3.3 MANAGING DISASTERS Reducing disaster risk How are disasters caused? “Hazards only become disasters when people’s lives and livelihoods are swept away…we must reduce the impact of disasters by building sustainable communities that have long-term capacity to live with risk.” Vulnerable people such as the poor, socially excluded and those affected by previous disasters are forced to live in unsafe locations, e.g. prone to landslides or flooding, or in an unsafe manner, e.g. poor housing or reliant on subsistence agriculture. Hazards are potential threats which may be natural, e.g. hurricanes or earthquakes, or manmade, e.g. industrial accidents, war, civil conflict. Disasters occur when those who are vulnerable lack the capacity and are unable to cope with a major hazard due to underlying social, economic, environmental or political pressures. The reason for, and nature of vulnerability influences the impact of a hazard on different people or groups. Kofi Annan, Former UN Secretary-General, 2003 Hazard + Vulnerability = Disaster Capacity Hazard Progression of vulnerability > DISASTER Underlying causes : Poverty Exclusion Limited resources Dynamic pressures : Limited capacities Population Globalisation Environment Unsafe conditions : Physical location Fragile livelihoods Public order (Vulnerability + Hazard) / Capacity = Disaster Trigger events: Earthquake Drought Flooding Conflict Hurricane Disaster risk is the chance of negative consequences when a natural or manmade hazard affects vulnerable people or locations. Reduce risks through: Risk and impact assessment, including identification of hazards and vulnerability/capacity analysis, e.g. as part of Needs Assessments and Contingency Planning Raising awareness of risks Developing knowledge of risks, e.g. through training, education, research, disseminating information Securing public commitment to address risks, e.g. through government policy and legislation, community action and organisational development Risk reduction measures, e.g. environmental management, social, economic and livelihood opportunities, protection of critical services, land-use and urban planning Early warning systems, e.g. forecasting, public alerts (ISDR) Is a UN strategic framework adopted in 2000 to guide and coordinate efforts towards a sustainable reduction in disaster losses and increased national and community resilience. It has shifted the focus of DRR: from hazards and the physical impact of disasters to include physical, social and economic dimensions of vulnerability to integrating DRR as part of longer term sustainable development and environmental concerns http://www.unisdr.org/ Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) Adapted from UN DMTP (1992) Overview of disaster management Reducing the risk of disaster International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Identifies strategies to minimise vulnerabilities and disaster risks in a given population to avoid (prevent) or limit (mitigate and prepare for) the negative impacts of hazards, within the context of sustainable development Who carries out DRR? National authorities International and regional organisations and institutions Civil society; volunteers and community-based organisations 2005 - 2015 HFA is a guiding framework agreed by UN member states to reduce disaster risk at international, national, and community levels. It offers five priority areas for action: 1. Make disaster risk reduction a priority 2. Know the risks and take action 3. Build understanding and awareness 4. Reduce risk 5. Be prepared and ready to act Additional resources on All In Diary website or CD: Web links for further information: Participatory Vulnerability Analysis – guide for field workers, © 2005 Action Aid Hyogo Framework for Action (fact sheet) , © 2007 ISDR Community Based Disaster Risk Management – field practitioners handbook, © 2004 ADPC Guidelines for Reducing Flood Losses, © 2002 UNISDR Critical guidelines: community-based disaster risk management © 2006 ADPC Benfield Hazard Research Centre http://www.abuhrc.org/Pages/index.aspx Reducing disaster risks – resources http://www.proventionconsortium.org/?pageid=18 © 2011 All In Diary - www.allindiary.org http://www.preventionweb.net/english/ 3rd edition 2011