150301_The Media Project Coaching and Leadership

The Media Project Coaching and Leadership Fellowship
The long-term goal of the fellowship is to develop leaders with a personal commitment to
promote excellence and integrity in the practice of journalism in the face of diverse
opinions and difficult political climates. The fellowship seeks journalists dedicated to
ethical decision-making and leadership values so that they in turn may practice a
journalism that informs and inspires citizens of all nations and faiths to think critically
about the complex world in which they live.
The fellowship is designed to assist journalists in the development of coaching and
leadership skills and seeks journalists who are willing to make a commitment to help
other journalists grow in the profession.
Applicants must demonstrate both professional promise and a personal desire to assist
and motivate other journalists to develop their own coaching and leadership skills.
Applicants should possess a warm interest in people, a willingness to ask and explore
difficult questions about the professional and personal challenges they face, and a sincere
desire to make a difference in the journalism arena in which they work. Preference will
be given to journalists who provide examples of current or previous efforts to mentor
other journalists. Applicants should also express a willingness to apply a holistic
approach that acknowledges various aspects of life, work, and faith.
The ideal candidate for this fellowship will have at least five years professional
experience in print, broadcast or online journalism. Journalists from all craft areas, in all
levels of the organization, are encouraged to apply. Candidates must be employed at a
media organization or be an independent journalist whose work is regularly published or
The Media Project Coaching and Leadership Fellowship requires chosen applicants to
make a yearlong commitment to explore various aspects of coaching and leadership
skills. This includes:
~Attending, at the expense of The Media Project, a workshop during the week of July 2631, 2015 on the campus of The Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida. Jill Geisler,
who guided the leadership and management programs of The Poynter Institute for 16
years, will conduct the core training sessions. She recently launched Jill Geisler
Leadership, LLC to build on the success of her popular leadership guide, “Work Happy:
What Great Bosses Know.”
~ The willingness to select and coach two (2) journalists in their country over the course
of a 12-month period commencing in August 2015.
Leadership Fellowship Application 2015
~The willingness to complete a variety of pre-workshop preparation including a selfassessment evaluation, as well as reading and writing assignments.
~The willingness to participate in six (6) Skype conference calls over the course of the
12-month period commencing in August 2015. The purpose of these conference calls is
to facilitate mutual learning and discuss topics related to leadership and coaching.
~The willingness to secure, at their own expense, a valid U.S. visa. Limited funds are
available for those who must travel to another country to secure a U.S. visa.
APPLICATION PROCESS A complete application includes:
1. Application form
2. Your resume or CV (2 pages maximum)
3. Your brief biography (100 words, written in third person)
4. One letter of recommendation (from a journalism supervisor or another leader in
your network who can articulate your promise as a coach)
5. Two Professional references (with at least one journalism supervisor – provide
name, organization, job title, address, email, and phone number)
6. Your Essay of Interest (2 pages maximum) answering the following questions:
- Why do you wish to participate in this fellowship?
- How is a fellowship of this type relevant to your goals as a journalist?
- What leadership and coaching skills would you most like to learn?
- What professional and personal strengths will you bring to this fellowship?
-How have you already helped other journalists grow, either formally or informally and
what examples can you provide?
-What other personal or professional skills do you hope to build during the Fellowship?
DEADLINE The deadline to submit applications for the 2015 Media Project Coaching
and Leadership Fellowship is Monday, March 31, 2015.
All completed applications should be submitted to The Media Project via email in care of
Caroline Comport. caroline@themediaproject.org
TIMETABLE The 16 journalists chosen to participate in The Media Project Coaching
and Leadership Fellowship will be notified of their selection via email by April 30, 2015.
Leadership Fellowship Application 2015
The Media Project Coaching and Leadership Fellowship
2015 Application Form
Legal Name: First ___________________________
Middle _________________________
Last ___________________________
Preferred Name for Badge_______________________________________
News Organization_____________________________________________
Position / Title_________________________________________________
(Give full name of newspaper, television or radio station, Web site, etc)
Business Address______________________________________________
Web site URL_________________________________________________
Work E-mail __________________________________________________
Work Phone ___________________________________________________
Home Address _________________________________________________
Home E-mail________________________________________________
Home Phone_________________________________________________
Are you a U.S. citizen? __________________________________
Nation of Citizenship ____________________________________
Do you have a current U.S. travel visa? ____________________________
Leadership Fellowship Application 2015
Have you ever been denied a U.S. travel visa and if so when? ____________
Please note travel visas are issued at the sole discretion of the U.S. State Department.
The Media Project has no authority to secure a U.S. visa nor appeal a visa denial made
the U.S. State Department or its representatives.
Also be aware that travel regulations usually require a passport that is valid for at least six
months beyond your travel time frame.
Number of years in news business ___________________________________________
Awards related to your work ________________________________________________
Previous workshops or seminars you have attended and when?
Be sure to include this application form with the additional items listed under the section
titled application process.
The Media Project is a California 501(c)3 non-profit and non-partisan educational and
research organization
Leadership Fellowship Application 2015