REPORT of FIRST STAHY-IAHS Workshop “New Statistical Tools in Hydrology” October 13-14, 2008 - Capri, Italy The Workshop, included in the Symposium “The role of hydrology in water resource management“, was characterized by 15 oral contributions and 21 posters (listed at the end of the report). Each contribution had available 20 minutes while poster contributions had 3 minutes of oral introduction. All the authors showed interesting presentations underlined by a rich discussion. Among several topics, particularly interesting appeared to be the speculation on climate change where Demetris Koutsoyiannis explained the critical role of statistical approaches that should be used in identifying the stationarity of the series and the long persistence. His suggestion to apply non-static statistics (Kolmogorov-Hurst-Statistics) to analyze possible effects of climate change on meteorological and hydrological time series seems to be of great importance for the ongoing discussions in this field. The many facets of hydrological applications of statistics and the innovative character of hydrological research in this field became especially evident in two contributions: Simon-Michael Papalexiou introduced a new distribution for IDF curves and Alberto Montanari described the uncertainty of hydrological forecasting proposing a procedure to identify the distribution of errors. Many other presenters showed interesting applications using e.g. copula functions and others sophisticated methods. The applications were dedicated to regionalization, inference procedures on distribution functions useful for hydrological applications, multifractal measures, bayesian and bootstrap approaches. A video with the presentation of the first day and some picture of the oral session of the second day are available on the website: . At the end of the workshop was planned a meeting in order to fix details of future activities of the working group. Among participants (around 25) there were the following IAHS bureau officers: Andreas Schumann, Demetris Koutsoyiannis and Salvatore Grimaldi During the meeting were approved the following initiatives: - Short course “Copula Function: Theory and practice” Columbia University, Polytechnic Institute of New York Universities, New York City, July, 18-25 2009; - next official STAHY Workshop that will be held in May 2009 in Catania organized by Antonio Cancelliere; - to include in the STAHY website activities the following topics identifying also some people responsible for collecting materials: Copula (Salvatore Grimaldi, Francesco Serinaldi, Tomas Bacigal, Emna Gargouri) Time Series Linear Modelling (Marcella Corduas, Antonio Cancelliere) Distibution Function (Francesco Laio, Ronald van Nooijen, Alla Kolechkina Mauro Naghettini, Iwona Markiewicz, Valerio Noto). All people present the meeting gave their availability to help the Working Group in the webportal creation. All people present at meeting hope also that other scientists that have already given their availability to the Working Group, but not present in Capri, will actively contribute to STAHY activities proposed and approve during the meeting. Capri, October 15, 2008 Salvatore Grimaldi Andreas Schumann LIST of oral and poster contributions Opening Lecture Demetris Koutsoyiannis “From climate certainties to climate stochastics” THE USE OF MODEL SELECTION TECHNIQUES FOR IMPROVING DESIGN FLOOD ESTIMATION Francesco Laio, Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Alberto Montanari ON SEASONAL APPROACH TO NONSTATIONARY FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS Witold Strupczewski, Krzysztof Kochanek, Wojciech Feluch, Stanislaw Weglarczyk, Vijay P. Singh FITTING THE GENERALIZED PARETO DISTRIBUTION ON ROUNDED-OFF RAINFALL TIME SERIES Roberto Deidda, Michelangelo Puliga DISPERSION MEASURES FOR FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS Iwona Markiewicz, Witold Gustaw Strupczewski ONE WAY OF MODELLING NON-EXCHANGEABLE RANDOM VARIABLES Tomáš Bacigál, Radko Mesiar SHOULD PARAMETRIC OR NON-PARAMETRIC BOOTSTRAP BE PREFERRED FOR ESTIMATING UNCERTAINTIES IN EXTREME VALUE MODELS? Jan Kysely, Jan Picek INVESTIGATION WITH KENDALL- PLOTS AND REGIONALIZATION OF INFILTRATION INDEX – MAXIMUM RAINFALL INTENSITY RELATION BY KENDALL’S TAU Emna Ellouze-Gargouri, Zoubeida Bargaoui COMPARISON OF REGIONAL FREQUENCY ANALYSIS APPROACHES BASED ON L-CV CONFIDENCE INTERVALS Alberto Viglione ANALYSIS OF A REGIONAL SYSTEM OF RIVER FLOWS BASED ON COORDINATED APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CLASSES OF MODELLING PROCEDURES. Magdalena Komornikova, JOZEF KOMORNÍK, Danuša Szökeová IMPROVED MOMENT-SCALING ESTIMATION FOR STATIONARY MULTIFRACTAL MEASURES Pierluigi Furcolo, Daniele Veneziano SPACE-TIME MODELLING OF HOURLY PRECIPITATION USING AN ALTERNATING RENEWAL MODEL WITH MULTI-SITE POSTERIOR RESAMPLING FOR DERIVED FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS Uwe Haberlandt, Anna-Dorothea Ebner von Eschenbach, Imke Buchwald UNCERTAINTY ASSESSMENT IN HYDROLOGICAL FORECASTING THROUGH A STATISTICAL APPROACH Alberto Montanari, Giovanna Grossi ASSESSMENT OF THE RISK OF INLAND FLOODING IN A TIDAL SLUICE REGULATED CACHMENT USING MULTI-VARIATE STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES Dan Rosbjerg, Maria Antonia Sunyer Pinya, Henrik Madsen AN ATTEMPT TO RECONCILE THE PMF CONCEPT AND FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS THROUGH THE JOINT USE OF NON-SYSTEMATIC FLOOD INFORMATION AND AN UPPER-BOUNDED PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION, WITHIN A BAYESIAN FRAMEWORK. Wilson dos Santos Fernandes , Mauro Naghettin, Rosângela Helena Loschi POSTERS THE USE OF CLASSICAL EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN PROCEDURES FOR COMPARING HYDROLOGICAL MODELS Robin Clarke ESTIMATING AND REPORTING MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY IN DISCHARGE AND WATER QUALITY DATA Daren Harmel, Doug Smith, Kevin King, Raymond Slade GLUE BUGS Francesco Viola, Valerio Leonardo Noto, Marcella Cannarozzo SUBDEFINITE COMPUTATIONAL MODELS AS A NEW TOOL FOR HYDROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS Vladimir Tarasevich IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES FOR TOTAL RISK CALCULATION FOR GROUPS OF SITES Boris Gartsman, Ronald van Nooijen, Alla Kolechkina ANNUAL RUNOFF FREQUENCY ANALYSIS IN SICILY Marcella Cannarozzo, Leonardo Valerio Noto, Sergio Salemi, Francesco Viola ESTIMATING EXTREME FLOODS OF LOW PROBABILITIES BY A PHYSICALLY-BASED MODEL OF SNOWMELT RUNOFF FORMATION COMBINED WITH A STOCHASTIC WEATHER GENERATOR Lev Kuchment Gelfan Alexander AN ALGORITHM TO FIT GIVEN SITES INTO INTUITIVELY DETERMINED MAXIMUM RUN-OFF CATEGORIES Ronald van Nooijen, Tatiana Gubareva, Alla Kolechkina PROBABILISTIC DESCRIPTION OF RAINFALL INTENSITY AT MULTIPLE TIMESCALES Simon-Michael Papalexiou, D. Koutsoyiannis PROBABILISTIC CRITERIA IN THE DIFFERENTIATED APPROACH FOR EARTHQUAKE SWARMS TOMOGRAPHY: IMPLICATION FOR THE FAULT ZONE IN CENTRAL JAPAN. Tatyana Smaglichenko THE UNSAFETY OF THE SAFE YIELD: THE STUDY CASE OF NORTHEAST OF BRAZIL José Nilson Campos, Ticiana Marinho de Carvalho Studart, Juliana Pontes de Machado de Andrade, Luís Fernando Neris PROBABILISTIC CHARACTERIZATION OF DROUGHT PROPERTIES THROUGH COPULAS Francesco Serinaldi, Brunella Bonaccorso, Antonino Cancelliere, Salvatore Grimaldi REGIONAL DIFFERENCES IN SNOW ACCUMULATION OVER NORTHERN EUROPE – MODERN AND FUTURE CHANGES. Lev Kitaev, Alexander Kislov MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR THE PREDICTION OF THE PRECIPITATIONS EFFECTS Dana Cristina Toncu, Alina Barbulescu MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR THE PREDICTION OF THE PRECIPITATIONS EFFECTS Alina Barbulescu SIMULATION OF LONG-TERM CONTINUOUS RAINFALL-RUNOFF SERIES Pavel Fošumpaur UATSA: AN ACADEMIC SOFTWARE FOR TIME SERIES ANALYSIS Julio Cañón Juan Valdes, Javier Gonzalez TESTS ON TAIL INDEX Jan Picek, Jana Jureckova A HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL APPLIED TO THE DAILY SPRING PRECIPITATION OVER THE DANUBE BASIN Constantin Mares Ileana Mares, Heike Huebener, Mihaela Mihailescu, Ulrich Cubasch, Petre Stanciu ON THE VARIABILITY OF SHORT DURATION PRECIPITATIONS WITH ELEVATION Paola Allamano, Pierluigi Claps, Francesco Laio AQUAGRID: ONLINE PROBLEM SOLVING PLATFORM FOR GROUNDWATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Giuditta Lecca, Fabrizio Murgia, Riccardo Biddau, Luca Fanfan