Curriculum vitae - Assiut University

Curriculum vitae
Personal information
: Mohamed Bassam Al-Saied Al-Salahy Al-Bradei
Date of Birth
: July, 23rd, 1959.
: Egyptian.
: Department of Zoology, Assiut University, Assiut , Egypt.
Academic Qualifications:
Professor degree: (Animal Physiology) 2012.
Associate professor degree : (Animal Physiology) 2006
-Ph. D. Zoology ( Fish physiology ). Assiut university , Egypt, 1990.
- M. Sc. Zoologty ( Fish physiology ). Assiut university , Egypt, 1986.
-B. Sc. Zoologty ( Fish physiology ). Assiut university , Egypt, 1981.
‫ هجرية فى كلية المعلمين بمكة‬4144 ‫ الى‬4141 ‫ ومن‬4144 ‫ الى‬4141 ‫عملت م‬
‫المكرمة ثم جامعة ام القرى بمكة الكرمة‬
Academic position:
*March 2012: professor in Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Assiut
university (upper Egypt), Assiut Egypt.
*October 2006: assistant professor in Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science,
Assiut university (upper Egypt), Assiut Egypt.
* December 1990 -2006 : Lecturer in Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science,
Assiut university (upper Egypt), Assiut Egypt.
*November 1986 - 1990 : Lecturer assistant Department of Zoology, Faculty of
Science, Assiut university (upper Egypt), Assiut Egypt.
*December 1981 – 1986 Demonostrator in Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science,
Assiut university (upper Egypt), Assiut Egypt
Research interest:
Animal physiology (fish physiology).
Field work:
Several physiological studies on fresh water fish regading biochemical analysis of
serum, liver, red and white muscles in three fish species Clarias gariepinus,
Oreochromis niloticus and Chryschthyes auratus in response to some antidiabetic plant
seeds, ammonia, betamethasone, betadine (chlorpropamide), excess glucose… Dietary
medicinal herbs…toxicology ect.
Work Experience:
Theoritical and practical Teaching of following courses:
General Zoology.
Animal physiology.
Title of Msc : Physiological studies on some Nile fish. Assiut Univ.
Title of Ph. D. : Some metabolic effects of insulin and alloxan in the Nile
fish, Clarias lazera. Assiut Univ.
‫قائمة األبحاث الكلية‬
List of Publication:
)1-4(‫أبحاث منشورة من رسالة الماجستير‬
1 -Khadiga A. Hassan and Alsalahy M B (1986): Effect of seasonal
variations on phospholipid components in three Nile fish species.
Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 15(1): 79 – 87.
2-- Khadiga A. Hassan and Alsalahy M B (1986): Effect of seasonal
variations on weight composition and gross chemical composition of
three Nile fish. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 15(1): 89 – 99.
3-Khadiga A. Hassan and Alsalahy M B (1987): Effect of seasonal
variations on lipid component in three Nile fish species. Assiut Vet.
Med. 18 (35): 70 – 75.
4- Khadiga A. Hassan and Al-salahy M B (1987): Effect of seasonal
variations on the fatty acid composition in trunk skeletal muscle of
three Nile fish species. Assiut Vet. Med. 18 (35): 64 – 69.
)71-5(‫أبحاث منشورة بعد الحصول على درجة الدكتوراه‬
5- Al-Salahy, M. B. (1993); Metabolic effect of alloxan on Toad, Bufo
regularis. Bull. Fac. Sci Univ. 22 (2-E): 109 – 117.
6- Al-Salahy, M. B. and Hassanien, A. A. (1993): Effect of aqueous
extracts of garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa) on lipid
and carbohydrate metabolism in alloxan diabetic mice. Assiut Vet.
Med. J. 59: 32 – 40.
7-Al- Salahy, M. B., Hassanien, A.A., Ahmed, Sh. M. and Hussein,
S.Y. (1994): Metabolic effects of insulin on carbohydrate and free
amino acid contents in the Nile fish. Oreochromis niloticus. Bull. Fac.
Sci. Assiut Univ. 23 (2-E): 51-66.
8- Al-Salahy, M. B.., Hassanien, A.A.., Khidr, B. M., Wassif, E.T.
(1994): Effects of diabetogenic agent, alloxan on carbohydrate and
lipid metabolism in reptile, Chalcides ocellatus. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut
Univ.23(2-E): 29 – 42.
9-Al- Salahy, M.B. and Hussein, S.Y. (1995): Effect of long term
treatment of insulin on growth performance, lipid metabolism and
electrolyte in Oreochromis niloticus. Assiut Vet. Med. J. 33 (66): 7083.
10- Hassanien, A.A. and Al-Salahy, M. B. (2000): Some
physiological effects of dietary onion (Allium cepa) and garlic (Allium
sativum) in alloxan-diabetic mice. Sec Inter. Conference on Basic
Sci. and Advanced Tech. Assiut, Egypt P 107 – 117.
11-Al-Salahy, M. B. (2002): Some Physiological Studies on the effect
of onion and garlic juices on the Fish, Clarias lazera. Fish
Physiology and Biochemistry. 27 :129 – 142.
12- Al-Salahy, M. B. (2003): Some metabolic effects of glucose and
chlorpropamide administration on the liver and white muscle in
Clarias lazera. J.Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. 42(A): 57 – 75.
13 -Al-Salahy, M. B. and Mahmoud, A. B. (2003): Metabolic and
histological studies on the effect of garlic administration on the
carnivorous fish Chryschthyes auratus. Egyptian Journal of Biology.
5 :94 – 107.
14- Al-Salahy, M. B. (2004): some metabolic effects of
betamethasone and ammonia in the catfish, Clarias lazera.. j.Egypt.
Ger. Soc. Zool. 43(a): 337 – 366.
15- Al-Salahy, M. B. and Mahmoud, A. B. (2004): The ameliorating
effects of lupine and fenugreek seeds on the kidney of the fish
Clarias gariepinus treated with alloxan and glucose. Egypt. J Zool.
43 :381 - 398.
16- Al-Salahy, M. B. and Mahmoud, A. B. (2004): Prophylactic effect
of fenugreek seeds on some physiological and histological criteria in
fish (Clarias gariepinus) treated with glucose and alloxan. Egypt. J
Zool. 43 :399 – 422
17-Al-Salahy, M. B. (2005): Some physiological studies on the
glucose-loaded fish, Oreochromis niloticus. J .Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool.
(46A) 285 – 301.
18- Mahmoud, A M. and Al-Salahy, M. B.(2005): Physiological and
histological studies on the effect of lupine seeds on the fish Clarias
lazera treated with glucose and alloxan. Fish Physiol. Biochem 30(34): 213-229.
19-Al-Salahy, M. B (2006): Studies on the effect of hypoxic water on
lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation and haematological responses
in the catfish, Clarias gariepinus J.Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. 49; 203218.
20-Mazen,NA., Al-Salahy , MB and Ahmed A. Alrifai, A A (2007):
Studies on the histopathology and oxidative stress of some organs of
mice infected with Toxascaris leonina (listow, 1902) (nematoda),
Egypt., Egypt. J. Zool ,
48: 403-422.
21- El-Metwally T H., Abdul Haleem A. Abdul Haleem, Heba M. Saad
El-Dien, Hany Abdul Kareem Ali, Khadiga A Hassan, Mohamed
Bassam Al-Salahy and Mubarak J F A Tuorkey (2007): Apoptosis in
the gastric ulceration "SHAY RAT" cytoprotectant copper-glycinate
and -nicotinate complexes. Assiut Med. J 31(2): 183-204.
22- Mostafa A. Saleha, , M. Bassam Al-Salahy, Samera A. Sanousic
(2008): Corpuscular oxidative stress in desert sheep naturally
deficient in copper. Small Ruminant Research 1-3, page(s) 33-38.
23- Mostafa A. Saleh, , M. Bassam Al-Salahy, Samera A. Sanousi
(2009): Oxidative stress in blood of camels (Camelus dromedaries)
naturally infected with Trypanosoma evansi, Veterinary Parasitology
162 (2009) 192–199
24-El-Metwally TH. El-Salahy MB. Tuorkey MJ. Ali HA. Abdul
Haleem A-H. Hassan KA. Apoptotic markers, VEGF and TGF-
levels in the gastric ulceration ”Shay rat” model: Towards a
commonplace mechanism of action for copper-glycinate and
nicotinate complexes. Arab .J. Lab. Med. 2009 vol 35 (3). 269-284.
25- El-Metwally TH. El-Salahy MB. Tuorkey MJ. Ali HA. Abdul
Haleem A-H. Hassan KA. Inflammatory mediators as the possible
mechanism of the gastric ulceration in Shay rat model: studying the
gastroprotectant role of copper-glycinate and-Nicotinate complexes.
The Egyptian J. Biochemistry and Molecular Biol., Dec, 2009, April
(special issue), ahead of printing.
26- M. Bassam AL-Salahy (2011) Physiological studies on the effect
of copper nicotinate (Cu-N complex) on the fish, Clarias gariepinus
exposed to mercuric chloride. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
(2011) Volume 37, Number 3, 373-385, Impact factor: 1.232
27- Hanem S Abdel-Tawab and M,Bassam AL-Salahy 2010:
Biochemical and ultrastructural studies of the effect of garlic juice on
the liver Clarias gariepinus. J.Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool.vol (60C): 39-62.
28- M. B. Al-Salahy*, H. A. Gouda, S. M. Saied and N.A. El-Shimy
Effect of seasonal variations on the oxidant-antioxidant status and
biochemical constituents of two leech species: Barbronia assiuti and
Salifa delicata from Egypt. ‫فى مؤتمر كلية العلوم االول‬
29- ‫عبد الولى‬
30- Esam H. Ali, Mohamed Hashem, M. Bassam Al-Salahy (2010):
Pathogenicity of Aphanomyces laevis and Phoma herbarum isolated
from aquacultures infected fishes and their antioxidant and oxidative
stress in some organs of the Nile tilapia; Oreochromis niloticus
niloticus. Journal: Diseases of aquatic organisms , Accepted, ahead
of printing.
doi: 10.3354/dao02290. Impact factor: 1.8
31-Saleh, M A., Mahran O M., M Bassam Al-Salahy (2011):
Circulating oxidative stress status in dromedary camels
infested with sarcoptic mange, Vetrinary Research
communications 2011, vol 35; Number 1, Pages 35-45. IP: 0.529
32-M Bassam Al-Salahy and Ashraf A El-Badawi (2010) :
Physiological studies on the antioxidant effect of lupine on oxidative
stress in liver and muscle in the fish Oreochromis niloticus exposed
to neem oil. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool.vol
GARIEPINUS. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool.vol
34- Ashraf A El-Badawi1 and M Bassam Al-Salahy Physiological
studies on gill and corpuscular oxidative stress in the fish Oreochromis
niloticus exposed to neem oil in response to antioxidant power of lupine
Under publication The 4th Global Fisheries & Aquaculture Research
Conference 2011, Cairo. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish., Vol. 15, No. 3:
525-537(2011) ISSN 1110 – 6131.
I participated in the supervision of the following Theses:
1- Histopatho;ogical and biochemical studies on the reproductive
strategy of two freshwater leeches;Barboronia assiuti
(Barbronidae)and Saliva delicata (Salifidae) from Assiut.(2007).Msc
Thesis. Zool. Dept., Fac. Sci.,Assiut, Egypt. Assiut Univ., Egypt.
2-Studies on the efficacy of Antioxidants: α-Lipoic Acid and N-Acetyl
Cysteine for the Treatment of Oxidative Stress in Alloxan-Treated
Rabbits.(2008). Ph D Thesis Zool. Dept., Fac. Sci.,Assiut, Egypt. Assiut
Univ., Egypt.
3- Physiological studies on the anti-ulcer activity of copper complexes
in experimental gastric ulcer in rats. (2008). Msc Thesis. Zool. Dept.,
Fac. Sci.,Assiut, Egypt. Assiut Univ., Egypt.
4-Oxidative stress damage in the liver and kidney male mice
administered with hexavalent chromium: Protective role of melatonin
and vitamin C. (2008).Msc Thesis. Zool. Dept., Fac. Sci.,Assiut, Egypt.
Assiut Univ., Egypt.