CV - Veterinary Medicine

Date of Birth:
Simeon Idowu Babalola, CADMUS
5 January, 1969
Department of Veterinary Public
Health and Preventive Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
First Academic Appointment:
Present post (with date):
Lecturer II (9 April, 1997)
Professor (1 August, 2012)
University Education (with dates)
University of Ibadan, Ibadan
University of Ibadan, Ibadan
University of Ibadan, Ibadan
(1986 - 1992)
(1995 - 1997)
(1997- 2007)
Academic Qualifications (with dates and granting bodies)
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan
(October, 1992)
Master of Veterinary Public Health, University of Ibadan
(April, 1997)
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Ibadan
(December, 2007)
Professional Qualifications and Diploma (with date)
Registered Veterinary Surgeon (VCN Reg. No. 2223) - 1992.
Certificate in Advanced Immunology- Molecular and Cellular Basis of the
Normal Immune Response (February 1998, Ibadan, Nigeria).
Certificate in Molecular Typing of Mycobacterium bovis and Processing
of Bovine Tissues for TB Diagnosis, Veterinary Laboratories Agency,
United Kingdom (February, 2004).
Diploma in Molecular Tools and Epidemiology of Tuberculosis, Institut
Pasteur, Paris (April, 2006).
Scholarships, Fellowships and Prizes (with dates) in respect of
Undergraduate and Postgraduate work only):
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation/University of Ibadan
Foreign Training Grant - 2004 (i) Short-term training in studies on drug
susceptibility in multi-drug resistance strains of TB, Johns Hopkins School
of Public Health, Baltimore, USA (Dr. Ying Zhang Laboratory) and
(ii) Short-term training in biochemical dynamics of M. tuberculosis,
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Infectious Disease (Prof.
Rubin Harvey’s Laboratory).
Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA), United Kingdom-Training
support (Short-term training in processing of bovine tissues for TB
diagnosis, molecular diagnosis of M. tuberculosis complex, and techniques
of ruminant immunology relevant to the assessment of immune responses
in cattle infected with bovine tuberculosis).
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and International
Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Research Grant (Improving benefits
of urban and peri-urban production through management of associated
human and environmental health risks in Nigeria (with emphasis on
Tuberculosis). IDRC/ILRI (2004-2006).
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Grant to the University
of Ibadan 2006 (Grant 800/406/54/2006/REG/2).
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, USA under the Higher
Education Initiative in Africa (Grant No. 97944-0-800/406/99) for the
establishment of a Center of Excellence that supports this Consortium of
Universities (Co-Principal Investigator).
World Bank STEP-B award of Centre of Excellence in Infectious and
Zoonotic Diseases to the University of Ibadan (FME/stepb/R3/5) (CoInvestigator).
VII. Honours, Distinctions and Membership of Learned Societies
Travel award by International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung
Disease for the 46th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Cape
Town, South Africa, 2-6 December, 2015.
Travel award by Keystone Symposia on Host response in tuberculosis,
January 22nd-27th, 2015. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Northwestern University AIDS International Training & Research
Programme, 2012 Fogarty Training Fellowship (Short term training
specifically directed at writing NIH focused grant proposals, Northwestern
University, Chicago, USA, April, 2012).
University of Ibadan Travel Grant to attend the 5th International M. bovis
Conference in New Zealand, 2009.
Animal Health Board, New Zealand Travel Grant to attend the 5th
International M. bovis Conference in New Zealand, 2009.
Northwestern University AIDS International Training & Research
Programme, 2009 Fogarty Training Research Grant (A prevalence study
of MDR-TB in Ibadan, Nigeria: exploring two rapid diagnostic assays).
Northwestern University AIDS International Training & Research
Programme, 2008 Fogarty Training Fellowship (Short term training in a
BSL3 TB Laboratory in the area of TB bacteriology (culture, microscopy
and drug susceptibility) and molecular diagnostics of Human TB in a
National Institute of Health (NIH), USA funded Laboratory (SEREFO
Project) in University of Bamako Mali.
Immunodiagnostic Travel Grant to attend 2008 TB Immunodiagnostic
Conference, Virginia
Beach, USA.
CTA Travel Grant to attend the 2008 Brucellosis Conference in London.
University of Ibadan Multi-Disciplinary Senate Research Grant 2007 (CoInvestigator) (Anti-tuberculosis evaluation of 20 medicinal plants
identified from the Southwestern Nigerian Ethnomedicine).
Membership of learned societies:
Member, Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA)
Member, American Society of Microbiology (ASM)
Member, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Member, International Epidemiological Association
American Thoracic Society (ATS)
VIII. Details of Teaching Experience at University Level
I was employed on 9 April, 1997 as a Lecturer Grade II in the Department of
Veterinary Public Health & Preventive Medicine where I have been teaching till
date. This represents a teaching experience of 18 years at the University level. Over this
period, I have thought the following courses:
(a) Undergraduate (1997 to date).
Veterinary Biostatistics
Veterinary Zoonoses and Environmental Health
Food (Meat and Milk) Hygiene
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Clinics I
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Clinics II
Field Practice III (Public Health and Epidemiology)
(b) Postgraduate (2007 to date)
S/N Courses
Advanced Meat and Milk Hygiene
Control of Major and Emerging Zoonoses
Abattoir Design and Management
Veterinary Environmental Health
Seminar Presentation
VPH 411
VPH 525
VPH 513
VPH 531
VPH 632
VPH 422
VPH 710
VPH 713
VPH 721
VPH 722
VPH 730
VPH 731
Unit Semester
1st and 2nd
1st and 2nd
Unit Semester
Undergraduate Supervision
I have supervised 15 undergraduate students’ projects to date.
Postgraduate Supervision
I have supported and supervised 12 Masters students in the area of Veterinary Public
Health (MVPH), 2 PhD students and currently doing the same for 4 students on their PhD
(e) Administrative Experience
I have had the privilege of serving the University at various levels since 1997 as:
Departmental Representative, Faculty Field Trip
Member, Departmental Finance Committee
Sub-Dean (Clinics), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2005-2007
Faculty Rep in Faculty Board of Agric. & Forestry 2009-2010
Departmental Clinical Co-ordinator
Head of Veterinary Public Health Unit
2010 to date
Member of Senate, University of Ibadan
2011 to date
Congregation Representative (Board of Health)
2011 to 2013
Congregation Representative (Development Committee) 2015 to date
(a) Completed:
(i) Molecular characterization of human and bovine tubercle bacilli in Ibadan,
and evidence of zoonotic transmission (2001-2007). The early part of this
research work established for the first time, the molecular epidemiological baseline
of strains of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex causing tuberculosis in
humans and cattle in Nigeria. Using spoligotyping, variable-number tandem-repeat
analysis and deletion typing techniques, we were able to confirm that majority of
tuberculosis disease in humans in Ibadan is caused by a single, closely related
group of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains. The study also showed that
approximately 13% of the disease in humans is caused by strains of
Mycobacterium africanum and M. bovis. This work resulted in several publications
(papers 12, 15, 17, 20) and the training of a postgraduate student who is now a
Lecturer 1 in the Department. Furthermore, through grants received from
IDRC/ILRI Funded Project (2004-2006) and the John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur / University of Ibadan Re-entry Grant 2006, I was able to provide
more insight into the epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis and the zoonotic
transmission of BTB in Nigeria. This project culminated in the training of three
postgraduate students (in the University of Ibadan, Othman Dan Fodiyo University,
Sokoto and University of Pretoria, South Africa). The project also led to some
publications (papers 22, 32, 36, 48 and 55). Overall, the results generated from
these series of projects have significant implications for public health.
Exploring the use of faecal samples in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in pediatric
patients in Ibadan (2005-2007).
Tuberculosis is a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in
Nigeria. Diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis is a global challenge making early
treatment a mirage. In this study, we investigated the stools of some children for
the presence of Mycobacteria. Approximately 5% (9/192) of apparently well
children had evidence of potentially serious tuberculosis infection. The results have
been published (paper 30).
(iii) Insight into the prevalence of tuberculosis in dental patients in Ibadan (20062007).
Acquisition of TB in healthcare facilities is a well-recognized hazard for healthcare
workers and patients. To determine the prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
infection among dental patients and to assess dentists’ risk for exposure, we
conducted a study among dental patients at a large tertiary hospital in Nigeria, a
country where tuberculosis is endemic. Ten (13%) of 78 sputum samples obtained
were positive for M. tuberculosis. The work has been published in the Journal of
Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) (Cadmus, S.I.B., Okoje VN, Taiwo BO, van
Soolingen D. (2010). Mycobacterium tuberculosis exposure for dentists, Ibadan,
Nigeria. Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol. 16. No. 9, 1479-1481).
(b) In Progress:
(i) Antituberculosis evaluation of 20 medical plants identified from the
Southwestern Nigerian Ethnomedicine (University of Ibadan Multidisciplinary
Senate Research Grant 2007).
One the major objectives of my involvement in this study, is to explore the
knowledge that I have acquired over the years in the area of TB and
Mycobacteriology with other colleagues (from the Faculty of Pharmacy) in the
University to find a cure for tuberculosis through the exploration of ethnomedicine.
This is an ongoing project, and initial results indicate possibility of local medicinal
plants that could serve as lead candidates for anti-tuberculosis. This project is also
facilitating the training of 3 postgraduate students in the University.
(ii) Diagnostic methods for the confirmation of tuberculous lymphadenitis in
patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis in patients attending the Fine
Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) Clinic in the Department of Pathology,
University College Hospital, Ibadan.
This is an ongoing project to strengthen the diagnostic algorithm of patients with
extra-pulmonary TB in conjunction with colleagues in the Department of
Pathology, College of Medicine, University College Hospital, Ibadan. One of the
goals of this project is to apply my research skills towards better patient care in
human hospitals given the concept of “One Health”. Two major
scientific papers have been published from this ongoing project (papers 15, 17).
(iii) Prevalence study of MDR-TB in a local setting in Nigeria using the Nitrate
Reductase Assay (NRA) and Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility
(MODS) Assay (Collaborative study with the Northwestern University AIDS
International Training & Research Programme, 2008 Fogarty Training Grant
No. D43TW007995).
This project sets out to show some of my active research interests in the area of TB
Diagnostics. It is expected that the proper evaluation of these rapid diagnostic TB
assays in local laboratories, will provide further scientific evidence for their ease of
use or otherwise in settings like Nigeria. In carrying out this project, I also
collaborated with a senior colleague in Department of Microbiology and this has
resulted and helped in the training of a PhD student who is rounding up his Thesis.
Through this research initiative, in 2010, the PhD candidate training on this project
(Falodun, I.O.) was awarded a $10,000 grant from the African Doctoral Dissertation
Research Fellowship (ADDRF). Furthermore, preliminary findings from this
project have been presented at several international conferences including the
Keystone Conference held in July, 2012 in Kampala, Uganda (Pattern of drug
resistance in HIV-negative tuberculosis patients in Ibadan, Nigeria---Falodun,
I., Ogunlade, O., Fagade, O., Adewole, I., Taiwo, B., Murphy, R., Cadmus, S).
Another abstract (Pattern of drug resistance among tuberculosis patients with
and without HIV infection in Ibadan, Nigeria--- Cadmus S, Falodun O,
Ogunlade O, Fagade O, Adewole IF, van Soolingen, Dick., Taiwo BO, Murphy
RL) from this project was also accepted for presentation at the 43rd Union World
Conference on Lung Health (a prestigious International Conference for Tuberculosis
and Lung Disease) to be held in November, 2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
(iv) Epidemiology of brucellosis in different species of animals Nigeria
(Collaborative study with the Brucellosis Unit of the Veterinary Laboratories
Agency, UK).
This project is actually a major attempt at re-awakening brucellosis (a disease of
great economic and zoonotic importance) research in Nigeria after a lull in active
work on the disease especially in the University of Ibadan. The approach involves
active collaboration with the Brucellosis Unit of the Veterinary Laboratories
Agency (UK), an OIE Center of Excellence in Brucellosis Research and other
researchers from different Universities and institutions in Nigeria.
To date, 6
postgraduate students (2 PhD, 4 Masters) have benefited or are still benefiting from
this project in different Universities in Nigeria (University of Ibadan, Ahmadu
Bello University, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta). In addition, 4 DVM
students have also benefited from this project by carrying out their final year
projects through facilities and reagents provided. Finally, I also provided
community service through the University of Ibadan Veterinary Teaching Hospital
by offering free brucellosis diagnosis to animals where such need arose.
(c) Dissertation and Thesis:
Cadmus, S.I.B. Molecular characterization of human and bovine tubercle bacilli
in Ibadan. Ph.D Thesis 2006. University of Ibadan.
(a) Books already published:
Adeyemi, I.G., Alonge, D.O, Agbede, S.A, Ogundipe, G.A.T., Ishola,
O.O., Babalobi, O.O., Ijagbone I.F., Cadmus, S.I.B., Adedeji, O.B.,
Adeyemo, O.K., Olugasa B.O., Adetunji V.O., Olatoye I.O., Awosanya,
A.E.J., Ojomo, B, and Agboola, B.B. (2008): Clinical and Laboratory
Manual Veterinary Public Health, Preventive Medicine, Wildlife and
Fishery Diseases. First Edition, Kehny prints, ISBN 978-978-839-1 Ibadan
94 pages
(c) Chapter in a book already published:
Zinsstag, J., Kazwala, R.R., Cadmus, I. and Ayanwale, L. (2006):
Mycobacterium bovis in Africa. In: Mycobacterium bovis infection in
Animals and Humans. C.O. Thoen, J.H. Steele and M.J. Gilsdorf. Publ.
Blackwell, 2nd ed. 199-210.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Osman, el Tayeb and van Soolingen D. (2012):
Tuberculosis is still a major challenge in Africa. IN: Understanding
tuberculosis-global experiences and innovative approaches to the
diagnosis.Pere-Joan Cardona, Publ. InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka,
Croatia, 59-70.
Cadmus, S., van Soolingen, D. (2013): Molecular tools for fast
identification of resistance and characterization of MDR/XDR-TB.
In: Tuberculosis; laboratory diagnosis and treatment strategies. TD
McHugh; Publisher CABI International, 125-136.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Ayanwale, F.O. (2014). Bovine tuberculosis:
epidemiology, zoonotic transmission, activities and challenges towards its
control in Nigeria. In: Zoonotic tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovis and
other pathogenic mycobacteria. C.O. Thoen, J.H. Steele and J.B.
Kaneene. Publ. John Wiley, 3rd ed. 149-158
(d) Articles that have already appeared in referred Conference Proceedings
Agbede, S.A., Cadmus, S.I.B. and Ishola, O.O. (1998): Veterinary needs
in aquaculture in Ogun State: IV Fish inspection services “Proceedings
of the seminar on aquaculture in Ogun State: Management and
Veterinary needs” 11th November, 1997 at the State Veterinary Hospital
Complex, Ibara, Abeokuta, Ogun State. pg 73-75.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Olugasa, B.O. and Ogundipe, G.A.T. (1999): The
prevalence and zoonotic importance of bovine tuberculosis in Ibadan
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Veterinary
Medical Association, held in Kaduna, 25th -31st October 1999, pg 8-11.
Olugasa, B.O., Cadmus, S.I.B. and Atsanda, N.N. (2000): Actualization
of strategies for beef quality control in South-western Nigeria.
Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Animal Hygiene. 2nd to
6TH July 2000, Maastricht, Netherlands. Vol.1. pg 67-71.
Cadmus, S.I.B. (2001): The zoonotic implications of bovine tuberculosis
in animals and humans in Nigeria. Proceedings of the
USDA/USAID/NIGERIA Sponsored International Conference on Food
Safety and Security in Nigeria, held at the International Institute for
Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan between 1st – 3rd August, 2001 pg 99105.
(e) Patents: Nil
(f) Articles that have already appeared in learned journals:
Cadmus, S.I.B., Ogundipe, G.A.T., Abatan, A.A., Mwanle,P.G.,
Adesanya, A.A.C. and Bulus, S.L. (2001): A study of clinical treatments
and economics of operations in a private veterinary clinic in Abuja,
Nigeria. Tropical Veterinarian Vol. 19. No. 1, 65-69.
Oduye, O.O., Antia, R.E., Nottidge, H.O., Taiwo, V.O., Adeyemi, I.G.,
Okewole, E.A., Adeyemo, O.K., Cadmus, S.I.B., Sonibare, A.O., Ajadi,
R.A. and Lasisi, O.T. (2001): Trypanosomiasis in City Dogs in Southwestern Nigeria. Tropical Veterinarian Vol. 19. No. 2, 49-54.
Cadmus, S.I.B. (2003): Tuberculosis in food animals. Nigerian
VeterinaryJournal Vol. 24. No. 3, 72-75.
Nottidge, H.O. Ajadi, R.A., Cadmus, S.I.B., Shonibare, O. Okewole,
E.A., Taiwo, V.O., Emipke, B. Adedokun, R.A. and Oduye, O.O. (2003):
Liver Cirrhosis associated with a non-responsive ascites in a 10-month-old
Alsatian dog – a case report. African Journal of Biomedical Research Vol.
6. No. 3, 151-153.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Atsanda, A.A., Oni, S.O. and Akang, E.E.U. (2004):
Bovine tuberculosis in one cattle herd in Ibadan in Nigeria. Veterinaria
Medicina Vol. 49. No. 11, 406 – 412.
Oyedele, O.I., Oluwayelu, D.O., and Cadmus, S.I.B., Odemuyiwa, S.O
and Adu, F.D. (2004): Protective levels of canine distemper virus
antibody in an urban dog population using plaque reduction neutralization
test. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research Vol. 17, 227-230.
Kehinde, A.O., Obaseki, F.A., Cadmus, S.I. and Bakare, R.A. (2005):
Diagnosis of tuberculosis: urgent need to strengthen laboratory services.
Journal of the National Medical Association Vol. 97. No. 3, 394 – 396.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Oluwasola, O.A. and Gordon, S. (2005): Molecular
methods for the accurate assessment of Mycobacterium bovis infection.
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Vol. 9. No. 6,
Cadmus, S. I. B. and Arinola, O.G. (2005): Evaluation of the 48 hour, 72
hour and 96 hour readings of tuberculin test for the screening of
tuberculosis in cattle. African Journal of Clinical and Experimental
Microbiology Vol. 6. No. 3, 223-226.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Palmer, S., Okker M., Dale, J., Gover, K., Smith, N.,
Jahans, K., Hewinson, R.G. and Gordon, S.V. (2006): Molecular analysis
of human and bovine tubercle bacilli from a local setting in Nigeria.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology Vol. 44. No. 1, 29-34.
Cadmus, S.I.B, Ijagbone, I.F., Oputa, H.E., Adesokan, H.K. and Stack,
J.A. (2006): Serological survey of brucellosis in livestock animals and
workers in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Biomedical Research
Vol. 9, 163-168.
Cadmus, S.I.B. and Arinola, O.G. (2005): Reduced plasma levels of
essential trace elements in Mycobacterium bovis infected cattle in Nigeria.
African Journal of Biomedical Research Vol. 10, No.1, 77-82.
Cadmus, S.I.B. and Adesokan, H.K. (2007): Phenotypic characterization
and spoligotype profiles of Mycobacterium bovis isolated from
unpasteurized cow milk in Ibadan, Nigeria. Tropical Veterinarian, Vol. 25.
No. 2, 65-72.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Alonge, D.O. and Adesokan, H.K. (2007): Meat
inspection and cultural isolation of Mycobacteria as predictors of bovine
tuberculosis in Ibadan, Nigeria. Tropical Veterinarian Vol. 25. No. 3, 101105.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Adesokan, H.K., Adepoju, A.F. and Otesile, E.B. (2008):
Zoonotic risks and transmission of Mycobacteria species from cows’ milk
and slaughtered cattle to man in Ibadan: role of butchers. Nigerian
Veterinary Journal Vol. 29. No. 1, 30-39.
Yohanna, C.A., Ijagbone, I.F. and Cadmus, S.I.B. (2008): Prevalence of
bovine tuberculosis using single comparative intradermal tuberculin test
(SCITT) in Fulani herds in Nasarawa State, North-central, Nigeria.
Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences Vol. 7. No. 2, 46-48.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Adesokan, H.K. and Stack, J. (2008): The use of the milk
ring test and rose bengal test in brucellosis control and eradication in
Nigeria. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association Vol. 79. No.
3, 113-115.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Adesokan, H.K. and Stack, J.A. (2008): Co-Infection of
brucellosis and tuberculosis in slaughtered cattle In Ibadan, Nigeria: a
case report. Veterinaria Italiana Vol. 44. No. 3, 557-558.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Adesokan, H.K. and Awosanya, A.E.J. (2008): Public
health issues and observations made during meat inspection at Bodija
Municipal Abattoir, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Nigerian Veterinary
Journal Vol. 29. No. 2, 43-47.
Cadmus S.I.B. and Adesokan H.K. (2009): Causes and implications of
bovine organs/offal condemnations in some abattoirs in Western Nigeria.
Tropical Animal Health and Production Vol. 41:1455–1463, DOI:
Cadmus, S.I.B. and Adesokan, H.K. (2010): Bovine fetal wastage in
Southwestern Nigeria: A survey of some abattoirs. Tropical Animal
Health and Production Vol. 42: 617- 621.
Ibironke, A. A., McCrindle, C.M.E., Adejuwon, T.A., Cadmus, S.I.B.
(2010): Losses associated with mortality of cattle and camels during
transportation to Oko-Oba Abattoir, Lagos State, Nigeria. European
Journal of Translational Myology - Basic Applied Myology Vol. 1. Nos.
1 & 2, 13-16.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Jenkins, A.O., Godfroid, J., Osinusi, K., Adewole, I.F.,
Murphy, R.L. and Taiwo, B.O. (2009): Mycobacterium tuberculosis and
Mycobacterium africanum in Stools from Children in an Immunization
Clinic in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Journal of Infectious Disease Vol.
13. No. 6, 740-744.
Müller, B., Hilty, M., Berg, S., Carmen Garcia-Pelayo, M., Dale, J.,
Boschiroli, L., Cadmus, S., Ngandolo, B.N.R., Godreuil, S., DiguimbayeDjaibe, C, Kazwala, R., Bonfoh, B., Njanpop-Lafourcade, B.M., Sahraoui,
N., Guetarni, D., Aseffa, A., Mekonnen, M.H., Razanamparany, V.R.,
Ramarokoto, H., Djønne, B., Oloya, J., Machado, A., Mucavele, C.,
Skjerve, E., Portaels, F., Rigouts, L., Michel, A., Müller, A., Källenius, G.,
van Helden, P.D., Hewinson, G., Zinsstag, J., Gordon, S.V., and Smith,
N.H. (2009): African 1; An epidemiologically important clonal complex
of Mycobacterium bovis dominant in Mali, Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad.
Journal of Bacteriology Vol. 191. No. 6, 1951-1960.
Cadmus, S.I., Adesokan, H.K., Jenkins A.O. and van Soolingen, D.
(2009): Mycobacterium bovis and M. tuberculosis in Goats, Nigeria.
Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol. 15. No. 12, 2066-2067.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Osikoya, I.E. and Adesokan, H.K. (2009):
Brucellosis in trade cattle in Lagos State: an investigation of two
abattoirs. Nigeria Veterinary Journal Vol. 29. No. 4, 43-46.
Cadmus, S.I. Agada, C.A., Onoja, I.I., Ibrahim, S. (2010): Risk factors
associated with bovine tuberculosis in some selected herds in Nigeria.
Tropical Animal Health and Production; Vol. 42, 547-549.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Adesokan, H.K., Okker, M., Jahans, K. (2010):
Mycobacterium fortuitum from lesions of slaughtered pigs in Ibadan,
Nigeria. OIE Scientific and Technical Review Vol. 29. No. 3, 705-711.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Yakubu, M. K., Magaji, A. A., Jenkins, A.O. and van
Soolingen, D. (2010): Mycobacterium bovis, but also M. africanum
present in raw milk of pastoral cattle in North-central Nigeria. Tropical
Animal Health and Production Vol. 42. 1047-1048.
Ibrahim, S., Agada, C.A., Umoh, J.U., Ajogi, I., Farouk, U.M. and
Cadmus, S.I.B. (2010): Prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in Jigawa
State, North-western Nigeria. Tropical Animal Health and Production Vol.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Adesokan, H.K., Adejuwon, T.A. and Adeyemi, M.O.
(2010): Retrospective study of bovine tuberculosis and other diseases of
public health importance in Oko-oba Abattoir, Lagos State. Tropical
Veterinarian Vol. 48, 21-30.
Onoja, I.I., Ogunkoya, A.B., Kudi, C., Okpapi, J.U. and Cadmus, S.I.B.
(2010): Tuberculosis transmission amongst pastoralists in Kaduna State,
Nigeria. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences Vol. 8. No. 1. & 2, 12-17.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Akingbogun, A.A. and Adesokan, H.K. (2010): Using
geographical information systems to model the spread of tuberculosis in
the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and
Medical Sciences Vol. 39, Supplementary: 193-199.
Cadmus, S.I.B. (2010): Insight into the epidemiology of laboratory
confirmed human tuberculosis in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of
Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 39. Supplementary: 213-218.
Cadmus, S.I, Okoje, V.N., Taiwo, B.O. and van Soolingen. D. (2010):
Exposure of dentists to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol. 16. No. 9, 1479-1481.
Cadmus, S.I.B. (2010): The transmission chain of Mycobacterium bovis
from cattle to humans and within the human settings in Nigeria: facts,
realities and the way forward. Tropical Veterinarian, Vol. 28. No. 1, 1-12.
Cadmus, S. I. B., Adesokan, H. K., Adedokun, B. O. and Stack, J. A.
(2010): Seroprevalence of bovine brucellosis in trade cattle slaughtered in
Ibadan, Nigeria, from 2004–2006. Journal of the South African Veterinary
Association Vol. 81. No. 1, 50–53.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Adesokan, H.K., Oluwayelu, D.O., Idris, A. O. and
Stack, J.A. (2010): Brucella abortus antibodies in the sera of indigenous
and exotic avian species in Nigeria. Bulletin of Animal Health and
Production in Africa Vol. 58, 382 – 384.
Berg, S., Garcia-Pelayo, M.C., Muller, B., Hailu, E., Asiimwe, B.,
Kremer, K., Dale, J., Boniotti, M.B., Rodriguez, S., Hilty, M., Rigouts, L.,
Firdessa, R., Machado, A., Mucavele, C., Ngandolo, B.N.R., Bruchfeld, J.,
Boschiroli, L., Muller, A., Sahraoui, N., Pacciarini, M., Cadmus, S.,
Joloba, M., van Soolingen, D., Michel, A.L., Djønne, B., Aranaz, A.
Zinsstag, J., van Helden, P., Portaels, F., Kazwala, R., Ka¨llenius, G.,
Hewinson, R.G., Aseffa, A., Gordon, S.V. and Smith, N.H. (2011):
African 2, a clonal complex of Mycobacterium bovis epidemiologically
important in East Africa. Journal of Microbiology Vol. 193. No. 3, 670–
Cadmus, S.I.B., Gordon, S.V., Hewinson, R.G. and Smith, N.H. (2011):
Exploring the use of molecular epidemiology to track bovine tuberculosis
in Nigeria: an overview from 2002 to 2004. Veterinary Microbiology Vol.
151, 133-138.
Jenkins, A.O., Cadmus, S.I.B., Venter, E.H., Pourcel, C., Hauk, Y.,
Vergnaud, G., and Godfroid, J. (2011): Molecular epidemiology of human
and animal tuberculosis in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria Veterinary
Microbiology, Vol. 151, 139-147.
Cadmus, S., Hill, V., van Soolingen, D. and Rastogi, N. (2011):
Spoligotype profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains from
HIV-positive and -negative patients in Nigeria: a comparative analysis.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology Vol. 49, 220–226.
Smith, N.H., Berg, S., Dale, J., Allen, A., Rodriguez, S., Romero, B.,
Matos, F., Ghebremichael, S., Karoui, C., Donati, C., Machado, A. da C.,
Mucavele, C., Kazwala, R.R., Hilty, M., Cadmus, S., Ngandolom,
B.N.R., Habtamu, M., Oloya, J., Muller, A., Milian-Suazo, F.,
Andrievskaia, O., Projahn, M., Barandiara´n, S., Macı´as, A., Mu¨ ller, B.,
Zanini, M. S., Ikuta, C.Y., Rodriguez, C.A.R., Pinheiro, S.R., Figueroa,
A., Cho, S., Mosavari, N., Chuang, P. and Jou, R. (2011): European 1: A
globally important clonal complex of Mycobacterium bovis. Infection,
Genetics and Evolution. Vol.11. No. 6, 1340-1351.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Falodun, O.I. and Fagade, O.E. (2011): Methods of
sputum decontamination with emphasis on local tuberculosis laboratories.
African Journal of Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 40. No. 1, 5-14
Olugasa, B.O., Oluwayelu, D.O., Ayinmode, A.B., Emipke, B.O.,
Ijagbone, I.F. and Cadmus, S.I.B. (2011): Epizootiology in
contemporary global health: making a difference in the health of people
in West Africa. Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 1. No. 1, 28-33.
Cadmus, S.I.B., Adesokan, H.K., Ajala, O.O., Odetokun, W.O.,
Perrett, L.L. and J A Stack (2011): Seroprevalence of Brucella abortus
and B. canis in household dogs in southwestern Nigeria: A preliminary
report. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association Vol. 82. No.1,
Ibrahim, S., Cadmus, S.I.B., Umoh, J.U., Ajogi, I., Farouk, U.M.,
Abubakar, U.B., and Kudi, A.C. (2012): Tuberculosis in humans and
cattle in Jigawa State, Nigeria: risk factors analysis. Veterinary Medicine
International Vol. 2012: 1-5. doi:10.1155/2012/865924
Adesokan, H.K., Jenkins, A.O., van Soolingen, D. and Cadmus, S.I.B.
(2012): Mycobacterium bovis infection in livestock workers in Ibadan,
Nigeria: evidence of occupational exposure. International Journal of
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Vol. 16. No. 10, 1388-1392.
Falodun, O.I., Adesokan, HK., Cadmus, S.I.B. (2012): Recovery rates of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis using five decontamination methods. African
Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 41. Suppl. 181-185.
59. SIB Cadmus, PI Alabi, HK Adesokan, EJ Dale, JA Stack (2013).
Serological investigation of bovine brucellosis in three cattle production
systems in Yewa Division, south-western Nigeria. Journal of the South
African Veterinary Association; Vol 84, No 1 (2013), 6 pages. doi:
60. HK Adesokan, PI Alabi, JA Stack, SIB Cadmus (2013). Knowledge and
practices related to bovine brucellosis transmission amongst livestock
workers in Yewa, south-western Nigeria - Journal of the South African
Veterinary Association Vol.84 No.1.
61. Ajaiyeoba EO, Cadmus SIB, Osiyemi OA, Adesokan HK, Fadare DA, Ogbole
O.O., Olayemi JO, Itiola OA (2013). Inhibitory activities of selected South west
Nigerian medicinal plants against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. African Journal
of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Vol. 42: 91-95.
62. S. I. B. Cadmus, O. M. Ajunwa, A. J. Adeleke*, C. A. Agada, A. A. Awoyele
(2013): Mini-review: theoretical and onsite evaluation of hazard potentials in the
local production of Wara; an Indigenous West African Soft Cheese. British
Microbiology Research Journal 3(3).
63. Osiyemi, OA, Adesokan, HK, Cadmus, SIB, Ajaiyeoba, EO and Itiola, OA
(2013). Antituberculosis activities of five medicinal plants against two strains
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pharmacology Online 1: 201-205.
64. Adefegha, O.M., Adesokan, H.K., Cadmus, S.I.B. (2014). Investigation of
bovine tuberculosis in a private cattle herd in South-western Nigeria:
Potential risks for human infections. African Journal of Epidemiology 2(1):
65. Falodun, O.I., Cadmus, E.O., Alabi, P., Lawal, O.M., Osman, E.T., Fagade,
O.E., Cadmus, S.I.B. (2014). Delayed treatment seeking behaviours and
associated factors among tuberculosis patients in Ibadan, Nigeria. African
Journal of Epidemiology2 (1). 27-33.
66. Adesokan, H.K., Oyedotun, A.A., Ishola, O.O., Cadmus, S.I.B. (2014).
Management and operations of selected slaughter houses in Oyo and Lagos
States, South-western Nigeria: Public health implications Tropical
Veterinarian 30 (4): 161-169.
67. Ejeh, E.F., Raji, M.A., Bello, M., Lawan, F.A., Francis, M.I., Kudi. A.C.,
Cadmus, S.I.B. (2014). Prevalence and direct economic losses from bovine
tuberculosis in Makurdi, Nigeria. Veterinary Medicine International Vol
2014, Article ID 904861, 6 pages (
68. Ejeh., E.F., Adesokan, H.K., Raji, M.A., Bello, M., Musa, J.A., Kudi, C.A.,
Cadmus, SI.B. (2014). Current status of bovine tuberculosis in Otupko,
Nigeria. Journal of Animal Production Advances; 4 (8): 501-507.
69. Adedipe, O.D., Uwalaka, E. C., Akinseye, V.O., Adediran, O. A., and
Cadmus, S.I.B. (2014). Gastrointestinal helminthes in slaughtered cattle in
Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Veterinary Medicine, VoL 2014,
Article ID 923561, 6 pages (,10.1155/2014/923561) .
70. Endie Waziri1, N. E., Cadmus, S., Nguku, P., Fawole, O., Owolodun, O. A.,
Waziri, H., Ibrahim, L., Biya, O., Gidado, S., Badung, S, Kumbish, P.,
Nsubuga., P. (2014). Factors associated with tuberculosis among patients
attending a treatment centre in Zaria North-west Nigeria, 2010. Pan African
Medical Journal; 18 (Suppl 1): 5.
71. Okeke, L.A., Cadmus, S., Okeke, I.O., Muhammad, M., Awoloh, O., Dairo,
D., Waziri1, E.N., Olayinka, A., Nguku, P.M., Fawole, O. (2014). Prevalence
and risk factors of Mycocaterium tuberculosis complex infection in
slaughtered cattle at Jos South Abattoir, Plateau State, Nigeria. Pan African
Medical Journal; 18 (Suppl 1): 7.
72. Okeke LA, Cadmus S, Okeke IO, Muhammad M, Awoloh O, Dairo D,
Waziri EN, Olayinka A, Nguku PM, Fawole O. (2014). Prevalence and risk
factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex infection in slaughtered
cattle at Jos South Abattoir, Plateau State, Nigeria. Pan Afr Med J. 2014 Jul
21;18 Suppl 1:7. doi: 10.11694/pamj.supp.2014.18.1.3841. eCollection 2014.
73. H.K. Adesokan, E.O. Cadmus, W.B. Adeyemi, O. Lawal, C.O. Ogunlade, E.
Osman O.D. Olaleye, S.I.B. Cadmus (2014). Prevalence of previously
undetected tuberculosis and underlying risk factors for transmission in a
prison setting in Ibadan, South-western Nigeria. Afri. J. Med. med. Sci.
(Sept., 2014.) 43, Suppl. 45-50.
74. A.J. Ogugua, V.O. Akinseye, M.C. Ayoola, O.O. Oyesola, F.K. Shima, A.O.
Tijjani, Aderemi, N. A. Musa, H.K. Adesokan, Lorraine Perrett, Andrew
Taylor, Judy A. Stack, Moriyon I., S.I.B. Cadmus. (2014). Seroprevalence
and risk factors of brucellosis in goats in selected states in Nigeria and the
public health implications Afri. J. Med. med. Sci. (Sept., 2014.) 43, Suppl.
75. Ducrotoy M, Bertu WJ, Matope G, Cadmus S, Conde-Álvarez R, Gusi AM,
Welburn S, Ocholi R, Blasco JM, Moriyón I. (2015). Brucellosis in SubSaharan Africa: Current challenges for management, diagnosis and control
Acta Trop. 2015 Nov 10. pii: S0001-706X(15)30147-9. doi:
Major Conferences Attended with Papers Read (in the last 6 years):
1. 5th International M. bovis Conference in New Zealand, 25-28 August, 2009.
Paper Read:
S.I.B. Cadmus, S.V. Gordon, R.G. Hewinson and N.H. Smith:
(2009): Exploring the use of molecular epidemiology to track
bovine tuberculosis in Nigeria: an overview from 2002-2004.
2. 18th Union Conference African Region, Abuja, 3-5 March, 2011
Paper Read:
Cadmus, S.I.B. and Osman, el Tayeb (2011): Diagnosis of
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Nigeria: overview of realities
and challenges
3. Joint Colloquium on Zoonoses and Neglected Infectious Diseases in Africa,
South Africa November, 2011.
Paper Read:
Adesokan, H.K., Jenkins, A.O. and Cadmus, S.I.B. (2011):
Mycobacterium bovis infection in livestock workers in Ibadan,
Nigeria: evidence of occupational exposure.
4. Northwestern University AIDS International Training & Research Conference,
Ibadan, Nigeria, 22-25 April 2012.
Paper Read:
Cadmus, S.I.B. (2012): Journey so far: tuberculosis research in
5. Center for Control and Prevention of Zoonoses 2nd Annual Conference and One Health
Exposition, University of Ibadan June 30th to 3rd July, 2013.
6. VIth M. BOVIS Conference, Cardiff Wales, 16th to 19th June, 2014.
Paper Read: Deciphering the trends in animal and human infections with Mycobacterium bovis
and M. tuberculosis in Nigeria: an overview from 1979-2013
7. Keystone Symposia on Host response in tuberculosis, January 22nd-27th, 2015. Santa Fe, New
Mexico, USA.
Paper Read: Nontuberculous mycobacteria isolated from tuberculosis suspects in Ibadan,
8. The 46th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-6 December,
Papers Read:
i. Prevalence, molecular epidemiology and risk factors of tuberculosis infection among cattle
and livestock workers in Nigeria
ii. Isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in livestock workers and implications for
zooanthroponotic transmission in Ibadan, South-western Nigeria