Emilia delPino, M.S., CCC-SLP 7945 Halite Course Fayetteville, NY 13066 315.317.0355 Email: edelpinoslp@yahoo.com Note to Parents: Please send all recent evaluations/progress reports 5 days prior to the evaluation date. Please bring 6 photographs of your child over different developmental stages. All but one, will be returned at the end of the evaluation. One recent photograph will be kept for the file. Below are examples of food choices in each category. If your child however, is on a special diet or does not eat these particular foods, please bring something of similar consistency. Drink: Straw and cup or juice box. Spoon-Fed Food: (i.e. applesauce, pudding, yogurt). Crunchy Food: (i.e. Cheetos, pretzel stick, chips). Chewy Food: (i.e raisins, chicken nugget, French Fries, pizza, cube of meat). Challenging Food: Any food that your child perceives as difficult to handle. Appropriate Seating: If there is adaptive seating/equipment your child uses (dycem, wedge etc) *Additional Note: Payment is due at the time of the Evaluation. *Reports will be sent out within 4 weeks. Emilia del Pino, M.S., CCC-SLP, TSHH Speech and Language Pathologist Oral Placement/Feeding Specialist