Synthesis and characterization of a calix[4]pyrrole functional polystyrene via “click chemistry” and its use in the extraction of halide anion salts Abdullah Aydogan Department of Chemistry, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Corresponding author email: Supporting Information NMR, Mass and FTIR Spectra Figure S1. 1 H NMR spectrum of 3 recorded in CDCl3. * = Residual solvent. S2 Figure S2. 13 C NMR spectrum of 3 recorded in CDCl3. S3 Figure S3. 1 H NMR spectrum of 1 recorded in CD2Cl2. S4 Figure S4. 1 H NMR spectrum of 1 recorded in CD2Cl2 after exposing to TBAF. S5 Figure S5. 1 H NMR spectrum of 1 recorded in CD2Cl2 after exposing to TBACl. S6 Figure S6. 1 H NMR spectrum of P(S-co-CMS) recorded in CD2Cl2 after exposing to TBAF. S7 Figure S7. 1 H NMR spectrum of P(S-co-CMS) recorded in CD2Cl2 after exposing to TBACl. S8 Figure S8. 1 H NMR spectrum of P(S-co-CPS) recorded in CD2Cl2 after exposing to TBAF. S9 Figure S9. 1 H NMR spectrum of P(S-co-CPS) recorded in CD2Cl2 after exposing to TBACl. S10 090923-AA-ITU-MONOALKIN-1-ESI Kutle Lab. Sira No: CH2Cl2 0.2 ml/dakMeOH 9/23/2009 1:58:33 PM I.U.Ileri Analizler Lab Kayit No: 090923-AA-ITU-MONOALKIN-1-ESI #1344-1430 RT: 23.22-23.58 AV: 69 NL: 2.83E6 F: - c ESI Full ms2 537.00@20.00 [ 145.00-1000.00] 467.35 100 90 80 70 537.29 60 50 40 30 20 10 438.47 485.42 0 200 300 400 500 596.90 632.23 600 m/z 700 800 090923-AA-ITU-MONOALKIN-1-ESI#1362-1430 RT: 23.22-23.58 AV: 69 F: - c ESI Full ms2 537.00@20.00 [ 145.00-1000.00] m/z= 160.00-1000.00 Figure S10. ESI Mass spectrum of 3. m/z Intensity Relative 438.47 448.1 0.02 466.70 2376.8 0.08 467.35 2831162.7 100.00 468.39 1693.3 0.06 485.42 20698.0 0.73 486.05 0.4 0.00 527.01 448.5 0.02 536.54 5195.2 0.18 537.29 1798127.3 63.51 538.36 747.7 0.03 561.27 631.5 0.02 595.90 302.5 0.01 596.90 1440.8 0.05 628.67 486.7 0.02 632.23 1096.9 0.04 # 1344 Status Log Time: 23.09 API SOURCE Source Voltage (kV): Source Current (uA): Vaporizer Thermocouple OK: Vaporizer Temp (C): Sheath Gas Flow Rate (): Aux/Sweep Gas Flow Rate(): Figure S11. FTIR spectrum of Capillary RTD OK: Capillary Voltage (V): Capillary Temp (C): Tube Lens Voltage (V, set po 4.03 0.34 No 1.60 39.45 3. 19.71 Yes -39.89 300.40 -15.00 S11 900 1000 GPC Chromatogram P(S-co-CMS) P(S-co-CPS) 10 15 20 25 30 35 Elution time (min.) Figure S12. GPC traces of P(S-co-CMS) and P(S-co-CPS). S12 Quantification of 4 Using UV/Vis Spectroscopy Quantification of the dye 4 extracted from the aqueous phase was determined by measuring the amount of the dye remain using UV/Vis spectroscopy. Calibration curve was generated using standardized solutions of 4, independently, in water. The results are summarized in tables and figures below. Using this procedure, the error in the concentrations of 4 measured after extraction described is estimated to be less than 0.02 M. Table S1. Absorbance values (left) and UV/Vis spectra (right) of standardized dye solution. 0.6 4 Absorbance (630 nm) 0.000 1.667 0.037 3.330 0.075 6.670 0.174 13.33 0.372 20.00 1.543 0.5 0.4 Absorbance Concentration (M) 0.000 20 um 13.33um 6.67um 3.33um 1.667 um 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 500 600 700 800 Wavelenghth (nm) 0.6 0.5 Absorbance 0.4 y = a + b*x Equation No Weighting Weight Residual Sum 3.01772E4 of Squares 0.99934 Pearson's r 0.99836 Adj. R-Square Value Standard Err Intercept -0.0079 0.00518 Absorbance Slope 0.0277 5.02657E-4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 10 20 Conc. (mM) Figure S13. Calibration curve generated by measuring the absorbance values at 630 nm produced by standardized solutions of 4. S13 Table S2. Summary of extraction data. 4 Absorbance Concentration Remaining Extracted Extracted (630 nm) (M) (M) (M) (%) CH2Cl2 0.044 1.9 9.5 10.5 52.5 1 0.041 1.77 8.86 11.14 55.7 P(S-co-CMS) 0.054 2.25 11.26 8.74 43.7 1 + P(S-co-CMS) 0.039 1.71 8.59 11.41 57.1 P(S-co-CPS) 0.002 0.36 1.82 18.18 90.9 S14 Thermogravimetric Analyses The thermal properties of P(S-co-CMS) and P(S-co-CPS) were compared pre- and postextraction. Extractions were performed in a manner analogous to the NMR experiments. Prior to analysis, the extractant solutions were evaporated to dryness, dissolved in CH2Cl2, filtered (using 0.45 m PTFE filters), and then dried under high vacuum. 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temp (C) Figure S14. Thermogravigram of P(S-co-CMS) taken under an atmosphere of nitrogen at a scan rate = 20 °C/min. 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temp. (C) Figure S15. Thermogravigram of P(S-co-CMS) taken under an atmosphere of nitrogen at a scan rate = 20 °C/min after exposing to TBAF. S15 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temp. (C) Figure S16. Thermogravigram of P(S-co-CMS) taken under an atmosphere of nitrogen at a scan rate = 20 °C/min after exposing to TBACl. 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temp. (C) Figure S17. Thermogravigram of P(S-co-CPS) taken under an atmosphere of nitrogen at a scan rate = 20 °C/min S16 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temp. (C) Figure S18. Thermogravigram of P(S-co-CPS) taken under an atmosphere of nitrogen at a scan rate = 20 °C/min after exposing to TBAF. 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temp. (C) Figure S19. Thermogravigram of P(S-co-CPS) taken under an atmosphere of nitrogen at a scan rate = 20 °C/min after exposing to TBACl. S17