WIMM PI Curriculum Vitae Personal Data Name Tao Dong

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data
Tao Dong
Present Position
Professor of Immunology, Group Leader, MRC Human Immunology Unit, Oxford University
Founding Director (Oxford), CAMS-Oxford joint international Centre for Translational Immunology
Visiting Professor and Honorary Director, Centre for Biomedical Resources and Laboratory, Beijing You An
Infectious Disease Hospital, Capital Medical University, China
Visiting Professor and Honorary Director, Radiation/Tumour Immunology Laboratory, XinJiang Tumour
Hospital, XingJiang Medical University, China
Previous Positions
Research assistant, Chinese, Academy of Science (CAS), XinJiang, China
Research associate, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), XinJiang, China
Research assistant , Molecular Immunology Group, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Univ. of
Oxford, UK
Postdoctoral Research scientist, MRC Human Immunology Unit, Oxford, UK
Group leader (joint with Professor Sarah Rowland-Jones), MRC Human Immunology Unit,
Oxford, UK
Research Achievements:
Over the past 20 years, my main research interest has been focused on anti-viral T cell responses
specifically CD8 dependent cytotoxic T cell responses and its contribution to disease outcome, such as
HIV, Influenza A virus, Dengue virus more recently Hepatitis virus. The main achievements were:
Identification and characterisation of a unique T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain, selected by unrelated
LTNPs (but not by progressors), with HLA-B8 and HIV-1 infection, Dong et al, J. Experimental Medicine
2004 (in collaboration with Sarah Rowland-Jones); The first demonstration that interactions between Killer
Immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) and HLA molecules are sensitive to allelic variation in both KIR and
HLA molecules and to the nature of the HLA-associated peptide, Subsequent demonstration of viral
variation in a CD8+ T-cell epitope that increases binding to an inhibitory KIR, (Hansasuta et al, EJI, 2004,;
Thananchai et al, (Cutting Edge) J. Immunology 2007; AIDS 2009) (in collaboration with Sarah RowlandJones); Demonstration that the T regulatory response generated to dengue virus infection is inversely
associated with clinical outcome and that T-cell cross-reactivity between dengue virus serotypes could
contribute to pathogenesis(Luhn et al JEM, 2007; Dong et al, Plosone 2007) (in collaboration with Sarah
Rowland-Jones); Demonstration of frequent cross-reactivity between H3N2 (human) and H5N1 (avian)
influenza A which provided important information for T cell based Vaccine design(Lee et al, J. Clinical
Investigation, 2008); Demonstration of the importance of flanking region variation in determining T-cell
recognition of a conserved CTL epitope (Ranasinghe, PLoS Pathogens, 2011); Demonstration of the full
extent of T-cell-mediated selection pressure on four HIV-1 proteins in a unique plasma donor cohort in
China infected with closely-related HIV-1 strains (Dong et al, Blood, 2011); very recently, demonstration of
the importants of HLA-B restricted T cell responses in HIV infection due to its resistance to HIV nef
downregulation (Rajapaksa et al, PNAS, 2012)(in collaboration with Xiao-Ning Xu and Andrew McMichael).
IFTIM rs12252 –C is associated with severe influenza infection in Chinese population(Zhang et al, Nature
communication 2013), and discordant distribution of antigen specific T cell in blood and Lung of patients
acutely infected with pdmH1N1 influenza virus (Zhao et al, AJRCCM, 2013).
Lay Summary of Research
My group is interested in antigen specific T cell responses in human virus infection (Influenza, HCV/HIV coinfection, HIV and HBV) and their contributions to the consequences of the disease. The quality of the T cell
response is complicated but important in determining disease outcome. T cell quality varies amongst
different virus infection settings and this is largely due to the micro-environment of the infection site, type of
the cells they are infecting and variability of the virus. Understanding the optimal quality required for disease
control and investigation into the manipulation of T cells to achieve optimal function to control the virus is
important for improved therapy and vaccine design. The main objective of my group’s research is to focus
on the functional aspects of the antigen specific T cells and studying the factors affecting T cells in
controlling virus infection by utilizing well established in-vitro experiment models as well as well defined,
large clinical cohorts with my collaborators in China and Vietnam.
All Publications Over the Past 5 Years
Lee LY, Ha DL, Simmons C, de Jong MD, Chau NV, Schumacher R, Peng YC, McMichael AJ, Farrar JJ,
Smith GL, Townsend AR, Askonas BA, Rowland-Jones S, Dong T. Memory T cells established by
seasonal human influenza A infection cross-react with avian influenza A (H5N1) in healthy individuals. J
Clin Invest. 2008, Oct;118(10):3478-90
Zhang YH, Zhao Y, Li N, Peng YC, Giannoulatou E, Jin RH, Yan HP, Wu H, Liu JH, Liu N, Wang DY, Shu
YL, Ho LP, Kellam P, McMichael A, Dong T. Interferon-induced transmembrane protein-3 genetic variant
rs12252-C is associated with severe influenza in Chinese individuals. Nat Commun. 2013;4:1418. doi:
10.1038/ncomms2433. PMID: 23361009 (Highlighted by the Jounal)
Zhao Y, Zhang YH, Denney L, Young D, Powell TJ, Peng YC, Li N, Yan HP, Wang DY, Shu YL, Kendrick
Y, McMichael AJ, Ho LP, Dong T. High Levels of Virus-specific CD4+ T Cells Predict Severe Pandemic
Influenza A Virus Infection. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012 Dec 15;186(12):1292-7. doi:
10.1164/rccm.201207-1245OC. Epub 2012 Oct 18.
Rajapaksa US, Li D, McMicheal A, Dong T*/Xu XN* Why HLA B types are more protective than HLA A
types in HIV-1 infection. PNAS Published online before print July 23, 2012, doi:. * corresponding author,
Equal contribution
Powell TJ, Fox A, Peng Y, Quynh Mai LT, Lien VT, Hang NL, Wang L, Lee LY, Simmons CP, McMichael
AJ, Farrar JJ, Askonas BA, Duong TN, Thai PQ, Thu Yen NT, Rowland-Jones SL, Hien NT, Horby P, Dong
T. Identification of H5N1-Specific T-Cell Responses in a High-risk Cohort in Vietnam Indicates the
Existence of Potential Asymptomatic Infections. JID 2012 Jan;205(1):20-7.
Ranasinghe SR, Kramer HB, Wright C, Kessler BM, di Gleria K, Zhang Y, Gillespie GM, Blais ME, Culshaw
A, Pichulik T, Simmons A, Rowland-Jones SL, McMichael AJ, Dong T. Efficient Antigen Processing and
Presentation is Highly Dependent upon the Infecting HIV strain despite a Conserved Epitope.. Plos
Pathogen. 2011 May;7(5):e1001341. Epub 2011 May 12.
Dong T, Zhang Y, Xu KY, Yan H, James I, Peng Y, Blais ME, Gaudieri S, Chen X, Lun W, Wu H, Qu WY,
Rostron T, Li N, Mao Y, Mallal S, Xu X, McMichael A, John M, Rowland-Jones SL. Extensive HLA-driven
viral diversity following a narrow-source HIV-1 outbreak in rural China. Blood. 2011 Jul 7;118(1):98-106.
Epub 2011 May 11.
Zhang Y, Peng Y, Yan H, Xu K, Saito M, Wu H, Chen X, Ranasinghe S, Kuse N, Powell T, Zhao Y, Li W,
Zhang X, Feng X, Li N, Leligdowicz A, Xu X, John M, Takiguchi M, McMichael A, Rowland-Jones S, Dong
T. Multilayered Defense in HLA-B51-Associated HIV Viral Control. J Immunol. 2011 Jul 15;187(2):684-91.
Epub 2011 Jun 1 .
Dong T, Stewart-Jones G, Chen N, Easterbrook P, Xu X, Papagno L, Appay V, Weekes M, Conlon C,
Spina C, Little S, Screaton G, van der Merwe A, Richman DD, McMichael AJ, Jones EY, Rowland-Jones
SL.HIV-specific cytotoxic T cells from long-term survivors select a unique T cell receptor. J Exp Med. 2004
Dec 20;200(12):1547-57.
Louis-Marie Yindom1*, Linghang Wang1, Sarah L. Rowland-Jones1, Tao Dong.
KIR3DL1*0070103 identified by molecular typing, Tissue Antigen in press
A novel full length
Powell TJ, Peng Y, Berthoud TK, Blais ME, Lillie PJ, Hill AV, Rowland-Jones SL, McMichael AJ, Gilbert
SC, Dong T. Examination of influenza specific T cell responses after influenza virus challenge in individuals
vaccinated with MVA-NP+M1 vaccine, Plosone,
PLoS One. 2013 May 3;8(5):e62778. doi:
10.1371/journal.pone.0062778. Print 2013
de Silva TI, Peng Y, Leligdowicz A, Zaidi I, Li L, Griffin H, Blais ME, Vincent T, Saraiva M, Yindom LM, van
Tienen C, Easterbrook P, Jaye A, Whittle H, Dong T, Rowland-Jones SL. Correlates of HIV-2 control:
insights into natural containment of a human retroviral infection. Blood. 2013 May 23;121(21):4330-9. doi:
Alexander N, Fox A, Lien VT, Dong T, Lee LY, Le Khanh Hang N, Mai LQ, Horby P. Defining ELISpot Cut-
offs from Unreplicated Test and Control Wells. J Immunol Methods. 2013 Mar 7. doi:pii: S00221759(13)00070-7.
Louis-Marie Yindom1*, Linghang Wang1, Sarah L. Rowland-Jones1, Tao Dong.
KIR3DL1*0070103 identified by molecular typing, Tissue Antigen 2013
A novel full length
Wilkinson TM, Li CK, Chui CS, Huang AK, Perkins M, Liebner JC, Lambkin-Williams R, Gilbert A, Oxford J,
Nicholas B, Staples KJ, Dong T, Douek DC, McMichael AJ, Xu XN. Preexisting influenza-specific CD4(+) T
cells correlate with disease protection against influenza challenge in humans. Nat Med. 2012 Jan 29. doi:
10.1038/nm.2612. [Epub ahead of print]
Zhang Y, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Shi L, Ma L, Yan H, Wu H, Wei L, Dong T*/Chen X* Hepatitis C virus nonstructural
protein specific T cells are associated with virological responses to combination therapy in chronic HCV
patients. Liver Int. 2012 Jan;32(1):102-109. *Equal contribution
Blais ME, Zhang Y, Rostron T, Griffin H, Taylor S, Xu K, Yan H, Wu H, James I, John M, Dong
T*/Rowland-Jones SL*. High Frequency of HIV Mutations Associated with HLA-C Suggests Enhanced
HLA-C-Restricted CTL Selective Pressure Associated with an AIDS-Protective Polymorphism.
J Immunol
02 Apr 2012 DOI. *Equal contribution
Abigail Culshaw, Tao Dong* and Sarah L. Rowland-Jones . A two amino acid shift in position leads to a
substantial difference in the pattern of processing of two HIV-1 epitopes. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
2012 Apr 1;59(4):335-9. *Corresponding author
Jayasooriya S , Hislop A, Peng Y, Croom-carter D, Jankey J, Bell A, Dong T , Rowland-Jones S , Rickinson
A, Walther M and Whittle H Revisiting the effect of acute P. Falciparum malaria on Epstein-Barr virus:host
balance in the setting of reduced malaria endemicity . PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31142. Epub 2012 Feb 8
Zhou D, Zhang X, Li W, Xu X, Goonetilleke N, Yang H, Dong T, Yan H. Broader T cell Responses directed
against Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 in infected Chinese individuals through blood borne in
comparison with mucosal transmission. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2012 Jun 27. [Epub ahead of print
Lillie PJ, Berthoud TK, Powell TJ, Lambe T, Mullarkey C, Spencer AJ, Hamill M, Peng Y, Blais ME, Duncan
CJ, Sheehy SH, Havelock T, Faust SN, Williams RL, Gilbert A, Oxford J, Dong T, Hill AV, Gilbert SC. A
preliminary assessment of the efficacy of a T cell-based influenza vaccine, MVA-NP+M1, in humans. Clin
Infect Dis. 2012 Jul;55(1):19-25. Epub 2012 Mar 22
Jennifer A. Slyker, Sarah L. Rowland-Jones, Tao Dong, Marie Reilly, Barbra Richardson, Vincent C.
Emery, Ann Atzberger, Dorothy Mbori-Ngacha, Barbara L. Lohman-Payne, Grace C. John-Stewart. Acute
cytomegalovirus infection is associated with increased frequencies of activated and apoptotic-vulnerable T
cells in HIV-1 infected infants. Journal of Virology, in press
Blais ME, Dong T, Rowland-Jones S . HLA-C as a mediator of natural killer and T-cell activation: spectator
or key player? Immunology. 2011 Mar 1. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2011.03422.x. [Epub ahead of print]
Godlee A, Almond MH, Dong T. Pathogenesis of influenza: virus-host interactions. Expert Rev Anti Infect
Ther. 2011 Aug;9(8):573-5.
Dushek, M. Aleksic, R. J. Wheeler, H. Zhang, S.-P. Cordoba, Y.-C. Peng, J.-L. Chen, V. Cerundolo, T.
Dong, D. Coombs, P. A. van der Merwe, Antigen potency and maximal efficacy reveal a mechanism of
efficient T cell activation. Science Signal. 2011 Jun 7;4(176):ra39
Jennifer A. Slyker, Grace C. John-Stewart, Tao Dong, Barbara Lohman-Payne, Marie Reilly, Ann
Atzberger, Stephen Taylor, Elizabeth Maleche-Obimbo, Dorothy Mbori-Ngacha, Sarah L. Rowland-Jones.
Phenotypic characterization of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells during early and chronic infant HIV-1 infection.
Plos One i 011;6(5):e20375. Epub 2011 May 31
Germain C, Meier A, Jensen T, Knapnougel P, Poupon G, Lazzari A, Neisig A, Håkansson K, Dong T,
Wagtmann N, Galsgaard ED, Spee P, Braud VM. Induction of LLT1 cell surface expression by pathogens
and IFN-{gamma} contributes to modulate immune responses. J Biol Chem. 2011 Sep 19. [Epub ahead of
Zhang Y, Guo D, Zhao Y, Chen X, Ma L, Jin Y, Yan H, Wu H, Wei L, Dong T, Chen X. The effect of
cytokine profiles on the viral response to re-treatment in antiviral-experienced patients with chronic hepatitis
C virus infection. Antiviral Res. 2011 Aug 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Leligdowicz A, Onyango C, Yindom LM, Peng Y, Cotten M, Jaye A, McMichael A, Whittle H, Dong
T*/Rowland-Jones S*. Highly avid, oligoclonal, early-differentiated antigen-specific CD8(+) T-cells in
chronic HIV-2 infection. Eur J Immunol. 2010 Apr 21. [Epub ahead of print] * equal contribution
Leligdowicz A, Feldmann J, Jaye A, Cotten M, Dong T, McMichael A, Whittle H, Rowland-Jones S. Direct
Relationship between Virus Load and Systemic Immune Activation in HIV-2 Infection. J Infect Dis. 2010 Jan
1;201(1):114-22.. [Epub ahead of print]
Makadzange AT, Gillespie G, Dong T, Kiama P, Bwayo J, Kimani J, Plummer F, Easterbrook P, RowlandJones SL. Characterization of an HLA-C restricted CTL response in chronic HIV infection.Eur J Immunol.
2010 Jan 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Dung NT, Duyen HT, Thuy NT, Ngoc TV, Chau NV, Hien TT, Rowland-Jones SL, Dong T, Farrar J, Wills B,
Simmons CP. Timing of CD8+ T Cell Responses in Relation to Commencement of Capillary Leakage in
Children with Dengue. J Immunol. 2010 May 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Denney L, Aitken C, Li CK, Wilson-Davies E, Kok WL, Clelland C, Rooney K, Young D, Dong T, McMichael
AJ, Carman WF, Ho LP. Reduction of natural killer but not effector CD8 T lymphoyctes in three consecutive
cases of severe/lethal H1N1/09 influenza A virus infection, 2010 Plos One , in press LoS One. 2010 May
Thananchai H, Makadzange T, Maenaka K, Kuroki K, Peng Y, Conlon C, Rowland-Jones S, Dong T.
Reciprocal recognition of an HLA-Cw4-restricted HIV-1 gp120 epitope by CD8+ T cells and NK cells. AIDS.
2009 Jan 14;23(2):189-93.
Li H, Chen X, Jin X, Liu Z, Huang X, Cao Z, Guo C, Dong T*/Wu H*. Proliferation, but not interleukin 2
production, of Gag-specific CD8+ T cells is associated with low HIV viremia and high CD4 counts in HIV-1infected Chinese individuals. . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009 Sep 1;52(1):1-8. PMID: 19584740
[PubMed - in process]. *Joint Corresponding author
Choudhuri K, Parker M, Milicic A, Cole DK, Shaw MK, Sewell AK, Stewart-Jones G, Dong T, Gould KG,
van der Merwe PA. Peptide-MHC dimensions control proximal kinase-phosphatase balance during T cell
activation. J Biol Chem. 2009 Jul 23. [Epub ahead of print]
John-Stewart GC, Mbori-Ngacha D, Payne BL, Farquhar C, Richardson BA, Emery S, Otieno P, Obimbo E,
Dong T, Slyker J, Nduati R, Overbaugh J, Rowland-Jones S. HV-1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes and
breast milk HIV-1 transmission. J Infect Dis. 2009 Mar 15;199(6):889-98.
Sharma D, Bastard K, Guethlein LA, Norman PJ, Yawata N, Yawata M, Pando M, Thananchai H, Dong T,
Rowland-Jones S, Brodsky FM, Parham P. Dimorphic Motifs in D0 and D1+D2 Domains of Killer Cell IgLike Receptor 3DL1 Combine to Form Receptors with High, Moderate, and No Avidity for the Complex of a
Peptide Derived from HIV and HLA-A*2402. J Immunol. 2009 Sep 14. [Epub ahead of print]
Ishizuka J, Grebe K, Shenderov E, Peters B, Chen Q, Peng Y, Wang L, Dong T, Pasquetto V, Oseroff C,
Sidney J, Hickman H, Cerundolo V, Sette A, Bennink JR, McMchael A, Yewdell JW. Quantitating T Cell
Cross-Reactivity for Unrelated Peptide Antigens. J Immunol. 2009 Sep 4. [Epub ahead of print]
A Culshaw, T Dong and S Rowland-Jones. A step in the right direction for a T cell based HIV vaccine , Cell
Science 2009.
Slyker JA, Lohman-Payne BL, John-Stewart GC, Maleche-Obimbo E, Emery S, Richardson B, Dong T,
Iversen AK, Mbori-Ngacha D, Overbaugh J, Emery VC, Rowland-Jones SL. Acute cytomegalovirus
infection in Kenyan HIV-infected infants. AIDS. 2009 Jul 15. [Epub ahead of print]
Yang H, Guimarães-Walker A, Hibbs S, Dong T, Stacey A, Borrow P, Hanke T, Davenport MP, McMichael
A, Dorrell L. Interleukin-10 responses to therapeutic vaccination during highly active antiretroviral therapy
and after analytical therapy interruption. AIDS. 2009 Oct 23;23(16):2226-30.
Feldmann J, Leligdowicz A, Jaye A, Dong T, Whittle H, Rowland-Jones SL. T-cell receptor (TCR) downregulation by HIV-2 nef does not protect against disease progression. J Virol. 2009 Oct 7. [Epub ahead of
Moran E, Simmons C, Vinh Chau N, Luhn K, Wills B, Dung NP, Thao LT, Hien TT, Farrar J, RowlandJones S, Dong T.
Preservation of a critical epitope core region is associated with the high degree of
flaviviral cross-reactivity exhibited by a dengue-specific CD4(+) T cell clone. Eur J Immunol. 2008 Mar
De Santo C, Salio M, Masri SH, Lee LY, Dong T, Speak AO, Porubsky S, Booth S, Veerapen N, Besra GS,
Gröne HJ, Platt FM, Zambon M, Cerundolo V. Invariant NKT cells reduce the immunosuppressive activity
of influenza A virus-induced myeloid-derived suppressor cells in mice and humans. J Clin Invest. 2008
Dec;118(12):4036-48. doi: 10.1172/JCI36264. Epub 2008 Nov 13.
Abidi SH, Dong T, Vuong MT, Sreenu VB, Rowland-Jones SL, Evans EJ, Davis SJ.
remodeling of a T-cell transcriptome following CD8- versus CD3-induced signaling. Cell Res. 2008 May 13.
[Epub ahead of print]
Kemal KS, Beattie T, Dong T, Weiser B, Kaul R, Kuiken C, Sutton J, Lang D, Yang H, Peng YC, Collman
R, Philpott S, Rowland-Jones S, Burger H. Transition From Long-Term Nonprogression to HIV-1 Disease
Associated With Escape From Cellular Immune Control. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2008 Jun
Gaiha GD, Dong T, Palaniyar N, Mitchell DA, Reid KB, Clark HW. Surfactant Protein A Binds to HIV and
Inhibits Direct Infection of CD4+ Cells, but Enhances Dendritic Cell-Mediated Viral Transfer. J Immunol.
2008 Jul 1;181(1):601-9.
Rowland-Jones S and Dong T. Dying T cells trigger autoimmunity in HIV. Nat Med. 2007 Dec;13(12):14131415.
Ten Key Publications Throughout your Career
Zhang YH, Zhao Y, Li N, Peng YC, Giannoulatou E, Jin RH, Yan HP, Wu H, Liu JH, Liu N, Wang DY, Shu
YL, Ho LP, Kellam P, McMichael A, Dong T. Interferon-induced transmembrane protein-3 genetic variant
rs12252-C is associated with severe influenza in Chinese individuals. Nat Commun. 2013;4:1418. doi:
10.1038/ncomms2433. PMID: 23361009 [PubMed - in process]
Zhao Y, Zhang YH, Denney L, Young D, Powell TJ, Peng YC, Li N, Yan HP, Wang DY, Shu YL, Kendrick
Y, McMichael AJ, Ho LP, Dong T. High Levels of Virus-specific CD4+ T Cells Predict Severe Pandemic
Influenza A Virus Infection. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012 Dec 15;186(12):1292-7. doi:
10.1164/rccm.201207-1245OC. Epub 2012 Oct 18.
Rajapaksa US, Li D, McMicheal A, Dong T*/Xu XN* Why HLA B types are more protective than HLA A
types in HIV-1 infection. PNAS Published online before print July 23, 2012, doi:. * corresponding
author, Equal contribution
Powell TJ, Fox A, Peng Y, Quynh Mai LT, Lien VT, Hang NL, Wang L, Lee LY, Simmons CP, McMichael
AJ, Farrar JJ, Askonas BA, Duong TN, Thai PQ, Thu Yen NT, Rowland-Jones SL, Hien NT, Horby P,
Dong T. Identification of H5N1-Specific T-Cell Responses in a High-risk Cohort in Vietnam Indicates
the Existence of Potential Asymptomatic Infections. JID 2012 Jan;205(1):20-7.
Ranasinghe SR, Kramer HB, Wright C, Kessler BM, di Gleria K, Zhang Y, Gillespie GM, Blais ME, Culshaw
A, Pichulik T, Simmons A, Rowland-Jones SL, McMichael AJ, Dong T. Efficient Antigen Processing and
Presentation is Highly Dependent upon the Infecting HIV strain despite a Conserved Epitope.. Plos
Pathogen. 2011 May;7(5):e1001341. Epub 2011 May 12.
Dong T, Zhang Y, Xu KY, Yan H, James I, Peng Y, Blais ME, Gaudieri S, Chen X, Lun W, Wu H, Qu WY,
Rostron T, Li N, Mao Y, Mallal S, Xu X, McMichael A, John M, Rowland-Jones SL. Extensive HLAdriven viral diversity following a narrow-source HIV-1 outbreak in rural China. Blood Blood. 2011 Jul
7;118(1):98-106. Epub 2011 May 11.
Zhang Y, Peng Y, Yan H, Xu K, Saito M, Wu H, Chen X, Ranasinghe S, Kuse N, Powell T, Zhao Y, Li W,
Zhang X, Feng X, Li N, Leligdowicz A, Xu X, John M, Takiguchi M, McMichael A, Rowland-Jones S,
Dong T. Multilayered Defense in HLA-B51-Associated HIV Viral Control. J Immunol. 2011 Jul
15;187(2):684-91. Epub 2011 Jun 1
Lee LY, Ha DL, Simmons C, de Jong MD, Chau NV, Schumacher R, Peng YC, McMichael AJ, Farrar JJ,
Smith GL, Townsend AR, Askonas BA, Rowland-Jones S, Dong T. Memory T cells established by
seasonal human influenza A infection cross-react with avian influenza A (H5N1) in healthy individuals. J
Clin Invest. 2008, Oct;118(10):3478-90
Dong T, Moran E, Vinh Chau N, Simmons C, Luhn K, Peng Y, Wills B, Phuong Dung N, Thi Thu Thao L,
Hien TT, McMichael A, Farrar J, Rowland-Jones S. High Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Secretion and Loss
of High Avidity Cross-Reactive Cytotoxic T-Cells during the Course of Secondary Dengue Virus
Infection. PLoS ONE. 2007 Dec 5;2(12):e1192.
Dong T, Stewart-Jones G, Chen N, Easterbrook P, Xu X, Papagno L, Appay V, Weekes M, Conlon C,
Spina C, Little S, Screaton G, van der Merwe A, Richman DD, McMichael AJ, Jones EY, RowlandJones SL.HIV-specific cytotoxic T cells from long-term survivors select a unique T cell receptor. J Exp
Med. 2004 Dec 20;200(12):1547-57.
Publications: 163 research publications, H index: 38
D.Phil students supervised/completed: 14
Editorial boards: American Journal of translational Medicine
Meeting organizer and co-chairs 2013: Chinese Life Science society UK annual meeting
(2013, co-chair), UK-Beijing J emerging Infectious Disease symposium (2013, organizer)
Invited speakers in 2013: Seminar series in Freiburg University, UCL and
Birmingham University, invited speaker in Xiang Shang Immunology meeting
(high profile meeting as government advisory board), International conference on Genomics, Belgium
Current Grant Support
1. MRC Research grant “The impact of IFTIM3 genetic variation on Influenza virus infection, immune
responses and disease outcome” June 14-June 18
2. Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (WTISSF) /NDM "T cell immunity to HBV
associated HCC" Feb 13 - Feb 16
3. European FP7,EU FP7-HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION, Pathogen Co-infection
4. MRC HIU Programme Grant "Human Anti-viral T cells" Apr 10 - Apr 17
5. National Science Foundation China (NSFC) for major International collaboration
"Immune responses in HBV associated HCC" Dec 13 - Jul 18
6. National Science Foundation China (NSFC) for oversea Chinese scholar
"HIV pathogenesis" Dec 12 - Dec 15