SafetyProceduresAugust 2005 - Sharepoint

August 2005
Identification Badges
All adults on campus are required to wear identification badges at all times. All Spring
Branch Independent School District staff, including teachers, maintenance workers,
substitute teachers, and other district personnel, are required to wear district-issued
badges. Staff members are responsible for consistently adhering to and following this
procedure on all school days.
Parents and other visitors are required to report to the office upon arrival at the campus to
sign in and obtain a visitor’s badge. Any adult who is not properly identified either by a
district or visitor’s badge should be immediately directed to the office. Parents dropping
off students between 7:35 and 8:00 a.m. or picking up students between 2:50 and 3:00
p.m. are not required to sign in or wear a badge.
Student Supervision
Students on campus must be supervised at ALL times. Classes shall walk in lines while
moving around campus, with teachers walking at the back of the line in order to observe
and supervise student movement. Teachers are required to utilize certain stopping points
for their class when walking from one area to another. Teachers are required to check or
count to make certain that all students are with the teacher. Students are prohibited from
staying behind in the classroom. Specialists and classroom teachers will inform each
other regarding students who have been picked up early, sent to the clinic, or whose usual
routine has been otherwise varied.
Individual Student Movement On Campus During the School Day
Excessive movement around campus by individual students is strongly discouraged and
should be kept to a minimum. The “buddy system” is required for pre-k and kindergarten
students who need to leave their class during the day. Teachers must provide any
students leaving the class with a clip-on badge/hall pass. Staff members should question
any student walking around campus who is not wearing or carrying a badge unless the
student is with the class or has a clinic or library pass.
Restroom Breaks
Restroom breaks shall be taken as a class in the morning, on the way to the cafeteria for
lunch, and in the afternoon. Students are not permitted to leave the cafeteria during
Safety Policies and Procedures
School Day Interruptions
Parents or visitors may not proceed to the classrooms without first checking in at the
office and receiving permission to do so. No interruptions to the school day will be
permitted except those of an emergency nature. Parents are required to bring forgotten
items or items needing delivery to students to the office. Office staff members have keys
to the rooms and will deliver the items without interrupting the class.
Checking Students Out of School
No student will be released from school except to a parent, guardian, or designee as
indicated on the Student Information Card. When taking a child out of school, the parent,
guardian, or other designee must first come to the school office and sign the student out,
specifying the reason for early dismissal. Anyone taking a child from school should be
prepared to show proper identification.
Attendance Procedures
Parents of students who are absent should notify the Attendance Specialist by 9:00 a.m. If
no notification is received, then the Attendance Specialist will call parents (at least two
phone numbers) starting at 9:45 a.m. on the date of the absence.
Use of Track and Playground
The track and playground are reserved for school use during school hours. Signs setting
forth these restrictions are posted. Parent volunteers who have completed the volunteer
registration forms and have signed in at the office may use the track during school hours
as long as their use does not interfere with health fitness activities. Staff members and
parents should inform any unauthorized persons of the school’s policy and request that
they comply with the same. The office should be notified immediately if unauthorized
users refuse to leave upon request.
To facilitate communication regarding student safety on the playground and track, a
designated teacher from each grade-level will bring to recess a plastic box containing a
two-way radio, a pencil, clinic slips, and badges. Any student who needs to go to the
clinic during recess will be issued a clinic slip and accompanied to the clinic.
Sidewalks and Walkways
No one shall be permitted to ride bicycles, razors, skateboards, or roller blades on
sidewalks or walkways on the campus before, during, and after school due to the safety
hazard to staff and others walking on the sidewalks and walkways.
Animals on Campus
No dogs or cats are allowed on campus during school hours. This includes bringing dogs
on leashes at arrival or dismissal times.
Safety Policies and Procedures
Locking of Classroom Doors During School Hours
Classroom doors must be kept locked throughout the school day whether the students are
in the classrooms or elsewhere on campus.
Lock Down Procedures and Fire Drills
Hunters Creek has a Lock Down Policy addressing the unlikely occurrence of incidents
that are potentially dangerous to student safety. The Lock Down Policy will be practiced
at scheduled times throughout the year. Fire drills also are practiced on a regular basis.
Safety Log and Incident Reports
The Assistant Principal will keep an incident log that will report all incidents in which
student safety is potentially compromised in order to accurately provide constructive
feedback regarding safety on campus.