Language variation analysis with the VarbRul software

Language variation analysis with the VarbRul software
Vecka 13 (23-27 mars) kommer professor Peter Patrick att gästa oss och hålle
en minikurs om VarbRul. Den riktar sig i första hand till doktorander
Om kursen
This class explains, exemplifies and workshops the use of the VarbRul software,
a multivariate analysis statistical package designed for the characteristics of
large sets of naturally-occurring speech data (D Sankoff, S Tagliamonte &E
Smith 2005; D Sankoff & D Rand 1990). First, the background of variationist
analysis is briefly sketched. Secondly, the conditions for use of the programme
are explained. Third, the steps in its application are described in detail, including
delimiting a variable, coding, checking the data, running analyses and testing
for significance. Finally, we will discuss some of the relevant literature and issues
if time permits. Data-sets in the demonstration will include studies of final
consonant-cluster simplification in English varieties, and number-marking on
nouns in Jamaican Creole.