Quick Start: Creating a Credentialing Plan or Tier II RTI 1. Go to https://www.pearsoninform.com/application/?mi-southlyoncs 2. Click on the Students tab then click on the expansion arrow on the left screen with your student roster on the left hand side of the screen. to bring up a 3. Now drag and drop the student’s name from your roster to anywhere in the middle of the screen (student names blanked out for privacy, below): 4. You can temporarily close your student roster using the expansion arrow, just to give more room on the screen: 5. Now click the AIP button found near the middle of the screen. 6. Use the maximize button on the AIP window. 7. Now maximize the Group and Intervention History: 8. Now change from “1 of 2” to “2 of 2” Quick Start: Creating a Credentialing Plan or Tier II RTI Page 1 of 4 Revised 05/14/15 bjh/ej 9. Once you see “2 of 2”, click on the green arrow at the right side of the screen to begin. You will see the “Add Activity” box shown below: 10. Scroll down the list to find the available activities (Credentialing Strategies). If you are creating a READING plan, use the strategies beginning with ER, for secondary reading. (Elementary math strategies begin with EM, you will soon see the pattern): Reading – Begins with ER Writing – Begins with EW Math – Begins with EM Reasoning and Thinking – Begins with SRT Employability – Begins with EE Tier 2 –Begins with Tier 2 11. How many strategies we choose and how we look at them has not changed; You should choose 2-3 strategies, making sure to choose at least one from the “How” and one from the “What” sections, if this is applicable to your content area. RTI Tier II might be a bit different. 12. Select the “bubble” next to the strategy you wish to select. Once you have chosen a strategy from the list, today’s date will appear as the start date for the strategy implementation. The strategy will remain in effect for this student until someone puts in an exit date. 13. Now fill in two more things: Frequency/Duration (this is just like the previous database, namely type in weekly, once a month, once a marking period, etc… Your choice here.) Quick Start: Creating a Credentialing Plan or Tier II RTI Page 2 of 4 Revised 05/14/15 bjh/ej 14. Then please choose Tier I for a credentialing plan, Tier II for items listed on the RTI Accommodations Survey. A typical Strategy might look like this: 15. Now press SAVE. 16. Now add the other strategies/activities as you wish for this student. When you are finished, you will see a screen similar to the one below: 17. To remove an Activity: Click the “X” next to the activity. BE CAREFUL not to remove other teachers’ activities. 18. There are two types of narrative comments you can add to an AIP. To add a comment that applies ONLY to the strategy you have just created, click the pencil and paper icon here. 19. To create a overall narrative comment (relating to the student as a whole, and not to a specific strategy, click here Quick Start: Creating a Credentialing Plan or Tier II RTI Page 3 of 4 Revised 05/14/15 bjh/ej 20. To place a student on “Watch”: at the bottom of each activity list for Reading, Writing, etc., there is a Strategy #99, which says “Elementary Reading WATCH”, “Elementary Writing WATCH”, etc. Use this for your “Watch” students, who are not on the noncredentialed list, but for whom you have concerns. You might want to attach a comment to the #99 Watch, so next year’s teachers know about your concerns. 21. To print this student’s Credentialing Plan/AIP, just click on the little printer on the right side of the screen. For South Lyon plans, choose the following boxes: : If you choose other things, the printout is too long and cumbersome. Also the software is used by other districts for other purposes, and includes parent components that are not part of a South Lyon Credentialing Plan. Now click on Preview, then click the little printer in the left hand corner, then choose OK. 22. When you are finished and wish to move on to the next student, use the Expansion Arrow at the left of the screen to again bring up your roster of students. Now drag and drop the name of the next student you wish to work with from the left hand column to the right side of the screen, and keep going. Slick! 23. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: These are the students (entered by CITA) who have met the criteria to be non-credentialed for next year. IF YOU MAKE A PLAN FOR A STUDENT WHO DOESN’T HAVE ONE NOW (let’s say you have a student who entered the district in March, but you know they are struggling…) BE SURE TO LET CITA KNOW, so we can add them to the group so they appear on the list for next year’s teachers. Just e-mail Barb at heiningb (cc: your principal) and let her know the student’s name and the plan area (Reading, Math, Reasoning & Thinking, etc.). Quick Start: Creating a Credentialing Plan or Tier II RTI Page 4 of 4 Revised 05/14/15 bjh/ej