General Educaiton Requirements, CGSC BS

General Education Requirements for Cognitive Science Majors
In addition to completing the requirements for the Cognitive Science major, students must complete all of the University and College
of Arts and Sciences General Education Requirements. These requirements are listed below.
University and College of Arts and Sciences General Education Requirements
Upon graduation, completion of a minimum total of 124 credit hours.
Upon graduation, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for all work taken at the University.
Completion of either 90 of the first 100 credits or 30 of the last 36 credits, full- or part-time, at UD.
English 110: Critical Reading and Writing, w/a Minimum Grade of C
3 Credits
Must be completed by the time the student has earned 60 credits.
Students who transfer into the College of Arts & Sciences with 45 credits or more must complete this requirement within two semesters.
First Year Experience:
0 – 3 Credits
Discovery or Experiential Learning
0 - 3 Credits
This requirement can be fulfilled by completing any pre-approved DLE course, study abroad, undergraduate research, internships,
independent study, or service learning.
DLE courses must be taken for a letter grade, unless the class is offered solely on a pass-fail basis.
A complete list of pre-approved DLE courses (including those outside of Linguistics & Cognitive Science) can be found by selecting the
“Discovery Learning Experience” box on the Course Descriptions or Course Search web site.
Recommended DLE Courses:
o LING253: Laboratory Phonetics (Pre-Req: LING 101)
o LING 471: Discovering Human Language (Pre-Req: LING 101)
o CGSC 310: Internship in Cognitive Science (Juniors and Seniors Only)
o CGSC 420: Research Methods in Cognitive Science (Pre-Req: PSYC 209 or substitute)
o UNIV 364: Experiential Internship
o Work in a lab for independent studies credit. See below for more details.
Working in a lab for DLE Credits: If you wish to pursue this option, here are the steps you should follow…
1. Identify a lab in which you would like to work. To do so, go to the web sites of the department in which you would like to work.
Examples: Linguistics & Cognitive Science, Psychology, Education, Etc.
2. Next, contact the professor(s) and ask if you can work in their lab for DLE credit.
3. If the faculty member agrees, sign up for an independent studies course in his or her department.
4. To ensure that DLE credit is received, you must also initiate a web form to be approved by independent studies professor.
Independent Studies and Internships: Many departments allow students to complete internships for credits. Contact the department of
your choice, to find out more about their internship options.
Undergraduate Research: Students interested in completing their DLE requirement through Undergraduate Research should contact Meg
Meiman (, who is the coordinator of the Undergraduate Research program.
Service Learning: Students who are interested in completing their DLE requirement through service learning should go to the Office of Service
Learning (108 S. College Ave.) and speak with Sue Serra. Service learning, like internships, require a lot of volunteerism and outside class time.
Multi-Cultural Course
3 Credits
This requirement is fulfilled by LING 101, which is a required course for all cognitive science majors.
Second Writing Requirement, w/a minimum grade of C
Foreign Language Requirement, minimum grade D
0 – 12 Credits
Completion of the intermediate-level course (107 or 112 or 214). The number of credits needed and initial placement will depend on the
number of years of high school study of foreign language. Students with four or more years of high school work in a single foreign language, or
who have gained proficiency in a foreign language by other means, may attempt to fulfill the requirement in that language by taking an
exemption examination through the Foreign Languages and Literatures Department.
Questions? Contact Crista Johnson at
Mathematics Requirement
3 Credits
This requirement is fulfilled by CGSC 485: Seminar in Cognitive Science, which is a required course for all cog sci majors.
0 – 4 Credits
The math requirement must be completed by the time a student has earned 60 credits. Students who transfer into the College
of Arts and Sciences with 45 credits or more must complete this requirement within two semesters.
Complete one of the following four options with a minimum grade of DOPTION ONE
MATH 113: Contemporary Mathematics (for students who do not intend to continue the study of mathematics)
MATH 127: Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 114: College Mathematics and Statistics (for students who do not intend to continue the study of mathematics)
MATH 115: Pre-Calculus (designed for students who intend to continue the study of mathematics)
MATH 117: Pre-Calculus for Scientists and Engineers (designed to prepare students for MATH241)
 Successful completion of any mathematics course at or above the 200-level except MATH 201, MATH 202, MATH 205,
MATH 250, MATH 251, MATH 252, MATH 253, MATH 266, MATH 300 or MATH 450.
 Successful performance on a proficiency test administered by the Department of Mathematical Sciences. (0 credits awarded)
University and College Breadth Requirements
Students entering University of Delaware Fall of 2010 or later must complete both a University Breadth Requirement and a College of Arts &
Sciences Breadth Requirement. Both sets of requirements are spelled out below.
Students who entered prior to Fall 2010 must complete the College Breadth Requirement and do not need to complete the University Breadth Req.
 Students must earn a minimum grade of C- in all courses taken to fulfill this requirement.
 University breadth courses cannot be taken P/F.
 Each group must be represented by a different department (e.g., if an English course is used to fulfill Creative Arts & Humanities, then ENGL cannot be
used to fulfill any other category).
 Students may NOT use courses from their major department (LING or CGSC) to fulfill University Breadth requirements.
 Students may not use a course that is cross-listed with a subject area that has already been used to satisfy a university breadth requirement.
University Breadth Requirement:
Students must complete a minimum of 12 credits from the list of University breadth courses distributed as follows.
Group A: Creative Arts & Humanities
3 credits
Group B: History & Cultural Change
3 credits
Group C: Social & Behavioral Sciences
3 credits
Group D: Mathematics, Natural Sciences & Technology
3 credits
Follow this link for a complete list of courses that can be used to satisfy the University Breadth requirements:
College of Arts & Sciences Breadth Requirement
Students must complete a minimum of 18 credits from the list of Arts & Sciences breadth courses distributed as follows.
Group A: Creative Arts & Humanities
Group B: History & Cultural Change
Group C: Social & Behavioral Sciences
Group D: Mathematics, Natural Sciences & Technology
6 credits
6 credits
6 credits
0 credits
Students must earn a minimum grade of C- in all courses taken to fulfill this requirement.
College Breadth courses cannot be taken on a P/F basis.
Each group must be represented by at least two different departments (e.g., if History is used for two group B courses, the third course must come from a
department other than History).
Students may use courses from their major.
Up to 3 credits from each of the University Breadth Requirement categories may be used to simultaneously satisfy the College of Arts and Sciences
Breadth Requirements.
Follow this link for a complete list of courses that can be used to satisfy the A&S Breadth requirements: