プロジェクト名: 異常渇水対策のための地下水開発

Version:1.0 June 25, 2008
 Title of the Project: Capacity Development on Groundwater Development and Management for Climate Change Adaptation in the
Republic of Cuba
 Period of the Project: 3 years and six (6) months
 Target Area of the Project:
Training Site -“Sola” District in the Province of Camagüey (No. of inhabitants: 35,700)
Target areas for the elaboration of GIS databases: Province of Camagüey (790,000), Holguín (1,030,000) and
Las Tunas (530,000)
Target area for training course within INRH and GEIPI: Countrywide
 Target Group :Instructors able to teach training courses: GEIPI Technical Personnel (No. of Instructors: 15)
Participants in training course: GEIPI (No. of participants: 30), GEARH (40) and INRH (5)
Indirect Beneficiaries: Inhabitants of the 3 Eastern Provinces of the country (Holguín, Camagüey, Las Tunas, No. of inhabitants:
Summary of Project
(Proposed Plan of the Preliminary Study Team)
[Overall Goal]
Utilize water resources adequately in the Eastern
Region susceptible to the effects of climate change.
[ Project Purpose]
Improve the ability of INRH (including GEIPI and
GEARH) to exploit and manage groundwater.
• To execute periodic and ongoing studies on the availability of
groundwater in the eastern provinces of the country. (Applied
within the 3 provinces as a minimum)
• An alternative source of water is assured when faced with
drought in the eastern provinces of the country. (Applied
within the 3 provinces as a minimum, and the ratio is reduced
between the number of inhabitants and the coverage of piped
potable water, for which 2007 will be taken as the base
• Problems are dealt with, such as groundwater development
possibilities in the target area of the Project, and published.
• The results of analysis and management of groundwater by
mathematical models and GIS database are published in the
GEARH annual report.
• The results of analysis and management of groundwater
realized through mathematical models and GIS databases are
reflected in the INRH Annual Report.
Source of
• GEIPI Records
• GEAAL Records
• Project Records
• GEARH Annual
• INRH Annual
External Conditions
• Equipment is correctly
maintained for
groundwater studies,
mathematical model
constructions, as well
as GIS databases
within the Project.
• Elaborate and execute a
water supply plan
based on the
management of
transferred by the
Version:1.0 June 25, 2008
1. Improve the skills of GEIPI instructors with
respect to geophysical prospecting
2. Improve the ability of GEIPI instructors to
construct groundwater mathematical models.
3. Improve the technical ability
instructors with respect to GIS
4. Improve the ability of GEARH and the INRH
Dept. of Watersheds to manage and evaluate
subterranean hydraulic resources utilizing the
result of mathematical model and GIS provided
5. Technology related to groundwater development
and management (including geophysical
prospecting and GIS), will be transferred to
GEIPI technical personnel at the national level.
• Elaborate and modify training texts
• Create technical personnel able to carry out electrical
(tomography) and electromagnetic prospecting(5 people)
• Disclose the results of geophysical prospecting at the training
• Elaborate training texts
• Create technical personnel able to construct groundwater
mathematical models (5 people)
• Groundwater mathematical models are constructed at the
training site based on the acquired methodology.
• Hydro-geological maps of greater precision are drawn up than
those existing at the training site.
• Training texts are elaborated
• Create technical personnel able to construct GIS related to
water resources.(5 people)
• Output maps are elaborated at sites where GIS is constructed.
• Two or more training courses are realized directed to GEARH
and INRH Dept. of Watersheds technical personnel dedicated
to groundwater management, within the Training Program
organized by INRH.
• Of the total participants in the training course (approx. 45
people), 90% pass the knowledge-level exam at the end of the
• Two or more training courses are realized directed to technical
personnel dedicated to groundwater development and
management within the training program organized by INRH.
• Of the total participants in the training course (approx. 30
people), 90% pass the knowledge-level exam at the end of the
• Project Records
• Project Records
• Project Records
• INRH Training
• Project records
• INRH Training
• Project Records
• Close ties are
maintained between
INRH companies
Version:1.0 June 25, 2008
Output 1.
1-1 Elaborate a training plan for instructors
1-2 Elaborate and modify training texts on
geophysical prospecting (electrical and
1-3 Provide instructors with technical training on
geophysical prospecting.
1-4 Realize geophysical prospecting technical
exercises at training site for instructors.
Inputs by Japanese party:
1. Experts in geophysics, mathematical modeling and GIS
2. Equipment and materials: Geophysical equipment, Hydro-geological equipment,
Computers and Software for GIS and mathematical modeling
3. Training in Japan
4. Partial contribution to expenses
Inputs by Cuban party:
1. Counterpart Personnel
2. Administrative Staff
3. Installations necessary for the implementation of the Project (Offices for Experts,
office furniture and others)
4. Local operational expenses
 Test well drilling expenses which can subsequently be used as production wells
 Training expenses
 Salaries and other expenses for Cuban counterpart personnel
 Electrical and gas expenses
 Customs, domestic transport, and other expenses
 Equipment maintenance expenses
 Other expenses necessary for the implementation of the Project
Output 2.
2-1 Elaborate a training plan for instructors.
2-2 Elaborate a training plan with the aim of
preparing training texts on groundwater
mathematical modeling
2-3 Provide instructors with technical training on
groundwater mathematical modeling.
2-4 Realize training site investigations such as
climatological, hydraulic and hydrological
2-5 Realize training site investigations such as test
well drilling, pumping tests, water table
measurement and down-hole logging in wells
(electrical and thermal assays).
2-6 Construct a groundwater mathematical model
at the training site, define diverse
hydro-geological scenarios and perform
mathematical model.
• Necessary equipment
and materials are
acquired without delay
for the execution of
• Necessary information
for Project activities is
obtained without delay.
• Logistics are prepared
(means of transport,
facilities) to facilitate
participation in the
training course
• Training course
participants have a
basic and general
knowledge of
availability studies.
• It is possible to import
into Cuba the adequate
and necessary
equipment and
software for the
execution of the
• Suitable Cuban
counterpart personnel
are assigned.
Version:1.0 June 25, 2008
Output 3.
3-1 Elaborate training plan for instructors
3-2 Elaborate training texts for GIS construction
3-3 Using the elaborated texts, perform the
following tasks as on the job training (OJT).
a) Design the GIS relating to water resources
b) Put data base in order and enter the data
c) Elaborate GIS output maps with respect to
groundwater management based on geophysical
prospecting, mathematical model and GIS
d) Periodically update GIS databases
Output 4.
4-1 Elaborate training plan
4-2 Elaborate training texts to be used for
groundwater evaluation and management
4-3 Provide training for groundwater evaluation
and management based on the mathematical
models and GIS databases elaborated in
Activities 1, 2, and 3.
Output 5
5-1 Elaborate a training plan for relevant GEIPI
5-2 Elaborate training texts for geophysical
prospecting, ground water mathematical
modeling and GIS
5-3 Provide training with respect to geophysical
modeling and GIS.