For completion by prospective First Years for entry 2014-15 COMPARATIVE LITERATURE AND CULTURE (CLC) NAME: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DEGREE COURSE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPULSORY COURSES FOR ALL CLC SINGLE, JOINT AND MAJOR/MINOR (CLC WITH…) STUDENTS Max places Unit value ML1101 International Film: Contexts and Practices No limit 0.5 ✔ ML1203 Comparative Textual Analysis No limit 0.5 ✔ ML1204 A Special Theme in European Culture: The City No limit 0.5 ✔ ML1205 Introduction to Literary Genre: Tragedy No limit 0.5 ✔ OPTIONAL HALF-UNIT COURSES CLC SINGLE HONOURS take CLC Compulsory Courses and choose any FOUR half-unit options from at least THREE bands CLC JOINT HONOURS take CLC Compulsory Courses plus FOUR half units as specified in their Joint subject. CLC WITH INTERNATIONAL FILM take CLC Compulsory Courses, ML1102 from Band A plus THREE other half-unit options from at least TWO other bands. CLC WITH VISUAL ARTS take CLC Compulsory Courses, ML1301 from Band A plus at least ONE of FR1105, SN1102, SN1105, SN1106 and SN1109 plus TWO options including ONE from at least ONE other band. CLC WITH ANY OTHER MINOR SUBJECT take CLC Compulsory Courses and choose TWO options from at least TWO bands BAND A: ML1102 The Birth of Film Maximum no. of places Unit value Tick your course choices plus one extra marked R= reserve No limit 0.5 BAND A: ML1301 Visual Arts 1: An Introduction to Visual Media No limit 0.5 BAND B: FR1105 The Visual Image in French Culture and Society No limit 0.5 BAND B: FR1112: The Individual and Society: Key Works No limit 0.5 BAND C: GM1122 Germany History and Culture: Past and Present No limit 0.5 BAND C: GM1120: Introduction to German Studies No limit 0.5 BAND D: SN1105 Culture and Identity in Latin America 30 0.5 BAND D: SN1108 Authors and Readers in 20th-Century Spanish American Fiction 30 0.5 BAND D: SN1109 Comparative Hispanic Culture – Term 2 only 30 0.5 BAND E: IT1230 The Heritage of Dante and the Renaissance No limit 0.5 BAND E: IT1950 Building the Italian Nation: from Pinocchio to The Leopard No limit 0.5 BAND E: IT1980 Fascist Italy – Term 2 only No limit 0.5 TOTAL MUST equal 4.0 UNITS (8 ticks = 8 half units) PLUS one ‘R’ (reserve) Descriptions of courses are available on the web: Return no later than Friday 19 September 2014