Molecular Methods for the Study of Microorganisms

Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Interuniversity Masters in Advanced Microbiology
Name of subject: Molecular Methods for the Study of Microorganisms
Type: Obligatory
Level: Postgraduate
Year: 1
Semester: 1
Timetable: See timetable for Interuniversity Masters in Advanced
Language: Catalan / Spanish, English for reading
Teaching staff
Subject leader
Name: Dr. Antonio Bennasar
Basic knowledge (degree level) of biochemistry and molecular biology, genetics,
cellular biology, microbiology, animal and plant physiology and chemistry
Number of ECTS credits: 5
Contact hours: 50
Independent study hours: 75
Key terms:
Methods based on nucleic acids: DNA and RNA analysis, hybridisation of nucleic
acids. Genetic manipulation of microorganisms. Microarrays. Methods based on study
of proteins. Cell fractionation. Protein purification. Electrophoresis. Immunodetection.
Structural studies of proteins. Study of enzyme activity. Advanced microscopy, genetic,
and biochemical techniques applied to the study of microorganisms.
Subject skills and objectives
E15. Be aware of and learn new methodologies for the detection of microorganisms
based on molecular biology.
G1. Provide students with an integrated view of microorganisms, their biological
properties and their role and applications in ecology, health, industry, agriculture and
G2. Gain knowledge of microbiology and build on knowledge gained at degree level,
thus gaining ability to develop and/or apply ideas, including in the field of research.
G3. Be equipped to apply knowledge and skills to answering questions of a
microbiological nature in new and unfamiliar environments (business, public
administration, research centres, etc.), as well as contributing knowledge to
multidisciplinary contexts.
G6. Develop learning skills enabling students to continue learning independently.
1. Introduction. Basics in handling nucleic acids and proteins. Genomics and
2. Extraction and analysis of nucleic acids
3. Techniques for detecting and hybridising nucleic acids
4. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and derived techniques
5. Nucleic acid sequencing and application in microbial diagnosis
6. Control and quantification of genic expression in prokaryotes, eukaryotes and
7. Cloning nucleic acids
8. Electrophoretic analysis of proteins
9. Protein purification techniques
10. Immunological techniques applied to protein analysis
11. Structural analysis of proteins
12. Analysis of lipids, lipopolysaccarides, peptidoglycan and other cellular
molecules different to nucleic acids and proteins
1. Learning method: Classes
Classes / independent workload: 20/10
Use of e-learning: Yes
Type of group: Whole group
2. Learning method: Laboratory
Classes / independent workload: 20/5
Use of e-learning: Yes
Type of group: Pairs
3. Learning method: Presentation of group work (seminars)
Classes / independent workload: 4/2
Use of e-learning: Yes
Type of group: Groups of four, presentation before whole group
4. Learning method: Coursework on practice
Classes / independent workload: 0/10
Use of e-learning: Yes
Type of group: Whole group
5. Learning method: Tutorials
Classes / independent workload: 3/0
Use of e-learning: No
Type of group: Groups of four
6. Learning method: Coursework on theory
Classes / independent workload: 0/15
Use of e-learning: Yes
Type of group: Individual
7. Learning method: Study of theory
Classes / independent workload: 0/25
Use of e-learning: Yes
Type of group: Individual
8. Learning method: Study of practice
Classes / independent workload: 0/7
Use of e-learning: Yes
Type of group: Individual
9. Learning method: Assessment
Classes / independent workload: 3/1
Use of e-learning: Yes
Type of group: Individual
Learning agreement and assessment criteria and instruments
Assessment criteria:
Learning and the application of molecular biology techniques will be assessed in the
fields of the detection of microorganisms in various samples, as will the knowledge and
application of bioinformatics techniques in solving microbiological problems.
Attendance is obligatory, and students must pass the final exam to pass the subject.
Assessment instruments:
 Final exam
 Self-assessment
 Presentation of group work
 Presentation of report on practical activity
 Group work
 Practical coursework
 Laboratory practice
 Theory classes, presentations of group theory work and guided visits
Marking criteria:
 Final exam (50%)
 Self-assessment (10%)
 Presentation of group work (10%)
 Presentation of report on practical activity (10%)
 Group work (5%)
 Practical coursework (5%)
 Laboratory practice (5%)
Theory classes, presentations of group theory work and guided visits (5%)
Is assessment organised by means of a learning agreement? No
Bibliography, resources and appendices
Molecular Genetics of Bacteria. Larry Snyder, Wendy Champness. 2002. ASM Press.
Diagnostic Molecular Microbiology. Principles and Applications. DH Persing (DAVID
H. ), TF Smith (PERSING MD PhD (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn). THOMAS F.
), FC Tenover and TJ White. ASM Press.