TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF KOŠICE FACULTY OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES WITH A SEAT IN PREŠOV SLOVAK MECHANICAL SOCIETY BRATISLAVA SLOVAK TRIBOLOGY AND TRIBOTECHNIC SOCIETY BRATISLAVA OFFICIAL MEDIAL SPONSORS OF THE CONFERENCE 8th International Conference NEW WAYS IN MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES 2006 Invitation letter June 22-23, 2006 in Prešov SLOVAK REPUBLIC 1 TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF KOŠICE FACULTY OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES WITH A SEAT IN PREŠOV SLOVAK MECHANICAL SOCIETY BRATISLAVA SLOVAK SOCIETY OF TRIBOLOGY AND TRIBOTECHNIQUE BRATISLAVA Invitation letter to 8-th International Conference NEW WAYS IN MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES 2006 22-23 June 2006, Prešov Organized under dean of Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies of Technical University Košice with a seat in Prešov auspices prof. Ing. Jozef Novák-Marcinčin, PhD. Conference chairman: prof. Ing. Karol Vasilko, DrSc., FVT TU Košice, Slovak Republic International program committee (in alphabetical order): Dr.h.c. prof. Dr. hab. inž. Stanislaw Adamczak, DrSc., Politechnika Kielce, Poland prof. Ing. Bohuslav Bátora, CSc., TrUAD Trenčín, Slovak Republic prof. Ing. Pavel Blaškovitš, DrSc., Slovak Society of Tribology and Tribotechnique, Bratislava, Slovak Republic doc. Dr. Ing. Josef Brychta, FS VŠB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic prof. Ing. Givi Bokučava, DrSc., GU Tbilisi, Georgia prof. Ing. Radu Cotetiu, PhD., North University of Baia Mare, Romania prof. Dr. hab. inž. Jerzy Cyklis, Politechnika Krakow, Poland doc. Dr. Ing. František Holešovský, UJEP Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic prof. Ing. Vladimír Kročko, CSc., SPU Nitra, Slovak Republic prof. Dr. Ing. Ivan Kuric, SjF ŽU Žilina, Slovak Republic prof. Dr. hab. inž. Stanislaw Legutko, Politechnika Poznaň, Poland prof. Ing. Jan Mádl, CSc., FS ČVUT Praha, Czech Republic RNDr. Peter Magdolen, CSc., Ministry of education in the SR, Bratislava, Slovak Republic doc. Ing. Miroslav Maňas, CSc., University Tomas Bata Zlín, Czech Republic prof. Dr. hab. inž. Jozef Matuszek, ATH Bielsko-Biala, Poland prof. Tonci Mikac, PhD., Rijeka University, Rijeka, Croatia prof. Ing. Milan Mikleš, DrSc., FEVT TU Zvolen, Slovak Republic doc. Ing. Ondrej Nemčok, CSc., TrUAD Trenčín, FPT Púchov, Slovak Republic prof. Ing. Jozef Novák-Marcinčin, PhD., FVT TU Košice, Slovak Republic prof. Dr. Jiří Panyr, Siemens Mnichov, Germany prof. Ing. Ľudovít Parilák, CSc., ÚMV SAV Košice, Slovak Republic prof. Dr. Ing. Jozef Peterka, MtF STU Trnava, Slovak Republic doc. Ing. Miroslav Píška, CSc., FS VUT Brno, Czech Republic Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Karol Polák, DrSc., Slovak Mechanical Society, Slovak Republic Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc., TU Košice, Slovak Republic prof. Ing. Augustín Sládek, CSc., SjF ŽU Žilina, Slovak Republic prof. Ing. Emil Spišák, CSc., SjF TU Košice, Slovak Republic prof. Ing. Zinobij Antonovič Stocko, DrSc., Ľvov Politechnic Institute, Ukraine doc. Ing. Marián Tolnay, CSc., SjF STU Bratislava, Slovak Republic prof. Nicolae Ungureanu, PhD., North University of Baia Mare, Romania prof. Dr. László Ungvári, Technische Fachhochschule Wildau, Germany prof. dipl. Ing. Dr. Franz Wojda, TU Vienna, Austria doc. Ing. Jozef Zajac, CSc., FVT TU Košice, Slovak Republic 2 Organising committee: Chairman: doc. Ing. Michal Havrila, FVT TU Košice Members: Ing. Petr Baron, PhD., FVT TU Košice Ing. Antónia Franeková, Strojárstvo-Strojírenství, Žilina Ing. František Jaš, CSc., RENOJAVA spol. s r.o., Prešov doc. Ing. Jozef Jurko, PhD., FVT TU Košice Ing. Marek Kočiško, PhD., FVT TU Košice Ing. Peter Macala, ZŤS Sabinov doc. Ing. Vladimír Modrák, PhD., FVT TU Košice Ing. Ján Mojžiš, VOP Prešov Ing. Peter Monka, PhD., FVT TU Košice Ing. Vincent Paľo, COMMERC SERVICE spol. s r.o., Prešov RNDr. Peter Šoltés, IPM Solutions Prešov Ing. Daniel Tomko, Tomark, spol. s.r.o., Prešov Ing. Imrich Vojtko, PhD., FVT TU Košice Ing. Miloslav Vysoký, ZVL-AUTO, spol. s.r.o., Prešov Conference sections Section A - Global problems of manufacturing technologies Section B - Technology of dimensions changes Section C - Technology of form change Section D – Joint and cutting technology Section E - Technology of properties changes Section F - Technology of assembly and surface finishing Section G - Automation and control of manufacturing processes Section H - Associated problems of manufacturing technologies Objectives of the conference: It became already tradition on Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies of the TU Košice with a seat in Prešov, to organise conference, which identifies new knowledge in manufacturing technologies during a last period. Foregoing successful conferences were performed during 5.-6.9.1996, 17.-18.6.1997,, 17.-18.6.1999, 15.-16.6.2000, 13.-14.6.2002 and 17.-18.6.2004. The objective of conference is to integrate the common effort of producers, employees of research, development and universities on the basis of mutual program, which shall support the development of manufacturing technologies in industry. The part of conference is also the presentation of the firms with their own technologies and tools representing the trends. Conference program committee is pleased of active participation of paper authors and other participants from wide home and foreign academic and industrial background. 3 Secretariat of the Conference: doc. Ing. Jozef Jurko, PhD. Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies of the TU Košice with a seat in Prešov Bayerova 1, 080 01 Prešov, Slovak Republic tel.: 00421-51-7723791, 7722603/149 fax.: 00421-51-7733453 e- mail: http: Location of the conference: Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies of the TU Košice with a seat in Prešov Štúrova 31, 080 01 Prešov, Slovak Republic Deadline of registration form submission Participants with the paper Participants without the paper 24.02.2006 12.05.2006 Notifications of registration acceptance 17.03.2006 Deadline for the paper submission 07.04.2006 Participants with the paper Deadline of conference fee Participants without the paper paying 07.04.2006 26.05.2006 Issue of conference fee receipt Concurrently with fee payment Submission of list of accepted papers to the conference 26.05.2006 participants 8th International Conference “New Ways 22.-23.6.2006 in Manufacturing Technologies 2006” Annotation: Papers without payment of the conference tees cannot present on the conference and publish in the conference proceedings. Conference languages: Slovak, Czech, English, German, Russian, Polish Presentation of the firms: The firms can present their products and technologies at the exposition area or publish the advertisement in conference proceedings. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF KOŠICE FACULTY OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES WITH OF SEAT IN PREŠOV Bayerova 1, 080 01 Prešov (Public university accordance with law No. 131/2002 Z.z.) IČO: 00397610 DIČ: 2020486710 IČ DPH: SK2020486710 4 Confirmation of payment for oblisatory order items of 8-th International Conference NEW WAYS IN MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES 2006 June 22-23, 2006 in Prešov We confirm the payment of amount noticed in colum „Total Costs“ for individual items: Price + VAT (EUR) Item Quantity Total Costs Conference fees registration fee including proceedings 70 registration fee including proceedings, students and PhD internal students (required confirmation about study) 35 publishing in proceedings without active participation (separate print) 30 advertisement in proceedings (1 page A4) 30 purchasing of the proceedings without active participation on the conference 25 Catering Services and Conference Party (please check yout reservation „x") yes no lunch - in student hostel 22.6. lunch - in student hostel 23.6. conference party 22.6. Accommodation: double bedded roms (please check yout reservation „x") yes no student hostel, 21.6. student hostel, 22.6. student hostel, 23.6. boarding-house, 21.6. boarding-house, 22.6. boarding-house, 23.6. Exposition area exposition area (price per 1m2) 35 Total amount of payment: We confirm that amount noticed in box „Total amount payment“ for ordered items from FVT TU Prešov in frame of 8-th international conference „New Ways in Manufacturing Technologies 2006" was executed. From our organization acccount (Account number/Bank code) ……....................................................................................... was carried forward amount listed in colum “Total amount payment” for participants: ……………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Interantional bank information for foreign payers: Bank institute: Všeobecná úverová banka, Radlinského 32, Bratislava SWIFT code: SUBASKBX, IBAN CODE: SK77 8180 0000 0070 0008 1877 Payment receiver: Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Fakulta výrobných technológií, Bayerova 1, 080 01 Prešov, Slovensko Account name: Podnikateľská činnosť Fakulta výrobných technológií Variable symbol: 6130 Name and surname (legible) of signed person……………………………………………………………………………. Tax receipt will be send to your corresponding address after payment realization. In ........................................... date ……………………………2006 5 ___________________________ Signature and stamp Registration Form on the 8th International Conference NEW WAYS IN MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES 2006 Name, surname, titles: Home address: .............................................................................. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. tel.: ....................................................................... Name and address of employer: .............................................................................. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. tel.: ....................................................................... fax: ....................................................................... e-mail:................................................................... I am interested in the activities related with conference „NSVT 2006“ Participation on the conference with the paper without the paper publishing in proceedings without participation (sep. print) exhibition of propagation materials, exhibits conference party (preliminary interest) Date: ............................................. Signature: .................................................... Please, send the filled registration form (both sides) to conference secretariat: doc. Ing. Jozef Jurko, PhD. KVT FVT TU Košice with a seat in Prešov Bayerova 1 080 01 Prešov Slovak Republic tel.: 00421-51-7723791, 7722603/kl.149 fax.: 00421- 51-7733453 e-mail: http: 6 Author(s) of the paper/exposition (please underline the name of corresponding author) Title of the paper in English language Abstract of the paper Theme of the paper/exposition belongs to the section (check): A B C D E F G H Authors declare that they have full rights to publish the information included in the paper. Authors have taken into the account that program committee of the conference will perform definitive decision about acceptation of the paper into conference program (including its assignment to section). Date: Signature: 7 Information about organisation covering payments in relation to the 8th International Conference NEW WAYS IN MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES 2006 June 22-23, 2006 in Prešov Data about payer Organisation name Legal Registration No. Bank Account number/ Bank code (IBAN form) Address for correspondence Street and number Town Post Code Contact person Surname, name Phone Fax e-mail Remark: In case, that these data will not be provided to FVT TU Košice with the seat in Prešov, or will be filled unsatisfactory, it will not be possible to issue tax receipt with correct data. Acknowledgement about liquidated deliver coeval with remittance insert to this address: doc. Ing. Jozef JURKO, PhD. FVT TU Košice with a seat in Prešov Bayerova 1 080 01 Prešov Slovak Republic Information about conference „NEW WAYS IN MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES 2006“ can be also acquired using following contacts: tel.: fax.: e-mail: http: 00421-51 7723791 00421-51 7733453 8 SIZE 11 POINTS, BOLD, LARGE LETTERS, ARTICLE ALIGNED LEFT NEW WAYS IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING ´2006 22. – 23. June 2006, Prešov, Slovak Republic size 11 points, normal, article aligned left Name of contribution in Slovak/Czech language Name of contribution in English language size 14 points, bold, article aligned to the centre, space above the article 18 points Jozef JURKO, Ján NOVÁK size 11 points, bold, article centered, surname written by capitol letters Abstract: Annotation of contribution in Slovak/Czech language of maximum extent 5 rows. [Annotation name: size 9 points, bold, article aligned to the centre, space above the article 12 points; text of annotation font Times New Roman, size 9 points, normal, article aligned left] Abstract: Annotation of contribution in English language of maximum extent 5 rows. Formatting rules same as for annotation in Slovak/Czech language. Key words: minimum 4 and maximum 8 keywords. Formatting rules same as for annotation in Slovak/Czech language. Title SIZE 12 POINTS, BOLD, LARGE, ARTICLE ALIGNED TO THE BLOCK, Template for writing the contribution is ARTICLE possible to12 acquire through URL address Using the SPACE ABOVE THE POINTS, template saves a lot of work with defining styles and3 formatting SPACE BELOW THE ARTICLE POINTS the document. All text sections of the contribution (it means titles, descriptions of figures, tables and texts) have to use font Times New Roman with single spacing (spacing 1). Prescribed formatting of the font for text sections is size 11 points, normal, article aligned to the block, first row of article set from the left 1 cm. Only contributions written in accordance with these rules will be accepted. Page format of contribution is A4. Document margins has to be 25 mm from all sides. Maximum extent of contribution is 4 pages, whereby the contribution can be written only with even number of pages. Each page over the prescribed extent will be charged by additional fee 100,- SK. The contribution can be written in format of Microsoft Word, from version 4 (*.doc) or in Rich Text Format (*.rtf) with settings for laser printer (best Xerox 8Pe). All objects (figures, tables, graphs, ...) has to be inserted in electronic format in delivered document file. In case that these objects of contribution will not be in electronic format, their editing will be performed after payment of additional fee 50,- SK per object. Title ofaligned 2nd level size 12 points, bold, article to the block, space above the article 6 points, space below the article 3 points Electronic form of contribution can be delivered to the address of conference secretariat on floppy disc, but preferred is delivering to e-mail address in file attached to e-mail. Along with electronic version of contribution, it is required to deliver 1x contribution camera-ready copy to the conference secretariat for possibility of comparison of author originals with files prepared to print. instructions for creation of tables If possible, tables should use whole width of the area determined for text. In case it is not possible they should be centred in relation to page width. Efficient precision of dimensions for rotary surfaces 120 - 260 260 - 400 0,250 0,250 50 - 120 30 - 50 above 500 mm Extent of diameters [mm] 120 - 260 80 - 120 50 - 80 30 - 50 18 - 30 180 - 260 120 -180 80 -120 50 - 80 30 - 50 18 - 30 180 -500 mm Extent of diameters [mm] 9 0,200 0,200 0,200 0,170 0,160 0,150 0,120 0,200 0,200 0,150 0,150 0,150 0,100 0,050 0,050 size 11 points, bold, article aligned to the block, space above and below the article 6 points Clean Turning 10 -18 to 180 mm Extent of diameters [mm] do 10 Lengths: Table 1 It is necessary to mind the best exploitation of page space in order to avoid the creation of large free places, especially on the last page of contribution. a b c Figure 1 Characteristics of cutting section of twist drill (a - tool nose, b - chisel edge, c - cutting edge) size 11 points, bold, article aligned to the centre, space above and below the article 6 points Figures The rules prescribed for tables are valid also for performing the figures. Insufficient quality of figures can be reason for rejection of publishing the contribution in conference NSVT 2006 proceedings. Options for using the titles and subtitles Title of 2nd level Title of 3rd level size 11 points, bold, italic, article aligned to the block, space above the article 3 points, space below the article 1 point Conclusion Please, put contact addresses and information about all authors of contribution at the end. REFERENCES List of references has to be performed in accordance with STN ISO 690: Documentation. Bibliographic references. Content, form and structure. Information about authors put in bottom margin of last page. Text: size 9 points, normal, large, first row set 1 cm, article aligned to the block, space above the article 12 points, space below the article 3 points doc. Ing. Jozef Jurko, PhD., Department of Manufacturing Technologies FVT TU Košice with the headquarters in Prešov, Bayerova 1, 080 01 Prešov, tel.: 00 421 51 77 23 791, fax 00 421 51 77 33 453, e-mail: Ing. Ján Novák, Strojárne Lipany, Dubovické rovne 4, 083 01 Lipany, tel.: 00 421 51 62355, fax 00 421 51 62356, e-mail: 10