Steinbeck Student Agenda Information

3550 N. Milburn
Fresno, CA 93722
Office: (559) 276-3141
FAX: (559) 276-3145
Attendance Hot-Line: (559) 275-9005
Dear Steinbeck Family,
It is truly an honor to serve you and your children. Steinbeck has a talented and dedicated staff that is whole-heartedly committed to
every student. The staff at Steinbeck strives for Academic Excellence for EVERY student as embodied within our Central Unified
Guiding Principles. We believe in the ability of our students and have high expectations for their achievement. We will work
diligently to ensure we are doing whatever is necessary to ensure success for “Every Student, in Every Classroom, Everyday.”
I strongly believe we are full partners in the educational future of our children. I look forward to building a collaborative
relationship with you and encourage you to get as involved as you can in supporting our school. Together we will develop and
maintain your child’s love for learning and continue on this very exciting journey!
If I can be of service to you in anyway, please feel free to contact me at 276-3141 or by email at
Mrs. Tami Boatright
Steinbeck Bell Schedule
Student Agendas
Each student grade 4 through 6 is required to have a student agenda. Steinbeck will provide each student with one agenda. Students who
lose or damage their agenda may replace their agenda by purchasing a new one.
Parent Involvement
Parents are encouraged, both formally and informally, to comment on school policies and to share in the decision making process.
Steinbeck encourages volunteer participation from parents and the community at large.
Central Unified Dress Code
Steinbeck Elementary enforces adopted board policy regarding dress code for Central Unified Students. Board Policy and Administrative
Regulation 5132 provide specifics regarding dress code and can be found on the district’s website at A
copy of the dress code is also available in Steinbeck’s front office.
Steinbeck Sharks: Student Behavior Expectations
It is our goal to provide a safe and secure environment for our students to learn and our teachers to teach. In an effort to accomplish this,
there are school-wide and classroom expectations and rules. We believe that teachers have the right to teach and students have the right to
learn. Steinbeck staff members and administration expect students to exhibit behavior which helps to maintain a safe, respectful and
responsible environment where each student is encouraged to maximize his/her learning potential. Appropriate behavior will be rewarded
and inappropriate behavior will be responded to in a caring, fair yet firm manner.
Steinbeck is a proud recipient of the Bronze Level Award for having implemented Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
This is a a proactive approach to school-wide discipline and behavioral expectations.
Definition of Discipline
Unfortunately, “discipline” commonly is defined by procedures that focus on control with punishment consequences. This traditional
discipline perspective is incomplete without attention to the development and support of pro-social behavior. Research suggests that
punishment by itself is ineffective in achieving long-term suppression of problem behavior and enhancement of pro-social behavior.
Therefore, a useful definition of discipline is “the steps or actions, teachers, administrators, parents, and students follow to enhance
student academic and social behavior success.”
Steinbeck School and staff implements school-wide systems with a focus on positive behavior support by teaching appropriate behavior in
the classroom, hallways, playground, bathroom , bus, and cafeteria to all students. Our three behavioral expectations are clearly defined
in positive, simple rules as follows:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
Behavioral expectations are taught. The behavioral expectations are taught to all students.
Appropriate behaviors are acknowledged. Once appropriate behaviors have been defined and taught they will be
acknowledged on a regular basis.
Behavioral errors are corrected proactively. When students violate behavioral expectations, it will be communicated to
them that their behavior was unacceptable and the appropriate behavior will be reinforced.
Program evaluations and adaptations are made by a team. School-wide systems of behavior support involve on-going
modification and adaptation.
Administrative support and involvement are active. School-wide behavior support involves the active and on-going
support and involvement from administration.
Individual student support systems are integrated with school-wide discipline systems. School-wide behavior support is
a process for establishing a positive culture in school.
In an effort to remind students on a daily basis of our expectations, students daily recite the Steinbeck Pledge:
Steinbeck Pledge
As part of the Steinbeck Shark Family, I pledge to be respectful, responsible, and safe.
I will be respectful by using words that are kind and positive.
I will be responsible by using words that are kind and positive.
I will be responsible by following directions and staying on task.
I will be safe by keeping my unkind words, hands feet and objects to myself.
I accept the challenge to become the best that I can be.
I will be a Steinbeck Hero.
Shark Hero Awards
Individual students, classrooms, and staff are recognized for demonstrating behavioral expectations of a Steinbeck Shark Hero:
 Students will have the opportunity to be recognized for consistently demonstrating positive behavior in all areas of the school.
 Students will be recognized by receiving “Shark Hero Tickets”.
 All staff including teachers, substitute teachers, main office staff, cafeteria staff, custodians, and bus drivers will be awarding
“Shark Hero Tickets”.
 “Shark Hero Tickets” will be dropped in the Shark Hero weekly school-wide drawing. Ten winners are selected weekly and
recognized over the announcements and are given the opportunity to select a Shark Hero prize from the office treasure box.
 Classrooms are recognized for perfect attendance and demonstrating respect, responsibility and safety as a whole class by receiving
“Classroom Hero Tickets”. When they reach a defined goal, the whole class is treated to hot-chocolate or ice-cream.
 Students receive referrals to the office for positive behavior.
 Students receive positive phone calls home.
 Positive notes will be mailed home on post-cards.
 Sharks-of-the-Month will be recognized for demonstrating character pillars
 Other classroom awards and activities
Club 350 Are YOU In?
Club 350 is an EXCLUSIVE club of Steinbeck Students who score proficient and/or advanced on Math and Language Arts sections of the
CST! Perks may include one or more of the following:
 Being recognized at a home football game
 Early release to lunch once a month
 Receive a FREE Steinbeck Shark 350 shirt
 Receive 20% discounts at the Student Snack-Bar (when wearing their t-shirt)
 Much, much more!
Perfect Attendance Award
Students are recognized for Perfect Attendance each semester and for Perfect Attendance for the entire year. Students who are in attendance
every day with no tardies or study contracts are eligible to receive the award.
Semester Awards
Steinbeck School recognizes student achievement at the end of each semester period. Awards will be given for the following
Honor Roll Students in grades 4-6 achieving 3.50 to 4.0 grade point averages are awarded the Honor Roll medallion and
Merit List: Students in grades 4-6 achieving 3.0 to 3.49 grade point averages are awarded the Merit List certificate.
Yearly Awards
Honor Roll Breakfast: The Honor Roll Breakfast recognizes students who have achieved highest honors or honor roll in both
semesters with an Honor Roll pin, plaque and certificate. Students are recognized at a breakfast for them and their selected guests.
Block S Awards: Block S Placques are awarded to students who have earned distinction in four areas: curricular, co-curricular,
athletics and school service or leadership.
Steinbeck Sharks are reminded on a daily basis of the goals for student behavior which are:
1. Students will treat others with respect at all times
2. Students will demonstrate responsibility at all times
3. Students will be safe at all times
Steinbeck strives to have all students behave in an appropriate manner and recognizes students when they are making positive and good
choices. However, sometimes disruption of the learning environment does occur when a student violates the school rules, education code,
and/or penal code. Assertive Discipline Steps have been adopted school-wide as a tool to encourage parents to partner with us in
encouraging their student to follow the school rules. They are as follows:
Step 1 – One or more days of RC*/Phone call home from teacher
Step 2 – Two to 5 days of RC/Phone call home from teacher
Step 3 – Level 2 behavior plan established /Parent and teacher conference
Step 4 – All day Responsibility Center
Step 5 – Level 3 behavior plan established/Parent and administration conference
Step 6 – Home suspension/Phone call home from administration
Step 7 – Level 4 Referred to an alternative placement hearing
* Assertive Discipline steps start over each semester
*=Responsibility Center
Name______________________________________________ Grade_______________
Steinbeck School
Three-Way School Pledge
Teacher Pledge: I will
Create a partnership with every family in my class
Explain my approach to teaching, expectations, and grading system to students and their families
Monitor student progress in reading and math and update parents regularly
Make sure all students get help as soon as it’s needed
Continually work on my teaching strategies so that I can successfully teach all children
Make sure students understand the assignment and what they’ll learn from it, and grade it promptly
Provide opportunities for parent volunteers and participation in your child’s education
Send home school information promptly
Teacher’s Signature
Students Pledge: I will
 Get to class on time
 Let my teacher know if I need help
 Read on my own and with my family everyday
 Work on my math and reading skills at home, using the materials my teacher sends home
 Write down assignments, do my homework everyday, and turn it in when it’s due
 Participate in all intervention programs that are offered to me
 Take school information home to parents, regularly
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Pledge: I will
Let the teacher know if my child has any problems with learning, attend annual conferences and meetings
Use reading and math materials the school sends home each week to help my child
Read to/with my child 20 minutes a day
Provide a quiet place/time for my students to complete homework
Help my child see how to use reading and math to pursue his/her interests and goals
Get my child to school on time everyday
Read school information nightly
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature
White Copy – Teacher
Yellow Copy – Parent/Student