Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 Goal 1. ASSURE ALL STUDENTS GRADUATE COLLEGE- AND CAREER-READY THROUGH EFFECTIVE USE OF STANDARDS-BASED EDUCATION Objectives: a. Utilize formative assessments, including Data for School Improvement to drive instruction. b. Improve schools and system through use of Longitudinal Data System Dashboards. c. Use high quality standards, curriculum and materials. d. Expand opportunities for rigorous Career and Technical Education programs of study within the pathways. School Strategies (aligned to DOE Strategic Plan measures) (SW6) (SW8) (SW9) Improve and refine standards-based practices in curriculum, instruction and assessment to ensure student achievement of grade level benchmarks. Analyze formative assessment data to drive instruction and provide timely response to intervention. Expand and extend educational opportunities for families to include research-based early childhood and intersession/summer programs Rationale: 2010 HSA scores in reading showed significant gains, safe-harbor met in all subgroups for reading. Growth has been attributed to interventions, walkthroughs, coaching, Cycle of Instruction, SIOP strategies, monthly assessments/analysis and embedding of skills. These practices need to be continued, developed and refined to continue improvement in reading and to increase achievement in math. HSA Reading increased from 24% to 38% proficient for all students and HSA Math increased from 13% to 24% for all students. The one cell we did not make safe harbor in was ELL Math, where we missed it by one student. 1. 2. 3. Funded Enabling Activities (SW2, SW4, SW5, SW6, SW8,SI 1, SI 2, SI 3, SI 4, SI 8, SI 9) 1. All Students will receive grade level standards-based instruction in all content areas. 2/16/2016 Expenditure (SI 3) Outcomes (SI 5) Initial Intermediate Lead (SI 7) Initial: * All teachers continuously revise and follow common grade level pacing guides based on state standards/common core standards in all content areas as well as SPED and ELL.. * All teachers receive on-going support in unwrapping standards/benchmarks to drive classroom instruction. * All teachers will use strand data from Monthly Benchmark Assessment as well as from the Hawaii State Assessment to pinpoint student needs and ensure that instruction matches the needs to the students in his/her class. 1 Admin, CC, EL Timeline August thru May Description Edison Contract Est $ Amount $338,000 Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 * All teachers will utilize the Cycle of Instruction as the instructional framework for delivering standards-based instruction. * All teachers will be provided training, updates, and utilize SIOP strategies to enhance instruction for all students. * All teachers will receive Literacy for Learning professional development and implement Literacy for Learning strategies in their classrooms. * All teachers will be involved in book studies of best practices techniques during PLC’s. Eg. “Teach Like A Champion” and Jensen’s book, “Teaching With Poverty In Mind” Intermediate: * All students will show a 5% monthly growth on the Edison MBA assessments with a proficiency goal of 75%. * The number of proficient students will increase in reading, as measured by HSA, from 46% to 52% to meet our Safe Harbor Goal and will strive for 72% which is the NCLB goal for all schools. * The number of proficient students will increase in Math, as measured by HSA, from 33% to 41% to meet our Safe Harbor Goal and will strive for 64% which is the NCLB goal for all schools. 2. Standards-based assessment data will be utilized to inform instruction. 2/16/2016 Initial: * All teachers will create and administer Monthly constructed response assessments in Math and Reading. * All teachers will analyze and calibrate monthly constructed response assessments. * All teachers will be trained to administer, analyze, and implement results of DIBELS Reading and Math assessments to drive instruction. 2 Admin, CC, Edison Learning August thru May DIBELS Assessment in Math and Reading for Each Student $1,000 Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 * All teachers will use on-going formative assessments such as LDS, MBA, DSI, DIBELS, and Reading and Math classroom assessments to inform instruction. 3. Establish Tier 2 RTI support for all qualified students. Intermediate: * The number of proficient students on constructed responses will increase to 52% in reading and 41% in math. * The number of students will increase proficiency in reading, as measured by HSA, from 46% to 52%. * The number of students will increase proficiency in Math, as measured by HSA,from 33% to 41%. Initial: Compass Learning funds will be used to fund intersession intervention programs. Funding for teachers will be provided. 100% of grade 3 – 6 students will have access to the Achieve 3000 reading program. Admin, CC, Edison Learning October December March 21st Century Grant Through Compass Learning Admin, SSC, Preschool lead, Kdg lead August thru May 1 WSF Teacher 1 SIG Grant Teacher $111,832 Admin, K-3 Teachers, KS August thru May Partnership with Kam Schools No Charge Intermediate: 100% of qualified students will be offered ELO intervention programs. 100% of students attending intervention programs will show 10% increased academic progress on the MBA and HSA. 4. The Pre-School program will continue to be offered to eligible students to increase the readiness of children for Junior Kindergarten/Kindergarten. 5. All students in grades K-3 will receive science literacy instruction four times a week for approximately 45 minutes. 2/16/2016 Initial: 100% of Pre-school staff will be trained on Creative Curriculum components. Intermediate: 100% of students will show improvement on the Creative Curriculum assessments. Initial: Principal will establish a service agreement with Kamehameha School’s 3 Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 6. SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) objectives and other appropriate multicultural strategies will be implemented for all content areas. 7. Implement a coherent ELL plan 2/16/2016 Literacy Instruction and Support Division to provide science literacy instruction for K-3 students, three times a week in collaboration with the DOE classroom teacher. K-3 teachers will conduct follow-up science sessions in collaboration with KS teacher that include guided inquiry and develop student understanding of science content and process. Teachers will monitor the student science notebook entries daily. Intermediate: 100% of K-3 students will demonstrate increased self-directed usage of high leveraged literacy thinking skills aligned to K-2 Common Core Standards: solving and using words; searching for and using information; summarizing and analyzing, as indicated on the Literacy Thinking Skills Assessment given three times a year. Initial: 100% of teachers will implement SIOP Objectives for all content areas. 100% of teachers will implement differentiated strategies, especially for ELL students. Intermediate: The achievement of ELL students on the HSA will show improvement by a 10% increase in number of proficient ELL students. Initial: 100% of staff will jigsaw the ELL plan so that they become more familiar with its contents. 4 Teachers Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 Staff will take more ownership of the learning of the students in special programs, specifically ELL. Intermediate: The achievement of ELL students on the HSA will show improvement by a 10% increase in number of proficient ELL students. TOTALS/SUMMARY Possible Enabling Activities if Supplemental Funds are Available (SW 2) (SW / SI 4) 1. Principal will contract Math Specialist Wesley Yu or someone of similar caliber to provide high quality math strategies to teachers to assist students’ comprehension of math content. Initial: Lead (SI 7) 100% of teachers will receive training from a high quality Math Specialist in teaching math strategies to students. Intermediate: Students will show improvement in Math achievement on the HSA in a 10% increase in HSA Math scores from the first test administration to the last. TOTALS/SUMMARY 2/16/2016 Expenditure (SI 3) Outcomes (SI 5) Initial Intermediate 5 Administratio n Timeline 1st Quarter Description WSF Possible RTTT Funds Est $ Amount $5,000 Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 Goal 2. ENSURE AND SUSTAIN A RICH ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE FOR LIFE-LONG LEARNERS Objectives: a. Increase personalization with appropriate and timely supports. b. Ensure quality professional development including PDE3. c. Improve performance through a quality performance evaluation process. School Strategies (aligned to DOE Strategic Plan measures ) (SW6) (SW9) Develop and utilize a comprehensive student support system which addresses student needs at Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3, in the areas of academics, safety, health and well-being. 2. Develop and utilize a comprehensive student support system which emphasizes pro-active/preventive measures, early intervention and family communication/partnerships. 3. Monitor the implementation of professional development opportunities through walk-throughs, coaching, PLCs, and analysis of school-wide and monthly student data. Rationale: Research indicates that timely interventions targeted to individual learning needs are necessary to increase student achievement, especially of non-proficient students. It is necessary to build the capacity and expertise of the staff to improve and sustain standards-based education, as measured by evidenced-based strategies and analysis of student data. 1. Expenditure (SI 3) Outcomes (SI 5) Funded Enabling Activities (SW2, SW6, SW7, SW8, SW9, SW10, SI 6, SI 8) 1. Implement a Positive Behavior Supports system which is inclusive of core values, school-wide rituals and routines to improve classroom behavior, academic achievement, and life success. Initial Intermediate Lead (SI 7) Initial: * All teachers will receive training on the implementation of the Positive Behavior Supports behavior intervention system. * All teachers will receive training and implement Edison Core Values aligned to the GLO’s. * All teachers will implement common school-wide rituals and routines. Intermediate: * Students demonstrate increased 2/16/2016 6 Admin, Counseling team lead, PBS committee lead Timeline August thru May Description Est $ Amount Counselor $56,000 Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 positive behaviors as evidenced by a decrease in classroom referrals by 25%. * The number of proficient students will increase in reading, as measured by HSA, from 46% to 52%. * The number of students will increase proficiency in Math, as measured by HSA,from 33% to 41%. * The school will meet the necessary HSA participation rate of 95% in Reading, Math, and Science. 2. Focused interventions will meet the academic needs of an additional 15% of our students at Tier 2 of RTI. Initial: Admin, CC, Edison lead August thru May Admin, SSC, SPED lead, Counselor, and District SPED support August thru May Admin, SSC, Edison Learning, ELL lead, District ELL support August thru May * 100% of teachers will identify students in need of Tier 2 interventions based on data collected from DIBELS, Monthly Benchmark Assessment, Constructed Responses, HSA and Data for School Improvement. Teacher Interventions during Specials 2 PTT’s, PPT, Teacher $110,000 5 ELL Teachers; 3WSF, 2 SIG Grant $168,000 Intermediate: * All students identified as Tier 2 will demonstrate a 10% gain on HSA. 3. Students whose academic or behavioral needs are not met in Tiers 1 & 2 will be targeted for Tier 3 intervention. 4. Continue implementing the Comprehensive ELL plan 2/16/2016 Initial: * 100% of teachers will collect and monitor academic, behavioral, and social data on struggling students which will be shared at a CORE team meeting. Intermediate: * All students identified as Tier 3 may receive services for which they are eligible. Initial: 100% of teachers will receive orientation on the ELL program plan 100% of targeted students will receive services as outlined in the Comprehensive ELL plan 7 Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 5. Gifted and Talented students will be identified and participate in specialized instruction as appropriate. 6. Implement a school-wide social skills and cooperative learning program (e.g. TRIBES, Responsive Classroom, Positive Action, or OLWEUS) which will benefit the diverse cultural makeup of the school and continue meaningful recognitions in classrooms and school-wide. 2/16/2016 Intermediate: 100% of targeted students will show gains on MBA of 5% monthly, HSA of 10% from the previous year , and 1.0% gain on WIDA testing in overall percentage. 10% of targeted students will qualify to exit the ELL program. Initial: * 100% of teachers will know the process for identification and screening of students being considered for Gifted and Talented Education. * Information regarding the GT Program will be provided to stakeholders in a variety of ways including: the Honews, School Marquee, and letter from the Principal. Intermediate: * Identified students will participate in accelerated learning opportunities and receive differentiated learning within the regular classroom setting. Initial: 100% of teachers will be trained and implement the Monthly Core Value program. PBS committee will be assigned task of investigating select programs and deciding which program the school will implement to improve student behavior and school-wide learning climate. Recognition programs will be continued for Perfect Attendance, MBA performance goals and 10% monthly increases, Monthly Award Assemblies, Birthday Recognition, Honu Awards, Honu Reading Marathons. 8 Admin, SSC, GT lead Admin, CC, Counseling lead, Incentives Com. Lead, PBS Committee 1 WSF Teacher $56,000 $7,500 Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 Intermediate: 100% of students will demonstrate improved behaviors as shown by a decrease in behavioral referrals. 100% of students will demonstrate skills learned to promote positive behavior choices. Students will participate in the monthly Core Value program. 7. Focused classroom instruction will meet the academic needs of at least 80% of our students at Tier 1 of RTI. 8. Classroom instruction will be improved by implementing strategies learned through professional development. 2/16/2016 Admin, CC, Edison Learning, ELL lead Initial: * 100% of teachers will utilize pacing guides, gather student data, follow the Cycle of Instruction and utilize SIOP strategies with all students. * All teachers will continue to receive professional development in inclusion models for both SPED and ELL students. Intermediate: * 80% of students will demonstrate a 10% gain on HSA in Math, Science, and Reading. Initial: * 100% of teachers will be observed and provided with specific feedback to support and improve instruction.. * 100% of teachers will implement strategies from professional development, (eg PD360, SIOP, PDE3. book studies and webinars), during Professional Learning Communities * 100% of classrooms will be standardsbased as determined by data from the classroom observation protocol. * Teachers will receive support through programs such as: Induction Mentoring, District Mentor Teacher Support, school based mentor support, PEP-T, The Profile of an Effective Teacher and on-site academic coaches. 9 Admin, CC, Edison Learning District support August thru May PD 360 $1,500 Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 Intermediate: * 100% of students will receive high quality, standards-based instruction that will result in improved academic and social outcomes as determined by Administrative evaluations, walkthroughs, and Academic improvement by students TOTALS/SUMMARY Expenditure Outcomes (SI 5) Possible Enabling Activities if Supplemental Funds are Available (SW6) (SW7) Initial Intermediate Lead (SI 7) TOTALS/SUMMARY 2/16/2016 10 Timeline Description Est $ Amount Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 Goal 3. CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE THE EFFECTIVENESS, EFFICIENCY, AND RESPONSIVENESS OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Objectives: a. Use effective external and internal communications. b. Standardize practices based on data and research. School Strategies (aligned to DOE Strategic Plan measures) (SI 1) (SI 2) (SI 9) 1. 2. 3. Utilize a timely communication system to improve reciprocal sharing of information, policies and school-wide expectations with all stakeholders. Utilize a timely communication system to support the school’s comprehensive student support system to ensure appropriate interventions and supports. Communicate standardized instructional expectations through master schedule, master calendar and PLCs. Rationale: Data and research show that effective systems, especially systems undergoing change in restructuring school, thrive only when clear communication channels are established. Naalehu Elementary School is working toward standardize internal improvements. Naalehu Elementary School is also working to build a stronger partnership with all stakeholders, including community and families. Funded Enabling Activities (SW 2) (SW3) (SW4) (SW5) (SW10) (SI 6) (SI 10) 1. All students will be taught by Highly Qualified Teachers. Expenditure (SI 3) Outcomes (SW2) (SI 5) Initial Intermediate Initial: Lead (SI 7) 100% of non-highly qualified teachers will work towards obtaining highly qualified status in one year. 100% of new teachers to the DOE will enroll in the Kahua Teacher Induction Program Principal will hire only HQT teachers unless none are available in the hiring pool. Timeline Admin, District support August thru May Admin, Leadership team August thru May Intermediate: 100% of students will receive instruction from a highly qualified teacher Overall student achievement will increase by 10% average on the HSA in both Reading and Math. 2. Create a system to ensure timely internal and external communication. 2/16/2016 Initial: 100% of teachers will utilize the designated calendar. 11 Description (SW10) Est $ Amount Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 100% of teachers will be provided with a school-year calendar with major events at the administration day prior to students arrival. 100% of teachers will be given an overview of the Leadership Team Minutes at their weekly PLC and the Leadership Members will give an overview to the Leadership Team of topics discussed in the PLC’s (reciprocal approach). Weekly newsletter, “The Honews” will be sent home to communicate with stakeholders and upcoming events will be displayed on the school marquee. Intermediate: 100% of shareholders will be aware of major school events. Average daily attendance of students will increase to 95% as a result of shareholders knowing the major events and holidays for the school year. As a result of analyzing student data in PLC’s, monthly MBA scores and DIBELS Assessment outcomes will show increases in student proficiency. 3. Improve parent/community/school partnerships to increase student achievement Initial: 2/16/2016 100% of faculty will participate in parent/teacher conferences at Naalehu and Ocean View. 100% of parents will be notified and encouraged to attend parent/community events (SCC community meetings, Open House, Math/Science Day, SCC meetings, Special Programs) 100% of home/school communications will be translated into 12 Admin, PCNC, SCC, SSC Periodic Events Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 Marshallese. 100% of identified students will be provided with PSAP support at the K3 level. The weekly newsletter, “The Honews” will be sent home to communicate constantly with parents regarding school progress and events that are upcoming at school. Important school-wide events and student accomplishments will be reported to the Ka’u Calendar for publication in their newspaper. Intermediate: Ratings on School Quality Survey will increase in the area of School Community Relations. 100% of targeted PSAP students will demonstrate increased adjustment in the educational setting as determined through PSAP monitoring process. The number of proficient students will increase in reading, as measured by HSA, from 46% to 52%. The number of proficient students will increase in math, as measured by HSA, from 33% to 41%. 4. Principal will select highly qualified Literacy Coordinator(s) for ELA and Math to coordinate implementation of ELA and Math programs. Initial: Principal will first look internally, among existing staff members to select leaders in ELA and Math implementation. If none can be hired internally, Principal will select a Highly Qualified and skilled person to fill these important positions. Intermediate: Academic programs in both Reading and Math will be strengthened and as a result, 10% more students will be 2/16/2016 13 Naalehu Elementary School School Academic Plan SY 2011-12 proficient in Math and Reading on the HSA assessment. TOTALS/SUMMARY Expenditure (SI 3) Outcomes (SW2) (SI 5) Possible Enabling Activities if Supplemental Funds are Available (SW 2) (SW3) (SW4) (SW5) (SW10) (SI 6) (SI 10) Initial Intermediate Lead (SI 7) TOTALS/SUMMARY 2/16/2016 14 Timeline Description (SW10) Est $ Amount