990.
36. Morse, M.A., Eklind, K.I., Hecht, S.S., Jordan, K.G., Choi, C.I., Desai, D.H., Amin, S.G., Chung, F.-L. Structure-activity
relationships for inhibition of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3pyridyl)-1-butanone lung tumorigenesis by arylalkyl
isothiocyanates in A/J mice. Cancer Research, 51, 1846-1850,
37. Hecht, S.S., Morse, M.A., Eklind, K.I., Chung, F.-L. A/J
mouse lung tumorigenesis by the tobacco-specific nitrosamine
4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone and its
inhibition by arylalkyl isothiocyanates. Experimental Lung
Research, 17, 501-511, 1991.
38. Sodum, R.S., Chung, F.-L. Stereoselective formation of in vitro
nucleic acid adducts by 2,3-epoxy-4-hydroxynonanal. Cancer
Research, 51, 137-143, 1991.
39. Wilson, V.L., Foiles, P.G., Chung, F.-L., Povey, A.C., Frank,
A.A., Harris, C.C. Detection of acrolein and crotonaldehyde
DNA adducts in cultured human cells and canine peripheral
blood lymphocytes by 32P-postlabeling and nucleotide
chromatography. Carcinogenesis, 12, 1483-1490, 1991.
40. Wang, M., Nishikawa, A., Chung, F.-L. Differential effects of
thiols on DNA modifications via alkylation and Michael
addition by -acetoxy-N-nitrosopyrrolidine. Chemical
Research in Toxicology, 5, 528-531, 1992.
41. Chung, F.-L., Xu, Y. Increased 8-oxodeoxyguanosine levels in
lung DNA of A/J mice and F344 rats treated with the tobaccospecific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamine)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1butanone. Carcinogenesis, 13, 1269-1272, 1992.
42. Chung, F.-L., Morse, M.A., Eklind, K.I. New potential
chemopreventive agents for lung carcinogenesis of tobaccospecific nitrosamine. Cancer Research, 52, 2719s-2722s,
43. Chung, F.-L., Morse, M.A., Eklind, K.I., Lewis, J. Quantitation
of human uptake of the anticarcinogen phenethyl
isothiocyanate after a watercress meal. Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers & Prevention, 1, 383-388, 1992.
44. Nishikawa, A., Sodum, R., Chung, F.-L. Acute toxicity of
trans-5-hydroxy-2-nonenal in Fisher 344 rats. Lipids, 27, 5458, 1992.
45. Morse, M.A., Eklind, K.I., Amin, S.G., Chung, F.-L. Effect of
frequency of isothiocyanate administration on inhibition of 4(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone-induced
pulmonary adenoma formation in A/J mice. Cancer Letters,
62, 77-81, 1992.
46. Xu, Y., Ho, C.-T., Amin, S.G., Han, C., Chung, F.-L.
Inhibition of tobacco-specific nitrosamine-induced lung
tumorigenesis in A/J mice by green tea and its major
polyphenol as antioxidants. Cancer Research, 52, 3875-3879,
47. Wang, M., Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S. Formation of 7-(4oxobutyl)guanine in hepatic DNA of rats treated with Nnitrosopyrrolidine. Carcinogenesis, 13, 1909-1911, 1992.
48. Hecht, S.S., Young-Sciame, R., Chung, F.-L. Reaction of acetoxy-N-nitrosopiperidine with deoxyguanosine: oxygen
dependent formation of 4-oxo-2-pentenal and a 1,N2ethenodeoxyguanosine adduct. Chemical Research in
Toxicology, 5, 706-712, 1992.
49. Foiles, P.G., Miglietta, L.M., Nishikawa, A., Kusmierek, J.T.,
Singer, B., Chung, F.-L. Development of monoclonal
antibodies specific for 1,N2-ethenodeoxyguanosine and N2, 3ethenodeoxyguanosine and their use for quantitation of adducts
in G12 cells exposed to chloroacetaldehyde. Carcinogenesis,
14, 113-116, 1993.
50. Guo, Z., Smith, T.J., Wang, E., Eklind, K.I., Chung, F.-L.,
Yang, C.S. Structure-activity relationships of arylalkyl
isothiocyanates for the inhibition of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone metabolism and the modulation of
xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes in rats and mice.
Carcinogenesis, 14, 1167-1173, 1993.
51. Huang, Q., Lawson, T.A., Chung, F.-L., Morris, C.R., Mirvish,
S.S. Inhibition by phenethyl and phenylhexyl isothiocyanate of
metabolism of and DNA methylation by N-nitrosomethylamylamine in rats. Carcinogenesis, 14, 749-754, 1993.
52. Chung, F.-L., Chen, H.-J.C., Guttenplan, J.B., Nishikawa, A.,
Hard, G.C. 2,3-Epoxy-4-hydroxynonanal as a potential tumorinitiating agent of lipid peroxidation. Carcinogenesis, 14,
2073-2077, 1993.
53. Hecht, S.S., Carmella, S.G., Murphy, S.E., Foiles, P.G., Chung,
F.-L. Carcinogen biomarkers related to smoking and upper
aerodigestive tract cancer. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry,
Suppl. 17F, 27-35, 1993.
54. Chung, F.-L., Krzeminski, J., Wang, M., Chen, H.-J.C.,
Prokopczyk, B. Formation of the acrolein-derived 1,N2propanodeoxyguanosine adducts in DNA upon reaction with 3(N-carbethoxy-N-nitrosamino)propionaldehyde. Chemical
Research in Toxicology, 7, 62-67, 1994.
55. Nath, R.G., Chen, H.-J.C., Nishikawa, A., Young-Sciame, R.,
Chung, F.-L. A 32P-postlabeling method for simultaneous
detection and quantification of exocyclic etheno and propano
adducts in DNA. Carcinogenesis, 15, 979-984, 1994.
56. Jiao, D., Ho, C.-T., Foiles, P., Chung, F.-L. Identification and
quantification of the N-acetylcysteine conjugate of allyl
isothiocyanate in human urine after ingestion of mustard.
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 3, 487492, 1994.
57. Nath, R.G., Chung, F.-L. Detection of exocyclic 1,N2propanodeoxyguanosine adducts as common DNA lesions in
rodents and humans. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, USA, 91, 7491-7495, 1994.
58. Jiao, D., Eklind, K.I., Choi, C.-I., Desai, D.H., Amin, S.G.,
Chung, F.-L. Structure-activity relationships of isothiocyanates
as mechanism-based inhibitors of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3pyridyl)-1-butanone-induced lung tumorigenesis in A/J mice.
Cancer Research, 54, 4327-4333, 1994.
59. Caporaso, N., Whitehouse, J., Monkman, S., Boustead, C.,
Issaq, H., Fox, S., Morse, M.A., Idle, J.R., Chung, F.-L. In
vitro but not in vivo inhibition of CYP2D6 by phenethyl
isothiocyanate (PEITC), a constituent of watercress.
Pharmacogenetics, 4, 275-280, 1994.
60. Chen, H.-J.C., Chung, F.-L. Formation of etheno adducts in
reactions of enals via autoxidation. Chemical Research in
Toxicology, 7, 857-860, 1994.
61. Bilodeau, J.F., Wang, M., Chung, F.-L., Castonguay, A.
Effects of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs on oxidative
pathways in A/J mice. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 18,
47-54, 1995.
62. Young-Sciame, R., Wang, M., Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S.
Reactions of -acetoxy-N-nitrosopyrrolidine and -acetoxy-Nnitrosopiperidine with deoxyguanosine: formation of N2tetrahydrofuranyl and N2-tetrahydropyranyl adducts. Chemical
Research in Toxicology, 8, 607-616, 1995.
63. Wang, M., Young-Sciame, R., Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S.
Formation of N2-tetrahydrofuranyl and N2-tetrahydropyranyl
adducts in the reactions of -acetoxy-N-nitrosopyrrolidine and
-acetoxy-N-nitrosopiperidine with DNA. Chemical Research
in Toxicology, 8, 617-624, 1995.
64. Hecht, S.S., Chung, F.L., Richie, J.P., Akerkar, S.A.,
Borukhova, A., Skowronski, L., Carmella, S.G. Effects of
watercress consumption on metabolism of a tobacco-specific
lung carcinogen in smokers. Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers & Prevention, 4, 877-884, 1995.
65. Chen, H.-J.C., Chung, F.-L. Epoxidation of trans-4-hydroxy2-nonenal by fatty acid hydroperoxides and hydrogen peroxide.
Chemical Research in Toxicology, 9, 306-312, 1996.
66. Chung, F.L., Kelloff, G., Steele, V., Pittman, B., Zang, E., Jiao,
D., Rigotty, J., Choi, C.-I., Rivenson, A. Chemopreventive
efficacy of arylalkyl isothiocyanates and N-acetylcysteine for
lung tumorigenesis in Fischer rats. Cancer Research, 56, 772778, 1996.
67. Jiao, D., Smith, T.J., Kim, S., Yang, C.S., Desai, D., Amin, S.,
Chung, F.-L. The essential role of the functional group in alkyl
isothiocyanates for inhibition of tobacco nitrosamine-induced
lung tumorigenesis. Carcinogenesis, 17, 755-759, 1996.
68. Jiao, D., Conaway, C.C., Wang, M.-H., Yang, C.S., Koehl, W.,
Chung, F.-L. Inhibition of N-nitrosodimethylamine
demethylase in rat and human liver microsomes by
isothiocyanates and their glutathione, L-cysteine, and N-acetylL-cysteine conjugates. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 9,
932-938, 1996.
69. Nath, R.G., Ocando, J.E., Chung, F.-L. Detection of 1,N2propanodeoxyguanosine adducts as potential endogenous DNA
lesions in rodent and human tissues. Cancer Research, 56,
452-456, 1996.
70. Nishikawa, A., Furukawa, F., Ikezaki, S., Tanakamaru, Z.,
Chung, F.-L., Takahashi, M., Hayashi, Y. Chemopreventive
effects of 3-phenylpropyl isothiocyanate on hamster lung
tumorigenesis initiated with N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine.
Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, 87, 122-126, 1996.
71. Conaway, C.C., Jiao, D., Chung, F.-L. Inhibition of rat liver
cytochrome P450 isozymes by isothiocyanates and their
conjugates: A structure-activity relationship study.
Carcinogenesis, 16, 2423-2427, 1996.
72. Nishikawa, A., Furukawa, F., Uneyama, C., Ikezaki, S.,
Tanakamuru, Z.-Y., Chung, F.-L., Takahashi, M., Hayashi, Y.
Chemopreventive effects of phenethyl isothiocyanate on lung
and pancreatic tumorigenesis in N-nitrosobis(2oxopropyl)amine-treated hamsters. Carcinogenesis, 17, 1381-
1384, 1996.
73. Nath, R.G., Ocando, J.E., Richie, J., Jr., Chung, F.-L. Effect of
glutathione depletion on exocyclic adduct levels in the liver
DNA of F344 rats. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 10,
1250-1253, 1997.
74. Jiao, D., Smith, T.J., Yang, C.S., Pittman, B., Desai, D., Amin,
S., Chung, F.-L. Chemopreventive activity of thiol conjugates
of isothiocyanates for lung tumorigenesis. Carcinogenesis,
18, 2143-2147, 1997.
75. Chung, F.-L., Jiao, D., Getahun, S.M., Yu, M. A urinary
biomarker for uptake of dietary isothiocyanates in humans.
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 7, 103108, 1998.
Chung, F.-L., Jiao, D., Conaway, C.C., Smith, T.J., Yang,
C.S., Yu, M.C. Chemopreventive potential of thiol
conjugates of isothiocyanates for lung cancer and a urinary
biomarker of dietary isothiocyanates. Journal of Cellular
Biochemistry, Supplement 27: 76-85, 1997.
Conaway, C.C., Jiao, D., Kelloff, G.J., Steele, V.E., Rivenson,
A., Chung, F.-L. Chemopreventive potential of fumaric acid,
N-acetylcysteine, N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-retinamide, and carotene for tobacco-nitrosamine-induced lung tumors in A/J
mice. Cancer Letters, 124, 85-93, 1998.
Nath, R.G., Ocando, J.E., Guttenplan, J.B., Chung, F.-L.
1,N2-Propanodeoxyguanosine adducts: potential new
biomarkers of smoking induced DNA damage in human oral
tissue. Cancer Research, 58, 581-584, 1998.
Chen, H.-J. C., Gonzalez, F.J., Shou, M., Chung, F.-L. 2,3Epoxy-4-hydroxynonanal, a potential lipid peroxidation
product for etheno adduct formation, is not a substrate of
human epoxide hydrolase. Carcinogenesis, 19, 939-943,
Jiao, D., Yu, M.C., Hankin, J.H., Low, S.-H, Chung, F.-L.
Total isothiocyanate contents in cooked vegetables frequently
consumed in Singapore. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry, 46, 1055-1058, 1998.
Seow, A., Shi, C.-Y., Chung, F.-L., Jiao, D., Hankin, J.H.,
Lee, H.-P., Coetzee, G.A., Yu, M. Urinary total
isothiocyanate (ITC) in a population-based sample of middleaged and older Chinese in Singapore: Relationship with
dietary total ITC and glutathione s-transferase M1/T1
genotypes. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and
Prevention, 7, 775-781, 1998.
Chung, F.-L., Wang, M., Rivenson, A., Iatropoulos, M.I.,
Reinhardt, J., Pittman, B., Ho, C.-T., Amin, S.G. Inhibition of
lung carcinogenesis by black tea in Fischer rats treated with
tobacco-specific carcinogen: Caffeine as an important
constituent. Cancer Research, 58, 4096-4102, 1998.
Conaway, C.C., Jiao, D., Kohri, T., Liebes, L., Chung, F.-L.
Disposition and pharmacokinetics of phenethyl isothiocyanate
and 6-phenylhexyl isothiocyanate in F344 rats. Drug
Metabolism and Disposition, 27, 13-20, 1999.
Chen, H.-J. C., Zhang, L, Cox, J., Cunningham, J.A.,
Chung, F.-L. DNA adducts of 2,3-epoxy-4hydroxynonanal: Detection of 7-(1’,2’-dihydroxyheptyl)3H-imidazo [2,1-i]purine and 1,N6-ethenoadenine by gas
chromatography/negative ion chemical ionization/mass
spectrometry. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 11,
1474-1480, 1998.
Getahun, S.M., Chung, F.-L. Conversion of
glucosinolates to isothiocyanates in humans after
ingesting cooked watercress. Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers and Prevention, 8, 447-451, 1999.
Chung, F.-L., Nath, R.G., Ocando, J.E., Nishikawa, A.,
Zhang, L. Deoxyguanosine adducts of t-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal
are endogenous DNA lesions in rodents and humans:
detection and potential sources. Cancer Research, 60, 15071511, 2000.
Chen, H.-J. C., Chiang, L.-C., Tseng, M.-C., Zhang, L, Nim
J., Chung, F.-L. Detection and quantification of 1,N6ethenoadenine in human placental DNA by mass
spectrometry. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 12, 11191126, 1999.
London, S.J., Yuan, J.-M., Chung, F.-L., Gao, Y.-T., Coetzee,
G.A., Ross, R.K., Yu, M.C. Isothiocyanates, glutathione Stransferase M1 and T1 polymorphisms and lung cancer risk: a
prospective study of men in Shanghai, China, Lancet, 356,
724-729, 2000.
Chiao, J.W., Chung, F.-L., Krzeminski, J., Amin, S.,
Arshad, R., Ahmed, T., Conaway, C.C. Modulation of
growth of human prostate cancer cells by the Nacetylcysteine conjugate of phenethyl isothiocyanate.
International Journal of Oncology, 16, 1215-1219,
Chung, F.-L., Conaway, C.C., Rao, C.V., Reddy, B. S.
Chemoprevention of colonic aberrant crypt foci in Fischer
rats by sulforaphane and phenethyl isothiocyanate.
Carcinogenesis, 21, 2287-2291, 2000.
Conaway, C.C., Getahun, S.M., Liebes, L.L., Pusateri,
D.J., Topham, D.K.W., Botero-Omary, M., Chung, F.-L.
Disposition of glucosinolates and sulforaphane in humans
after ingestion of steamed and fresh broccoli. Nutrition
and Cancer, 38, 168-178, 2000.
Liebes, L., Conaway, C. C., Hochster, H., Mendoza, S.,
Hecht, S.S., Crowell, J., Chung, F.-L. HPLC based
determination of total isothiocyanate levels in human
plasma: application to studies with 2-phenethyl
isothiocyanate. Analytical Biochemistry, 291, 279-289,
Penn, A., Nath, R., Pan, J., Lung, C.-C., Widmer, K.,
Henk, W., Chung, F.-L. 1,N²-Propanodeoxyguanosine
adduct formation in aortic DNA following inhalation of
acrolein. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109, 219224, 2001.
Moreno, R.L., Goosen, T., Kent, U.M., Chung, F.-L., and
Hollenberg, P.F. Differential effects of naturally
occurring isothiocyanates on the activities of cytochrome
P450 2E1 and the mutant P450 2E1 T303A. Archives of
Biochemistry and Biophysics. 391, 99-110, 2001.
Kohri, T., Nanjo, F., Suzuki, M., Seto, R., Matsumoto, N.,
Yamakawa, M., Hojo, H., Hara, Y., Desai, D., Amin, S.,
Conaway, C.C., Chung, F.-L. Synthesis of (-)-[4-3H]epigallocatechin gallate and its metabolic fate in rats after
intravenous administration. Journal of Agricultural and
Food Chemistry, 49, 1042-1048, 2001.
Conaway, C.C., Krzeminski, J., Amin, S., Chung, F.-L.
Decomposition rates of isothiocyanate conjugates
determine their activity as inhibitors of cytochrome P450
isozymes. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 9, 11701176, 2001.
Chiao, J.W., Chung, F.-L., Kancherla, R., Ahmed, T.,
Mittelman, A., Conaway, C.C. Sulforaphane and its
metabolite mediate growth arrest and apoptosis in human
prostate cancer cells. International Journal of Oncology,
20: 631-636, 2002.
Pan, J., F.-L., Chung. Formation of cyclic
deoxyguanosine adducts from -3 and -6
polyunsaturated fatty acids under oxidative conditions.
Chemical Research in Toxicology, 15, 367-372, 2002.
Yang, Y.-M., Conaway, C.C., Chiao, J.W., Wang, C.-X.,
Amin, S., Whysner, J., Dai, W., Reinhardt, J., Chung, F.L., Inhibition of benzo(a)pyrene-induced lung
tumorigenesis in A/J mice by dietary N-acetylcysteine
conjugates of benzyl and phenethyl isothiocyanates during
the post-initiation phase is associated with activation of
MAP kinases and p53 activity and induction of apoptosis.
Cancer Research, 62, 2-7, 2002.
100. Hu, W., Feng, Z., Eveleigh, J., Iyer, G., Pan, J., Amin, S.,
Chung, F.-L., Tang, M.-S. The major lipid peroxidation
product, trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, preferentially forms
DNA adducts at codon 249 of human p53 gene, a unique
mutational hotspot in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Carcinogenesis, 23, 1781-1789, 2002.
101. Nishikawa, A., Morse, M.A., Chung, F.-L. Inhibitory
effects of 2-mercaptoethane sulfonate and 6-phenylhexyl
isothiocyanate on urinary bladder tumorigenesis in rats
induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine.
Cancer Letters, 193, 11-16, 2003.
102. Fowke, J.H., Chung, F.-L., Jin, F., Qi, D., Cai, Q.,
Conaway, C., Cheng, J.-R., Shu, X-O, Gao, Y.-T., Zheng,
W. Urinary isothiocyanate levels, brassica, and human
breast cancer. Cancer Research, 63, 3980-3986, 2003.
103. Chung, F.-L., Pan, J., Choudhury, S., Roy, R., Hu, W.,
Tang, M-S. Formation of trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal- and
other enal-derived cyclic DNA adducts from -3 and -6
polyunsaturated fatty acids and their roles in DNA repair
and human p53 gene mutation. Mutation Research, 531,
25-36, 2003.
104. Schwartz, J.L., Muscat, J.E., Baker, V., Larios, E.,
Stephenson, G.D., Guo, W., Xie, T, Chung, F.-L. Oral
cytology assessment by flow cytometry of DNA adducts,
aneuploidy, proliferation and apoptosis shows differences
between smokers and non-smokers. Oral Oncology, 39,
842-854, 2002.
105. Zhang, L., Chung, F.-L., Boccia, L., Colosimo, S., Liu,
W., Zhang, J. Effects of garage employment and tobacco
smoking on breathing-zone concentrations of carbonyl
compounds. American Industrial Hygiene Association,
64, 388-393, 2003.
106. Choudhury, S., Zhang, R., Frenkel, K., Kawamori, T.,
Chung, F.-L., Roy, R. Evidence of alterations in base
excision repair of oxidative DNA damage during
spontaneous hepatocarcinogenesis in Long Evans
Cinnamon rats. Cancer Research, 63, 7704-7707, 2003.
107. Wang, L., Liu, D., Ahmed, T., Chung, F.L., Conaway, C.,
Chiao, J.W. Targeting cell cycle machinery as a molecular
mechanism of sulforaphane in prostate cancer prevention.
International Journal of Oncology, 24, 187-192, 2004.
108. Fowke, J.H., Shu, X.-O., Dai, Q., Shintani, A., Conaway,
C.C., Chung, F.-L., Cai, Q., Gao, Y.-T., Zheng, W.
Urinary isothiocyanate excretion, Brassica consumption,
and gene polymorphisms among women living in
Shanghai, China. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers &
Prevention, 12, 1536-1539, 2003.
109. Choudhury. S., Pan, J., Amin, S., Chung, F-L., Roy, R.
Repair kinetics of trans-4-hydroxynonenal-induced cyclic
1,N2-propanodeoxyguanine DNA adducts by human cell
nuclear extracts. Biochemistry, 43, 7514-7521, 2004
110. Wang, L., Liu, D., Ahmed, T., Chung, F.-L., Conaway, C,
Chiao, J.W. Targeting cell cycle machinery as a
molecular mechanism of sulforaphane in prostate cancer
prevention. Int. J. Oncol., 24(1), 187-92, 2004.
111. Myzak, M.C., Karplus, P.A., Chung, F.-L., Dashwood,
R.H. A novel mechanism of chemoprotection by
sulforaphane: inhibition of histone deacetylase. Cancer
Research, 64, 5767-5774, 2004.
112. Chiao, J.W., Wu, H., Ramaswamy, G., Conaway, C.C.,
Chung, F.-L., Wang, L., Liu, D. Ingestion of an
isothiocyanate metabolite from cruciferous vegetables
inhibits growth of human prostate cancer cell xenografts
by apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. Carcinogenesis, 25(8),
1403-1408, 2004.
113. Chung, F.-L., Komninou, D., Zhang, L., Nath, R., Pan, J.,
Amin, S., Richie, J. Glutathione depletion enhances the
formation of endogenous cyclic DNA adducts derived
from t-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal in rat liver. Chem. Res.
Toxicol., 18(1), 24-7, 2005.
114. Schwartz, J.L., Baker, V., Larios, E., Chung, F.-L.
Molecular and cellular effects of green tea on oral cells of
smokers: a pilot study. Mol. Nutr. Food Res., 49(1), 4351, 2005.
115. Yang, Y.-M., Jhanwar-Uniyal, M., Schwartz, J., Conaway,
C.C., Halicka, H.D., Traganos, F., Chung, F.-L. Nacetylcysteine conjugate of phenethyl isothiocyanate
enhances apoptosis in growth-stimulated human lung
cells. Cancer Res., 65(18), 8538-47, 2005.
116. Conaway, C.C, Wang, C-X., Pittman, B., Yang, Y-M.,
Schwartz, J.E., Tian, D., McIntee, E. J, Hecht, S.S.,
Chung, F.-L. Phenethyl Isothiocyanate and Sulforaphane
and Their N-Acetylcysteine Conjugates Inhibit Malignant
Progression of Lung Adenomas Induced by Tobacco
Carcinogens in A/J Mice. Cancer Res., 65(18), 8548-57,
117. Pan, J., Davis, W., Trushin, N., Amin, S., Nath, R.G.,
Salem Jr, N., Chung, F-L. A solid phase extraction/high
performance liquid chromatography-based 32Ppostlabeling method for detection of cyclic 1,N2propanodeoxyguanosine adducts derived from enals.
Analytical Biochemistry, 348, 15-23, 2006.
118. Agrawal, S., Winnik, B., Buckley, B., Mi, L., Chung, F.L., Cook, T.J. Simultaneous Determination of
Sulforaphane and its Major Metabolites from Biological
Matrices with Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass
Spectroscopy. J. Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed
Life Sci., 840, 99-107, 2006.
119. Mi, L., Wang, X., Govind, S., Hood, B.L., Veenstra, T.D.,
Conrads, T.P., Saha, D.T., Goldman, R., Chung, F.-L. The
Role of Protein Binding in Induction of Apoptosis by
Phenethyl Isothiocyanate and Sulforaphane in Human
Non-small Lung Cancer Cells. Cancer Research, 67,
6409-6416, 2007.
120. Emami, A., Dyba, M., Cheema, A.K., Pan, J., Nath, R.G.,
Chung, F-L. Detection of the Acrolein-derived Cyclic
DNA Adduct by a Quantitative 32P-postlabeling/Solid
Phase Extraction/HPLC Method: Blocking its artifact
formation by Glutathione. Analytical Biochemistry,
374(1), 163-72, 2008.
121. Mi, L., Xiao Z., Hood, B.L., Dakshanamurthy S., Wang
X., Govind, S., Conrad T.P., Veenstra, T.D., Chung F-L.
Covalent binding to tubulin by isothiocyanates: a
mechanism of cell growth arrest and apoptosis. J. Biol.
Chem., 283, 22136-46, 2008.
122. Emami, A., Dyba, M., Cheema, A.K., Pan, J., Nath, R.G.,
Chung, F-L. Detection of the Acrolein-derived Cyclic
DNA Adduct by a Quantitative 32P-postlabeling/Solid
Phase Extraction/HPLC Method: Blocking its artifact
formation by Glutathione. Analytical Biochemistry,
374(1):163-72, 2008.
123. Moy, K.A., Yuan,J-M.,Chung, F-L., Van Den Berg, D.,
Wang, R., Gao, Y.-T., Yu, M.C., Urinary total
isothiocyanates in relation to colorectal cancer: a
prospective study of men in Shanghai, China, Cancer
Epidemiology Biomarker and Prevention, 17(6),13541359, 2008.
124. Epplein, M., Wilkens, L.R., Tiirikainen, M., Dyba, M.,
Chung, FL., Goodman, M.T., Murphy, S.P., Henderson, B.
E., Kolonel, L.N., Le Marchand, L. Urinary
isothiocyanates; glutathione S-transferase M1, T1, and P1
polymorphisms; and risk of colorectal cancer: the
Multiethnic Cohort Study. Cancer Epidemiology
Biomarker and Prevention, 18(1), 314-20, 2009.
125. Mi, L., Gan, N., Cheema, A, Dakshanamurthy, S, Yang, D. C.
H., Chung, F.-L. Cancer preventive isothiocyanates induce
selective degradation of cellular α- and β-tubulins by
proteasomes. J. Biol. Chem., 284, 17039-17051, 2009.
126. Pan J., Keffer J., Emami A., Ma X., Lan R., Goldman R.,
Chung, F-L. Formation of acrolein-derived DNA adduct in
human colon cells: its role in apoptosis induction by
docosahexaenoic acid. Chem. Res. Toxicol., 22, 798-806,
127. Moy, K.A., Yuan, J.-M., Chung, F.-L., Wang, X.-L., Van Den
Berg, D., Wang, R., Gao, Y-T., Yu, M.C. Isothiocyanates,
glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 polymorphisms and
gastric cancer risk: a prospective study of men in Shanghai,
China. International J. of Cancer, 125(11), 2652-9, 2009.
128. Mi, L., Gan, N., Chung, F.-L. Aggresome-like structure
induced by isothiocyanates is novel proteasome-dependent
degradation machinery. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.,
16;388(2), 456-62, 2009.
129. Gan, N., Mi, L., Sun, X., Dai, G., Chung, F.-L., Song, L.
Sulforaphane Protects Microcystin-LR-Induced Toxicity
through Activation of the Nrf2-Mediated Defensive Response.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol., 247(2),129-37, 2010.
130. Nath, R.G., Wu, M.Y., Emami, A., Chung, F.-L. Effects of
epigallocatechin gallate, L-ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol,
and dihydrolipoic acid on the formation of deoxyguanosine
adducts derived from lipid peroxidation. Nutr. Cancer, 62(5),
622-9, 2010.
131. Kotsopoulos, J., Tworoger, S.S., Campos, H., Chung, F. L.,
Clevenger, C.V., Franke, A.A., Mantzoros, C.S., Ricchiuti, V.,
Willett, W.C., Hankinson, S.E., Eliassen, A.H.
Reproducibility of plasma and urine biomarkers among
premenopausal and postmenopausal women from the Nurses'
HealthStudies. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev., 19(4),
938-46, 2010.
132. Yang, G., Gao, Y.T., Shu, X.O., Cai, Q., Li, G.L., Li, H.L., Ji,
B.T., Rothman, N., Dyba, M., Xiang, Y.B., Chung, F.-L,
Chow, W.H., Zheng, W. Isothiocyanate exposure, glutathione
S-transferase polymorphisms, and colorectal cancer risk. Am.
J. Clin. Nutr., 91(3), 704-11, 2010.
133. Di Pasqua, A.J., Hong, C., Wu, M., McCracken, E., Wang, X.,
Chung, F.-L. Sensitization of non-small cell lung cancer cells
to the platinum anticancer agent cisplatin by naturally
occurring isothiocyanates. Chem. Res. Toxicol., 23(8), 13079, 2010.
134. Dyba, M., Wang, A., Noone, A.-M., Goerlitz, D., Shields,
Zheng, Y.-L., Rivlin, R., Chung, F.-L. Metabolism of
isothiocyanates in individuals with positive and null GSTT1
and M1 genotypes after drinking watercress juice. Clin.
Nutr., 29(6), 813-8, 2010.
135. Gan, N., Wu, Y.-C., Brunet, M., Garrido, C., Chung, F.-L.,
Dai, C., Mi, L. Sulforaphane activates heat shock response
and enhances proteasome activity through upregulation of
HSP27. J. Biol. Chem., 285, 35528-36, 2010.
136. Fowke, J.H., Gao, Y.-T., Chow, W.-H., Cai, Q., Shu, X.-O.,
Li, H.-I., Ji, B.-T., Rothman, N., Yang, G., Chung, F-L.,
Zheng, W., Urinary isothiocyanate levels and lung Cancer
risk among non-smoking women: a prospective investigation.
Lung Cancer, 73(1), 18-24, 2011.
137. Mi, L., Gan, N., Chung, F.-L. Isothiocyanates inhibit
proteasome activity and proliferation of multiple myeloma
cells. Carcinogenesis, 32(2), 216-23, 2011.
138. Wang, X., Di Pasqua, A. J., Govind, S., McCracken E., Hong
C., Mi, L., Mao, Y., Wu, J., Tomita Y., Woodrick, J. C.,
Fine R., and Chung, F-L., Selective depletion of mutant p53
by cancer chemopreventive isothiocyanates and its structureactivity relationships. J. Medicinal Chem., 54(3), 809-816,
139. Wang, X., Govind, S., Mi, L., Sajankila, S. P., Roy, Chung,
F.-L. Phenethyl isothiocyanate sensitizes human cervical
cancer cells to apoptosis induced by cisplatin. Mol. Nutr.
Food Res., 55(7), 2011.
140. Gan, N., Mi, L., Dai, G., Chung, F.-L., Song, L. Protection
against microcystin-LR-induced toxicity by sulforaphane
through activation of the Nrf2-mediated defensive response.
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 247(2), 129-37, 2010.
141. Kang, H.J., Hong, Y.B., Kim, H.J., Rodriguez, O.C., Nath,
R.G., Tilli, E.M., Albanese, C., Chung, F.-L., Kwon, S.H.,
Bae, I. Detoxification: a novel function of BRCA1 in tumor
suppression? Toxicol Sci., 122(1), 26-37, 2011.
142. Mi, L., Xiao, Z., Veenstra, T.D., Chung, F.-L., Proteomic
identification of binding targets of isothiocyanates: A
perspective on techniques. J Proteomics, 74(7), 1036-44,
143. Mi, L., Di Pasqua, A.J., Chung, F.-L. Proteins as binding
targets of isothiocyanates in cancer prevention.
Carcinogenesis, 32(10), 1405-13, 2011.
144. Sun, X., Mi, L., Liu, J., Song, L., Chung, F.-L., Gan, N.
Sulforaphane prevents microcystin-LR-induced oxidative
damage and apoptosis in BALB/c mice. Toxicol Appl
Pharmacol., 255(1), 9-17, 2011
145. Mi, L., Hood, B.L., Stewart, N.A., Xiao, Z., Govind, S.,
Wang, X., Conrads, T.P., Veenstra, T.D., Chung, F.-L.
Identification of Potential Protein Targets of
Isothiocyanates by Proteomics. Chem Res Toxicol.,
24(10), 1735-43, 2011.
146. Mi, L., Hood, B.L., Stewart, N.A., Xiao, Z., Govind, S.,
Wang, X., Conrads, T.P., Veenstra, T.D., Chung, F.-L.
Identification of Potential Protein Targets of
Isothiocyanates by Proteomics. Chem Res Toxicol.,
24(10), 1735-43, 2011.
147. Wang, H.T., Hu, Y., Tong, D., Huang, J., Gu, L., Wu,
X.R., Chung, F.-L., Li, G.M., Tang, M.S. Effect of
carcinogenic acrolein on DNA repair and mutagenic
susceptibility. J Biol Chem, 287(15), 12379-86, 2012.
148. Xiao, Z., Mi, L., Chung, F.-L., Veenstra, T.D. Proteomic
analysis of covalent modifications of tubulins by
isothiocyanates. J Nutr, 142(7), 1377S-81S, 2012.
149. Dash, C., Chung, F.-L., Rohan, J.A., Greenspan, E.,
Christopher, P.D., Makambi, K., Hara, Y., Newkirk, K.,
Davidson, B., Adams-Campbell, L.L. A six-month
crossover chemoprevention clinical trial of tea in smokers
and non-smokers: methodological issues in a feasibility
study. BMC Complement Altern Med, 12, 96, 2012.
150. Chung, F.-L., Wu, M.Y., Basudan, A., Dyba, M., Nath,
R.G. Regioselective formation of acrolein-derived cyclic
1,n(2)-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts mediated by
amino acids, proteins, and cell lysates. Chem Res
Toxicol, 17;25(9), 1921-8, 2012.
151. Greenspan, E.J., Lee, H., Dyba, M., Pan, J., Mekambi, K.,
Johnson, T., Blancato, J., Mueller, S., Berry, D.L., Chung,
F.-L. High-throughput, Quantitative Analysis of Acroleinderived DNA Adducts in Human Oral Cells by
Immunohistochemistry. J Histochem Cytochem, 60(11),
844-53, 2012.
152. Wang, H.T., Weng, M.W., Chen, W.C., Yobin, M., Pan,
J., Chung, F.-L., Wu, X.R., Rom, W., Tang, M.S. Effect
of CpG methylation at different sequence context on
acrolein- and BPDE-DNA binding and mutagenesis.
Carcinogenesis. 2012 Nov 1. [Epub ahead of print]
Reviews or Editorials in Refereed Journals
153. Hoffmann, D., Rivenson, A., Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S.
Nicotine-derived N-nitrosamines (TSNA) and their relevance
in tobacco carcinogenesis. CRC Critical Reviews in
Toxicology, 21, 305-311, 1991.
154. Hoffmann, D., Rivenson, A., Murphy, S.E., Chung, F.-L.,
Amin, S., Hecht, S.S. Cigarette smoking and adenocarcinoma
of the lung: the relevance of nicotine-derived N-nitrosamines.
Journal of Smoking-Related Disorders, 4, 165-189, 1993.
155. Chung, F.-L. Endogenous DNA adducts. The Toxicology
Forum, Summer Annual Meeting, 431-444, 1994.
156. Nath, R.G., Randerath, K., Li, D., Chung, F.-L. Endogenous
production of DNA adducts. Regulatory Toxicology and
Pharmacology (New York), 23, 22-28, 1996.
157. Chung, F.-L., Chen, H.-J.C., Nath, R.G. Lipid peroxidation as
a potential endogenous source for the formation of exocyclic
DNA adducts: a commentary. Carcinogenesis, 17, 21052111, 1996.
158. El-Bayoumy, K., Chung, F.-L., Richie, J., Reddy, B.S.,
Cohen, L., Weisburger, J., Wynder, E.L. Dietary control of
cancer. Diet and Cancer Control, 216, 211-223, 1997.
159. Chung, F.-L., Nath, R.G., Nagao, M., Nishikawa, A., Zhou,
G.-D., Randerath, K. Endogenous formation and significance
of 1, N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts. Mutation
Research, 424, 71-81, 1999.
160. Chung, F.-L. The prevention of lung cancer induced by a
tobacco-specific carcinogen in rodents by green and black
tea. Proceedings of the Society of Experimental
Biology and Medicine, 220, 244-248, 1999.
161. Chung, F.-L. Chemoprevention of lung cancer by
isothiocyanates and their conjugates in A/J mice.
Experimental Lung Research, 27, 319-330, 2001.
162. Weisburger, J.H., F.-L. Chung. Mechanisms of chronic
disease causation by nutritional factors and tobacco
products and their prevention by tea polyphenols. Food
Chemistry and Toxicology, 40, 145-1154, 2002.
163. Conaway, C.C., Yang, Y-M., Chung, F.-L.
Isothiocyanates as cancer chemopreventive agents: their
biological activities and metabolism in rodents and
humans. Current Drug Metabolism, 3, 233-255, 2002.
164. Chung, F.-L. Potential compounds in tea for the
prevention of lung cancer. Proceedings of 2001
International Conference on O-cha (Tea) Culture and
Science, Session III, Oct. 5-8, 2001, Zhizuoka, Japan, pp.
165. Chung, F.-L., Schwartz, J., Herzog, C., Yang, Y.-M. Tea
and cancer prevention: Studies in animals and humans.
Journal of Nutrition, 133, 3268S-3274S, 2003.
166. Mi, L., Xiao, Z., Veenstra, T.D., Chung, F.-L. Proteomic
identification of binding targets of isothiocyanates: A
perspective on techniques. J Proteomics, 74(7), 1036-44,
167. Mi, L., Di Pasqua, A.J., Chung, F.-L. Proteins as binding
targets of isothiocyanates in cancer prevention.
Carcinogenesis, 32(10), 1405-13, 2011.
Books or Chapters in books, and publications in other journals
Publications in Books:
Townsend, L.B., Bhat, G.A., Chung, F.-L., Schram, K.H.,
Panzica, R.P., Wotring, L.L. Synthesis, chemical reactivity,
biological and chemotherapeutic activity of certain tricyclic
nucleosides. In: Les Colloques de l'INSERM Nucleosides,
Nucleotides, Edition 81, (Barascut, J.-L., Imbach, J.-L.) pp.
37-82, INSERM, 1978.
Hecht, S.S., Castonguay, A., Chung, F.-L., Hoffmann, D.,
Stoner, G.D. Recent studies on the metabolic activation of
cyclic nitrosamines. In: Banbury Report, 12th Edition
Nitrosamines and Human Cancer, ( ) pp. 103-120, Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory, 1982.
Hecht, S.S., Castonguay, A., Chung, F.-L., Hoffmann, D.
Carcinogenicity and metabolic activation of tobacco-specific
nitrosamines: current status and future prospects. In: N-Nitro
Compounds: Occurrence, Biological Effects and Relevance
to Human Cancer, 57th Edition, (O'Neill, I.K., Von Borstel,
R.C., Miller, C.T., Long, J., Bartsch, H.) pp. 763-778, IARC
Sci. Publ., 1984.
Chung, F.-L., Juchatz, A., Vitarius, J., Reiss, B., Hecht, S.S.
Inhibition of target tissue activation of N'-nitrosonornicotine
and N-nitrosopyrrolidine by dietary components. In: N-Nitro
Compounds: Occurrence, Biological Effects and Relevance
to Human Cancer, Edition 57, (O'Neill, I.K., Von Borstel,
R.C., Miller, C.T., Long, J., Bartsch, H.) pp. 797-804, IARC
Sci. Publ., 1984.
Chung, F.-L., Palladino, G., Hecht, S.S. Formation of cyclic
nucleic acid adducts from some simple , -unsaturated
carbonyl compounds and cyclic nitrosamines. In: The Role of
Cyclic Nucleic Acid Adducts in Carcinogenesis and
Mutagenesis, 70th Edition, (Singer, B., Bartsch, H.) pp. 207225, IARC Sci. Publ., 1986.
Hecht, S.S., Carmella, S.G., Trushin, N., Foiles, P.G., Lin, D.,
Rubin, J.M., Chung, F.-L. Investigations on the molecular
dosimetry of tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines. In: Relevance
of N-Nitroso Compounds to Human Cancer: Exposure and
Mechanisms, Edition 84, (Bartsch, H., O'Neill, I.K., SchulteHermann, R.) pp. 423-429, IARC, 1987.
Morse, M.A., Hecht, S.S., Chung, F.-L. Inhibition of tobaccospecific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1butanone (NNK)-induced lung tumors and DNA methylation in
F344 rats and A/J mice by phenethyl isothiocyanate. In:
Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis Mechanisms II,
Edition, (Kuroda, Y., Shankel, D.M., Waters, M.D.) pp. 345350, Plenum Publishing Co., 1990.
Morse, M.A., Eklind, K.I., Hecht, S.S., Chung, F.-L. Inhibition
of tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(N-nitrosomethylamino)-1(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) tumorigenesis with aromatic
isothiocyanates. In: N-Nitroso Compounds, Mycotoxins and
Tobacco Smoke: Relevance to Human Cancer, Edition,
(O'Neill, I.K., Chen, J.S., Bartsch, H.) pp. 529-534, IARC Sci.
Publ., 1990.
Hoffmann, D., Rivenson, A., Chung, F.-L., Hecht, S.S.
Relevance of nicotine-derived N-nitrosamines in tobacco
carcinogenesis. In: Effects of Nicotine on Biological Systems;
Advances in Pharmacological Sciences, Edition, (Adlkofer,
F., Thurau, K.) pp. 89-101, Birkhäuser Verlag, 1990.
10. Chung, F.-L., Xu, Y., Ho, C.-T., Desai, D., Han, C. Protection
against tobacco-specific nitrosamino-induced lung
tumorigenesis by green tea and its components. In: ACS
Symposium Series No. 507, Phenolic Compounds in Food
and Their Effects on Health II, Edition, (Huang et al.) pp.
300-307, 1992.
11. Chung, F.-L. Chemoprevention of lung carcinogenesis by
aromatic isothiocyanates. In: Cancer Chemoprevention,
Edition, (Wattenberg, L., Lipkin, M., Boone, C.W., Kelloff,
G.J.) pp. 227-245, CRC Press Inc., 1992.
12. Hecht, S.S., Morse, M.A., Eklind, K.I., Chung, F.-L. Recent
advances in chemoprevention. In: Chemoprevention of
Cancer, Edition, (Bhide, S.V., Maru, G.B.) pp. 1-15, Omega
Scientific Publishers, 1992.
13. Chung, F.-L., Morse, M.A., Eklind, K.I., Xu, Y. Inhibition of
the tobacco-specific nitrosamine-induced lung tumorigenesis
by compounds derived from cruciferous vegetables and green
tea. In: Tobacco Smoking and Nutrition: Influence of
Nutrition on Tobacco-Associated Health Risks, Edition 686,
(Diana, J.N., Pryor, W.A.) pp. 186-202, New York Academy of
Sciences, 1993.
14. Chung, F.-L., Morse, M.M., Eklind, K.I., Xu, Y. Mechanisms
of inhibition of tobacco-specific nitrosamine-induced lung
tumorigenesis in A/J mice. In: ACS Symposium Series No.
553, Nitrosamines and Related N-nitroso Compounds,
Edition, (Loeppky, R., Michejda, C.J.) pp. 232-247, American
Chemical Society, 1994.
15. Chung, F.-L., Xu, Y., Jin, C.-L., Wang, M. Tea as an
Antioxidant in the Prevention of Lung Cancer. In:
Proceedings of the International Conference on Food
Factors, Chemistry and Cancer Prevention, Edition,
(Ohigashi, H.) pp. 130-134, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Chung, F.-L., Zhang, L., Ocando, J.E., Nath, R.G. The role of
1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts as endogenous DNA
lesions in rodents and humans. In: Exocyclic DNA Adducts
in Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis, 150th Edition, (Singer,
B., Bartsch, H.) pp. 45-54, IARC Sci. Publ., 1999.
Chung, F.-L. Dietary isothiocyanates: Roles in cancer
prevention and metabolism in rodents and humans. In:
Phytochemicals in Nutrition and Health: Proceedings
from The Third International Conference on
Phytochemicals: From Harvest to Health, (Meskin, M.S.),
87-104, 2002.
Chung, F.-L., Zhang, L. Deoxyguanosine adducts of t-4hydroxy-2-nonenal as marker of endogenous DNA
lesions. In: Redox Cell Biology & Genetics: Methods in
Enzymology, Edition 353 (Abelson, J.N. and Simon,
M.I.) pp. 523-536, Academic Press Inc., New York, 2002.
Bailey, G.S., Chung, F-L., Nishikawa, A., Johnson, I.,
Shut, H., Stoner, G. Animal Studies: Metabolism Cancerpreventive effects, intermediary biomarkers. In: WHO,
IARC Handbook on Cancer Prevention, vol. 9:
Cruciferous Vegetables, Isothiocyanates and Indoles.
IARC, Lyon, France, 2004.
Chung, F.-L. and Mi, L. Phytochemicals in the
Prevention of Lung Cancer Induced by Tobacco
Carcinogens. In: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cancer, (Eds.
Cho, C.H., Purohit, V.) pp. 268-287, Basel, Karger, 2006.
U.S. patent 4,923,813 on “Monoclonal antibody-based immunoassay for cyclic
DNA adducts resulting from exposure to crotonaldehyde and acrolein.” Date of
patent: May 8, 1990.
U.S. patent 5,114,969 on “Method of inhibiting lung tumors, arylalkyl
isothiocyanates, and method of synthesizing same.” Date of patent: May 19,
U.S. patent 5,231,209 on “Method of inhibiting lung tumors, arylalkyl
isothiocyanates, and method of synthesizing same.” Date of patent: July 27,
U.S. patent 5,391,568 on “Inhibition of lung tumorigenesis by administration of a
polyphenol.” Date of patent: February 21, 1995.
U.S. patent 6,433,011 on “Method for inhibiting formation of aberrant crypt foci
in the colon of a mammal.” Date of patent: August 13, 2002.
U.S. patent (pending approval) on “Compositions and methods for treating lung