"About the International Communion of the

The International Communion
of the Charismatic Episcopal
Also known as
The Charismatic Episcopal Church
ABOUT THE ICCEC (also known as the Charismatic Episcopal
Church, CEC )
The International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal
Church (ICCEC) started with only one bishop and three parishes
in 1992 and now reports churches in more than twenty countries
all over the world. The ICCEC currently has churches in Europe,
Africa, North America, South America, Central America, and
We are men and women of faith gathered from diverse
backgrounds seeking an expression of the church that is fully
sacramental-liturgical, evangelical, and charismatic; a church that
is submitted to the authority of scripture, as interpreted by the
continuing witness of the ancient church, and governed by
consensus. Our worship is biblical, liturgical and Spirit filled,
ancient and contemporary, holy and joyful. We are committed to
advancing God's kingdom by proclaiming the Gospel to the least,
the lost, and the lonely.
The Charismatic Episcopal Church is not and has never been
affiliated with the Episcopal Church USA or the Anglican
The Church is CHARISMATIC. We believe that the Holy Spirit
is at work in the Christian believer, and that all gifts of the Spirit
are manifest in the church today.
The Church is EVANGELICAL. We believe that the Bible is the
Holy word of God, and contains all things necessary to salvation.
The Church is SACRAMENTAL. We believe that the seven
sacraments of the church impart the grace of God to His church.
The principal expression of one’s personal faith is in Holy
Baptism, and the principal expression of worship in the Christian
community is the Holy Eucharist, or mass.
While the ICCEC is a relatively young communion, it occupies a
position within the crucible of historic faith through both
Anglican and Catholic [i.e., Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil]
lines; receiving its apostolic succession through pure lines of
undisputed orthodox Christianity. While rooted in the ancient we
also believe that the ICCEC has been raised by God to be a new
jurisdiction with pillars in the historic, apostolic churches as well
as the charismatic and evangelical movements of our own
generation. In this respect the ICCEC exists as a "convergence of
streams" -- a unifier of the liturgical/sacramental, evangelical,
and charismatic tributaries of the Church Universal, which flow
into the one “river, whose streams make glad the city of God, the
Holy Place where the Most High dwells" (Psalm 46:4).
The seeds of this “convergence movement” were planted in May
of 1977, when a group of evangelical leaders came together to
issue a powerful call to all evangelicals to rediscover their roots
in historic Christianity. "The Chicago Call," as it came to be
known, was signed by such people as Peter Gilquist, Thomas
Howard, Robert Webber, and Jon Braun. Their message--a
recovery of our common and apostolic roots for the faithful
transmission of the Gospel--became the catalyst and heartbeat for
our church.
Uniquely, the ICCEC is not a schism or splinter group from
another denomination. It was a unique work of God borne into
the hearts of dedicated and faithful clergy from a number of
denominations (Pentecostals, Baptists, Anglicans, Lutherans,
Independent Charismatics, Wesleyans, etc.) who studied, prayed
over, and witnessed this need for a house of convergence. They
were burdened for a church that not only exercised apostolic
authority within a liturgical framework but operated under the
inspiration and anointing of the Holy Spirit. On June 26, 1992,
Father Randolph Adler was consecrated as the church's first
Bishop and Primate.
Today, clergy and laymen of the ICCEC, traveling from their
heritage in Evangelical, Pentecostal/Charismatic, Anglican,
Roman, and Eastern Orthodox expressions, now have the
common vision of making the Kingdom of God visible to the
nations of the world. The founding vision of the ICCEC states:
“We seek to bring the rich sacramental and liturgical life of the
early church to searching evangelicals and charismatics as well as
carrying the power of Pentecost to our brothers and sisters in the
historical churches, all the while providing a home for all
Christians who seek an expression of faith that is equally
liturgical/sacramental, evangelical, and charismatic.”
Divorced persons, and those who are divorced and remarried, are
welcome to receive Holy Communion in the ICCEC.
The ICCEC stands squarely on the historic, undisputed teachings
of orthodox Christianity as taught by Jesus, spread by the
Apostles, defended by the Patriarchs of the Early Church,
expressed in the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds, and exemplified by
the undivided Catholic Church during the first millennium of its
existence. We believe that all these things together contain the
substantial deposit of Christian Faith and Order delivered to the
Church. Theologically we stand in union with all churches who
profess the necessary tenets of Faith as outlined in our San
Clemente Declaration of 1999, included at the end of this
The ICCEC is a church that was founded in the pro-life
movement. We believe that all life is sacred from conception to
natural death, and that abortion and euthanasia are the taking of
human life and contrary to God’s Word.
We believe in the sanctity of holy matrimony. Marriage is
represented solely in the life-long union of one man and one
woman. Divorce is contrary to God’s plan, but we also
recognize that in our frail humanity divorce is a fact of life.
We maintain the validity of God's grace imparted through the
seven traditional sacraments of the Church (i.e., Baptism,
Eucharist, Confirmation, Confession & Reconciliation, Holy
Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Healing/Unction).
Since the ICCEC occupies a unique place between the protestant
and catholic formulations of faith, our basic beliefs hold in
common the essentials of orthodoxy (i.e., "that faith which has
been believed everywhere, always, by all") found in Eastern
Orthodoxy, Western Catholicism, and the Reformed traditions.
Accordingly, we cannot walk in fellowship with those who deny
the essentials of faith; those who would "move an ancient
boundary stone" (Proverbs 22:28). Among those beliefs we
would underscore and commend the following:
* The Holy Bible is the Word of God. We believe Holy
Scripture and affirm the critical importance of preaching, public
reading of the Word, and personal Bible study;
* The Sacraments impart the grace of God, particularly
baptism and the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist;
* A high view of the Church in affirming Cyprian's claim that,
"he who has not the Church for his mother, has not God for his
* The doctrine of saving grace by faith as reinforced by both
the Reformers and the Council of Trent;
* The real and present work of the Holy Spirit through gifts
and signs as imparted to believers for service and witness as
rediscovered during this century by the Pentecostal/Charismatic
In this sense the ICCEC is wholly orthodox, wholly evangelical,
wholly sacramental, and wholly charismatic.
word for Bishop in the New Testament: “Episkopos.” It is not
intended to convey any other meaning except that. As stated
above, The Charismatic Episcopal Church is not and has never
been affiliated with the Episcopal Church USA or the Anglican
Communion. We believe that a valid, apostolic episcopacy is not
an option but rather an essential part of the New Testament
definition of the Church. However, ICCEC bishops are not
simply administrative overseers; they are chiefly pastoral.
In general, members of the ICCEC are expected to be of the
highest moral, ethical, and religious character, expressing in their
words and behavior the mind of Christ that dwells within every
true Christian. All practices should find their basis in Holy
Scripture, and accountability for conduct is emphasized through
nurturing relationships with other like-minded believers.
With regard to religious life, members are to seek regular, weekly
opportunities for Sabbath worship that includes receiving the
Eucharist. Corporate worship is the norm since a love for the
Church (the Body of Christ) is the natural expression of a
committed love of Christ.
Corporate worship also walks hand-in-hand with individual
growth and maturation of personal spirituality. Members are
highly encouraged to engage in a structured pattern of devotional
study – especially the Offices of Daily Prayer, reading, and
prayer along with a healthy view of the other ancient spiritual
disciplines (e.g., fasting, intercession, stewardship, silence,
service, etc.).
Tithing a tenth of all income is taught in our churches as the
minimum biblical standard for the financial support of the local
parish in accordance with Deuteronomy 14:22; 1 Corinthians
16:2; and Hebrews 7:4-10.
The ICCEC is an episcopal communion; meaning, its government
is overseen by bishops. The word “Episcopal” is from the Greek
Along with a governing episcopate, it is a founding principle of
the ICCEC that government occurs by consensus under the
direction of the Holy Spirit. On the International level, the
Patriarch's Council and the International College of Archbishops
confer on denominational matters chiefly through prayer; seeking
the unity described in Acts 15 at the Council of Jerusalem. This
same consensus process occurs within each international territory
or national church, each province under the authority of its
archbishop, each diocese under the authority of its bishop, and
within each parish under the authority of its rector and his rector's
council. The denomination, as a whole, is governed by The
Canon Law of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.
While subscribing to the traditional and biblical understanding of
ordained ministry by the imposition of hands for the consecrating
of episkopoi (bishops), presbuteroi (pastor/priest), and diakonoi
(deacons), we also recognize the recovery, within the charismatic
movement, of the fivefold understanding of ministry expressed in
Ephesians 4:11-13. That is, we believe that the gifts of apostle,
prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher were designed for the
edification of Christ's Church until His coming again, and we
anticipate these ministries, as well as other Gifts of the Holy
Spirit, to be in operation--whether in the clergy or laity--in every
healthy parish.
Two vital keys to worship in the ICCEC are that local
congregations be open to the Holy Spirit's activity and that they
follow the "shape of the liturgy" that has been received from both
Holy Scripture and the first centuries of the Church.
According to the Canon Law, the clergy of the Church is
comprised of the ordained ministries of Bishops, Priests, and
Deacons serving in Apostolic Succession under the spiritual
headship of Jesus Christ. Other offices of commissioned
ministries are recognized, and the priesthood of all believers is to
be exercised within the whole Church.
Our ordained clergy are responsible for the liturgical,
sacramental, and teaching ministries of the Church. ICCEC
clergy are called chiefly to equip and lead the Church, which is
the royal and priestly company who offer to God the sacrifices of
praise and thanksgiving through the stewardship of time, energy,
money, and spiritual gifts. In this sense, our clergy are expected
to serve as biblical-pastoral counselors, teachers, and trainers
who have been given by God to His people in order to raise up
the laity for works of service.
Worship is so intrinsically bound to the role of our clergy that if
it does not flow into or out of the altar, it is not an essential
element of ordained ministry.
Worship is the heartbeat of the ICCEC as it blends together
"treasures old and new" (Matthew 13:52) through a
"convergence" of the three main streams of faith.
As our starting point, the ICCEC roots itself back into the Celtic
tradition (or English/Anglican Orthodoxy), which traces its
beginnings to the third century. This approach allows for
tremendous flexibility in local expression without compromising
the essentials of faith. This historic tradition can allow for a
simple order of worship as well as worship resplendent with
pageantry, processions, incense, and chant.
OPENNESS TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: A distinguishing mark of
the ICCEC is its openness to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is given
latitude to "have His way" in worship. Accordingly, our worship
is more than liturgical, it is also very sensitive to what God seeks
to accomplish in the midst of His people. We not only "allow"
but eagerly "anticipate" the Holy Spirit to manifest His presence
to us through the biblical gifts and ministries of the Spirit.
THE SHAPE OF THE LITURGY: Our liturgy is grounded in the
ancient church of the apostles and predates the canonization of
the New Testament. Its roots are in the Judaic worship of the
temple and synagogue combined with the eucharistic services of
the early Christians. Through our liturgy we not only join in the
eternal shape of worship in heaven, but we enter into the historic
worship of the ages. Through a full and authentic liturgy we can
express religious truth, denounce heresy, and offer a complete
expression of worship to the Trinity.
Though varying in the degree of pageantry, churches in the
ICCEC follow the ancient shape of worship in their principal
Sunday services. The following elements are prescribed for our
* An Opening Hymn or Chorus (as an entrance before God's
* A Collect (A short prayer recognizing an attribute of God
and asking His favor)
* A Time of Worship and Praise
* The Liturgy of the Word - Scripture readings, Sermon, and
* Lessons (lectionary readings appointed for the day and
* The Sermon
* The Nicene Creed (ancient and orthodox Statement of Faith)
* The Prayers of the People (for the Church, nation, needy,
* Confession of Sin and Absolution (in preparation for
receiving the Eucharist, done here or at the very beginning of the
* The Peace (greeting one another in the name of the Lord)
 The Offertory (presenting our tithes and offerings to the
Lord) · "Lift up your hearts" (Sursum Corda--ancient call
to worship Christ)
* The Lord's Supper - Holy Eucharist
* "Holy, Holy, Holy" (Sanctus--the words Isaiah and John
heard in heaven)
* Words of Institution (Repeating the story of the Last Supper)
* Epiclesis (inviting the Holy Spirit to infuse and minister
through the sacraments)
* The Lord's Prayer
* The Fraction (breaking of the bread)
* Distribution of the Bread and Wine
* A Prayer of Thanksgiving
* The Blessing and Dismissal
In addition to following this shape of liturgy, we ask our priests
and deacons to wear attire suitable to an occasion of high praise.
As a minimal standard, ordained priests are to wear cassock alb
and stole; ordained deacons, cassock alb and deacon stole. The
principle celebrant of Communion may also wear a chasuble.
The ICCEC has provisionally adopted the Book of Common
Prayer (1979) as our standard of worship. The CEC in the United
States recommends use of the Northeast Sacramentary, available
from the Patriarch's See, The Cathedral Church of the Intercessor
in Malverne, New York. The ICCEC also recognizes for use the
Book of Common Prayer (1928) and the Anglican Service Book.
Other liturgies of Historic Jurisdictions – Anglican, Roman
Catholic, and Orthodox – are allowed with the approval of the
diocesan bishop.
There are no restrictions placed on the decision of members to
serve in the Armed Forces. We believe that to be a matter of
personal conscience for the member in prayerful communion
with God. Equally there are no restrictions placed on holding
public office, serving in law enforcement, or engaging in public
trade or interest. We do, however, strongly discourage
membership in secret societies or organizations and restrict such
membership for ordained clergy. We balance our public life with
the knowledge that while we are in the world we are not "of the
world" (John 17:15-16).
Concerning the general move of many churches and
denominations toward ecumenism, the following must be
The ICCEC does not ordain women to the diaconate or
priesthood. We believe such practices to be contrary to both
Scripture and Tradition as the early church knew nothing of a
Christian priestess. However, women in the ICCEC do serve the
church in a variety of ministry roles as "commissioned
Our clergy are not permitted to concelebrate the Eucharist with
an ordained female minister or priest, nor with any clergy who
deny the "Real Presence" of Christ in the Bread and Cup or who
are not ordained in Apostolic Succession.
In the sacrament of the Eucharist, we believe the Real Presence
of Christ is made manifest in the Bread and Wine through the
power of the Holy Spirit. In short, the Eucharist is NOT a
memorial meal.
The Eucharist is intrinsic to our worship services. Indeed, biblical
worship must include sacrifice. However, this does not preclude
our clergy (e.g., ICCEC priests serving as military chaplains)
from conducting or participating in Protestant services in
interdenominational settings. Such services would be generally
charismatic in nature and include singing, general confession,
Scripture, a sermon, and prayers. All ICCEC clergy are expected
to participate in the sacrifice of the Eucharist at least once a week
as their chief and principal labor before God.
We practice a limited "open communion" in our worship services
and offer the Eucharist to all baptized believers who were
brought into faith through the Trinitarian formula of baptism,
who accept the shed blood of Christ as the payment for their sins,
and who acknowledge the Real Presence of Christ in the elements
of the Eucharist.
For news and information about the Charismatic Episcopal
Church, please visit the following internet resources:
The International Communion of the
Charismatic Episcopal Church
Official News and Information Site
The Charismatic Episcopal Church – USA
The Pro-Life Organization of the CEC
San Clemente Declaration of 1999
Summary: The Charismatic Episcopal Church holds to the San
Clemente Declaration of 1999 as the minimum standard of catholicity,
and seeks for theology to be not only an intellectual assent, but a living
experience with the Holy Trinity and the Church. The Church affirms
the Holy Scriptures as the inspired, inerrant Word of God.
In earnest anticipation for a revelation of the fullness of the unity of the
one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, The International
Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church adheres to these
articles of unity exemplified by the undivided Catholic Church during
the first eleven centuries:
A. The Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the
written Word of God, the chief witness to apostolic teaching,
the source of the Church’s nourishment and strength.
B. The Apostle’s Creed as the Baptismal Symbol; and the Nicene
Creed as the sufficient statement of the Christian faith.
C. The Seven Sacraments of the Church, including Baptism,
Eucharist, Confirmation, Confession/Reconciliation, Holy
Matrimony, Holy Orders, Healing/Unction.
D. The Historic Episcopate in Apostolic Succession, the gift of
Christ’s authority to the Church and the trustee of the Church’s
fidelity to apostolic teaching.
The Canon Law of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, Canon 8.II