C-I DOCTORAL PROGRAM: PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS The following are a list of Basic Program Requirements and Expectations that are part of the CI doctoral program training sequence. These are seen as the minimal expectations, most students will exceed them. Any exceptions or modifications to these requirements will be determined by the student's advisor in consultation with the Combined Doctoral Program Core Faculty and the student. Students should initial and date the below entries upon successful completion of each requirement (advisors and students sign the "semester reviews" below). For additional information about each of these Basic Program Requirements, please consult your advisor and the Program Handbook. Note: See AAPI form for detailed list of potential experiences related to assessment/intervention. Program Requirements and Expectations for the First Year (completed by August) (Please Check when completed and documentation has been filed if necessary) o o o o o o o o o o o Received a rating of “2” or above on Overall BSAF in middle of first semester Developed Individualized Program of Study Successfully passed all coursework with a “B” or better Successfully passed practica at CAPS Successfully passed practica at CSDC Achieved a score of 6 or better on the Eval of Psych. Competencies Successfully passed the Administration and Scoring Exam Successfully completed 3 comprehensive assessments (List how many_____) Accrued at least 100 direct service hours (List # of direct service hours____, # of indirect ___) Had GA and TA work evaluated as at least satisfactory Received a rating of “2” or above on Overall SAF for end of first year Comments ________________________________________ Student Signature & Date ________________________________________ Advisor Signature & Date Program Requirements and Expectations for the Second Year (completed by August) (Please Check when completed and documentation has been filed if necessary) o o o o o o o o o o o o Received a rating of “2” or above on Overall SAF after Fall semester Successfully passed all coursework with a “B” or better Successfully passed practica in schools (if necessary) Successfully passed the Written Comprehensive Exam Has successfully completed a total of 10 comprehensive assessments (List how many_____) Has completed at least 2 comprehensive assessments on children or adolescents Has been involved in at least 2 longer term (>10 sessions) therapy cases for Clinical Comps Identified a research topic area for the dissertation, ideally have developed pre-proposal Had GA and TA work evaluated as at least satisfactory Successfully taught a course in psychology Accrued at least 300 direct service hours (List # of direct service hours____, # of indirect ___) Received a rating of “2” or above on Overall SAF for end of second year Comments ________________________________________ Student Signature & Date ________________________________________ Advisor Signature & Date Program Requirements and Expectations for the Third Year (completed by August) (Please Check when completed and documentation has been filed if necessary) o o o o o o o o o o o o Received a rating of “2” or above on Overall SAF after Fall semester Successfully passed all coursework with a “B” or better Successfully passed all practica Successfully defended dissertation proposal (should be completed by November) Given a professional presentation at Graduate Symposium Submitted a professional presentation to a regional, national or international conference Has successfully completed at least 15 comprehensive assessments (List how many_____) Has completed at least 3 comprehensive assessments on children or adolescents Successfully passed the Applied Clinical Comprehensive Exam Had GA and TA work evaluated as at least satisfactory Accrued at least 500 direct service hours (List # of direct service hours____, # of indirect ___) Received a rating of “2” or above on Overall SAF for end of second year ________________________________________ Student Signature & Date ________________________________________ Advisor Signature & Date C-I DOCTORAL PROGRAM: PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS for Students on a ‘Two Year Plan’ The following are a list of Basic Program Requirements and Expectations that are part of the CI doctoral program training sequence designed for students on a two year plan. Such students must have petitioned the core faculty for consideration of the two year track in their fall semester, and a decision must be rendered by the end of the spring semester. These are seen as the minimal expectations, most students will exceed them. Any exceptions or modifications to these requirements will be determined by the student's advisor in consultation with the Combined Doctoral Program Core Faculty and the student. Students should initial and date the below entries upon successful completion of each requirement (advisors and students sign the "semester reviews" below). For additional information about each of these Basic Program Requirements, please consult your advisor and/or the Program Handbook. Note: See AAPI form for detailed list of potential experiences related to assessment/intervention. Program Requirements and Expectations for the First Year (completed by August) (Please Check when completed and documentation has been filed if necessary) o o o o o o o o o o o o o Received a rating of “2” or above on Overall BSAF in middle of first semester Developed Individualized Program of Study Successfully passed all coursework with a “B” or better Successfully passed practica at CAPS Successfully passed practica at CSDC Achieved a score of 6 or better on the Eval of Psych. Competencies Successfully passed the Administration and Scoring Exam Successfully completed 5 comprehensive assessments (List how many_____) Has completed at least 1 comprehensive assessment on a child or adolescent Accrued at least 150 direct service hours (List # of direct service hours____, # of indirect ___) Successfully passed the Written Comprehensive Exam Identified a research topic area for the dissertation, and either has made pre-proposal or is close to making one Received a rating of “2” or above on Overall SAF for end of first year Comments ________________________________________ Student Signature & Date ________________________________________ Advisor Signature & Date Program Requirements and Expectations for the Second Year (completed by August) (Please Check when completed and documentation has been filed if necessary) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Received a rating of “2” or above on Overall SAF after Fall semester Applied to between 10 and 15 APA approved internship sites Successfully passed all coursework with a “B” or better Successfully passed practica (including practical in schools) Has successfully completed a total of 13 comprehensive assessments (List how many_____) Has completed at least 3 comprehensive assessments on children or adolescents Has been involved in at least 2 longer term (>10 sessions) therapy cases for Clinical Comps Accrued at least 400 direct service hours (List # of direct service hours____, # of indirect ___) Successfully defended dissertation proposal (should be completed by November) Given a professional presentation at Graduate Symposium Successfully passed the Applied Clinical Comprehensive Exam Submitted a professional presentation to a regional, national or international conference Successfully taught a course in psychology Received a rating of “2” or above on Overall SAF for end of second year Comments ________________________________________ Student Signature & Date ________________________________________ Advisor Signature & Date