BIOL 3360 Animal Behaviour Instructor: Dr. James F. Hare: Biological Sciences Building (Rm. 222); 474-6379 e-mail: Office Hours: Anytime outside lecture and lab hours (schedule beside office door) Lecture: 301 Biological Sciences Building: Slot 03; M, W, F 1030-1120 h Text: Dugatkin, L.A. 2009. Principles of Animal Behavior, 2nd Ed., New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 642 pp. Supplementary Reading: Sherman, P.W. & Alcock, J. 2010. Exploring Animal Behavior – Readings from American Scientist 5th Ed., Sunderland, Sinauer Associates, 377 pp. Lab/Tutorial: Locations as per Schedule Pgs. 3-4: B01 Slot 21; M 1430-1725 h, or, B02 Slot 23; T 1430-1725 h Teaching Assistant: B01: Ms. Angela Freeman: 116 Biological Sciences Building, 474-6379 e-mail: B02: Mr. Cole Robson-Hyska: Campus Office Location TBA, 799-5919 e-mail: Course Web Page: Objectives: The course begins with an examination of the origins of the study of animal behaviour, contrasting the approaches of comparative psychologists and ethologists. Adopting an integrated approach, we then examine the four types of questions one might pose regarding behaviour (immediate causation, development, function, and evolution) and address the genetic and physiological underpinnings of behaviour. With that background, we will consider the behaviour of individuals in terms of orientation and migration, foraging, and antipredator behaviour. Finally, we will examine the biological basis of social behaviour, consider the utility and limitations of sociobiological theory, and explore the relationship between behaviour and conservation. In the laboratory, you will be introduced to methods employed in the study of behaviour through a laboratory experiment and tutorials. You will apply the knowledge gained in those tutorials to compile an ethogram and conduct an observational study of your own design at the Assiniboine Park Zoo. 2 Lecture Outline: Topic Approximate # of Lectures Chapter(s) From Dugatkin (2nd Ed.) Introduction to Course 1 none History: Ethology vs. Comparative Psychology 1 1 (4-5) Classic Concepts I: Ethology 0.5 1 (6-10) Classic Concepts II: Comparative Psychology and Elementary Learning Theory 0.5 1 (10-16) Learning Theory, Behaviorism and The Nature/Nurture Controversy 1.5 4 (119-131) Tinbergen's 4 questions: The Integrated Approach and Behavioural Ecology 1 1 (5-6) 1 (16-21) 3 (74-81) Behaviour and the "Selfish Gene": Adaptation and Natural Selection 1.5 2 (28-44) Evolutionarily Stable Strategies and Game Theory 3 13 (437-443) 14 (462-483) Physiology of Behaviour I: Nerve Cells & Behaviour 4 3 (90-99) Physiology of Behaviour II: Hormones & Behaviour 1.5 3 (81-90) Midterm Test Monday October 17th Development of Behaviour 1.5 3 (103-108) 6 (208-211) Behaviour of Individuals I: Orientation & Migration 3 13 (443-451) Behaviour of Individuals II: Optimal Foraging 3 10 (336-349) 13 (434-437) 3 Lecture Outline: (continued) Topic Behaviour of Individuals III: Antipredator Behaviour Approximate # of Lectures 1.5 Sociality I: Antipredator Benefits of Group Living 1 Sociality II: Kinship, Reciprocity and Animal Social Behaviour 4 The Behaviour/Conservation Interface (time permitting) 1 Chapter(s) From Dugatkin (2nd Ed.) 11 (370-393) none 8 (286-289) 9 (296-331) none Lab/Tutorial: The first lab will introduce you to the interplay between physical and social factors influencing the behaviour of animals. That lab will also provide insight into the pitfalls implicit in collecting behavioural data and potential ways to control confounding factors. A series of tutorials and field trips to the Assiniboine Park Zoo will guide you through the design and execution of a simple observational study on a species of your choice. That work will familiarize you with the methods employed in the collection of behavioural data and those involved in presenting such data for publication. Lab/Tutorial Schedule: Assignment due dates are shown in italics - 10% will be deducted from the possible mark for each day an assignment is overdue. 12/13 September (204 Duff Roblin) Lab Experiment: Sowbug humidity preference 19 Sept. (301 Biological Sciences Building) / 20 Sept. (401 Biological Sciences Building) Sowbug report due at start of lab Zoo Project: Formulating a research question, proposal writing, ethical use of animals in research Quantifying Behaviour: Ethograms, sampling rules and recording rules 26/27 September (Assiniboine Park Zoo) Field trip to Assiniboine Park Zoo: selection of study species and ethogram data collection 3/4 October (Assiniboine Park Zoo) Assiniboine Park Zoo: Ethogram data collection 4 Lab/Tutorial Schedule: (continued) 10/11 October No lab meeting given Thanksgiving holiday on 10 October Ethogram and project proposal due to your TA by 1600 hrs on 11 October 17/18 October (Assiniboine Park Zoo) Zoo Project: Preliminary data collection 24/25 October (Assiniboine Park Zoo) Zoo Project: Data collection 31 Oct. (301 Biological Sciences Building) / 1 Nov. (401 Biological Sciences Building) Zoo Project: Guidelines for data presentation and report writing 25 November Project report due to your TA by 1600 hours Evaluation: Lecture Midterm Lecture Final (cumulative) Sowbug Report Ethogram Research Proposal Final Project Report 25 45 5 5 5 15 (17 October) (Exam Date TBA) (19/20 September) (11 October) (11 October) (25 November) 100 Academic Integrity: as per University Policy outlined at: VW Date: 16 November 2011 Final Grades: ≥90 = A+ 80-89 = A 74-79 = B+ 68-73 = B 62-67 = C+ 56-61 = C 50-55 = D <50 = F