Automated oestrus detection and North American Holstein genetics in pasture based dairying in New Zealand Report on a research project carried out at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, as part of veterinary studies at Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands Supervision by: Prof. N.B. Williamson, Massey University Dr. P.L.A.M Vos, Utrecht University October 2006- January 2007 Drs. Pieter Adriaan van Iren 0248258 ___________________________________________________________ P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 1 Automated oestrus detection and North American Holstein genetics in pasture based dairying in New Zealand ___________________________________________________________ P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 2 Contents Contents 3. General introduction 4. Chapter 1 Dairy farming in New Zealand Introduction Seasonal dairying Breeds and genetics 5. 5. 6. 7. Chapter 2 Stages in the life of a dairy cow Introduction Puberty Insemination and mating Gestation and parturition Puerperium 9. 9. 9. 13. 14. 16. Chapter 3 Automated heat detection using a camera-software device and oestrus detection strips Introduction The oestrus detection strip The camera-software device Trials with CSD 18. 18. 18. 19. 20. Chapter 4 Automated heat detection by a camera-software device and North American Holstein genetics Abstract Introduction Materials and methods Results Discussion 22. 22. 22. 24. 27. 30. Chapter 5 Integration of a camera-software device with electronic identification for detection of oestrus in dairy cattle Abstract Introduction Materials and methods Results Discussion 31. 31. 31. 32. 34. 35. Acknowledgements 37. References 38. ___________________________________________________________ P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 3 General introduction This report is the result of a three months research internship conducted at Massey University, Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Science (IVABS), Palmerston North, New Zealand. This internship is a compulsory part of the last 2 years of Veterinary Education at Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, The Netherlands, together with 72 weeks of practical internships, to achieve the Diploma in Veterinary Medicine. The trial that forms the fundamental basis of this project is conducted at Massey University, Palmerston North during the breeding seasons of 2003/2004. This research was carried out by Johne Alawneh, with help of Olivier van Doorne and Elly Ebbens (Both Dutch veterinary students, also under supervision of Prof. N.B. Williamson) and many others. Data collected in this trial are reviewed with a focus on genetics. Direct supervision and guidance during this internship was in hands of Prof. N.B. Williamson at IVABS, Palmerston, North New Zealand. Dr. P.L.A.M Vos was responsible for supervision on behalf of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Professor Norman Williamson is an expert on dairy cattle reproduction and involved in automatic oestrus detection with a camera-software device since its early beginning. Responsible for introducing tail paint in New Zealand, involvement of Prof. Williamson in automation of the most frequently used method of oestrus detection in New Zealand dairy herds seems no more than self-evident! Designing an automated version of tail paint has started in 2000 and ever since trials and research has been done to further develop an automated oestrus detection system. Involvement of Dutch students is significant since students participated in projects in 2003, 2005 and 2006. The focus of this report will be different from the earlier reports. The aim of this project is to investigate the possible difference of functioning of the CSD, comparing cows with a major North American Holstein influence with more typical New Zealand Friesian-Holstein and Jersey animals. Therefore data from the 2003 trials are reanalyzed after allocating the animals into groups based on their genetic merit. The central query in this research will consequently be: “Does the use of the CSD cause a greater or lesser improvement in oestrus detection in a high North American Holstein strain of cows compared with strain with lower Holstein influences?” The differences may be interesting, especially now poorer fertility in animals with high North American Holstein (NAH) genetics becomes more evident all over the world and suboptimal expression of oestrus if hypothesised to be one of its causes. Besides the data analysis of the previous trials the author was also involved in a new trial, started in the 2006 mating season. Aim of this trial was to integrate the CSD with an automatic identification system, the next step in developing a fully integrated system of detecting heat and drafting oestrous animals for insemination. ___________________________________________________________ P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 4 Chapter 1 Dairy farming in New Zealand Introduction The past Early reports on dairy farming in New Zealand show that major growth occurred after the possibility of transporting frozen or cooled products to Britain as a major market. Records show a rapid increase of dairy farms after 1882, the first year refrigerated transport was made possible. Export value of butter and cheese rose from £15,000 in 1881 to £62,000 in 1882. In previous years export to Britain did take place but products were often of poor quality or even deteriorated on arrival, thereby not creating a strong market. Growing markets in Europe after refrigerated transportation was made possible, led to a rapid increase of dairy cow numbers, exceeding one million in 1924 (Belshaw, 1927). Dairying in New Zealand initially focussed on producing butter and cheese, since those products were easily preserved when refrigeration was not accessible to most people and the same was the case in the European dairy industries. The abundance of land suitable for pasture, combined with a moist, mild climate and adequate rainfall made New Zealand exceptionally suitable for dairying. Mild winters in most of the country made housing during winter needless, saving the costs involved in building sheds and stall feeding during winter (Belshaw, 1927). Those characteristics have never changed, Dairy farming in New Zealand is still mainly pasture based and seasonally bound. In 1921 the average dairy farm consisted of 70-80 acres, of which over 85% was used for pasture or silage and hay production. Over 93% of the labour involved in dairying was supplied by the farmer and his family and hired labour was a rare exception. Most of the milk was used to produce butter and cheese on the farm. Factory production of dairy products in cooperative enterprises rapidly started to grow after 1911, in line with growing demands for export (Belshaw, 1927). Until 1954, export was still mainly towards the British market with 90% of butter and 92.5% of cheese being exported to Britain. Between 1954 and 1972 markets changed rapidly, finding new markets in Asia and Latin America. At the end of 1972 only 40% in volume of export was towards Britain, making up 46% of total export value, a nearly 50% decrease from 1954 (Lewthwaite, 1980). The present The New Zealand dairy industry has grown rapidly in the last century, reaching a production of 14,103 million litres of milk in 2004/2005. This production was attained by 3,868 million cows in 12,271 herds with an average size of 317 cows per herd throughout New Zealand. Since 1974 the average number of cows per herd has doubled. Most of the dairy farms are situated on the North Island. Breeds most frequently used are Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Ayrshire, although most cows are crossbreds of the mentioned breeds. In 2001-02 the average New Zealand cow produced 308 kg of milk solids per year, containing 176 kg of fat and 132 kg of protein (National Dairy Statistics, 2004-2005). ___________________________________________________________ P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 5 Subsidies on agriculture has been removed in New Zealand since 1984. At the start of 1984 33% of farm income was directly derived from government subsidies. In 2003 subsidies only made up 2% of farm income. At present, most of the subsidies towards agriculture are spent on agricultural research (Smith and Montgomery, 2004). A consequence of this absence of subsidies is that the costs of production of dairy products must be below world market prices to gain profit from dairy farming. Seasonal dairying Having to produce at world market prices, New Zealand dairy farming is still mainly based on pasture availability. The mild climate, adequate rainfall and mild winters guarantee an all-year round availability of pasture with peaks in late spring-early summer and a smaller one in autumn. Year round grazing saves the high costs of building stables, expenses for the purchase of feed and of labour for stall feeding. This makes land possession the greatest expense (Verkerk, 2003). Depending on pasture availability requires careful adjustment of the nutritional demand of the herd to pasture on offer. This consequently means that high pasture growth should coincide with the period of peak milk production and makes mating and calving strongly seasonally bound (Verkerk, 2003; Lucy, 2005; Alawneh, Thesis). Reaching the peak of production in 4 to 6 weeks, this means that cows must all calve within a short period. (Ball and Peters, 3rd edition). To match maximal production and pasture growth, calving must occur preceding the expected maximal pasture growth by that number of weeks. Breeding in New Zealand usually takes place in a period of 2-3 months. On most farms a 4-8 week artificial insemination (AI) period after Planned Start of Mating (PSM) is followed by a period of natural mating by herd bulls (Alawneh, Thesis). Mating of heifers is usually started 7 days before mating the cows to allow the heifers a longer postpartum period to re-establish ovarian cyclicity before the breeding season after having her their first calf. (Grosshans, 1997). The narrow timeframe of mating puts high pressure on oestrus detection since missing an oestrous of a cow greatly decreases the chance of getting her with calf in this limited time. Since cows appearing non-gravid after pregnancy testing are usually culled, missing oestrus leads to high costs for the farm. Artificial insemination is usually carried out by professional AI-technicians, though do-it-yourself AI (DIY AI) is used increasingly as in the rest of the world. Australian research indicates a significant lower conception rate in DIY AI compared to AI carried out by a professional technician (Mee, 2004). Its low cost and reasonably high accuracy, mean that tail painting is the most frequently used method of oestrus detection in New Zealand. Alawneh et al. (2006) found an overall accuracy for tail painting combined with visual observation of 98%. Besides tail painting, simple mount detectors are used for detecting cows on heat. Most other systems, particularly the ones based on measuring activity, appear to be of less value under New Zealand circumstances, due to the considerable distance between pasture and milking parlour (Verkerk, 2003). To maintain the compact calving period, corticosteroids to induce parturition were frequently used in the past. Nowadays shortening the mating period is more accepted. Intravaginal hormone releasing devices (e.g. CIDR TM, InterAg, Hamilton, New Zealand) are frequently used to treat anoestrous cows postpartum, thereby ___________________________________________________________ P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 6 shortening the calving to conception interval. Synchronizing oestrus is not frequently done in New Zealand herds (Verkerk, 2003). Slight differences in climate and therefore pasture growth rate, mean that calving and consequently mating generally starts earlier in the warmer northern areas than in the more moderate southern areas (Curry, 1963). Breeds and genetics In 1884 the first Friesians were introduced from the Netherlands (Jasiorowski et al., 1988). Friesians, now usually referred to as Holstein-Friesians due to the major influence of Holsteins, form a considerable part of New Zealand dairy herds. Beside Holstein-Friesians, Jerseys and in lesser extent, Ayrshire cows have a dominating influence on New Zealand dairying. Each of the dairy breeds is used for particular qualities. Jersey cows appear to be efficient in the conversion of pasture to particularly milksolids, producing a lower milk volume. Butterfat and non-fat milk solids are both high. In the pay-out system of the New Zealand dairy industry a high portion of milksolids in a lower volume is favourable. Also, Jerseys seem to have strong legs, appreciated in the New Zealand system where pasture is often at a longer distance from the milking shed. Jerseys are also heat tolerant, making them suitable for New Zealand summers. Holstein-Friesians are able to produce a large volume of milk per lactation, though milk solids are lower compared to Jersey cattle and production is usually better using a total mixed ration system. Holstein-Friesians are less heat tolerant. Ayrshires are hardy animals, good foragers and have a fine milk producing ability (French et al. 1966). Although purebred herds still occur, the use of cross breeding between Friesians, Jerseys and Ayrshire is widespread and still increasing. In the seasons of 2001-2002 and 2004-2005 breed percentages in New Zealand were calculated as shown in Table 1. The table shows an increase in the use of crossbreeds and a decrease in purebreds. Beside cross breeding dairy breeds, also semen from beef bulls is used to obtain calves of greater value for finishing. (National Dairy Statistics, 2001-2002 and 2004-2005) Breed or crossbreed % of Cows ‘01-‘02 ‘04-‘05 Holstein-Friesian 54% 48.6% Jersey 15% 14.8% Ayrshire 1% 1% Holstein-Friesian x Jersey 23% 28.3% Other 7% 7.3% Table 1 Breed percentages of cows in New Zealand (National Dairy Statistics 2001-2002 and 2004-2005) The influence of North American Holsteins (NAH) on the New Zealand HolsteinFriesian population is substantial. Currently, the percentage of NAH genes in the New Zealand dairy cow population is estimated to be around 40%, meaning that the average New Zealand dairy cow has approximately 40% NAH genes (Williamson, 2006). This influence however is still low compared to for instance the British Isles and the Netherlands with 80% and nearly 100% of NAH genetics respectively (Mee, 2004). This low influence of NAH on New Zealand herds, compared to most herds all over the world, is probably the result of poorer performance of NAH animals in the New ___________________________________________________________ P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 7 Zealand seasonal pasture based system. Though NAH animals are capable of producing large volumes of milk, their optimal production is reached in a total mixed ration system (Horan et al, 2005). Solely on pasture the NAH tend to produce less optimally, thereby they are not able to compete with New Zealand Holstein-Friesians. Milk volume production of NAH animals may exceed the New Zealand HolsteinFriesians but the amount of milk solids produced can not compete in a pasture based system. Besides these differences in production NAH animals have a higher mature weight and have a lower Body Condition Score (BCS) throughout lactation compared to New Zealand Holstein-Friesian animals. (Lucy, 2005) ___________________________________________________________ P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 8 Chapter 2 Stages in the reproductive life of a dairy cow Introduction This chapter discusses the relevant stages in the life of a dairy cow with a focus on fertility. Major events influencing fertility are puberty and the puerperium. In both periods the animals have to acquire a physiological oestrous cycle after being acyclic, in order to get ready for breeding. These stages are important for the cow’s life expectancy since in New Zealand seasonal dairying culling is a usual consequence of not being pregnant after a mating period. Cow fertility in New Zealand is assumed to be high compared to countries with non-seasonal dairying (Mee, 2004). This is likely to be the consequence of this strict policy. Puberty Puberty is the age at which the reproductive organs of an animal become active and cyclicity therefore starts. The reproductive organs become responsive to gonadotrophins and become able to generate steroidal sex hormones and release gametes (Hafez, 6th edition). The pineal gland appears to have a major role in the onset of puberty by influencing the release of gonadotrophins by the anterior pituitary (Noakes, 8th edition). An average age of 12 months is recorded for onset of puberty in heifers (Hafez, 6th edition). However, the age at which puberty occurs depends on several factors. Diet and weight gain greatly influence the onset of puberty (Chelikani et al. 2003). Also breed and season appear to be involved (Ball and Peters, 3rd edition). Izard and VandenBergh (1982) found a higher percentage of heifers reached puberty during a trial period when oro-nasally treated with bull urine, compared to a control group treated with water (67% vs. 32% respectively). Rekwot et al. (2001) report a decrease of onset of puberty from 26.4 months to 23.1 months in Bunaji and Friesian x Bunaji heifers when exposed to vasectomised bulls. Noakes (8th edition) states that body size appears to be the major stimulus for the onset of puberty, rather than age. This explains the 5-20 months age spread at which oestrus can first occur. For Friesians an average weight of 240-270 kg is accepted as the weight when first ovulation usually occurs. In seasonally calving herds, where most heifers need to calve at 22-24 months of age, early onset of cyclic activity is especially important since mating needs to be carried out from the age of 13 months (Noakes, 8th edition). As soon as puberty has occurred the heifer gets a repetitive oestrus cycle. However, in first ovulations silent heat can occur, masking developing cyclic activity. The different stages and the hormonal regulation of the bovine oestrous cycle are described below. Stages of the bovine oestrous cycle The bovine oestrous cycle lasts approximately 21 days, with a range of 18 to 24 days. Unless domestic Bovines are pregnant or acyclic due to another cause the cycle continues throughout the year, making domestic cattle polyoestrous (Noakes, 8th edition). The cycle consists of several stages with different hormonally influenced processes. Each stage has its own leading hormone, responsible for the major events taking place in that period (Noakes, 2nd edition). ___________________________________________________________ P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 9 Pro-oestrus Pro-oestrus can be seen as the first stage of the cycle. Pro-oestrus is the period preceding oestrus and is characterised by an increase of follicular activity, leading up to generally one ovum becoming ready for ovulation. Follicular growth is possible due to regression of the Corpus Luteum (CL) of the previous ovulatory cycle, thereby ending the progesterone dominance present during dioestrus. Pro-oestrus is mostly dominated by oestrogen (oestradiol 17β) produced by the dominant follicle (Noakes, 8th edition). Oestrus Oestrus is the stage wherein the animal is receptive to mating. A further rise of oestrogen preceeding ovulation causes the animal to show typical oestrus behaviour. The animal shows more interest in other animals especially to those also in oestrus and becomes restless. (Noakes, 8th edition) Mounting other animals, chin-resting, licking the ano-genital region of other cows and standing to be mounted are other behavioural signs of oestrus (van Vliet and van Eerdenburg, 1996; Noakes, 2001; Kerbrat, 2004). Standing to be mounted is seen as the primary and most distinctive sign of oestrus, showing that the animal is in a pre-ovulatory state (Orihuela, 2000). The fact that the oestrous cow is mounted by other cows is the sign most used for detection. Behavioural signs of oestrus are best expressed in a herd large enough to have multiple animals on heat at the same time (Van Vliet and van Eerdenburg, 1996). A number of physiological alterations of the reproductive organs are visible, besides the behavioural signs, including a clear mucous vaginal discharge (Noakes, 8th edition; Alawneh et al., 2006) and hyperaemia of the vaginal mucosa (Noakes, 8th edition). Estimations of the duration of oestrus vary between researchers, definitions of oestrus and methods of detection, varying from 14.4 h detected by visual observation to 10.9 h detected by radiotelemetry in a study carried out by Cavalieri et al (2003). Van Vliet and van Eerdenburg (1996) found a duration of oestrus of 13.7 ± 6.7h. Using a radiotelemetric system, Nebel et al. (2000) found a length of 7.1± 5.4h between the first and last standing event. Metoestrus Metoestrus follows oestrus and at this stage final maturation of the Graaffian follicle and ovulation take place. After ovulation the Corpus Luteum (CL) develops from the granulosa and theca cells of the follicle at the site of ovulation (Noakes, 2nd edition). During metoestrus both oestrogen and progesterone concentrations are low but then progesterone rises to achieve from the estrogen dominance that has controlled oestrus (Senger, 1st revised edition). Dioestrus During dioestrus progesterone formed by the functional CL is the predominant hormone. Progesterone inhibits final maturation of follicles, although follicle growth waves continue (Noakes, 2nd edition). Hormonal influences of the oestrous cycle The oestrous cycle exists due to hormonal interactions in the hypothalamic-pituitaryovarian axis (HPO-axis). All structures interact by modulating each others action, ___________________________________________________________ 10 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 promoting or inhibiting processes of the other structures involved. These interactions create a complicated feedback system that maintains a physiological oestrous cycle. The hypothalamus and anterior pituitary are both situated in the central nervous system. The hypothalamus releases Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) which promotes the secretion of gonadotrophins by the anterior pituitary (Noakes, 8th edition). Release of GnRH is modulated by extra-hypothalamic stimulation or inhibition such as day length in seasonal breeders (Noakes, 8th edition). In cattle, the suckling by a calf can inhibit GnRH release by the cow’s hypothalamus (Montiel et al., 2005). Hypothalamic release of GnRH occurs from two centres. The surge centre releases a well-timed higher amount of GnRH that in the end will cause ovulation, while the tonic centre is responsible for a more continuous GnRH secretion (Noakes, 8th edition). The surge release of GnRH is evoked by a rise in the concentration of oestradiol produced by the maturating dominant follicle on the ovary. The major effect of GnRH is promoting the release of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinising Hormone (LH) by the anterior pituitary. Release of these gonadotrophins stimulates folliculogenesis, follicle maturation and ovulation followed by luteinisation after ovulation. On the other hand the ovarian structures each provide feedback to the upper parts of the axis. The maturing dominant (Graaffian) follicle produces oestrogen, which has a negative effect on the tonic release of GnRH but as soon as follicular oestrogen production reaches its maximum, it evokes the preovulatory LH-surge (Noakes, 8th edition). Inhibin, produced by the granulosa cells of the antral follicles is an important factor in the negative regulation of FSH secretion. In this way, inhibin and oestrogen have a synergistic effect on FSH secretion during the early luteal phase (Kaneko et al., 1997). Progesterone, produced by the Corpus Luteum (CL) formed by the theca and granulosa cells of the Graaffian follicle after ovulation, inhibits hypothalamic release of GnRH and LH/FSH secretion by the pituitary, thereby inhibiting another preovulatory LH-surge. Although LH/FSH secretion is diminished by progesterone, their concentration is still high enough for follicle growth waves to occur. Ovulation however will not occur until progesterone concentrations decline again as soon as the luteolysis occurs (Noakes, 8th edition). The hormone profile of the cow with physiological cyclic activity is shown in Figure 1. ___________________________________________________________ 11 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Figure 1. Trends in hormonal concentrations in the cow (Noakes, 8th edition) Appearance of the ovaries throughout the oestrous cycle Growth and maturation of follicles on the ovaries occurs in a wavelike pattern throughout the cycle (Figure 2). Each wave starts with recruitment when gonadotrophins stimulate the rapid growth of a number of follicles. After recruitment selection occurs and a smaller number of follicles grow further until dominance occurs. Figure 2. development of follicular waves and CL during the oestrous cycle (Noakes, 8th edition) ___________________________________________________________ 12 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 In the cow only one or occasionally two or more follicles become dominant, inhibiting growth of other follicles. Maturation of a dominant follicle to an ovulatory stage can only take place after a decrease in progesterone due to luteolysis. Recruited follicles which do not reach the stage of dominance go into atresia and not even each follicle reaching dominance will ovulate. Only the follicles that are dominant in a time of low progesterone will ovulate (Senger, 1st Revised edition). After ovulation (day 1 of the cycle) the CL rapidly begins to form. By 48 hours it is a soft not easily palpable structure of approximately 1.4 cm. On day 7 or 8 the CL reaches its maximal size of around 2 cm and is easily detected by rectal palpation of the ovary as a compact mass, often protruding from the surface of the ovary. About one day before oestrus the CL rapidly regresses and becomes a corpus albicans. The dominant follicle is then the major structure on the ovaries when evaluated by palpation per rectum. The follicle attains a size of 1.9 cm or more at the time of ovulation. Throughout the cycle follicles of varying sizes can be felt (Noakes, 8th edition). Insemination and mating In modern dairying Artificial Insemination (AI) is the most used method of breeding. AI allows obtaining a large amount of offspring from a proven superior sire, thereby facilitating genetic improvement. In 2004/05 74.2% of all New Zealand dairy cows were artificially mated (Dairy Statistics 2004/05). In AI diluted, cryopreserved semen is introduced through the cervix into the corpus uteri. Since capacitation of spermatozoa in the female genital tract takes several hours (Senger, 1st revised edition) and is fertile for at least 18-24 hours, the optimal time for insemination is 6-24 hours before ovulation. Ovulation occurs 17-38 hours (average 27 hours) after the first standing event of oestrous, therefore insemination should take place in the latter half of standing heat since standing heat lasts for 1518 hours (Chaudhari and Sabo, 2006). Since in most cases the precise stage of oestrus a cow is in when seen on heat is not known in most cases, cows seen on heat in the morning are best inseminated that afternoon. Cows seen in oestrus in the afternoon are consequently inseminated the next morning (Noakes, 8th edition). Conception rate (CR) after AI is dependent on several factors, including cow fertility, technician’s skills, bull fertility and environmental factors. Chebel et al. (2004) found that heat stress prior to AI lowered the conception rate after AI. In this study a lower CR was recorded in animals that had suffered from postparturient disease. Also, CR is reported to be higher in primiparous animals compared to multiparous cows (Tenhagen et al., 2003; Chebel et al., 2004). Impaired luteal function causes a decrease in Pregnancy Rate (PR). Low levels of progesterone, measured as AUC of progesterone concentrations in milk samples, are thought to negatively correlate with high milk yield, high dry mater intake and high total digestible nutrient intake (Hommeida et al., 2004). Kaproth et al. (2002) reported a relationship between the number of straws thawed at one time and conception rate. Spermatozoan motility decreases significantly after ___________________________________________________________ 13 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 being thawed for over 20 minutes, the time it approximately takes to prepare the straws and inseminate four cows. The dosis of spermatozoa used for insemination also influences CR. Insemination with 2 million spermatozoa has highly significant poorer results compared to a standard dose of 15 million cells, even when deep (intracornual) insemination is used (Anderson et al., 2004). Since in New Zealand freshly chilled semen is mostly used, this decrease in fertility due to freezing is not to be expected. Exposure to a vasectomised bull postpartum appears to increase the pregnancy rate 60 days after parturition (Izard and VandenBergh, 1982). Gestation and Parturition Early development and maternal recognition Following successful mating or artificial insemination during oestrus and fertilization of the ovum in the ampulla pregnancy occurs. The zygote starts a series of mitotic divisions, at first not increasing the size of the early embryo (Hafez, 6th edition). Three to four days after fertilisation the zygote reaches the uterus in the morula stage. Until attachment to the uterine wall occurs the zygote freely moves, although in the cow change of uterine horn is rarely seen. In the cow the embryo attaches to the uterine wall at 12 days post-ovulation. At the same time the embryo rapidly increases its size. Maternal recognition of the embryo occurs at 16-17 days. Production of Tau Interferon (IFNτ) by the conceptus inhibits the release of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) into the uterine vein, thereby preventing luteolysis. In the cyclic (non-pregnant) animal PGF2α is produced in response to oxytocin secreted by the CL, binding on the endometrial cells’ oxytocin-receptors. An increase of oxytocin receptors is stimulated by oestradiol produced by the growing follicles. IFNτ prevents this increase in oxytocin receptors, probably by preventing the rise in uterine oestrogen receptors which occurs in a cyclic animal (Noakes, 8th edition). The CL appears to be necessary for the production of progesterone for the first 200 days of gestation. After 200 days progesterone production by the placenta is high enough to maintain pregnancy, even though the CL also still produces progesterone (Ball and Peters, 3rd edition). At 35 days the alantochorionic sac starts to distend the gravid horn and expands into the non-gravid horn. At 40-60 days vascularisation of the chorion rapidly increases and villi of the allantochorion protrude into the uterine carunculae, eventually forming the caruncle-cotyledon complex making nutrition and gas exchange possible for the growing and developing embryo. Until development of the cotyledons, nutrition and gas exchange occurs by diffusion through the uterine fluid (Noakes, 8th edition). End of gestation and parturition Duration of gestation differs between breeds. Jerseys and Holstein-Friesians have an average gestation of 279 days and Ayrshires 278 days. Beef cattle tend to have a slightly longer gestation of around 279 (Angus) to 285 (Hereford) days. In cattle (and also in other ungulates such as sheep), the foetus mainly determines the onset of parturition. When the calf is fully developed and ready for birth it has a ___________________________________________________________ 14 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 fully functioning hypothalamus. Stress factors such as hypoxia and hypercapnia cause a rise in ACTH in the foetal blood by activation of the fetal pituitary. ACTH results in the production of adrenaline, which causes final maturation of the calf, and adrenal corticosteroids (mainly cortisol). The foetal cortisol stimulates the turnover of progesterone to oestrogen in the placenta, thereby lowering the concentration of progesterone in the dam’s blood. The oestrogens will increase the responsiveness to oxytocin of the myometrium and will cause softening of the cervix. Later, oestrogen will stimulate PGF2α synthesis and release by the cotyledon-caruncle complexes. PGF2α causes increasing myometrial responsiveness to oxytocin and probably causes luteolysis (Noakes, 8th edition). This complex process will lead to expulsion of the foetus and the foetal membranes. The change of hormone concentrations and events around parturition are shown in Figures 3 and 4. Figure 3. Trends in hormone concentrations around parturition in the cow. Parturition is on day 0. (Noakes, 8th edition) ___________________________________________________________ 15 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Figure 4. Physiological changes around parturition in cattle (Noakes, 8th edition) Puerperium The puerperium after calving is when the reproductive organs recover from pregnancy and cyclicity is re-established. In this period milk production commences and increases towards peak production. Parturition, the onset of lactation and resuming cyclicity make the puerperium a demanding period in which disease susceptibility is generally higher. Postpartum anoestrus During part of the puerperium cyclic activity will be absent. In this period the uterus regains normal shape and size and the endometrium recovers from gestation. In the first days after parturition involution is rapid, followed by a slower phase. Most of the involution process is complete by 20-25 days, though microscopic recovery can take up to 52 days. During most of the recovery process the cow is anoestrous. The pituitary is refractory and unable to generate a preovulatory LH-surge. Though minimal activity of follicles is seen, follicles will seldom exceed 6 mm in diameter. Suckling of the calf will increase the refractory period of the pituitary in most occasions (Noakes, 8th edition). Return to cycling activity after gestation The first follicular waves are seen after 7-10 days postpartum. At this stage the anterior pituitary is able to cause small rises in plasma FSH concentration in reaction ___________________________________________________________ 16 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 to GnRH release by the hypothalamus. Although FSH release is possible, the pituitary’s ability to release high amounts of LH has not yet recovered. Therefore ovulation is not possible at this stage. This is demonstrated by a failure of LH-rise after endogenous GnRH administration within 10 days postpartum. Also the administration of a high dose of oestradiol benzoate, imitating the oestrogen release by a dominant, pre-ovulatory follicle, will not evoke the LH surge needed for ovulation within 5 days postpartum (Noakes, 8th edition). If a growing dominant follicle produces enough oestrogen to evoke an LH surge by the pituitary, ovulation can occur at 21 days postpartum in dairy cows (Noakes, 8th edition). For Holsteins in the USA an interval to first ovulation of 33.3 ± 2.1 days is found (Wiltbank et al., 2006). A shortened luteal phase of 14 days or less is often seen after first ovulation, especially in animals regaining cycling activity soon after parturition (Noakes, 8th edition). First ovulation is commonly not accompanied by oestrous behaviour, probably because the central nervous system needs exposure to progesterone as would occur in the luteal phase of a normal cycle (Noakes, 8th edition). Many different factors can influence the onset of cycling activity. Apparently, the recovering uterus inhibits the release of LH demonstrated by a rapid rise in plasma GnRH after hysterectomy of animals postpartum (Noakes, 8th edition). Zain et al. (1995) found that puerperal complications significantly delayed first ovulation postpartum. Suckling delays cycling activity, probably due to the release of opiod peptides that results from teat stimulation by the calf. Also, corticosteroids will inhibit LH-release (Noakes, 8th edition). A literature study by Butler (2003) shows that nutritional status greatly influences the postpartum anovulatory period. A deep Negative Energy Balance (NEBAL) increases the interval from parturition to first ovulation. Rukkwamsuk et al. (1999) and Shrestha et al. (2005) support these findings. Having a deep negative energy balance suppresses pulsatile LH secretion by the pituitary and decreases ovarian responsiveness to LH. Insulin appears to stimulate the growth of follicular cells but is low during NEBAL. IGF-1 is crucial for follicular development and is also negatively correlated to a negative energy status (Butler, 2003). Johnsson et al. (1997) found an inverse relationship between the plasma concentration of glucose and time to first ovulation postpartum in dairy cows. An inverse relationship between Total Digestive Nutrient (TDN) intake and interval from calving to first ovulation is also reported (Zain et al., 1995). High tri-iodothyronine (T3) / thryroxine (T4) is associated with the early onset of ovarian cyclicity. Since T3/T4 are usually lower in periods of heat stress, this might explain the prolonged interval from calving to first ovulation seen in hot periods (Reist et al., 2003). Johnsson et al. (1997) also found a prolonged interval calving to first ovulation in periods of heat stress. Surprisingly, Shipka and Ellis (1999) found that bull exposure postpartum extends the period of ovarian reactivation in dairy cows, causing a prolonged interval from calving to first ovulation. This does not support findings in sheep and beef cattle, reporting that the presence of a mature male animal usually shortens the anovulatory anoestrous period postpartum in other species. Izard and VandenBergh (1982) confirm a shortening of the interval between parturition and resuming cycling activity when a bull is present postpartum. ___________________________________________________________ 17 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Chapter 3 Automated heat detection using a camera-software device and oestrus detection strips Introduction The camera-software device (CSD) is a new device, developed as an extension of the tail painting system most frequently used in New Zealand and mentioned earlier. The complete system consists of a digital camera, a software program and a number of reflective strips placed on each cow to be observed (Oestrus Detection Strips, ODS). These strips are partly covered with a layer of paint. The system is based on the tail paint principle: as soon as the oestrous animal becomes mounted, a portion of paint will be rubbed of. The aim of the CSD is to automate the reading of oestrus signs as previously done by visually scoring the removal of tail paint from the cow’s tail base. The CSD is used to automatically measure the amount of paint rubbed off the ODS when cows are mounted during oestrus. Required equipment is mounted in the milking shed and the system operates during milking to detect cows on heat, securing a twice daily inspection of the entire herd. The oestrus detection strip The ODS consists of a strip of reflective tape (3M Scotchlite reflective strip, 9920, 3M company Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) partly covered by a layer of black paint. (water-based low sheen acrylic, Resene Paint Ltd. Palmerston North, New Zealand) The mentioned materials where chosen according to preliminary suitability studies performed by Butler (2000) and Alawneh (2003) (Alawneh, Thesis). When an oestrous animal is mounted, part of the paint will rub off and therefore the measured area of reflection of light increases. The strips’ dimensions are 150mm x 50 mm and the central part is covered by the black paint. This leaves a reflective part of 25mm x 50 mm on both ends of the strip. Strips where hand made by cutting lengths of tape of 150 mm x 50 mm. Both ends where covered with adhesive tape to ensure two reflective indicator areas of 50 mm x 25 mm. Black paint was subsequently applied to the middle part using a paint brush or spray applicator. The indicator areas and the specific height x width ratio (3X1) allowed the software to recognise the strip. (Figure 5.) Figure 5. Schematic representation of an oestrus detection strip ___________________________________________________________ 18 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Figure 6. Photograph of an ODS on a cow, slight rubbing is visible in the centre part (Photograph by P.A. van Iren) The camera-software device The CSD consists of a digital camera and a computer equipped with the appropriate adequate software. Video Image Processing Software, VIPS made by Bailey and Hodgson (1988) was initially used. In current studies an update version of this software and camera are used. Two types of cameras (SONY SX-900, Intel web cam™) were tested in a trial (Alawneh, Thesis) to investigate their suitability for the CSD in prototype trials. The Intel web cam™ was chosen because of it’s low costs, but didn’t appear to have the adequate resolution. Further, a wide angle lens was suspected to cause problems because of the variability in the height of cows. Also with the Sony and the VIPS system, the image capture became unreliable after approximately an hour of operation due to a bug in the software driver. In the current studies a robust, commercially available camera and adjusted software were used. (EDiT ID, software, proof of concept version, EditID Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) The camera is flanked by a strong light source on each side to insure adequate reflection emitted by the strip. For optimal reflection the camera should be mounted directly above the position of the ODS, but in some milking parlour settings, this appeared to be impossible because of the construction of the rotary dairy platforms. The camera was then set up to view the strips from an angle, with the lights projecting at the same angle. The software program used for analysis of the images taken by the camera is able to automatically identify the presence of the ODS by recognizing the reflecting indicator areas and the specific height x width ratio of the strips. The software calculates a percentage of reflective area in the middle part of the strip, indicating the percentage of paint removed from the strip by mounting activity. The entire system is schematically shown in figure 7. ___________________________________________________________ 19 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Figure 7. General CSD component set up (Alawneh, Thesis) Trials with the CSD Since the start of the design of the camera-software device numerous trials and projects have been undertaken to achieve a device functioning on a commercially acceptable level. Experiments, in the field and in the lab, testing reflection, durability, flexibility and adhesion to glue were conducted to choose the optimal reflective material for making the ODS. A number of paints were tested for reflection, durability, elasticity, ability to withstand weather conditions and adhesion to the strip. These experiments resulted in the choice of the 3M Reflective Strip (3M Scotchlike reflective tape, 3M Company Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) and the Zylone low sheen black paint for this trial (Water-based low sheen acrylic, Resene Paint Ltd. Palmerston North, New Zealand) (Alawneh, Thesis). The Ados F2 glue (CRC Industries New Zealand Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) was used for application and its durability was tested. In the last two trials Ados F3 was used because its’ shorter drying time, whilst other properties were similar. In 2003 Alawneh et al. tested the CSD at Massey Dairy Unit No. 4, Palmerston North. In this trial the CSD was compared to a control group using tail paint. In this trial significant differences in sensitivity (85% vs. 78%; p=0.006) specificity (99.6% vs. 98.0%; p<0.001), Positive Predictive Value (88%vs. 51%; p<0.001) and overall accuracy (99% vs. 98%; p<0.001) were found between a CSD treated and a control group respectively. In this research oestrus was detected using visual observation, tail paint and the CSD in the CSD group and using tail paint and visual observation only in the control group. Besides the sensitivity, specificity and PPV, a number of reproductive parameters was calculated to compare the achievements of both groups as shown in Table 2 (Alawneh et al. 2006). ___________________________________________________________ 20 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Reproductive monitor Group Control CSD P-value Target % calved < 40d at PSM 21 day submission rate 28 day submission rate Return intervals 2-17d Return intervals 18-24d Return intervals 39-45d Ratio of (18-24d) to (39-45d) 1st service -49 d NRR Total services – 49d NRR 1st service pregnancy rate Total services conception rate Services/ conception 4 week ICR 8 week ICR 26% 76% 81% 21% 64% 3% 22:1 47% 57% 39% 46% 2.2 44% 70% 19% 75% 81% 32% 56% 1% 42:1 71% 74% 72% 70% 1.4 70% 90% 0.10 0.92 1.00 0.007 0.077 0.11 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 10% 90% 92% 13% 69% 7% 9:1 61% 61% 60% 60% 1.7 57% 86% % not in calf by PSM +165d Calving to conception interval 27% 84d 10% 77d <0.001 <0.001 7% 83d Table 2. Reproductive performance of CSD vs. Control group (Alawneh et al., 2006) In 2005 Alawneh et al. compared a longitudinal (CSD long) and a transverse (CSD trans) placement of the ODS to oestrus detection using visual observation and tail paint (Control). This experiment was again conducted at Massey Dairy Unit No. 4, Palmerston North. It appeared that a transverse placement of the ODS resulted in a less accurate, specific and sensitive oestrus detection than the longitudinal positioning. The number of false positives in the CSD trans in this experiment was much higher than in the CSD long group. Sensitivity (93.5, 82, 86.7), specificity (99.3, 98.8, 99.1) and overall accuracy (99.1, 98.2, 98.7) were calculated for CSD long, CSD trans and control group respectively. Accuracy was defined as the proportion of true detections compared to the total amount of detections. Pregnancy testing was used as “gold standard” to confirm true oestrus in this trial. (Alawneh et al., 2006) The author was involved in a trial integrating the CSD with electronic identification software (EDiT ID Ltd. Auckland New Zealand) allowing automated identification of cows in oestrus by means of an electronic ID ear tag (Admin Tags, Allflex New Zealand Ltd. Palmerston North). Integration of electronic identification with automated oestrus detection should, in the end, lead to a fully automated system of detecting and drafting cows on heat. More information on this trial is to be found in chapter 5 of this report. ___________________________________________________________ 21 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Chapter 4 Automated heat detection by a camera-software device and interaction with North American Holstein genetics Abstract: Aim This analysis is carried out to investigate a relationship between a high percentage of North American Holstein (NAH) genes, reduced fertility and poorer expression of oestrus. The efficacy of a camera-software device (CSD) for detection of oestrus in dairy cattle was tested in groups of high, medium and low percentages of NAH genes. Methods The trial that forms the basis of this research is conducted at Massey Dairy Unit No. 4 during the mating season of 2003 (Alawneh et al., 2006). Four hundred and eighty animals were used to test the functioning of the newly developed CSD. In the current research the animals were reallocated into groups according to their NAH genotype. Groups were made of less than 10%, 10-30% and over 50% NAH genes. Outcomes for the methods of oestrus detection were calculated and compared among the genetic groups using a χ2-test. A reproductive monitor report comparing the reproductive performance of the separate groups was also made using DairyWIN™. Results No significant results were obtained from this research. A comparison of the outcomes between the groups, and comparison of the reproductive performance of the different groups, did not show a clear trend that suggests a relationship between NAH genetics, oestrus expression and reduced fertility. Conclusion To further investigate the cause of the reduced fertility observed worldwide and to determine the role oestrus expression plays in this decline, more research is needed. Since fertility is such an important subject in dairying, especially in a seasonal system, finding the cause(s) of declining fertility is necessary to stop this decline. Introduction A decline of reproductive efficiency is reported over the last few decades in countries all over the world, (Mee, 2004; Horan et al., 2005; Wiltbank et al., 2006; Williamson, 2006). In Ireland, where a seasonal calving pattern is also maintained, an increase in calving interval of approximately one day per year is reported (Mee, 2004). Also, a prolonged interval from calving to first ovulation and a higher prevalence of anoestrus is found (Horan, 2005). The prolonged interval to first ovulation is often considered to be the consequence of a strong NEB after calving (Wiltbank et al., 2006). NAH cows appear to get in a deep NEB, especially on pasture based systems because of their inability to match dietary intake to nutrient demand for high production in the absence of concentrate feeding, (Horan et al., 2003; Williamson, 2006). For Holstein cows an average of 33 days +/- 2.1 days from calving to first ovulation is found under typical circumstances in the USA. Anovulation and smaller maximal size of the ovulatory follicle were more likely to be found in cows with a lower body condition score (BCS), indicating the possible relationship between NEB and ___________________________________________________________ 22 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 prolonged puerperal anoestrus. NEB can however not be seen as an adequate explanation for all cases of postpartum anoestrus (Wiltbank et al., 2006). Thiengtham (2003) did not find a prolonged interval to first ovulation in a high North American Holstein genetic merit group of animals compared to a group of more traditional New Zealand Friesian animals. He did however observe a lower conception rate in these animals. Dillon et al. (2003) found a significant difference in calving to service interval between Montbeliarde and Holstein-Friesians. These breeds had a calving to service interval of 64.9 and 71.5 days respectively. Besides the increasing interval to first ovulation postpartum, also a decline in conception after insemination from 66% in 1951 to 40% in 1997 is reported. One of the possible causes mentioned is the inaccuracy of oestrus detection (Alawneh, Thesis; Mee, 2004). One of the major trends that coincides with the declining fertility of dairy cows reported all over the world is the increase of North American Holstein (NAH) genetics in herds worldwide. In the 1990s, research already indicated the poorer reproductive performance of imported Holsteins in Ireland (Mee, 2004). The average percentage of NAH genetics rapidly increased from 9% in 1990 to 65% in 2001 in Ireland (Horan, 2005). For the British Isles, the proportion of NAH was estimated at 80% in 1998, while the genetic composition of Dutch dairy herds approaches 100% NAH (Mee, 2004). In New Zealand dairy cows the percentage of NAH genetics is found to be around 40% (Williamson, 2006). Multiple factors are considered to be involved in the decline of fertility including genetic merit, milk yield, management, nutritional factors and oestrus expression and detection (Mayne et al., 1999; Mee, 2004; Alawneh, Thesis; Williamson, 2006). Failure to accurately detect oestrus can be a major component in decreasing fertility especially in seasonal herds. Missing oestrus can occur because of inadequate oestrus detection, but can also be the consequence of low oestrus intensity or short oestrus duration. Research on Irish dairy cows showed a decrease in duration of oestrus from 9.3 hrs in the 1970’s to 8.4 hrs in 2002. Furthermore, the number of mounts seen per oestrus declined from 52 to 12 in the same period (Mee, 2004). Although the number of mounts can depend on many factors such as flooring, number of other cows on heat simultaneously and stress (van Vliet and van Eerdenburg, 1996; Orihuela, 2000) this decrease is alarming. Research that used HeatWatchTM mount detectors also pointed out a difference of duration of oestrus between high (over the herd average of 40kg/d) and low (under the herd average of 40kg/d) producing cows. The high yielding cows had a mean duration of oestrus of 6.2 ± 0.5hr, compared to 10.9 ± 0.9hr in the low yielding group. Possible influences of parity in this trial were excluded by separate analysis of primiand multiparous animals (Wiltbank et al., 2006). This research indicated a negative correlation between milk yield and oestrus expression while other publications refer to a negative correlation between milk yield and fertility in general (Dhaliwal et al., 1996; Butler, 2003; Pryce et al., 2004). Dillon et al. (2003) indicate a relationship between reduced fertility and survival rate versus NAH genetic influence in dairy breeds. Since a large part of the genetic merit of North American Holsteins is due to their high milk yield, the existence of a negative relationship between high yield and oestrus expression should become obvious in animals with high NAH genetics. As it ___________________________________________________________ 23 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 appears that there is a reduced intensity of oestrous behaviour in NAH animals, oestrus detection will be even more difficult in those animals. Decreased numbers of mounts per oestrus and reduced duration of oestrus will decrease opportunities to observe oestrous cows and will probably reduce the accuracy of oestrus detection aids such as tail paint. For the newly developed camera-software oestrus detection device (Alawneh et al., 2006), a reduced number of mounts per oestrous cow may influence its utility for oestrus detection in herds with a high percentage of NAH genetics. The CSD system uses a reflective strip (Oestrus Detection Strip) partly covered by black, non-reflective paint and read by a camera, to detect oestrus in dairy cattle. A small number of mounts received by the oestrus cow may, in some cases, be insufficient to remove paint from the reflective strip, causing false negatives. The objectives of this study are: 1. To investigate a relationship between the proportion of NAH genes and functionality of the CSD. 2. To investigate a possible poorer expression of oestrus in high NAH animals. Materials and Methods The data used in this study were derived from a trial conducted in the spring of 2003 at Massey University No. 4 Diary Unit by Alawneh et al. (2006). Materials and methods for this trial were described as below. The farm This trial was conducted from 06 October to 04 December 2003 on the Massey University Number 4 Dairy Unit, commercially operating in the Manawatu region of New Zealand,. The farm has 227.37 ha of pasture divided into 98 paddocks. The herd consisted of 480 cows of Jersey and Holstein-Friesian breeds and their crossbreds. Study cows were 2-14 years old with body condition scores from 3.0 – 7.0 (mean 4.0 on a scale of 1-8). Cows grazed as one herd on pasture except at milking and were allowed free access to water. In case of grass shortage the ration was supplemented with maize-silage to meet daily requirements and prevent excessive loss of body condition. The animals were milked in a 50 bail DeLaval rotary parlour twice daily at approximately 5.30 AM and 3.00 PM. Staff consisted of a farm manager and milking staff. Oestrus detection occurred by visual observation twice daily before the AM and PM milkings, aided by tail paint. (Caution Tell Tail, FiL New Zealand, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand). Staff considered cows to be on heat when >75% of tail paint was gone or when behavioural signs of oestrus were seen, with standing to be ridden as the most obvious sign. Artificial insemination occurred once a day after the AM milking on cows seen on heat that morning or the previous evening. Insemination was done by an AI professional with Holstein-Friesian, Jersey or crossbreed semen. Allocating animals into groups Animals were stratified by age, BCS and days in milk and randomly allocated into two groups. group was fitted with ODS in a longitudinal orientation (CSD). A second group was not equipped with an ODS. All cows in both groups had tail paint (Tell Tail oil-based paint; FiL New Zealand Ltd. Mount Maunganui, New Zealand) applied to their tail base for oestrus detection by farm staff. ___________________________________________________________ 24 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Camera-software device The camera used for ODS reading was mounted in the above the milking parlour, 120-150 cm above the ODS at a right angle. The camera was attached to a computer (NEC Versa M320) by a network cable. A software program (EDiT ID, software, proof of concept version, EditID Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) was used to analyse the presence of an ODS on the cows and to calculate the percentage of paint rubbed off. A cow was considered to be on heat when either: - the proportion of paint removed exceeded 10% - the strip was missing Cow numbers were recorded manually during milkings. Oestrus detection strips Oestrus Detection Strips are strips of reflective material (3M Scotchlite reflective strips, 9920, 3M Company Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) partly covered by a layer of black paint (Water based low sheen acrylic; Resene paint Ltd., Palmerston North, New Zealand). At oestrus, mounting activity of other cows rubbed off part of the black paint, thereby creating reflective areas in the middle part of the strip. The strips are recognized by the system due to its dimensions (height X width ratio of 3X1) and reflective indicator areas at head and tail ends of the strip. Pregnancy Diagnosis and milk sampling Rectal palpation and ultrasound examination were carried out 50-51 days after the end of mating. Estimates of gestation stage were used to determine when the oestrus had occurred. An observed oestrus leading to pregnancy was considered to be a true oestrus. Reverse counts of 21 days (± 3days) and 42 (±3 days) from inseminations resulting in pregnancy were also made. Any oestrus detected in that range was considered to also be true one. Milk samples for progesterone analysis were taken from every animal with suspected oestrus to confirm oestrus. Oestrus was considered to be true when the concentration of progesterone in the milk sample was below 1.0 ng/ml. Results of these analyses were not used for the publication of the 2003 results, but are used in this study. Analysis of data In the 2003 trial the CSD and control groups were compared by calculating sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy. In this trial sensitivity, specificity, PPV and overall accuracy were all better for the CSD group than the control. As shown in table 4, NPV did not differ significantly. Group Control CSD Method of oestrus detection Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV Overall Accuracy Farmer 78% 98% 51% 99.3% 98% 95% CI 73 to 83 97.7 to 98.3 46 to 56 99.2 to 99.6 97.2 to 98.7 CSD 85% 99.6% 88% 99.4% 99% 95% CI 80 to 87 99.4 to 99.7 84 to 91 99.3 to 99.6 9838 to 99.2 Farmer 72% 98.1% 57% 99% 97% 95% CI 67 to 76 97.8 to 98.3 53 to 61 98.8 to 99.2 96.8 to 97.4 Table 4. results of 2003 trial. (Alawneh et al., 2006) ___________________________________________________________ 25 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Analysis of data in groups based on the percentage of NAH genes For the current research the data were reallocated within the control or CSD groups based on their percentage of NAH genes. Six new groups were created, three controls and three CSD groups. Two groups consisted of animals having less than 10% NAH genes, two groups had 50% or more NAH genes and two groups had between 10 and 30% NAH genes. Characteristics of the groups are summarized in table 5. Genetic background of each animal present in the 2003 herd was derived from the Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) database. Control CSD Con≤10 Con10-30 Con≥50 CSD≤10 CSD10-30 CSD≥50 Name % NAH ≤ 10% 10-30% ≥50% ≤10% 10-30% ≥50% Number of 24 94 17 28 91 16 animals Method of VO/TP VO/TP VO/TP CSD, CSD, CSD, oestrus VO/TP VO/TP VO/TP detection Average % of 3.11% 20.19% 57.80% 4.05% 20.53% 57,54% NAH Average percentage of NAH of trial herd was 25.57% Table 5. Characteristics of analysed groups (VO = visual observation; TP = tail paint) Sensitivity, specificity, overall accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated for each group using contingency tables. Oestrus was defined as true in the following cases (used as the gold standard): - Detected oestrus was confirmed by pregnancy diagnosis (PD) through estimating the stage of the detected pregnancy. Oestrus was true if pregnancy followed insemination during a detected oestrus. - A detected oestrus preceded an oestrus confirmed by PD by 21±3 days (Noakes, 8th edition) - A detected oestrus coincided with a concentration of progesterone in milk below 1.0 ng/ml 1 1 ) In this trial, low progesterone concentrations were occasionally found at stages of the oestrous cycle, such as luteal stages. Low progesterone was even found in animals with confirmed pregnancy. Therefore not every occurrence of a low P4 was considered to be a true oestrus. Two drops in P4 with an 18-24 day interval were considered to be true. Since progesterone results appeared to be less reliable than the occurrence of pregnancy, PD results outweighed progesterone results when relevant. Sensitivity is defined as the number of oestrus events observed divided by the total number of oestrous events that occurred according to the gold standard. Specificity is the proportion of animals found not to be in oestrus according to the method of detection that were not found in oestrus by the gold standard. The PPV is the probability of an animal observed to be in oestrus actually being in oestrus according to the gold standard. The NPV describes the probability that an animal found not to be in oestrus is not in oestrus according to the gold standard. Overall accuracy was calculated as the measure of the true findings [true positives + true negatives, i.e. all true cases found]/[true positives + true negatives + false positives + false negatives, i.e. the total number of findings] (Alawneh et al., 2006). ___________________________________________________________ 26 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 The significance of the difference between the con ≤10, con 10-30 and con ≥50 (control and treated groups) was calculated using a χ2 test. The same was done with CSD ≤ 10, CSD 10-30 and the CSD ≥50 groups. Using a χ2 test, the statistical significance of differences in sensitivity of the mentioned groups true positives (a) and false negatives (c) for each of the three genetic groups were compared. For specificity, false positives (b) and true negatives (d) were used, for NPV false (c) and true (d) negatives and for PPV true (a) and false (b) positives. For overall accuracy a 95% confidence interval was calculated. This is shown in the table of observed frequencies shown below. Test Results Gold Standard + + a b c d Table 6. Table of observed frequencies Besides calculating the values mentioned above, DairyWINTM was used to obtain a reproductive monitor for each of the separate genetic groups that described their reproductive performance. Results Calculating the test properties led to the following tables. Table 7 shows the results for the CSD groups and table 8 for the controls. CSD>/50 Sensitivity 92% Specificity 100% Accuracy 99.5% 95% CI NPV PPV CSD10-30 96% 99% 98.9% CSD<10 95% 99% 98.7% 98.9-100 98.4-99.3 97.8-99.5 100% 92% 100% 92% 100% 83% χ2 0.32 2.28 P-Value 0.85 0.32 0.36 1.25 0.83 0.53 Table 7. Results for the CSD sister groups (CI = Confidence Interval) As shown in table 7, none of the observed differences in the calculated values for these groups was significant and no evidence of better performance of the CSD in the group with the low percentage of NAH genes was found. There was no better performance of the CSD in groups of animals with a lower proportion of NAH. There also was no indication of poorer expression of oestrus in animals with a high percentage of NAH genes. CON>/50 Sensitivity 88% Specificity 99% Accuracy 98.2% 95% CI NPV PPV CON10-30 86% 98% 97.6% CON<10 90% 99% 98.8% 96.9-99.4 97.0-98.2 98.0-99.7 100% 71% 99% 92% 99% 87% χ2 0.29 3.94 P-Value 0.86 0.14 0.14 4.70 0.93 0.10 Table 8. Results for the control groups (CI = Confidence Interval) ___________________________________________________________ 27 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Also, in the control groups, no significant differences can be seen. There is no evidence suggesting that oestrus detection as it is done by the farmer is more successful in groups of animals with a lower NAH percentage so no evidence of poorer expression of oestrus in animals with a high percentage of NAH genes is evident. No statistical analysis has been done on the reproductive monitor (Table 9) because of the limited time available for this study. Because no statistical analysis was done, no conclusions were made from comparing the performance of the groups using this reproductive monitor. Also, no apparent trends can be observed from the data shown in table 9. It can be seen however that submission rates at 21 and 28 days are higher in both CON<10 and CSD<10 groups when compared to other groups with higher percentages of NAH genes. This indicates a higher percentage of animals were seen in oestrus in these groups, possibly suggesting a more obvious oestrus expression. Both groups also have a high percentage of irregular oestrus intervals, indicating that many of the observed oestruses may have been false. ___________________________________________________________ 28 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Reproduction Monitor Original Trial 2003 Control * CSD * CON<10 % calved <40days at PSM 26% 19% 31% 21-day Submission rate 76% 75% 82% 28-day submission rate 81% 81% 86% Return interval: 2-17d 21% 32% 25% Return interval: 18-24 64% 56% 71% Return interval: 29-45d 3% 1% 0% Ratio of (18-24 day cyc) to 22:1 42:1 (39-45 day cyc) 1st service 49 day NRR 47% 71% 27% Total service 49 day NRR 57% 74% 50% 1st service pregnancy rate 39% 72% 27% Total services pregnancy rate 46% 70% 46% Services per conception 2.2 1.4 2.2 4-week in-calf rate 44% 70% 46% 8-week in-calf rate 70% 90% 88% % not in-calf by PSM+165 27% 10% 12% days Calving to conception interval 84 days 77 days 81 days Cyc = cycle; NRR = non return rate (* Alawneh et al., 2006) Analysis based on genetic background CON10-30 CON>/50 CSD<10 CSD10-30 CSD>/50 Target 25% 78% 82% 18% 64% 6% 12:1 18% 70% 70% 0% 80% 0% - 23% 91% 94% 50% 50% 0% - 12% 85% 88% 23% 58% 0% - 22% 58% 68% 33% 56% 0% - 10% 90% 92% 13% 69% 7% 9:1 48% 59% 44% 49% 2.0 48% 72% 24% 76% 77% 53% 59% 1.7 45% 65% 35% 65% 69% 71% 67% 1.5 87% 93% 7% 68% 74% 69% 73% 1.4 72% 96% 4% 72% 67% 78% 59% 1.7 58% 84% 19% 61% 61% 60% 60% 1.7 57% 86% 7% 80 days 78 days 74 days 82 days 74 days 83 days Table 9. Reproduction Monitor of test groups ___________________________________________________________ P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 29 Discussion Analysis of the test properties of oestrus detection, as was done by the farmer with or without the help of the CSD did not reveal a statistically significant difference in the performance in oestrus detection between groups with different genetic compositions. No link could be made between the efficacy of the CSD and the genetic background of the animals. This indicated that a high percentage of NAH genes did not cause any difference in efficacy for either of the methods of detecting oestrus. No obvious difference could be seen in reproductive performance between groups after a reproductive analysis using DairyWINTM. In most cases the CSD groups appeared to perform better than the control groups, but no obvious and repeated difference was seen between groups of animals with a higher level of NAH genes compared to those with a lower proportion. No evidence was found from this study to support the hypothesis that the reduced fertility amongst Holstein animals that is reported worldwide (Mee, 2004; Horan et al., 2005; Wiltbank et al., 2006; Williamson, 2006) was a result of a reduced intensity of oestrus expression. Although the submission rate was higher in both CON and CSD <10, the percentages of return intervals that were irregular (outside the physiological window of 18-24 days) suggests that part of those submissions may have been of animals that were not on heat, or that there was a significant number of genuine short cycles, or that there was a significant number of genuine short cycles. This study was not sufficient to be definitive and a relationship between reduced oestrus expression and reduced fertility might still exist. Several factors have possibly contributed to the fact that this trial was not able to prove such a relationship. The number of animals in this test was relatively small which limits the power of the study. The number of animals in the study was greater to begin with, but a number of the animals had to be excluded since their identity could not accurately be determined because of loss of ear tags, administrative mistakes and loss of data due to fact that a number of records could no longer be retrieved since the cows had left the farm and their records had been removed from the database. Further animals had to be excluded because no oestrus had been observed or no confirmation of any oestrus could be given by pregnancy diagnosis or progesterone analysis. This caused some of the groups to be as small as 16 animals. This study in bringing such a complex, multifactorial subject as reduced fertility down to North American Holstein influence only may be oversimplifying the problem. Analysing this complex matter by only using one simple χ2 analysis on only one trial with only 480 animals does not approch the much larger thorough analysis that is needed to determine better the relationship between oestrus expression, reduced fertility and NAH influence. Since the importance of fertility is so critical for modern dairying, especially in a seasonal system, more research is needed. The increase of the calving interval by one day each year as is reported in Ireland (Mee, 2004) is a worrying development, as is the decline of reproductive efficiency reported worldwide (Horan et al., 2005; Wiltbank et al., 2006; Williamson, 2006). The possibility of a NAH influence on the expression of oestrus must not be overlooked, but since the decline in fertility is more likely a multifactorial process, a multivariate analysis on a large number of animals is likely to be required to define the problem and to find a solution. ___________________________________________________________ 30 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Chapter 5 Integration of a camera-software device with electronic identification for the detection of oestrus in dairy cattle Abstract Aim This trial was conducted to test the integration of a camera-software device for detecting oestrus in dairy cattle at pasture with an electronic identification system. This step will be necessary for recognizing oestrous animals automatically for drafting and insemination. Methods Dairy cows (n=205) in a commercial herd under typical New Zealand circumstances were fitted with oestrus detection strips, tail paint and an electronic ear tags for identification. Recognition of the animals and detection of oestrus by the system were investigated by comparing logs of the system to insemination records of the farm staff. Results Though final results are not yet calculated a large number of animals lost their strip during oestrus, instead of paint being rubbed of. The strip loss in these observations exceeds results of earlier trials. Recognition of the animals appears to be correct, but allocation to correct bails of the milking parlour was not accurate on several occasions. Conclusion During this trial, several problems and faults in the process of integration came to light and the trial therefore pointed out areas where improvement is needed to achieve a commercially operational system. Introduction Managing large herds in a seasonal system of dairying, as done in New Zealand, is a challenge. The success of this management system requires a compact calving period to match pasture availability with the nutrient demand of the herd. For a compact calving period to occur, a short mating period is necessary, putting major pressure on oestrus detection (Verkerk, 2003; Alawneh et al., 2006). Every missed oestrus decreases the chance to get the animal pregnant this season. Since empty cows are usually culled, inaccurate oestrus detection can greatly increase costs. A camera-software device (New Zealand Patent by Massey University No.519743, IPC7, G01N33/74) is a new device for detecting oestrus, developed as an extension of the tail painting system frequently used in New Zealand. The complete system consists of a camera, a software program and a number of reflective strips attached to each cow to be observed (Oestrus Detection Strips, ODS). The reflective material of the strips is partly covered with a layer of black paint. The aim of the CSD is to automate the reading of oestrus signs, as done previously by visually scoring the percentage of tail paint removed from the cow’s tail base, thereby making oestrus detection less laborious and more accurate in large herds. The CSD is used to measure the amount of paint rubbed off the ODS when cows are mounted during oestrus. The equipment is installed in the milking shed and operates during milking to ___________________________________________________________ 31 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 detect cows on heat. It would be desirable to have a fully automated system for recognizing and drafting cows on heat for insemination. The CSD on its own was tested in earlier occasions (Alawneh et al., 2006; Alawneh, Thesis). In a comparison trial conducted at Massey Dairy Unit No. 4, Alawneh et al. (2006) found a significant difference between oestrus detection in the conventional way by tail paint and visual observation and by conventional oestrus detection aided by the CSD. Cows in the CSD group had a higher non return rate at 49 days after both first (71% vs. 47%) and all (74% vs. 57%) services and a lower number of services per conception than the control group (1.4 vs. 2.2). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and overall accuracy of oestrus detection were higher for the CSD group when compared to the controls. A step in developing a fully automated system is integrating automatic electronic identification of the cows while on the platform with the observations made by the CSD, making recognition of the animals on heat possible for the farmer. This would make it possible to automatically draft an oestrous cow after milking because of her electronic identification on the platform. In this trial the integration of the CSD with a commercially available identification system was tested. This trial was conducted on a commercially operating dairy farm in the Manawatu region of New Zealand from October to December 2006. Materials and methods The Farm and the animals The trial was conducted on a commercial dairy farm in the Manawatu region of New Zealand near Fielding. The farm comprised 90 ha of pasture divided into 50 paddocks. Cows were fed on a ryegrass clover pasture ration supplemented with maize-silage in periods of grass shortage to prevent extensive loss of body condition and they had free access to water. The herd consisted of 211 animals, all included in the trial. Animals were of Holstein, Friesian and Jersey breeds and their crossbreds. The cows were kept in 2 herds, a regular herd including all the healthy lactating cows and a lame herd comprising the lame animals and the animals that received treatment that required withholding their milk. The lame herd grazed closer to the milking shed to limit the distance from pasture to milking for the lame animals. Milking occurred twice daily, at approximately 6.00 AM and 3 PM in a 28 bail Waikato rotary parlour (Waikato Milking Systems NZ Ltd., Hamilton, New Zealand). Automatic cup-removers and semiautomatic drafting were used. All animals were fitted with regular ear tags containing their management identification number (MID) in both ears and an electronic identification ear tag (EID) (Admin tags, Allflex NZ Ltd, Palmerston North, New Zealand). EID was fitted in the right ear only. Besides the use of the CSD, oestrus detection was carried out by visual observation twice daily before milking, aided by Tail Paint (Caution Tell Tail, FiL NZ Ltd, Mount Manganui, New Zealand). Each cow was equipped with an oestrus detection strip (ODS) in longitudinal orientation over the spine in the sacrococcygeal region, just cranial to the tail paint. Tail paint was applied over the tail base. Insemination of cows detected on heat by the farm staff (with or without confirmation by the system) at the AM and PM milking took place after each PM milking and was carried out by a professional AI-technician using semen of proven bulls. ___________________________________________________________ 32 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 During the trial 65 cows received a treatment in relation to fertility problems. 46 cows with CIDR devices. (Pfizer EAZI-BREED™ CIDR® (Progesterone) Cattle insert, 8 day program with 2 mg Oestradiol benzoate (ODB; CIDROL, Bomac Laboratories Ltd. Auckland New Zealand) at day 1 and 1 mg at day 8. - 19 cows with Prostaglandin F2α (Estraplan injection, 2 ml IM. Parnell Laboratories Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) Further, some cows received treatment for lameness, mastitis or paralysis during the trial period. The CSD The CSD consists of a camera (CS4 VGA 640x480 Camsensor Technologies Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) for capturing an image of the ODS on the cows. To improve visualisation of the strips, two halogen spotlights (Wide angle 40W Tungsten halogen spotlight) flanked the camera. The camera was mounted 3 bails away from the entrance. Automatic reading of the EID is integrated with computer software to allow automatic recognition of the animals on screen. Automatic identification of the animals was new in this trial and is not been done in previous trials with the CSD. Cow present sensors were used to detect the presence of a cow as a trigger for the camera to take images. The systems were connected to the PC by a network connection. The software automatically stores the logs and images made after each milking making analysis and comparison to a visual log possible. The computer was attached to a speaker in the shed, providing an auditory signal to check heat in cows suspected of being in oestrus. Once a threshold level of paint was removed or if the strip was missing, the cow was signalled to be suspected of oestrus. Figure 8. Situation at trial farm ___________________________________________________________ 33 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 The ODS An oestrus detection strip is a strip of reflective material partly covered by a layer of black paint. The reflective strip (3M Scotchlite reflective strips, 9920, 3M Company Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) is 15 cm long with two reflective areas, each 25x50mm at each end and a centre part covered with black paint (figure 9.). The black centre part measured 100x50 mm. The dimensions of the strip, together with the two reflective indicator areas made it possible for the CSD to recognize the strips. figure 9. Schematic representation of an Oestrus detection strip Strips were fixed to the sacrococcygeal region of the cow in longitudinal orientation over the spine. Glue (ADOS F3, CRC Industries New Zealand Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) was used to attach the strips to the hair and skin of the cow. Because of the high degree of moulting seen on the animals, the region was clipped and cleaned with a dry cloth before applying the glue. Glue was also applied on the strip for optimal adherence. Glue was allowed to cure for several minutes before the strip was attached to the cow. Strip maintenance took place one to two times a week, depending on the number of cows on heat. In the first weeks new strips were applied twice a week due to the large amount of animals coming on heat daily. In the last two weeks maintenance was done only once a week since the number of cows coming on heat rarely exceeded 5 cows a day. Damaged, dirty or loose strips were replaced and new strips applied to all cows with strips missing due to mounting activity or whatever cause. One person stood near the entrance of the rotary platform to inspect the strips. Unsuitable strips were removed and the area was provided with new glue. A second person was present near the exit to place the strips, allowing the glue to cure as long as possible before attaching the strip. Results At the time of writing, results are not yet calculated so actual figures are not available. However, the author did notice that strip loss rate appeared to be higher than the 40% found in previous trials (Alawneh, Thesis). Also, only few strips were seen with paint missing and the strips that had paint rubbed off, showed a percentage generally lower than 10%. ___________________________________________________________ 34 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 The system appeared to pick up a lot of false positives, meaning that a lot of the cows that are were selected as in oestrus according to the CSD, were not selected by the farmer. A high number of false positives observed were associated with loss of strips in animals not selected in oestrus by the farmer and an apparent failure of the CSD to recognize strips on cows. In addition to the false positives, often cows that were selected as on heat by the farmer were not picked by the CSD. In most cases these animals had apparently normal, non-rubbed, strips while having been seen mounted several times and having over 50% of their tail paint missing. Sunlight seemed to have a major influence on CSD functioning. During sunrise when the sunlight shone directly into the shed, CSD performance was particularly poor. During a timeframe of several minutes, every cow came up as on heat. This was regardless of whether a strip was present or not, since the system was not able to detect the presence of a strip. Another problem that occurred is that animals were not always allocated to the correct bail of the milking platform, thereby mixing up cow identification and images taken by the camera, thus coming up with wrong animals being matched with information on strips missing or rubbed. Discussion Results found in this trial, although not analysed, are inconsistent with the results of earlier trials. CSD performance was poorer, possibly due to a number of causes. Also the integration of oestrus detection and electronic identification is not perfected at the time of writing. Inspection of the trial site with J. Alawneh revealed a number of settings were not implemented in exactly equal to the optimal settings as found and reported from his previous research. His observation was that the high strip loss together with the low amount of rubbed strips can be explained by the positioning of the strips, the process of application and the manufacturing of the ODS. Whereas strips were located cranially to the tail base in a longitudinal orientation, the optimal position would have been more cranial in the lumbo-sacral area. The position as used in this trial will increase a sliding activity that would tend to remove strips rather than an impact of the brisket of the mounting cow, causing paint to rub off. The sliding activity would mostly increase the number of strips rolled off the spine when a mounting cow dismounts the oestrous animal. Clipping the area for the ODS before application decreases adhesion of ODS to the skin and hair by disturbing the skin secretions and the coat of the cow. It would have been better to wipe the area with a damp cloth moistened with alcohol to remove excess hair and debris before applying the glue. In this trial a spray paint applicator was used to paint the ODS instead of brush application as was used before. Possibly this causes a better adherence between the strip and the paint. A better adherence would make it less likely that paint will be rubbed off during mounting activities, as was seen in this trial. The focus of the spotlights only partly reached the ODS while the other part of the light reached a pipe of the milking parlour mounted above the cows, projecting a shadow over the cows back where the CSD was attempting to capture an image. ___________________________________________________________ 35 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Also the spotlights were not shining exactly parallel to the camera lens. Since the strips are retroreflective, meaning reflection of light is back towards the source of the light, this set up will decrease the amount of reflection reaching the camera, thereby contributing to the high number of strips not being recognized by the system. The bracket that supported the camera in the trial herd also needed to be mounted in a way that prevents movement or vibration that altered the position from where the image was being captured. In this trial, movement of the camera was possible to a slight degree that was possibly still too much. From a check of the images obtained, ideally the camera should have been mounted 200 mm closer to the cows and 200 mm caudally over the cows to increase the frame of view on the cows back and thereby insure that all strips were fully visible within this frame. Finally, the author thinks the fact that not enough people with experience in CSDoestrus detection were directly involved in this trial has contributed to the poorer results compared to earlier trials. Although, due to circumstances, earlier involvement of experts was not possible, this could have made rectification of some of the apparently crucial faults in the set up possible during the trial, thereby improving the systems function. ___________________________________________________________ 36 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Professor Williamson for his guidance and support during the research internship that ended in this report. I am also grateful to Dr. Vos for his help with finishing this report after my return to the Netherlands. Jan van den Broek and Nicolas Lopez-Villalobos have been very helpful with the statistical analysis. I greatly enjoyed the practical help of Kim Dowson during the trial and appreciated the comments of John Alawneh on the entire system in our trial setting at the Bunnythorpe site. I’m grateful to Steve and Laura Barr for their patience in the milking shed throughout the entire trial. The people of Edit iD have been of great support during my entire work at the Bunnythorpe site. Furthermore I have greatly appreciated all the things the Lewis family has done to make me feel at home and help me get around Palmerston North. They treated me as part of their family and supported me throughout my entire stay in New Zealand. Most of all I would like to thank my parents, Frank and Tine for supporting me in so many ways throughout my entire life, but especially during my stay in New Zealand. They made me confident enough to face the adventure but maintained a safe haven to return to. ___________________________________________________________ 37 P.A. van Iren October 2006 – January 2007 References 1. ALAWNEH, J.I. (2006) Automatic oestrus detection using a camera-software device and oestrus detector strips in dairy cattle at pasture. MVSc Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 2. ALAWNEH, J.I., WILLIAMSON, N.B., BAILEY, D. 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