Keynote Address: My Students Are Smarter Than Me! Introduced by David Usher A. Malcolm Campbell and Laurie J. Heyer Davidson College " Today’s students face new pressures from the rapidly changing science and from a globally competitive market. If students only study in their majors, then their options will be limited. Biology has matured to the point where math and computer science are needed to make sense of the vast datasets. If a student seeks a research career, he or she had better pursue an education that enhances his or her quantitative skills. Since our students’ needs are changing, what must we do as their teachers to keep up with the changing demands? How can we retool ourselves and our courses? Do we need new courses? Should we team teach more? Can we tweak what we have and honestly meet the needs of our students? This presentation will offer some answers and invite an honest discussion from the audience. Keynote address: Introduction: Joe Watkins Mary Ann Horn, Program Director, National Science Foundation, Division of Mathematical Sciences Abstract not received WHITE PAPER 1: INCORPORATING BIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS INTO MATHEMATICS COURSES Lester Caudill and Kathy Hoke, University of Richmond Bio2010, Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists, published in 2003 by the National Research Council, has underscored the need for new and explicit connections between undergraduate mathematics and biology curricula, to train a new generation of future scientists on the power in combining the two. Currently, a small number of schools have attempted to address this need. These efforts generally fall into one of three categories: (i) Incorporating biological problems and examples into existing mathematics courses, (ii) incorporating mathematical techniques into existing biology courses, or (iii) creating new “hybrid” mathematical biology (or biomathematics) courses from scratch. In this presentation, we report on several efforts from both categories (i) and (iii), and identify opportunities for further work. WHITE PAPER 2: BIOLOGY/MATHEMATICS INTERDISCIPLINARY MAJORS AND MINORS. David C. Usher and John A. Pelesko, University of Delaware Bio2010, Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists, published in 2003 by National Research Council, strongly recommended changing life science curricula to emphasize the physical, chemical and quantitative sciences. The spectrum of approaches towards meeting the goals of Bio2010 ranges from a highly biological to a highly mathematical focus. In the former, new quantitative learning modules are being embedded into biology courses and new biology courses are being developed that emphasize quantitative analysis of biological systems. In the later, mathematicians are being trained to apply their knowledge to biological problems. In this presentation we document the approaches taken at different Universities and Colleges that have produced new interdisciplinary curricula integrating biology and mathematics. WHITE PAPER 3: INCORPORATING MATHEMATICS INTO BIOLOGY Karen Nelson, University of Maryland With contributions from Stephan Aley (UTEP), Jeff Knisley (Eastern Tennessee State University), Bob Kosinski (Clemson University), Jennifer Nelson (Canisius College), and Ethel Stanley (BioQUEST Beloit College) To obtain a deeper understanding of biological phenomena, students need to be immersed in quantitative approaches throughout the biology curriculum. A plethora of materials have been developed to integrate mathematical material into biology courses, but these materials have never been gathered in one place and cataloged. In fact it seems likely that many mathematically-inclined instructors have found it easier to design their own material rather than wading through what is available online. While doit-yourself may be possible for some, many of us are better served by exploring existing resources, choosing one, and modifying it to fit our situation. Even if we create our own, there is much to be gained by seeing other approaches to the topic. Active members of our committee went though several steps to work out a preliminary database. The white paper contains a list of resources identified by our committee so far (8 major online series of math/biology modules, miscellaneous modules, and online databases). We describe the type of information that we believe would be useful to instructors evaluating online resources (such as level, length, and usability), and our preliminary attempts to include these categories in a database. At the workshop, we plan to ask for input/feedback concerning the usefulness of our evaluation criteria and the completeness of our math and biology keyword list. Invited Talks (4) [20 minutes each with discussion at the end.] The speakers will be chosen from those submitting abstracts BlastEd: An exemplar for Interdisciplinary Learning and Curriculum Development Author: Randall Pruim (Calvin College) BlastEd is an educational website that explores BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool), a computational tool for comparing genetic sequences. By providing (1) the relevant background information on genetics and algorithms, and (2) a Java applet that illustrates key elements of the BLAST algorithm, biology students are introduced to important issues in computational thinking and computer science students are introduced to a real-world biological application. Finally, BlastEd provides a model for how to teach natural scientists about computing and how to teach computer scientists about science. The initial work on BlastEd was done in June 2007 during a 1-week workshop jointly sponsored as a Professional Enhancement Program (PREP) of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), the SC07 Education Program, and the National Computational Science Institute (NCSI). At the workshop mathematics, biology, and computer science educators learned from one another and worked in interdisciplinary teams to produce undergraduate educational materials. In addition to producing version 1 of BlastEd, this project provided valuable insights into both the importance of and the challenges of such interdisciplinary collaborative efforts. Fri, 6/27/08 8:31 AM 2. Title: Mathematical Biology at a small undergraduate college: major, courses and research Authors: Lisette de Pillis (Dept. of Mathematics) and Steve Adolph (Dept. of Biology), Harvey Mudd College Abstract: We will describe our program in mathematical biology at Harvey Mudd College. We established an undergraduate major in mathematical biology in 2002 and our first majors graduated in 2003. Students in this major can choose a variety of electives depending on their interests in mathematics and in biology, and have two academic advisors (one from math, one from bio). Mathematical biology majors have gone on to do a variety of things after they graduate. We teach a capstone course in mathematical biology that is required for these majors and is also taken by students from other majors. This course is co-taught by a mathematician and a biologist, and focuses on modeling. We include diverse biological topics and mathematical approaches. The course also features guest speakers who describe their research. Finally, we will describe some of the faculty and student research projects that involve some combination of mathematics and biology. These projects have involved students and faculty from a variety of disciplines in addition to mathematics and biology. Thu, 6/12/08 4:27 PM 3. Bori Mazzag: Bifurcations in the Ricker model This presentation will illustrate how various mathematical topics are covered in Math 361: Introduction to Mathematical Modeling. This course is taught primarily to upper division mathematics students at Humboldt State University and it focuses on discrete an continuous dynamical systems with applications mainly from biology. I will briefly describe the course content and organization to provide a background, and then show how bifurcations in discrete systems are introduced in this course through a detailed discussion of Ricker's model. The poster will discuss the lecture on this topic and the corresponding two-hour long computer lab. During the lab students use Matlab scripts to answer specific questions, run numerical experiments and explore a given topic (in this case, bifurcations and chaos) in further detail. The talk will close with a summary of successes and limitations of the course in its current format. Mon, 6/9/08 4:47 PM 4 A Freshman Based Approach to Integration of Mathematics, Science and Computation Within a Biological Science Department James K. Peterson Department of Biological and Mathematical Sciences Clemson University Since Spring 2006, a calculus course for biologists has been offered at Clemson University which has been taken by 250 students. We have developed the course using the following point of view: 1. All mathematical concepts are tied to real biological need. 2. Mathematics is subordinate to the biology in the sense that the entire course builds the mathematical knowledge needed to study interesting nonlinear biological models. We emphasize that to add more interesting biology requires more difficult mathematics and concomitant intellectual resources. 3. Nonlinear models begin with the logistics equation and progress to Predator - Prey, disease models and a six variable Cancer model. We stress how we must abstract out of biological complexity the variables necessary to build models and how we can be wrong. Our approach is thus replaces second semester engineering calculus with a specially designed course just for biologists and a custom written textbook ( This course is also part of a Quantitative Emphasis minor at Clemson University in Biology and a followup course at the junior level is being prepared and offered in Fall 2008. In this talk, we will frankly discuss the difficulties in 1. choosing our material for this course and why it has been successful. 2. training mathematics colleagues to teach this course. 3. getting two separate deparments to be equally focused on this sort of development. The development of this course is a crucial part in the implementation of concurrent training in mathematics, science and computation within a biological sciences department. We will discuss how we plan to move from our successes with the calculus replacement course to a full integration within the undergraduate degree program that includes long term undergraduate research projects under one professor's direction. We will finish with our plans for the future. Workshops Problems and Cases: Integrating Mathematics and Biology John Pelesko, University of Delaware Patricia A. Marsteller, Emory University Quantitative analysis is an essential tool for 21st century science. The need to develop the quantitative skills of college students, particularly those interested in the biological and biomedical sciences has been the focus of numerous reports since the 90’s. For example, the Bio 2010 report recommends that every biology student learn to apply probability, statistics, discrete mathematics, linear algebra, calculus, and differential equations to the study of biology. On the other hand, pedagogical research suggests that active learning techniques are especially useful in the teaching of science and mathematics. Techniques such as Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Investigative Case Based Learning (ICBL) have proven especially useful in enhancing critical thinking in both biology and mathematics classrooms. In this workshop we will illustrate several examples of PBL units or ICBL cases designed for introductory and advanced biology and introductory and advanced mathematics courses. We will illustrate how these methods can be applied in large and small classes. We will provide resource sites with existing case materials that participants might adopt and adapt. We hope to engage participants in discussions of key biological, mathematical and computational concepts that are now covered by existing materials. Finally, we will establish a working group to develop materials in these key areas. Using Models and Simulations in the classroom from a mathematical biological perspective Prasad Dhurjati and Gilberto Schleiniger, University of Delaware The integration of mathematics and biology in the classroom is illustrated via a practical problem in population dynamics. The concentrations of different species in a bioreactor are tracked. The steps are: 1. Description of the biological system to be studied, and definition of the goals and expectations of the study 2. Mathematical modeling: a. Choice of variables b. Identification of essential features of the system and translation to a mathematical language (a system of differential equations in the population problem to be discussed) c. Identification of the parameters in the mathematical model d. Accounting for the assumptions made in modeling 3. Analysis and simulation of the resulting mathematical model 4. Model validation: Comparison of the predictions obtained from the model with qualitative or quantitative information on the real system 5. Revision of the assumptions and model refinement: Repeat steps 2 – 5. The teaching style we find most appropriate for this kind of integration is a hands on PBL approach. Students are distributed in groups and encouraged to actively work on all steps 1 – 5 above. We will use mathematical analysis, Matlab and Simulink as the tools for solving the equations and simulating the system processes. But, the approach described to integrate biology and mathematics in the classroom is not dependent on the particular tools used to numerically solve the resulting mathematical system. Setting goals and assessing programs and courses Dave Usher & Lou Rossi, University of Delaware In this workshop we will explore programmatic and course assessment to support effective instruction and curriculum design. Assessment is nothing less than the application of rigorous critical thinking and the scientific method applied to instruction. Assessment plays a special role in the development of quantitative concepts, methods and skills used in the biological sciences. Based on department goals, participants will be asked to assess their department needs. In the case of biology and mathematics, the needs may be asymmetric. Biology majors need strong quantitative skills, which must be developed in biology and/or mathematics courses. Math majors need to discover mathematical structure through abstraction of a variety of application domains. Typically, these domains draw heavily from physics and engineering disciplines. However, the life sciences offer an alternative domain for abstraction and discovery of mathematical structure. Participants in this workshop will define goals, develop testable objectives and design assessment tools specific for their own institutions. At the program level, this requires a close relationship between mathematics and biology departments. We will demonstrate the importance of curriculum mapping methods to persuade colleagues to participate in a coherent instructional strategy. However, crossdisciplinary instruction at a large research institution presents unique challenges. Often a learning objective required in one program is taught in courses offered in a different department. As a case study, we will illustrate activities helping biology majors learn calculus at the University of Delaware. Visualization: Learning to See Mathematically via Image Analysis, Networks, Generative Models John R. Jungck*1, Rama Viswanathan2, Anton Weisstein3, and Noppadon Khiripet4 Department of Biology 1, Departments of Chemistry and Computer Science 2, Beloit College, 700 College Street, Beloit, WI 53511; Department of Biology 3, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO; NECTEC 4, Bangkok, Thailand Compared with Data, and Fractals Images are iconic, symbolic, and memorable. Thus, most biologists have a rich visual vocabulary and memory. However, most students are not aware that every image if full of data that can be used to test hypotheses. The use of contemporary technology of simple digital cameras for macro and micro-photography lend themselves to extensive use of image analysis. We will draw upon a variety of biological images from different scales to illustrate the power of quantitative, geometric, and topological tools for easy analysis of hypotheses. These have been used with both nonmajor and biology majors. Examples will include: a spatial statistical and graph theoretic polygonal cells in squamous epithelia to detect metastatic clustering (Ka-me’: Voronoi Image Analyzer); network analysis of yeast microarray data to identify metabolic sub-nets (BioGrapher); fractal dimensional analysis of dendritic bacterial colonies grown on hard agar to test self-avoidance searching (Fractal Dimension); image analysis of infected leaves to examine distribution of sites of infection (Image J); , measurements of gastropods used to generate model univalve mollusk (MacRaup); and, measurements of campus trees used to generate a three dimensional model tree which can be examined for such things as miminal self-shading of photosynthesizing laves (3D FractaL Tree – a Lindenmayer system). These are easy activities to include in a variety of biology classes to help provide alternatives to representing everything as a scatterplot or histogram in enabling students to better appreciate the richness of visual data in testing hypotheses. Most of the software demonstrated is freely available through a Creative Commons license through the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium ( Talk Implementing Practices that Lead to Institutional Transformation: Faculty Development Implementing Practices that Lead to Institutional Transformation: Faculty Development Katerina Thompson, University of Maryland and Joe Watkins, University of Arizona Institutions play a critical role in supporting faculty efforts to increase the interdisciplinary emphasis of undergraduate courses and curricula. This session provides some examples of formal and informal institutional mechanisms that facilitate faculty involvement in course and curriculum revision, from professional development to strategies to encourage more interaction between faculty from different disciplines. We will present examples from both research universities and primarily undergraduate institutions. This will be followed by small group breakout discussions in which participants will share examples from their respective institutions, discuss challenges to institutional change, and suggest strategies to facilitate change. Posters Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Jason Miller (Mathematics) and Timothy Walston (Biology) Abstract = Biomathematics training at Truman State University has relied on year-long interdisciplinary undergraduate research projects as its primary vehicle for transforming faculty and students. Each project engages an interdisciplinary quartet of faculty and students, and each year the quartets together form an intentional mathematical biology community. These research projects have transformed the way many faculty pursue their research interests. In parallel, faculty have developed and offered interdisciplinary courses that form the heart of a new interdisciplinary minor in mathematical biology. Our long term goal is to continue such curricular transformation at Truman so that biomathematics infuses courses in agricultural science, biology, computer science, mathematics and statistics at the introductory levels. Integrating Mathematical Concepts Across the Biology Curriculum - Remediation Efforts, Introductory Biology Sequence, Biostatistics, and Bioinformatics Initiatives A. M. Findley, S. Saydam, J. Bhattacharjee and D. Magoun Departments of Biology and Mathematics & Physics University of Louisiana at Monroe ULM Biology and Mathematics faculty have formed a working group to devise a concerted plan to integrate mathematics into a variety of biology curricular offerings. To date our efforts have centered on: the redesign and assessment of the college algebra/trigonometry sequence and the life sciences calculus courses to include modular content and hybrid delivery methods to facilitate the remediation of the quantitative skills of ill-prepared beginning students; the introduction of a team-taught module on probability and statistics as an integral part of the discussion of genetics in the introductory biology sequence; upper-division courses in biostatistics that include Bayesian inferences, estimation techniques, hypothesis testing, goodness of fit, analysis of variance, linear and multiple regression techniques, logistic regression, longitudinal data analysis, nonparametric methods, and principle components; incorporation of these statistical methods into ecology-based courses to assist in the quantitative treatment of species-area relationships, the disturbance-diversity hypothesis, modeling of ecosystem productivity and restoration models, and design of refuges and refuge complexes (SLOSS hypothesis); and, new course development in genome annotation and bioinformatics. Further development efforts include a quantitative biology seminar series, hiring of faculty with mathematical biology expertise, and the development of an interdisciplinary mathematical concentration within the Department of Mathematics and Physics. Joint departmental sponsorship of undergraduate research projects in biomathematics and computer science has also been initiated. Finally, an interdisciplinary, team-taught capstone course in mathematical biology is also planned. DNA statistical analysis at an elementary level Seier, E. and Joplin, K. East Tennessee State University In Symbiosis I, an introductory integrated, Biology and Statistics course for freshmen, the introduction of DNA as a sequence of nucleotides opens the door for posing probability exercises that are elementary, but relate to questions of interest in Bioinformatics. The students practice probability and statistical concepts, get acquainted with sources of data about DNA and, as a product of analysis exercises, learn some aspects of genomic analysis. The idea is to learn concepts in both disciplines (Biology and Statistics) at the freshman level but at the same time becoming familiar with current data sources and the language of bioinformatics. Some of the topics covered are: · Where to look for DNA data? · Nucleotide frequency, are the 4 nucleotides present equally frequent in sequences? · The GC content. · Independence and conditional probabilities in nucleotide sequences. · Transition matrices and graphs to represent them. · Calculating the probability of a given sequence including repeats. · Palindromes and restriction enzymes. · Comparing sequences for similarities and constructing phylogenetic trees. The poster will display part of the teaching material. An early introduction of statistical inference in Symbiosis I at ETSU Seier, E., Joplin, K. and Knisley, J. East Tennessee State University The scientific method is discussed at the very beginning of the first semester of SYMBIOSIS, an introductory integrated, Biology and Statistics course. A statistical topic naturally associated to the scientific method is hypotheses testing. Traditionally, this topic is presented in introductory statistics courses at the end of the semester after normal approximations to the sampling distributions of the sample mean and the sample proportion have been studied. In order to cover statistical inference at the beginning of the semester, the following strategy was used: • Randomization tests and bootstrapping were used to do inference about population means, medians and variances of quantitative variables. These methods were first motivated with hands-on activities and then applied using programs written in R that mimic the activities. • For categorical variables, the Binomial distribution was used to find the p-value when testing statistical hypotheses for a proportion. Later in the semester traditional topics such as t-test were also covered; by then the students had already an understanding of the vocabulary and concepts related to both estimation and test of hypothesis including the notion of power. The poster will display part of the teaching material used with the students including programs in R and user friendly applets in Netlogo. Genetics, a good excuse to talk about probability Seier, E. and Joplin, K. East Tennessee State University One of the modules in Symbiosis I, an introductory integrated, Biology and Statistics course was ‘Mendelian Genetics and Probability’. Probability tools and statistical tests were used to examine Mendel’s data and gain an understanding of Mendelian genetics. A coin model and hands-on activities with chips with sides of different colors are used to explain genotypes and phenotypes and to calculate their probabilities considering dominant and recessive alleles and all possible combinations of heterozygous and homozygous parents. Punnett’s squares and probability trees are introduced simultaneously to analyze different situations. The question ‘Does Mendel data contradict the coin model?’ is posed and it constitutes the motivation to develop the chisquare distribution and the goodness of fit test from scratch. The issue of independence and testing for independence is also introduced using Mendel’s data. Other topics of probability such as conditional probability, Bayes Rule, Binomial and Poisson distributions are discussed in the context of genetics applications. The poster will display part of the teaching material. Math and Biology in Trinity University’s New Scientific Computing Minor Mark Brodl Educating 21st-century science students so that they can easily traverse traditional biology-math-computer science disciplines presents significant challenges. For both faculty and students in biology, quantitative skills are often insufficient, while for both faculty and students in mathematics (and computer science) biological understanding and insights can be limiting. Trinity University’s 2004 HHMI grant has helped us to address this issue through building a minor in scientific computing that features three new math and computer science classes with attached investigative laboratory sections. The labs provide both a training ground and a data source. The lectures introduce students to mathematical concepts and build critical quantitative skills. The courses are staffed by collaborating faculty in math/computer science and biology. Students begin the minor with a basic computer science course and basic calculus. They then enroll in CSCI 2121 – Introduction to Scientific Computing, followed by MATH 1310 – Mathematical Models in the Life Sciences and MATH 3311 – Probabilistic Models in the Life Sciences. The minor culminates with a one-credit, student-generated research project that uses modeling tools. This project is done in conjunction with an upper-level biology course that the student selects from a menu of options, with the biologist teaching the course and a math faculty member serving as co-advisers. Syllabi for the courses are presented along with some details of the MATH 3311 course. MathBench Biology Modules: Using interactive web-based modules to infuse mathematics into the undergraduate biology curriculum Karen Nelson, Kaci Thompson, Bill Fagan, University of Maryland This poster will provide an update on the MathBench Biology Modules initiative at the Univerisyt of Maryland. We have recently received a grant to extend our modules to a nearby community college which supplies approximately 30% of our undergraduate biology majors. These transfer students often struggle in their first semesters at the University, and we hope that by providing them with the same mathematical underpinnings that they would receive here in undergraduate courses, we can ease the transition. We are currently evaluating our modules to determine where additional material is required, both to make them more generalizeable, and to “plug holes” that may be a problem for a student body that, on the whole, begins at a lower level of mathematical proficiency compared to our native undergraduates. The MathBench Biology Modules attempt to bridge the gap between math and biology for all undergraduate biology majors, using online interactive activities which enhance mathematical education. These interactive web-based modules cover a variety of topics but focus repeatedly on a core set of skills and concepts. Each module steps the students through a set of mathematical tools, using highly intuitive explanations, and then provides a mathematically-informed discussion of biological applications. Undergraduate biology majors at the University of Maryland encounter more than 25 such modules spread over their first 5 fundamental biology courses. New this year: modules for microbiology, including serial dilution, bacterial growth, and SIR models. Quantitative Biology Initiatives at William and Mary George Gilchrist William and Mary The departments of Biology, Mathematics, and Applied Science actively promote quantitative biology at the College of William and Mary. Funding initiatives from HHMI and NSF support faculty and students both in terms of coursework and in enhancing research experiences. We offer a series of courses including a two semester Calculus for the Life Sciences, a 300 level Introduction to Mathematical Biology and an advanced seminar course on topics in Mathematical Biology. Applied Sciences sponsors a new Quantitative Biology minor, incorporating several existing and new courses from Mathematics, Biology, and Applied Science. W&M is one of the leading universities in the depth and extent of undergraduate research opportunities. Through our NSF BioMath initiative, we have mentored more than 20 William and Mary undergraduates and 10 local Community College students (many from underrepresented groups) in research projects over the last three years. Several of these projects have resulted in publications (including Science and the Proceedings of the Royal Society) and presentations at national and international conferences. Our graduates have gone on to research positions with NIH or entered graduate or professional schools in BioMath and the Life Sciences. Faculty in the mathematics department are engaged in outreach projects to enhance mathematics teaching at the K-12 level. This summer we are working with a group of 25 middle school mathematics teachers exploring topics including energy in its various incarnations, Boyle’s law, bio-chemical processes and codon counting. The Introductory Life Sciences Mathematics Sequence Dwight Duffus, Mathematics and Computer Sciences Department Emory University Mathematical, computational and statistical methods are of ever growing importance in the life sciences. We introduce the basic quantitative tools required in modern life science research, adhering to the recommendations of BIO 2010 [NRC] and Math & Bio 2010 [MAA]. Courses emphasize modeling change in biological systems via discrete dynamics, continuous differential equations, and stochastic processes, and organizing and analyzing data in information-intensive application areas such as molecular evolution and genetics. Researchers in the biological sciences and health science professionals must be discerning readers of the research literature. In particular, critical evaluation of the construction of, and conclusions drawn from, statistical studies is indispensable. This requires an understanding of probability theory, as the underpinning of inferential statistics, and exposure to a variety of statistical methods used to establish confidence and test hypotheses. Over the last six years we have designed and taught a two course sequence designed to address these needs. We address the challenges of finding appropriate resources and adapting the course to students with diverse preparation. We also present some examples from the two course sequence. Poster and handout available at: Preparing Future faculty to Integrate Biology and Mathematics Pat Marsteller, Holly Carpetenter , Andrei Olifer, Jacob Kagey, Terrance Wright As we enter the 21st Century scholarship in all disciplines requires a new spirit of collaboration and cooperation. Clarion calls for the engaged academy challenge the sciences, to integrate across disciplines and engage with their communities to create new partnerships for societal transformation. For such an academy to emerge, graduate and postdoctoral education must change to better prepare the professoriate of the future. Emory’s Science 2020 plan calls for the integration of quantitative skills in the undergraduate science curriculum. Our HHMI grant has already supported the development of a Life Science Calculus series and a Probability and Statistics course, specifically designed for life science majors. We have also supported the integration of problems and cases that are quantitative into numerous biology and chemistry courses. We have a University wide strategic theme to develop computational and life sciences research programs. This poster briefly outlines some of the recent course developments, strategies for collaborating across disciplines to create these initiatives and future plans. We share our experiences, engaging graduate students, postdocs and new faculty members in integrating mathematics and biology. We address faculty concerns with integrating quantitative skills such as reducing coverage of disciplinary material, dealing with student resistance, and variable student background and preparation. Involving graduate and postdoctoral fellows allays the concern about the time involvement in developing and implementing new curricular materials. We will outline several workshops and seminars designed to prepare future faculty to become reflective practioners and to develop new curriculum materials with faculty. Examples include PBL units for beginning and advanced biology courses, new courses such as math for neuroscience, informatics, new course units for our two part Life Science Calculus, Probability and Statistics series and a computational techniques in biomedical imaging. Interdisciplinary Curriculum Reform in the Biological Sciences Kaci Thompson College of Chemical and Life Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park A major curriculum redesign effort over the past 5 years has brought together teams of faculty, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students to infuse all levels of our undergraduate curriculum with current research approaches and increased emphasis on building interdisciplinary connections. To date, these efforts have involved 68 faculty from seven departments, five postdoctoral fellows, and 28 graduate students and have resulted in revisions to 33 different courses in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, mathematics and physics. Several of these efforts have the explicit goal of infusing more quantitative rigor into courses for biological sciences majors. Four initiatives are highlighted: (1) MathBench web-based modules that supplement instruction in five fundamental biology courses, (2) a new introductory biology course that integrates physics, chemistry, math, and evolution to help students understand how organisms function, (3) a two-semester calculus sequence designed for biological science majors and (4) revision of the existing two-semester introductory physics sequence to incorporate best pedagogical practices and highlight biologically relevant examples and applications. PBL Lessons Integrating Biology and Mathematics Jordan D. Rose & Patricia A. Marsteller Emory College Center for Science Education, Emory University, Atlanta, GA Emory University’s PRISM program is a National Science Foundation Graduate K-12 Teaching Fellowship (GK-12) award that is transforming K-16 science education. Since 2003, PRISM has offered graduate students yearlong fellowships to partner with local teachers in order to engage secondary school students in science and math through problem-based learning (PBL). The graduate-teacher teams develop and implement engaging lessons that connect and integrate science disciplines and highlight science in the real world. As the program prepares future faculty members to become engaging college instructors, the K-12 students are guided to become life-long problem-solvers, questioners, investigators, and critical thinkers through PBL. This poster showcases some examples of how PBL has been used to integrate biological and mathematical concepts and skills.