SCOPE OF PRACTICE GASTROENTEROLOGY Name License # Supervising Physician Alternating Supervising Physicians Physician Assistant Practice Site Address Phone *Please add additional practice sites* Hospital or University Affiliation Signatures Supervising physician Physician Assistant Alternate supervising Date _________________________ . Page 2 SUPERVISION STATEMENT The Relationship Guidelines for Practice The physician is responsible for managing the health care of patients in all practice settings. Heath care services delivered by physicians and physician assistants must be within the scope of each practitioner's authorized practice as defined by state law. The physician is ultimately responsible for coordinating and managing the care of patients and with the appropriate input of the physician assistant ensuring the quality of health care provided to patients. The physician is responsible for the supervision of the physician assistant in all settings. The role of the physician assistant (s) in the delivery of care should be defined through mutually agreed upon guidelines that are developed by the physician and the physician assistant and based on the physician's delegatory style. The physician must be available for consultation with the physician assistant at all times either in person or through telecommunication systems or other means. The extent of the involvement by the physician assistant in the assessment and implementation of treatment will depend on the complexity and acuity of the patient’s condition and the training and experience and preparation of the physician assistant an adjudged by the physician. Patients should be made clearly aware at all times whether they are being cared for by a physician or a physician assistant. The physician and physician assistant together should review all delegated patient services on a regular basis as well as the mutually agreed upon guidelines for practice. The physician is responsible for clarifying and familiarizing the physician assistant with his supervising methods and style of delegating patient care. The relationship between a supervising physician and PA is care to the patients of the practice, to consult with the physician or refer to the physician those based on mutual respect and trust. The physician relies on the PA to provide physician-quality Page 3 care to patients who require physician care and to abide by any guidelines determined by the supervising physician and the state body charged with overseeing physician/PA practice. The PA relies on the supervising physician to be available for consultation, provide learned advice and assume care of patients who have conditions that place them outside the scope of PA practice. Care of the patients shall include but not be limited to: -Performance of an appropriate history and physical exam -ordering / interpreting / performing appropriate diagnostic test -establishing and implementing appropriate treatment plans consistent with the standard of care: This shall include counseling / instructing / performing tasks approved by SBME / prescribing medications and dispensing sample medications as dictated by the PA's prescriptive privilege or state law or under the verbal order of the supervising or alternate supervising MD. Medication formulary consists of those medications appropriate to the treatment of patients in a gastroenterology/hepatology practice including prescribing medical devices. Excluding - any Class II medication Ophthalmic steroids Initiating Class III antiarrhythmics MAO inhibitor Anabolic steroids Sublingual Nifedipine for BP control -For inpatient encounters, the PA, if requested by the supervising physician may order parenteral medicine or Category II controlled substances under the verbal order of the supervision or alternate supervising MD. The PA may examine and write orders as directed by their supervising MD for admission / consultations requested. Page 4 - Patients presenting with conditions, which are life threatening, requiring immediate hospitalization, or surgery, should be evaluated by a physician. - In a life-threatening situation the PA may direct ACLS / PALS / BLS protocols while awaiting the arrival of a MD. Page 5 Gastroenterology and Hepatology Scope General Complaints Evaluation of abdominal pain Evaluation of dyspepsia Evaluation of nausea/vomiting Evaluation of dysphagia Evaluation of constipation Evaluation of diarrhea Evaluation of gastrointestinal bleeding Evaluation of elevated liver enzymes Evaluation of weight loss Alimentary Tract Diseases of the Esophagus GERD Esophageal Dysmotility Barrett’s Esophagus Esophageal Cancer Esophagitis (Infectious and Ulcerative) Achalasia Esophageal varices Page 6 Diseases of the Stomach and Duodenum Gastritis Helicobacter pylori infection Gastroduodenal Ulcer Disease Gastric Outlet Obstruction Mallory-Weiss Tear Gastroparesis Gastric Carcinomas Carcinoid Gastrointestinal Lymphoma Diseases of the Small Intestine Celiac Sprue Whipple’s Disease Small Bowel Carcinoma Diseases of the Colon and Rectum Irritable Bowel Syndrome Colitis, acute self-limiting, non-specific Infectious Colitis Microscopic Colitis Ischemic Colitis Ulcerative Colitis Crohn’s Disease Diverticular Disease Colorectal carcinoma Page 7 Anorectal Diseases Hemorrhoids, external and internal Abscess Carcinoma Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas Diseases of the Liver Bacterial and viral hepatitis Autoimmune hepatitis Hemochromatosis Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Alcoholic hepatitis Cirrhosis Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Ascities Hepatic encephalopathy Hepatocellular carcinoma Diseases of the Biliary Tract Cholelithiasis Cholecystitis Choledocholithiasis Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Cholangiocarcinoma Page 8 Diseases of the Pancreas Pancreatitis Pancreatitc pseudocyst Pancreatic carcinoma Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction TASKS TASKS ALL CERTIFIED PA'S SHOULD BE QUALIFIED TO PERFORM INCLUDE: Local anesthesia Suture lacerations Start IV's / Flush port-a-cath Venipuncture ACLS/CPR A Nationally certified PA may request additional tasks at the time of initial application if able to provide documentation of their competency in performing this task Documentation should consist of : Number of times procedure performed Documents from prior employer as to competency level Documents of prior training A recent graduate applying for their initial position, as a PA must work with their employer six months before requesting additional task. Task list should be reviewed yearly - additional task may be added when further training is documented and request is made to PA committee/SBME. Under no circumstance should a PA perform any task in which his supervising MD is not Page 9 credentialed to perform. Training for additional tasks may be undertaken as delegated by the PA's supervising M.D. However under no circumstance shall a PA perform a new task without direct supervision until approval has been received from SBME/PA committee. The committee has the right to request documentation and formal training modalities for these new tasks prior to approval.