1 Text S1 2 Supplementary Methods and Results 3 1. Data 4 The latest Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) terrestrial water 5 storage (TWS) land products (RL05) provided by the Center for Space Research 6 (CSR), GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) 7 were used (data available at 8 ftp://podaac-ftp.jpl.nasa.gov/allData/tellus/L3/land_mass/RL05/). The monthly TWS 9 was scaled by using the scaling factors provided with the data in order to restore much 10 of the energy removed by the by de-striping, filtering, and truncation processes 11 [Landerer and Swenson, 2012]. 12 The hotspot of groundwater depletion is the North China Plain (NCP) [Cao et 13 al., 2013]. The plain area with extensive groundwater exploitation is the region where 14 the Ministry of Water Resources of China [MWR, 2013] provides the estimates of 15 shallow aquifer storage change according to the monitoring well network observations 16 (Fig. S3). The groundwater depletion is unevenly distributed in the area with the 17 highest water table decline in the piedmont region (i.e. the west part of the plain area) 18 [Cao et al., 2013]. We divided the area with decreasing GRACE TWS into two 19 regions. The east region (Table S1) covers the plain area with extensive groundwater 20 exploitation, and the west region (Table S2) covers the mountainous areas. We 21 delineated the two regions following the administrative boundary. The east region 22 covers an area of 1.4×105 km2 and the west region has an area of 2.3×105 km2. The -1- 23 east region, which covers the region with the highest water table decline [Cao et al., 24 2013), is larger than the plain area covered by the monitoring well network. The 25 shallow aquifer depletion in the east region (in water thickness) was calculated as the 26 water volume change of the shallow aquifer divided by the area of the east region. 27 The coal transport data used in this study area were obtained from the National 28 Bureau of Statistics of China [NBS, 2012]. The data were provided at the 29 administrative zones. For the administrative zones with part of the area within the 30 study region, the net coal mass change was assumed to be evenly distributed in the 31 administrative zone and only the portion in the study region was accounted for. 32 The east region (Hebei province and Tianjin city), a part of the Haihe River 33 basin, received water supply mostly for domestic use from the Yellow River (Fig. S3; 34 Table S3) [MWR, 2013]. The inter-basin water diversion (in water thickness) was 35 calculated as the water diversion amount divided by the area of the east region. 36 37 38 2. Land-Surface Hydrologic Model We used the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model [Liang et al., 1995] to 39 estimate the natural surface-water storage change. The VIC model was applied at 40 0.25° spatial resolution. The meteorological observations (including precipitation, 41 daily maximum and minimum temperature, and surface wind speed) were obtained 42 from China Meteorological Administration (CMA). The VIC forcings were gridded 43 from the station observations to the model spatial resolution for the period of 44 1952-2011 (Maurer et al., 2002). The gridded precipitation data were scaled to match -2- 45 the long-term average of the precipitation climatology produced with a more intensive 46 station network [Xie et al., 2007] in the historical period of 1962-2001. The model 47 was initialized by a long model spin-up period starting in 1952 using the gridded 48 forcing. A routing model [Lohmann et al., 1998] was used to simulate streamflow. The 49 VIC model and the routing scheme together represent a parameterization that has 50 about the necessary degree of sophistication for the representation of the natural 51 surface-water budget [Tang et al., 2010]. 52 The VIC model performance was optimized using the naturalized streamflow at 53 2 hydrologic stations, Luanxian and Guaitai, in the study area (Fig. S3). The modeled 54 streamflow matched well with the naturalized streamflow in the period of 1958-1977 55 (Fig. S4). The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of the model is 0.84 and 0.77 for Luanxian 56 and Guaitai stations, respectively. The correlation coefficient is high (>0.97), 57 indicating that the model can capture the monthly variation of the naturalized 58 streamflow well. In this study, we used the standard version of the VIC model in 59 which the effects of dams and water diversion are not accounted for in the scheme. 60 The modeled evaporation and runoff, together with the precipitation, were used to 61 calculate the modeled natural surface-water storage change [Tang et al., 2010]. 62 63 64 3. The GRACE TWS Data without Scaling Figure S5 shows the estimates of the contributions (natural surface-water, 65 reservoir storage, coal transport, inter-basin water diversion when applicable, and 66 groundwater) of GRACE TWS from 2003 to 2011 if the GRACE TWS data without -3- 67 scaling were used. Comparing to the beginning of 2003, the estimated groundwater 68 decline at the end of 2011 (17-23 mm) is smaller than the coal mass loss (28.5 mm) in 69 the west region. The trend of the estimated groundwater storage in the west region is 70 insignificant, with a value between -3.68 (VIC estimated) to 3.30 (Noah estimated) 71 mm yr-1. In the east region, the estimated mass loss signal of groundwater depletion 72 (115-140 mm) was largely offset by the mass gains in equivalent water caused by 73 natural surface-water (14-39 mm), reservoir (26 mm), inter-basin water diversion (46 74 mm), and coal transport (16.6 mm). The trend of original GRACE TWS is 75 insignificant with a value of -5.05 mm yr-1 while the estimated rate of groundwater 76 depletion is significant with a value between -13.73 (VIC estimated) to -8.10 (Noah 77 estimated) mm yr-1. These estimates are close to those using the scaled GRACE TWS. 78 79 References 80 Cao, G., C. Zheng, B. R. Scanlon, J. Liu, and W. Li (2013), Use of flow modeling to 81 assess sustainability of groundwater resources in the North China Plain, Water 82 Resour. Res., 49, 159-175, doi:10.1029/2012WR011899. 83 Landerer, F. W., and S. C. Swenson (2012), Accuracy of scaled GRACE terrestrial 84 water storage estimates, Water Resour. 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