Senior Newsletter – Scholarship Edition January 2010 Seniors! Here are the scholarships that I am aware of! There are more out there, but you will have to look for them. Most can be searched for online. Also, make sure you ask your employers if there are any scholarships available for employees and ask your parents/guardians if their workplace offer scholarships for dependent children! Good luck! *****************REMINDER******************** The FAFSA priority deadline for most colleges is February 15, 2010. Go to to apply! College Goal Sunday – February 14, 2010 – Get help filling out your FAFSA. Register at **********************PAY ATTENTION TO DEADLINES!!**************** The following scholarship applications are available in the LHS guidance office and the WCCC Student Services office. In the coming weeks the applications for local scholarships will also be made available on the LHS guidance web site under Financial Aid and Scholarships click on the downloads tab. If a website is listed, the application is available there and not in the guidance office. Please pay attention to deadlines as they are not all the same. We suggest that you go through this sheet, mark the scholarships that you qualify for and then come down to the office to pick up applications. If you need to provide a transcript for the application, please request one using the blue request forms in the guidance office. Allow 3 days for processing your request and then check back in the office to pick them up. Good Luck! January 29 - Sam Walton Community Scholarship- $3000 scholarship. Visit for more information and application. January 30 – The Ohio Black Caucus of School Board Members Scholarship Program. Student must be African-American, must be eligible to graduate from a public high school in 2010, student must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Visit for more information and applications. February 1 – ESA Foundation – Complete one application for various merit and needbased scholarships. February 10 - KFC Colonel’s Scholars – Up to $20,000 awarded. Minimum 2.75 GPA. Visit or call 1-866-KFC-7240 for more information and application February 13 - Big 33 Scholarship Award Program – 2.0 GPA, official transcript, application and essay addressing your involvement with preserving the environment.” Go to February 15 - Co-op Scholarship Program – “attending a cooperative education college? They include CW Post, Drexel, Johnson and Wales, Kettering, Long Island, Northeastern, Pace, Rochester, Univ Cincinnati, Univ Toledo and Wentworth Inst. 3.5 GPA, one-page essay and application are required.” February 15 - AFA Teen Alzheimer’s Awareness College Scholarship - $5000. Visit for more information and scholarship application February 15 – Best Buy @ 15 Scholarship Program – 1,000 $1,000 scholarships. Students need solid grades and must be involved in volunteer community service, or work experience. Visit or for more information or to apply. February 19 – Ohio State Univ. Ralph J Stolle Scholarship in Business – $10,000/year renewable. “Top 25% of class, involvement in activities, affiliated with a church or religious org., and plan to major in business at OSU”. Must be accepted to the Fisher School of Business at OSU. February 26 – Ohio Youth Cancer Survivor Scholarship – go to - “Ohio resident diagnosed w/ cancer before the age of 21 and plan to attend a university or community college in the US”. March 1 – Middletown Community Foundation – various scholarships from local companies/donors in Middletown. March 1 – MU Middletown - Miami University Middletown – Various awards/scholarships available for many types of students planning to attend MUM. March 15 – Universal One Credit Union – must be a member of this Credit Union. Visit and click on the scholarship tab for more information and application. March 31 – ONF – Ohio Newspaper Foundation Minority Journalism Scholarship – “$1500 for a minority high school student who plans to pursue a newspaper journalism career and is going to attend an Ohio college. 2.5 GPA, essay, two letters of recommendation, application and transcript required.” March 19 – Andrew P. Hepp Autism Achievement Scholarship - $1000 awarded to a graduating senior with a diagnosed learning disability who has been served by an IEP during high school and is continuing their education. March 19 – Al Russell Memorial Scholarship – “Must play on the Varsity Baseball or Softball team during senior year”. March 19 – Audrey Aileen Kite Scholarship – “plan on studying writing or journalism in college, and demonstrate financial need” March 19 – Dennis Bar Jeffrey Memorial Scholarship – “major in music or fine-arts” March 19 – Donald Palmer Memorial Scholarship – “hard-worker, persistent, average grades” March 19 – Donald V Bishop Per Elks Scholarship – “3.0 GPA or higher and majoring in a medical field.” March 19 – Elks Lodge Auxiliary Scholarship – “Must be female and rank in the top 1/3 of the graduating class. Priority given to relatives of an Elks member.” March 19 – FOP Scott Michael Hardin Scholarship –students planning to major in Law Enforcement or Criminal Justice. March 19 – Fred T Boulton Scholarship – “3.0 GPA, excellent attendance, participation in two high school varsity sports and will continue to play in college”. March 19 – FOA - Friends of Academics Scholarship – “top 10% of class.” March 19 – FOA-David E. and Kimberly L. Ernst Scholarship- Plans to pursue a career in the legal or medical profession, or a math-related or engineering field. March 19 – Gary Simendinger Memorial Scholarship – “students planning to major in art or an art-related field. Need a recommendation from an LHS Art Teacher.” March 19 – Garnet Ertel Scholarship Fund – “Must be member of Lebanon Methodist Church”. March 19 – Herbert R Gardner Scholarship – “must plan on majoring in elementary education”. March 19 – Jackson C. and Wanda K. Hedges Scholarship – “Plans to go into a legal, medical or medical-related field”. March 19 – Jarod Bennett Memorial Scholarship –“show financial need”. March 19 - Jewell Education Foundation – “reasonable academic success, financial need”. March 19 – Katie Aylor Memorial Scholarship – “student planning to major in elementary or secondary education, psychology or counseling”. March 19- Lebanon Eagles Aerie 1395 FOE Scholarship – “Must have at least GPA 2.75 or ACT 19 and demonstration of school and community involvement”. March 19 – Lebanon Education Association (LEA) Scholarship – “3.0 GPA and a dependent of a current LEA Union member”. March 19 – Lebanon Administrators’ Scholarship – “Top 25% of class, good moral character”. March 19 – Lebanon Area Business and Professional Women – “Must be female and 3.0 GPA or higher”. March 19 – Lebanon Athletic Boosters Scholarship– $1000 given to one female and one male LHS student who has received at least 2 varsity letters. March 19 – Lebanon Baseball/Softball Assoc Participation – “Must have played baseball/softball in LBSA”. March 19 – Lebanon Kiwanis Club – “top 30% of class”. March 19 – Lebanon Lodge No 26 F and AM Scholarship – “students in good standing and who show financial need. Relative of Lodge members are given priority.” March 19 – Louisa Jurey Wright Scholarship – excelled in math and will go on to major in a math-related field. March 19 – McFire Scholarship – “GPA 3.0, activities and essay” March 19 – Michael A Rourke Memorial Scholarship – earned varsity letter in football or wrestling. March 19 – Molly McCool Memorial Scholarship – “show financial need” March 19 – OAPSE (Lebanon Chapter 511) Scholarship – “child of an Ohio Assoc of Public School Employees member”. March 19 - Optimist Club – “making the world a more positive place” March 19 – Ron LeFeber Memorial Scholarship – 3.0 GPA, varsity letter in athletics March 19 – Robert M Shaw Memorial Scholarship – demonstrated commitment to community services March 19 – Rosalee Satchell Memorial – “must plan to major in math or science or related field”. March 19 – Rotary Club – “community service” March 19 – Sarah Louise Turner Memorial Scholarship – renewable- “priority will be given to individuals who are kind, energetic, generous, thoughtful, and family-oriented”. March 19 – Townsley – Robert Townsley Memorial Scholarship – high moral character, interest in serving others. March 19 – Wednesday Couples League – golfer March 19 – William Elmer Harmon Scholarship. $5000 - Lebanon Senior who has been involved in service to their community, school or family. Good character, leadership and extracurricular activities, 3.0 GPA and overall financial need will be considered. March 19 – Zane M Brant Memorial – “interest in golf and priority will be given to LHS Golf Team members”. March 31 – American Business Women’s Assoc. Lebanon Chapter – “3.0 GPA and three letters of rec.” April 1 – Family Dentistry Inc. – Science-Business Scholarship – must have a job outside of school and major in a Science-related field. April 1 – Rittgers & Rittgers Scholarship - Applicants must have a GPA of 3.3 or above, with demonstrated commitment to the principles of the United States Constitution. Prior to receiving an award, the applicant must submit an official high school transcript and verification of post-graduate plans (upon request). Candidates DO NOT need to have experience with legal or constitutional matters. Visit for more information and applications. April 5 – William D Squires Educational Foundation, Inc. Go to . “GPA 3.2, EFC under $8,000, available only to seniors in Ohio who have good character and show academic promise and have a specific career goal.” The student’s family must have an EFC of $7,999 or lower to qualify. April 15 – AMVETS National Scholarship Program – “children/grandchildren of an AMVETS member or of a deceased veteran who would have been eligible to be an AMVETS member”. April 15 – Winners Club Scholarship – “for individuals planning to major in education at a public college/university with at 3.5 GPA”. Go to April 30 – Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation – “based on financial need and your Financial Aid Award letter from the school you decide to attend.” June 15 – OSU Balanced Man Scholarship – Sigma Phi Epsilon – male, must plan to go to OSU, leadership, activities and achievement. July 1 – Ohio War Orphans Scholarship – “for children of disabled or deceased war veterans”. RESOURCES FASTWEB - Free search of over 1.3 million scholarships. Visit Financial Aid- Wired Scholar- The United Negro College Fund- Hispanic Scholarship Fund- Gates Millennium Scholars- National and Local scholarships – This is a college planning website featuring 360 degree virtual tours of over 1,200 college campuses. Go to for more details. Warren County One-Stop Business and Employment Center- The WIA Youth Program is designed to promote development in 14-21 year olds. The following services are available: academic enrichment, employment opportunities, counseling, occupational skills training, mentoring, job readiness skills, GED classes and leadership development opportunities. For more information, call (513)695-2670. Ohio Career Information System - This website has information on careers, jobs, military, colleges, majors, etc. Visit Lebanon H.S. students should enter “LebanonHS” for the username. The password is “ohiocis03”. These are both case-sensitive.