Test 2 Review: Oceanography

Test 2 Review: Oceanography
Study all handouts and assignments given in class. Mainly the following:
Handouts: Ocean Currents and Wind. Ocean currents. Chasing the
Buoys. Water properties. See them at:
Assignments: Properties of ocean waters. Ocean Currents.
(Questions from booklets.)
The saltiest water at 4% occurs in the:
The waters with the lowest salinity (from 0.5-3 %) are in the:
The easiest and least expensive method to measure salinity is by using a
The most precise method of salinity measurement is:
A ____________ is an instrument used in navigation for determining position
according to latitude by measuring the angle of elevation of a star above the horizon.
______________ was invented by Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnon.
A ____________ is a large expanse of salt water connected with an ocean.
A _______ is an indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf.
A __________ is an arm of a sea or ocean partly enclosed by land.
A _________ is a narrow channel of water that connects two larger bodies of water.
___________ is defined as the amount of salts dissolved in water.
A _______________ measures salinity by measuring the density of water.
1. Name the two main types of ocean currents.
2. Surface Currents are Controlled by what three factors:
3. Deep Currents are stream like movement of ocean water far below the
surface. They are caused by changes in density. List two causes that change
water density.
4. What is Upwelling and what is polar creep?
How does it each affect the growth of fish and plants?
5. (a) Name the two main ocean currents off our coast.
(b) In what direction do they travel?
(c) List two effects that they have on our climate.
6. When water freezes it decreases in density so it floats. Other compounds
similar to water increase in density so they sink.
What effect does this unusual property of water have on marine life?
7. Why do you float better in the ocean than you do in a lake?