John Crossley Swallow Bibliography Swallow 1 John Crossley Swallow—Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. DE WALDEN, S. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1949, The relative merits of presentation of bearings by aural-null and twin-channel cathode-ray direction finders., Proceedings of the Institution of Electronic Engineers, 96, Pt. III, 307-320. DE WALDEN, S. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1950, The construction and application of nomograms for the analysis of an elliptical field., A.S.R.E. Technical Note, TX/50/1. (Unpublished manuscript) HILL, M.N. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1950, Seismic experiments in the Atlantic., Nature, 165, 193-194. SWALLOW, J.C. & GASKELL, T.F. 1951, Seismic refraction experiments in the North Atlantic., Nature, 167, 723-724. GASKELL, T.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1952, Seismic refraction experiments in the Pacific., Nature, 170, 10101012. GASKELL, T.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1953, Seismic experiments on two Pacific atolls., Challenger Society, Occasional Papers, No.3, 8pp. & 6 figs. GASKELL, T.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1953, Seismic refraction experiments in the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea., Nature, 172, 535-537. GASKELL, T.F., SWALLOW, J.C. & RITCHIE, G.S. 1953, Further notes on the greatest oceanic sounding and the topography of the Mariana trench., Deep-Sea Research, 1, 60-63. SWALLOW, J.C. 1954, Seismic investigations at sea., University of Cambridge, PhD Thesis, 296pp. (Unpublished manuscript) SWALLOW, J.C. 1955, A neutral-buoyancy float for measuring deep currents., Deep-Sea Research, 3, 74-81. DAY, A.A., HILL, M.N., LAUGHTON, A.S. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1956, Seismic prospecting in the Western approaches of the English Channel., Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 112, 15-44. SWALLOW, J.C. 1957, Some further deep current measurements using neutrally-buoyant floats., Deep-Sea Research, 4, 93-104. SWALLOW, J.C. & WORTHINGTON, L.V. 1957, Measurements of deep currents in the western North Atlantic., Nature, 179, 1183-1184. GASKELL, T.F., HILL, M.N. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1958, Seismic measurements made by HMS Challenger in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans and in the Mediterranean Sea, 1950-1952., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A, 251, 23-83. SWALLOW, J.C. & HAMON, B.V. 1960, Some measurements of deep currents in the Eastern North Atlantic., Deep-Sea Research, 6, 155-168. SWALLOW, J.C. 1961, Ocean circulation., Science Progress, 49, 281-286. SWALLOW, J.C. & WORTHINGTON, L.V. 1961, An observation of a deep counter-current in the western North Atlantic., Deep-Sea Research, 8, 1-19. SWALLOW, J.C. 1962, Ocean circulation. (A contribution to a discussion on Progress and Needs of Marine Science, 10-11 Nov. 1960)., Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 265, 326-328. SWALLOW, J.C. 1962, The currents., pp.202-213 in, Oceans, (ed.G.E.R.Deacon)., London: Paul Hamlyn. 197pp. SWALLOW, J.C. 1963, Strong currents of the deep ocean., Dock and Harbour Authority, 44, p.142. CREASE, J., LAUGHTON, A.S. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1964, The significance of precision echo sounding in the deep ocean., International Hydrographic Review, 41(2), 63-72. SWALLOW, J.C. 1964, The equatorial undercurrent in the western Indian Ocean., Nature, 204, 436-437. SWALLOW, J.C. 1965, Some observations of the equatorial undercurrent in the western Indian Ocean during 1964. (abstract of paper presented at 46th Annual Meeting of American Geophysical Union)., Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 46, p.100. SWALLOW, J.C. 1965, That hot, salty hole., Geo Marine Technology, 1, p.17. SWALLOW, J.C. 1965, The Plessey velocimeter., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. A23, 3pp. (Unpublished manuscript) SWALLOW, J.C. 1965, The Somali Current : some observations made aboard RRS Discovery during August 1964., Marine Observer, 35, 125-130. SWALLOW, J.C. 1965, Hot salty water., Oceanus, 11(3), 3-5. SWALLOW, J.C. & CREASE, J. 1965, Hot salty water at the bottom of the Red Sea., Nature, 205, 165-166. SWALLOW, J.C. 1966, On length of ordinary galvanized hydrographic wire used in the Discovery in the Indian Ocean in 1964., Geo Marine Technology, 2, p.4. SWALLOW, J.C. 1966, Recent physical oceanographic work in the Indian Ocean., p.357 in, Second International Oceanographic Congress: Abstracts of papers., Moscow: Nauka. 423pp. SWALLOW, J.C. 1966, RRS Discovery Cruise 10, 15 February - 6 April 1966. Instrument trials and oceanographic observations., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.10, 10pp. Swallow 2 32. SWALLOW, J.C. & BRUCE, J.G. 1966, Current measurements off the Somali coast during the southwest monsoon of 1964., Deep-Sea Research, 13, 861-888. 33. WARREN, B., STOMMEL, H. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1966, Water masses and patterns of flow in the Somali Basin during the southwest monsoon of 1964., Deep-Sea Research, 13, 825-860. 34. SWALLOW, J.C. 1967, RRS Discovery Cruise 20, 20 October - 18 December 1967. Current measurements in the Bay of Biscay and observations of deep stratification., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.20, 10pp. 35. SWALLOW, J.C. 1967, Some observations of the south equatorial current in the western Indian Ocean in 1964. (Abstract)., Proces-Verbaux, IAPSO, No.10, 131-132. 36. SWALLOW, J.C. 1967, The equatorial undercurrent in the western Indian Ocean in 1964., Studies in Tropical Oceanography, No.5, 15-36. 37. SWALLOW, J.C. 1968, C.S.S. Hudson, Jan. - Apr. 1967. Current measurements on hydrographic stations: notes on methods and station list., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. A30, 7pp. & figs. 38. SWALLOW, J.C. 1968, Notes on estimating leeway in RRS Discovery., Journal of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners, 10, 229-230. 39. SWALLOW, J.C. 1968, Recent physical oceanographic work in the Indian Ocean., pp.267-274 in, Osnovnye problemy okeanologii., Moscow: Nauka. (In Russian). 40. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1968, Ocean circulation. (Discussion meeting, Alhambra House, July 10, 1968), London: Natural Environment Research Council. 22pp. (In Confidence) 41. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1969, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 1-20 June 1955 - March 1957. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D1, 44pp. 42. SWALLOW, J.C. 1969, John Murray Cruise October 1969, Part I, 2nd - 11th October., N.E.R.C. Cruise Report, "John Murray", 69-8(I), 3pp. 43. SWALLOW, J.C. 1969, Vickers Venturer N.I.O. Cruise 3, July 1969., N.E.R.C. Cruise Report, "Vickers Venturer", No.69-3, 7pp. 44. SWALLOW, J.C. 1969, A deep eddy off Cape St. Vincent., Deep-Sea Research, 16, Supplement, 285-295. 45. SWALLOW, J.C. 1969, History of the exploration of the hot brine area of the Red Sea: Discovery account., pp.3-9 in, Hot Brines and Recent Heavy Metal deposits in the Red Sea, (ed. E.T.Degens and D.A.Ross)., New York: Springer Verlag. 600pp. 46. SWALLOW, J.C. 1969, Recent physical oceanographic work in the Indian Ocean., pp.221-226 in, Morning review lectures of 2nd International Oceanographic Congress, Moscow, 1966., Paris: Unesco. 47. SWALLOW, J.C. 1969, Some features of deep currents observed by neutrally buoyant floats., Oceanology, 9, 72-76. 48. SWALLOW, J.C. & WORTHINGTON, L.V. 1969, Deep currents in the Labrador Sea., Deep-Sea Research, 16, 77-84. 49. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1969, RRS Discovery Cruise 25, 25 January - 28 March 1969. Deep water formation in N.W. Mediterranean ('MEDOC 1969'). Trials and use of shipboard computer., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.25, 17pp. 50. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1969, An intercomparison of some current meters: report on an experiment at WHOI mooring site "D" 16-24 July 1967. (Report of SCOR Working Group on Continuous Current Velocity Measurements (WG 21)), Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science, No.11, 70pp. 51. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1970, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 21-30 July 1957 - December 1958. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D2, 42pp. 52. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1970, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 209-227. February - March 1969. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D3, 44pp. 53. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1970, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 40-58 June - October 1959. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D4, 51pp. 54. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1970, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 59-77 November - December 1959. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D5, 48pp. 55. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1970, RRS Discovery Cruise 31, 21 January - 12 March 1970. Deep water formation in N.W. Mediterranean ('MEDOC 1970') and observations in Mediterranean outflow., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.31, 13pp. & figs. 56. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1970, RRS Discovery Cruise 34, 2-28 June 1970. Air-sea interaction observations near Weather Station 'J' ('JASIN') and trial moorings on the continental slope., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.34, 13pp. & figs. 57. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1970, Observation of formation of deep water in the Mediterranean Sea, 1969. (Paper prepared by MEDOC Group)., Nature, 227, 1037-1040. 58. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1971, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 78-98 February - June 1960. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D6, 57pp. Swallow 3 59. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1971, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 99-119 June - August 1960. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D7, 55pp. 60. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1971, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 120-139 July 1961 - August 1963. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D8, 52pp. 61. SWALLOW, J.C. 1971, An example of deep convection in the ocean. (Abstract)., pp.228-229 in, The Ocean World: Proceedings of the Joint Oceanographic Assembly, Tokyo, 1970, (ed. M.Uda)., Tokyo: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 562pp. 62. SWALLOW, J.C. 1971, The Aries current measurements in the Western North Atlantic., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A, 270, 451-460. 63. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1971, MV Surveyor Cruise, 11-21 June 1971., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.39, 4pp. (Limited distribution) 64. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1971, MV Surveyor Cruise, 23 September - 3 October 1971., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.43, 3pp. (not distributed) 65. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1971, RRS Discovery Cruise 38, 28 January - 7 April 1971. Moored current meters and hydrographic sections on the continental slope and physical oceanographic work in the Mediterranean Outflow., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.41, 22pp. 66. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1972, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 140-160 March - April 1964. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D9, 44pp. 67. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1972, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 161-180 April - September 1964. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D10, 40pp. 68. SWALLOW, J.C. 1972, A review of recent physical oceanographic work in the Indian Ocean. (Bruun Memorial Lecture)., Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Technical Series, No.10, 39-43. 69. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1972, RRS Discovery Cruise 44, 4-13 December 1971. Acoustic range tests and other instrument trials and moored current meters and hydrographic work on the continental slope., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.46, 12pp. 70. CASTON, G.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1973, Neutrally buoyant floats. Serial Nos 181-208 June 1965 December 1967. Tables and diagrams., National Institute of Oceanography, Internal Report, No. D11, 62pp. 71. SWALLOW, J.C. 1973, First MODE leg of R.R.S. Discovery., MODE Hot Line News, No.31, p.3. (Unpublished manuscript). 72. SWALLOW, J.C. 1973, Second MODE leg of R.R.S. Discovery., MODE Hot Line News, No.33, 1-2, and figs. (Unpublished manuscript). 73. SWALLOW, J.C. & CASTON, G.F. 1973, The preconditioning phase of MEDOC 1969. Part I. Observations., Deep-Sea Research, 20, 429-448. 74. SWALLOW, J.C. & DAVID, P.M. 1973, RRS Discovery Cruise 52, 17 February - 28 March 1973. Transatlantic section in 32N and biological work in Ocean Acre., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.59, 22pp. & fig. 75. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1973, RRS Discovery Cruise 49, 31 August - 2 October 1972. Air-sea interaction observations 'JASIN 1972'., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.57, 31pp. & figs. 76. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1973, RRS Discovery Cruise 53, 1 April - 14 June 1973. Physical oceanography in the western North Atlantic Ocean (contribution to MODE-1)., National Institute of Oceanography, Cruise Report No.58, 25pp. & figs. 77. CASTON, G.F., STRUDWICK, W.K. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1974, Neutrally buoyant floats serial nos 242-265 April 1973. Tables of times and positions. Diagrams showing trajectories and components of displacement., Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Data Report No.1, 90pp. 78. CASTON, G.F., STRUDWICK, W.K. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1974, Neutrally buoyant floats serial nos 266-293 May 1973. Tables of times and positions. Diagrams showing trajectories and components of displacement., Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Data Report No.2, 95pp. 79. SWALLOW, J.C. 1974, Velocity differences between closely spaced floats., MODE Hot Line News, No.48, 1-2. 80. SWALLOW, J.C. & CASTON, G.F. 1974, MEDOC 1969 - the preconditioning phase., In, Processus de formation des eaux oceaniques profondes ..., Paris, 4-7 Oct 1972. , Colloques Internationaux du C.N.R.S., No.215, 139-145 81. SWALLOW, J.C., MCCARTNEY, B.S. & MILLARD, N.W. 1974, The Minimode float tracking system., Deep-Sea Research, 21, 573-595. 82. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1974, An intercomparison of some current meters, II. Report on an experiment carried out from the Research Vessel Akademik Kurchatov, March - April 1970. (Report of SCOR Working Group on Continuous Current Velocity Measurements (WG 21)), Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science, No.17, 116pp. Swallow 4 83. GOULD, W.J., SWALLOW, J.C. & WEBB, D.J. 1975, First field phase of the IOS Topographic Experiment., MODE Hot Line News, No.74, 1-2. (Unpublished manuscript). 84. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1975, RRS Shackleton Cruise 2/75, leg 1, 19 February - 5 March 1975. Current meter moorings and hydrographic section between Madagascar and Seychelles., Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Cruise Report No.29, 4pp. & figs. 85. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1975, RRS Shackleton Cruise 7/75, 21 July - 14 August 1975. Current measurements and hydrographic stations between Seychelles, Madagascar and East Africa., Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Cruise Report No.37, 6pp. 86. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1975, An intercomparison of some current meters, III. Report on experiment carried out from Research Vessel Atlantis II, Aug - Sept. 1972. (Final report of SCOR Working Group on Continuous Current Velocity Measurements (WG 21)), Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science, No.23, 42pp. 87. LUYTEN, J.R. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1976, Equatorial undercurrents., Deep-Sea Research, 23, 999-1001. 88. SWALLOW, J.C. 1976, Variable currents in mid-ocean., Oceanus, 19(3), 19-25. 89. SWALLOW, J.C. & LUYTEN, J.R. 1976, Some observations of surface currents in the western Indian Ocean., Ocean Modelling, No.1, 4-5 & figs. (Unpublished manuscript). 90. SWALLOW, J.C. 1977, An attempt to test the geostrophic balance using Minimode current measurements., pp.165-176 in, A voyage of discovery, George Deacon 70th anniversary volume, (ed.M.Angel)., Oxford: Pergamon Press. 696pp. 91. SWALLOW, J.C. 1977, Ocean circulation., pp.1-25 in, Physics of oceans and atmosphere (lectures presented at an international course, 9 Sep - 5 Dec, 1975, Trieste). Part I, Vol.I., Trieste: International Centre for Theoretical Physics. 944pp. 92. SWALLOW, J.C., GOULD, W.J. & SAUNDERS, P.M. 1977, Evidence for a poleward eastern boundary current in the north Atlantic Ocean., International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Contribution to Statutory Meeting, C.M. 1977/C:32, 11pp. & figs. (Unpublished manuscript). 93. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1977, RRS Discovery Cruise 86, 7 - 30 September 1977. Meteorological and oceanographic observations in the Rockall Trough (JASIN 1977)., Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Cruise Report No.57, 23pp. & figs. 94. SWALLOW, J.C. et al 1979, RRS Discovery Cruise 102, 10 May - 6 July 1979. Physical oceanography studies in the western Equatorial Indian Ocean : a contribution to the FGGE oceanographic programme., Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Cruise Report No.83, 24pp. & figs. 95. BRUCE, J.G., QUADFASEL, D. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1980, Somali eddy formation during the commencement of the southwest monsoon, 1978., Journal of Geophysical Research, 85, 6654-6660. 96. DUING, W., MOLINARI, R.L. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1980, Somali Current : evolution of surface current flow., Science, 209, 588-590. 97. SWALLOW, J.C. 1980, The Indian Ocean Experiment: introduction., Science, 209, p.588. 98. MOLINARI, R.L., SWALLOW, J.C., QUADFASEL, D., SCHOTT, F. & BRUCE, J.G. 1981, The onset of the Somali Current during 1979: hydrographic observations., pp.405-413 in, Recent progress in equatorial oceanography, (ed.J.P.McCreary et al.) (Final Report of SCOR Working Group 47)., Dania, Fa: Nova University/NYIT Press. 99. SWALLOW, J.C. 1981, Evolution of near-surface features in the Somali Current., pp.381-306 in, Recent progress in equatorial oceanography, (ed.J.P. McCreary et al.) (Final Report of SCOR Working Group 47)., Dania, Fa: Nova University/NYIT Press. 100. SWALLOW, J.C. 1981, Observations of the Somali Current and its relationship to the monsoon winds., pp.445-452 in, Monsoon dynamics, (ed.M.J. Lighthill & R.Pearce)., Cambridge University Press. 735pp. 101. SWALLOW, J.C., CURRIE, R.I., GILL, A.E. & SIMPSON, J.H. (Eds) 1981, Circulation and fronts in continental shelf seas : a discussion ., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 302, 511-689. 102. SWALLOW, J.C. & FIEUX, M. 1981, The Somali Current in May and June as seen in historical data., pp.439-451 in, Recent progress in equatorial oceanography, (ed.J.P.McCreary et al.) (Final Report of SCOR Working Group 47)., Dania, Fa: Nova University/NYIT Press. 103. SWALLOW, J.C. & FIEUX, M. 1982, Historical evidence for two gyres in the Somali Current., Journal of Marine Research, 40, Supplement, 747-755. 104. STOMMEL, H. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1983, Do late grape harvests follow large volcanic eruptions?, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 64, 794-795. 105. SWALLOW, J.C. 1983, Eddies in the Indian Ocean., pp.200-218 in, Eddies in marine science, (ed.A.R.Robinson)., Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 609pp. 106. SWALLOW, J.C., MOLINARI, R.L., BRUCE, J.G., BROWN, O.B. & EVANS, R.H. 1983 107. Development of near-surface flow pattern and water mass distribution, in the Somali Basin in response to the south west monsoon of 1979., Journal of Physical Oceanography, 13, 1398-1415. Swallow 5 108. CUTLER, A.N. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1984, Surface currents of the Indian Ocean (to 25S, 100E) : compiled from historical data archived by the Meteorological Office, Bracknell, U.K., Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Report No.187, 8pp. & 36 charts. 109. SWALLOW, J.C. 1984, Some aspects of the physical oceanography of the Indian Ocean., Deep-Sea Research, 31A, 639-650. 110. FIEUX, M., SCHOTT, F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1986, Deep boundary currents in the western Indian Ocean revisited., Deep-Sea Research, 33A(4), 415-426. 111. MOLINARI, R.L., FESTA, J.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1986, Mixed layer and thermocline depth climatologies in the western Indian Ocean., NOAA Technical Memorandum, ERL AOML-64, 40pp. 112. MOLINARI, R.L., SWALLOW, J. & FESTA, J.F. 1986, Evolution of the near-surface thermal structure in the western Indian Ocean during FGGE, 1979., Journal of Marine Research, 44(4), 739-762. 113. QUADFASEL, D.R. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1986, Evidence for 50-day period planetary waves in the South Equatorial Current of the Indian Ocean., Deep-Sea Research, 33A(10), 1307-1312. 114. SWALLOW, J.C. 1987, INDEX in retrospect., pp.3-8 in, Further progress in equatorial oceanography, (ed.E.J.Katz & J.M.Witte)., Fort Lauderdale, FA: Nova University Press. 450pp. 115. FIEUX, M. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1988, Flow of deep water into the Somali Basin., Deep-Sea Research, 35A(2), 303-309. 116. SCHOTT, F., FIEUX, M., KINDLE, J., SWALLOW, J. & ZANTOPP, R. 1988, The boundary currents east and north of Madagascar. 2. Direct measurements and model comparisons., Journal of Geophysical Research, 93(C5), 4963-4974. 117. SWALLOW, J.C., FIEUX, M. & SCHOTT, F. 1988, Geostrophic currents and transports in the boundary currents east and north of Madagascar. Abstract., Proces-Verbaux International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean(IAPSO), No. 17, p.396. 118. SWALLOW, J., FIEUX, M. & SCHOTT, F. 1988, The boundary currents east and north of Madagascar. 1. Geostrophic currents and transports., Journal of Geophysical Research, 93(C5), 4951-4962. 119. SWALLOW, J.C. & POLLARD, R.T. 1988, Flow of bottom water through the Madagascar Basin., Deep-Sea Research, 35A(8), 1437-1440. 120. SCHOTT, F., SWALLOW, J.C.. & FIEUX, M. 1989, Deep currents underneath the equatorial Somali Current., Deep-Sea Research, 36A(8), 1191-1199. 121. SCHOTT, F., SWALLOW, J.C. & FIEUX, M. 1990, The Somali Current at the equator: annual cycle of currents and transports in the upper 1000m and connection to neighbouring latitudes., Deep-Sea Research, 37A(12), 1825-1848. 122. KING, B.A., ALDERSON, S.G., BACON, S., GWILLIAM, T.J.P., HIRST, C., PAYLOR,, R., READ, J.F. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1991, CTDO station data from the north east Atlantic from RRS Discovery Cruise 189., Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, Report No. 287, 182pp. 123. SMITH, S.L., BANSE, K., COCHRAN, J.K., CODISPOTI, L.A., DUCKLOW, H.W., LUTHER,, M.E., OLSON, D.B., PETERSON, W.T., PRELL, W.L., SURGI, N., SWALLOW, J.C. &, WISHNER, K. 1991, US JGOFS: Arabian Sea Process Study. Report of a National Meeting, 26-28 February 1991., US JGOFS Planning Report, No.13, 164pp. 124. SWALLOW, J.C. 1991, Circulation in the northwestern Indian Ocean., US JGOFS Planning Report, No.13, 37-48. 125. SWALLOW, J.C., SCHOTT, F. & FIEUX, M. 1991, Structure and transport of the East African coastal current., Journal of Geophysical Research, 96(C12), 22245-22257. 126. LUYTEN, J. & HOGG, N. (Eds) (... CREASE, J., FOFONOFF, N., SWALLOW, J.C. ...) 1992, A tribute to Henry Stommel., Oceanus, 35(Special Issue), 132pp. 127. FIEUX, M., ANDRIE, C., KARTAVTSEFF, A., DELECLUSE, P., MOLCARD, R.,, ILAHUDE, A.G., MANTISI, F. & SWALLOW, J. 1993, Measurements within the Pacific-Indian Ocean throughflow region: preliminary results of the JADE cruise., IAPSO Proceedings, No.18, p.99. (Abstract) 128. SWALLOW, J. 1993, Aspects of variability of the Indian Ocean circulation., IAPSO Proceedings, No.18, p.95. (Abstract) 129. FIEUX, M., ANDRIE, C., DELECLUSE, P., ILAHUDE, A.G., KARTAVTSEFF, A.,, MANTISI, F., MOLCARD, R. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1994, Measurements within the Pacific-Indian oceans throughflow region., Deep-Sea Research, I, 41(7), 1091-1130. 130. MOLCARD, R., FIEUX, M., SWALLOW, J.C., ILAHUDE, A.G. &, BANJARNAHOR, J. 1994, Low frequency variability of the currents in Indonesian channels (Savu-Roti and Roti-Ashmore Reef)., Deep-Sea Research, I, 41(11/12), 1643-1661. 131. FIEUX, M., ANDRIE, C., CHARRIAUD, E., ILAHUDE, A.G., METZL, N., MOLCARD, R. & SWALLOW, J.C. 1996, Hydrological and chlorofluoromethane measurements of the Indonesian throughflow entering the Indian Ocean., Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(C5), 12433-12454. Swallow 6