Institute of Marine Biology Russian Academy of Sciences Far

Eleventh International Symposium of the Russian Society of Nematologists
«The nematodes and other Ecdysozoa»
July 6-11 2015, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation
Institute of Marine Biology Russian Academy of Sciences Far-Eastern Branch
Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Biology, Karelian Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences
Dear colleague,
The Institute of Marine Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far-Eastern Branch, the A.N.
Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Biology,
Karelian Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, the State Natural Reserve ‘Prisurskii’ and
the National Library of Chuvash Republic invite you to take a part in Eleventh International
Symposium of the Russian Society of Nematologists «The nematodes and other Ecdysozoa» which
will be held in the period July 6-11 2015 in Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation.
A wide spectrum of scientific issues will be considered in the course of the meeting. The
symposium will provide nematologists the possibility to share their views on the recent progress in
nematology, present their results as oral talks or poster presentations. One of the goals of this meeting
is the strengthening of the professional links between Russian and international nematologists.
Within the frames of this scientific meeting a workshop on theoretical and applied
nematology will be organized for the undergraduate and postgraduate biology and agricultural
science students.
The symposium will be held at the facilities of the National Library of Chuvash Republic at
Main topics of the symposium:
Nematodes and other pseudocoelomate animals in the Animal Kingdom.
Phylogeny of nematodes.
Morphology, embryology and ultrastructure of nematodes.
Ecology, biology and diversity of nematodes.
Biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology of nematodes.
Nematodes as bioindicators in fresh-water, marine and terrestrial ecosystems.
Invasive nematode species. Quarantine measures. Nematode population control.
Organizing Committee of the Symposium
Vladimir V. Yushin, Institute of Marine Biology, Vladivostok, Chairperson
Sergei E. Spiridonov, Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow, Vice-chairperson
Roland N. Perry, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hajime Kosaka, Kyushu Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan
Eugenii V. Osmelkin, State Natural Reserve ‘Prisurskii’, Cheboksary, Vice-chairperson
Alexander V. Dimitriev, State Natural Reserve ‘Prisurskii’
Leonid V. Egorov, State Natural Reserve ‘Prisurskii’
Elena S. Ivanova, Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow
Elizaveta M. Matveeva, Institute of Biology, Karelian Scientific Centre, Petrozavodsk
Elena A. Guzeeva, Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow
Julia K. Zograf, Institute of Marine Biology, Vladivostok
Boris D. Efeykin, Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow
Scientific Board of the Symposium
V.V. Yushin, Institute of Marine Biology, Vladivostok.
E.M. Matveeva, Institute of Biology, Karelian Scientific Centre, Petrozavodsk
V. D. Migunova, Skrjabin Institute of Helminthology, Moscow
M.V. Pridannikov, Institute of Phytopathology, Golitsino.
A. Yu. Ryss, Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg
S.E. Spiridonov, Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow
S.A. Subbotin, Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow; RSN representative in the
International Federation of Nematological Societies.
S.V.Zinovieva, Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow
Working languages of the Symposium are English and Russian.
The cultural program of the meeting will include the excursion around Cheboksary,
acquaintance with the ethnic history and modern life of Chuvash people, and the trip to Kazan, the
capital of neighbouring Tatar Republic.
The meeting of the members of the Russian Society of Nematologists will be also organized to
discuss current problems and targets for Russian nematology.
Participation in the Eleventh RSN Symposium can be done via online registration at the
official website of the meeting - up to April 1, 2015, or by sending
the completed registration form (presented on the last page of this circular) by electronic mail to
Registration fee for the participation in the Eleventh RSN Symposium is 270 euro and
will cover all the common expenditures of the Symposium: printing of abstracts and other
materials, correspondence with participants including the express mail for delivery of official
invitations (needed for Russian visa application); regular expenditures during sessions (meeting
rooms rent, translation, coffee breaks, refreshments); organized lunches for foreign participants
at the 1st, 2nd and 4th days of the Symposium; a bus tourist trip to Kazan on the 3d day of
Symposium including visit to the local ethnographic museum and the farewell banquet
Registration fees can be paid ONLY through the account of the Russian Journal of
Russian Journal of Nematology Account, Dexia Bank N.V., Pachecolaan 44 –
1000 Brussel, Belgium. GKCCBEBB, Account 068-2223634-33;
Please mark the money transfer as ‘Registration fees RSN 2015 Symposium’
The payment is to be made before April 1st, 2015. After this date the registration fee will
be 290 euro.
All the needed information about hotels and entertainment possibilities in Cheboksary, easy
ways to reach this city in the Russian Federation and other helpful sources and sites will be presented
on Symposium site and in the next information letter.
The format of presentations
All the oral presentations of the main Symposium events are to be presented in English in
Microsoft Power Point. Plenary (opening) talks are by the invitation of the Scientific Committee only
(time for this type of presentation will be discussed separately with the invited lecturer). A session talk
will be 20 min long (normally including 5 min for discussion). We expect that participants will
provide the Organizing Committee with the files of Power Point Presentations during the registration,
to ensure the safe uploading of files into symposium computers.
For the poster presentation a surface of 1 m wide and 1.2 m high will be provided. The
preferred format for poster presentations will be available on Symposium website after Jan 1, 2015.
The abstracts of talks and presentations are expected from participants before April 20th, 2015.
Abstracts of all presented talks and posters will be printed in the Russian Journal of
Nematology, 2015, vol. 23, N 2.
The style and format of the abstract is presented below. The upper limit of abstract text length is 250
Yushin, V.V.1, Claeys M.2 and Houthoofd W.2. MATURE SPERMATOZOA OF BREVIBUCCA
The nematode family Brevibuccidae Paramonov, 1956 has questionable relationships within
the order Rhabditida (sensu De Ley and Blaxter, 2002); new information on morphology of the family
representatives is desirable. The spermatozoon morphology and development have potential to be used
as clear and easily comparable morphological characters in taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis. We
present the original study of Brevibucca sp. (SB117) sperm ultrastructure as the part of the
international project on nematode reproduction. The nematode spermatozoa represent an aberrant type
of male gametes; they are characterized by the absence of an axoneme and acrosome. The mature
spermatozoa of Brevibucca are amoeboid bipolar cells ca 4.3 µm in size; each cell is subdivided into a
pseudopod devoid of organelles and a main cell body. The main cell body includes a condensed
nucleus, many mitochondria and so called ‘membranous organelles’ (MO). These unique, aberrant,
organelles are characteristic to developing as well as mature sperm of many nematodes studied. The
MO in Brevibucca sperm look like large (ca 0.6-1.0 m diam.) vesicles with transparent content and a
system of internal finger-like projections of the outer membrane. Each MO is joined to the
plasmalemma of the main cell body and open to the exterior via a pore. Each spermatozoon has a
prominent pseudopod filled with the filamentous components of the cytoskeleton. The spermatozoa of
this type have been described in representatives of several higher taxa of the ‘rhabditids’
(Spiruromorpha, Ascaridomorpha, Panagrolaimomorpha, Tylenchomorpha, Diplogastromorpha,
Rhabditomorpha) and are known for free-living marine species from the orders Monhysterida and
Araeolaimida. (Support: EUMAINE; RFBR 11-04-00368; RFBR 11-04-98555; FEB RAS 09-III-А06-216; RF government grant 2010-220-01-180). – 1A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology,
FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia. E-mail:; 2Nematology Unit, Department of
Biology, Ghent University, Belgium.
Key dates:
Registration – before April 1, 2015
Abstract submission – before April 20, 2015
Registration fee transfer – before June 15, 2015
Registration fee
Before April 1st 2015 After April 1st 2015
RSN Member
240 EUR
260 EUR
270 EUR
290 EUR
125 EUR
150 EUR
Accompanying person
100 EUR
125 EUR
Daily registration
75 EUR
90 EUR
Publication without participation 50 EUR
70 EUR
We are ready to answer all the questions related to symposium organization via e-mail:
Contact information
Laboratory of taxonomy and evolution of parasites,
A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS
Leninskii prospect, 33, 119071, Moscow, Russia.
Tel.: +7 (495) 959 9725
Fax: +7 (495) 959 9725
e-mail: :
Eleventh International Symposium of the Russian Society of Nematologists
«Nematodes and other Ecdysozoa»
6 July – 11 July 2015 г., Russia, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary
Registration form
(Separate form for each participant).
Contact Information:
E-mail…………………………………………… FAX……………….……………………
Presentation format:
Presentation title(s) and author(s):
Indicate the days of your stay in Cheboksary from
up to
July 2015 г.
(All the needed information about hotels in Cheboksary will be provided)