Tel Dor Area B: The Stratigraphy of the Iron Age Ilan Sharon Elizabeth Bloch-Smith Uri Davidovich Svetlana Matskevich 2 The Stratigraphic Framework for Area B History of the Excavation. Figure 1 Tel Dor, topography and excavation areas. Area B was opened in 1980 in a shallow gully on the eastern slope of the tell (Error! Reference source not found.). Ephraim Stern had the prescience that this gully, which affords the only easy access from the east to the top of the tell, hid the east gates of the town 3 in all periods, and that launching the excavations at this point will give the excavators the overall stratigraphic sequence of the tell in the shortest possibly time. Indeed, by the end of the first season, the Roman and Hellenistic gates, as well as the two chambered gate (which was then called ‘the Persian Gate’) had already been revealed (Stern 1981: 211-212). Figure 2 The pavement of the Roman gateway covering the ashlar header door-jamb of the Hellenistic gate – looking north. 4 Figure 3 The northern chamber of the two-chamber gate, looking north. Figure 4 The SW chamber of the four-chamber gate, with the west wall of the S chamber of the two-chamber gate on the right. Looking north. [photos A-11474, A-11516, A11517] 5 By the next season, so was the [front of] the offset-inset wall (Stern, 1982: 117), the ramp leading up to the two chambered gate [photo 13790], parts of the gate-passage (incl. the gate socket – photo 13941) and even the mud-brick city wall was already encountered – although it was not till 1989 that it was finally recognized as such (photo 13860/1). Elements of the four-chambered gate were first excavated in 1982 (Stern 1983: 117, photo 15959). The lowest fortification system – the ‘cyclopean’ boulder wall with its mud-brick superstructure and the glacis in front of it – was first encountered in 1984 (and thought to be a Middle-Bronze Age glacis -Stern, 1985: 63). Thus by this time all the main elements for constructing the stratigraphic framework (Figure 5) were known, to a greater or lesser extent. Figure 5 Schematic axonometry through the gates In 1980, two groups (Boston University and California State University) shared area B. By 1981, a decision was made to formally divide the area between them. Boston University (and later an independent group raised by H. Neil Richardson who had just retired from BU) took over the part north of the line of the Roman decumanus) – henceforward called ‘Area B1’; while the part south of that street – area B2 – was dug by California State University. The 6 different interests of Neil Richardson and Howard Goldfried affected a divergence of excavation strategy between these two areas. In area B2 we pursued a wide exposure of the latest (mainly Roman) strata, while area B1 was developed as a deep Iron Age area. While dividing the areas along the main street made sense in many ways, it had the effect of having the two halves of the gates excavated in two different areas. Despite its emphasis on horizontal exposure the B2 team did keep an ‘early-periods’ crew excavating [their half of] the gates and its immediate vicinity. The end result of this division was a wide and shallow area B2 – with the exception of one deeper area in units J-M/25-27 – which was carried down to the level of the four-chambered gate. Meanwhile in area B1 we stopped at the same level in the area of the gates themselves (units I-K/29-30) and, beginning in 1984, units H-K/31-32 were carried deeper into Iron Age I levels. Figure 6The ‘Assyrian pit’ (1) cutting the NW corner of the four-chamber gate. Note the corner stone of the gate (3) found at the bottom of the pit. By 1986, we already had evidence that the four-chambered gate did not survive to the end of the Iron Age (the ‘Assyrian pit’ – Figure 6 [photo p06B1-0035] cuts its corner – Stern and 7 Sharon 1986:103 – but see already in 1984 photo 444- )דand that there is an architectural phase between the four-chambered and two-chambered gates (W7016 overlays the northeastern chamber of the former but is cut by the north wall of the latter – Stern and Sharon 1987:207 [photo p06B1-0062/32599]). Figure 7 The phase 6 W7016, found inside the two-chambered gate (stones in foreground are W2476 – the western wall of north chamber). The top of W2813 – the north wall of the four-chamber gate – is just beginning to show on the right, under W7016. The ashlars above W7016 belong to the eastern face of the Hellenistic city wall, W247. That the two-chambered gate may in fact initially have been constructed in the late Iron Age was already conjectured as early as 1983 (Stern, 1983, ‘Tel Dor, 1983’ IEJ 33:260), based on the Assyrian-type gate-socket found in it (photo 13941 above – cf. Reich and Brandl, 1983: 43-44); but it was not till 1988 that a clear undisturbed Iron Age floor was traced reaching its southwestern corner (Stern, Berg and Sharon 1991:54). Goldfried’s team had meanwhile excavated in front of the gate and discovered that both the two-chambered and fourchambered gates had forward ‘bastions’ – or outer gates ([photo 70292], Stern and Sharon, 1987: 207) It was also established, by this time, that there was Iron Age IIA architecture 8 under the four-chambered gate (e.g. the ‘shell-mosaic house’ under the SW chamber [photo 24508] – Stern and Sharon 1986:103), and that in the deep part of B1 there were several phases of Iron Age I below that. Thus, by 1986, the stratigraphical / chronological scheme that essentially survives today was in place: Period[s] Main elements Two Chambered Gate Ir2c - Per Intermediate elements Ir2c Four Chambered Gate Ir2b Elements below Ir2a Earliest phases Ir1 Figure 8 H. Neil Richardson (sitting, at left) at the end of his last season at Dor (1987). On the right is the mudbrick superstructure of the phase 12-13 W*** and on the left the deep probe where the phase 12 destruction layer was first located. 9 1987 was H. Neil Richardson’s last season at Dor (Figure 8, [p06B1-0071 / 38383]), and the one in which the Ir1a destruction-level at the western edge of the area was first recognized (Figure 9, [p06B1-0039], Stern, Gilboa and Sharon 1989:35-36). Neil died in 1988. Area B1 was at this point taken over by Hebrew University groups and individual volunteers, and during the 1988 and 1989 seasons Alon De-Groote and then John Berg excavated it down to the virgin sand dune (at one point) – some 14 m. below the point that Neil started in 1980. (Figure 10 [p06B1-0039]) These seasons were also responsible for the final clearing of the major stratigraphic components: It was realized that the earliest fortification system (the ‘cyclopean’ wall and adjoining glacis which standing some 3 m. high and 2.5 m. thick at the end of 1989 - Figure 11 [photo p06B1-0031]) was initially built in that same period and was not a reuse of a Middle-Bronze Age fortification system (Stern, Berg and Sharon 1991:5861). This involved a major conceptual shift – the Iron Age I was no longer regarded a period of “poorly-preserved modest brick structures” but contains monumental construction. Another major discovery was that the mud-brick city wall – previously thought to abut the fourchambered gate – is in fact earlier than that gate, while the boulder offset-inset wall – previously thought to go with the two-chambered gate, is actually related to both the fourchambered and two-chambered gatehouses (Stern, Berg and Sharon 1991:56-57). Figure 9First encounter with the phase 12 destruction layer in a probe in the NE corner of area B1. 10 Figure 10 Virgin sand at the bottom of area B1 Figure 11 The ‘Cyclopean wall’ (W****) crossing area B1 (taken from the north) with sloping layers of glacis surfaces in the probe east of it, and the destruction layer to the west. 11 When excavations resumed in 1991, a change in strategy was affected. The inner areas (the deep part of B1 and the inner gate area) were no longer excavated. Efforts were concentrated on the outer gates. The area outside the city wall – previously divided between B1 and B2 – was taken over by the Hebrew University staff, and four new squares were opened by Chris Foley and the University of Saskatchewan north of B1 to obtain another section through the fortification lines. This new area was called B1-CD. In mid-season we suffered a tragedy when Eyal Ben-Ari, the supervisor of the new outer gate area, was killed in a traffic accident. Patti Casson, Foley’s assistant, took over the supervision of the area – with Orna Nagar as recorder and Ayelet Gilboa overseeing the Iron Age operations in B. The same team continued excavating in the outer gate area in 1992. Structures of the Byzantine-Roman lower town disturbed much of the earlier remains, but some of the pavement of the ramp climbing towards the two-chambered gate was located beneath them, as well as the foundation of a massive wall in the north-eastern edge of the area (units F-G/30-31) – in all probability the outer gatehouse itself; (Stern, Gilboa and Sharon 1992: 38 – 40, [photo 80316, 102756) and a solid square ashlar tower in the north-western edge (units H-G/25-26) – at the ‘elbow’ of the wall enclosing the causeway between outer and inner gate-houses (Figure 12 [photo p06B10067 / 102749], Figure 13 [p06B1-0068 / 102753]). Work on the early periods in area B was concluded in 1993 with two limited probes next to the above-mentioned features, overseen by Eli Haddad and Ayelet Gilboa. 12 Figure 12 Ashlar tower at the SE corner of the outer gate complex of phase 7, with glacis surface reaching it. view from east. Remains over the tower are the foundations of the Roman aquaduct. Figure 13 Ashlar tower at the SE corner of the outer gate complex of phase 7, with glacis surface reaching it. view from south. 13 Post-excavation Analysis, and the Evolution of Our Understanding of Area B The first attempts at post-excavation analysis of area B were the separation sets produced periodically. Each element was transferred from the field-plans to a separation-plan which contained contemporaneous elements - as then understood by the excavators and architect. Thus these sets represent preliminary attempts at overall integration of the stratigraphy of the area. The first such separation set was produced by Bianca Lepori after the 1981 season. John Berg constructed another set in after 1985, and a final one after the 1993 season. The original plan for publishing Dor was sequentially by area (A, B, C etc.). Accordingly, this author started analyzing the stratigraphy of the gates in 1984-1985, and Ayelet Gilboa started working on the [Iron Age] pottery of the area. Higher-priority work (writing and editing the A-C stratigraphy) soon took over, however. In 1988-1989 Ayelet Gilboa published an assemblage of local and Cypriot pottery from area B1, defining the typological horizon we now term ‘Transitional Ir1|2’ (at the time it was called ‘late Iron Age I’ - Gilboa 1989). Between 1989 and 1992 she wrote her MA thesis in which the latest Iron Age horizons at Dor were first delineated. These became the benchmarks for defining other Iron Age assemblages. They also necessitated working out partial stratigraphies for the contexts discussed, and the insights from these were incorporated in the understanding of subsequent seasons’ work. The next major step in shaping our current understanding of area B was Svetlana Matskevich’es MA thesis on the stratigraphy and pottery sequence of the Iron Age I in the ‘deep pit’ in B1. Maskevich questioned the ‘common wisdom’ that the brick town-wall necessarily dates to the Iron Age IIA (phase 8). This attribution had rested on two assumptions – the pre-expectation that the Iron Age I occupation would be poor and unfortified, while that of the Iron Age II the opposite; and the observation in that in area C1 the mud-brick wall dated to the Iron Age II. By the late-nineties we knew that the Iron Age I 14 in Dor was urban and had public architecture – so the assumption that it would not be walled could no longer be justified. It is by no means certain that the mud-brick wall in lower C1 is the same as the one in B (the B wall may be much thicker, for one thing). Even if it is, no floor or living was found reaching the area C wall. Its probable date was deduced from the fact that it was sealed by Iron Age IIB strata and under it was found Iron Age I pottery. Counter to the attribution of the mud-brick wall to phase 8 is the fact – known at the time of excavation but apparently ignored – that several floor surfaces appeared to go under the boulder wall of phase 7 but seal the mud-brick wall. A factor which further complicates the picture and frustrates a definitive dating of the wall is that area B1 is bisected by an alley, and the stratigraphic correlations across that alley are questionable. Moreover, the more-reliable pottery sequence was established in the structures west of the alley – the loci east of the alley, adjacent to the mud-brick wall were generally poor in finds. Maskevich offered several differing scenarios as to the correlation between the two sides of the alley and consequently the phasing of the mud-brick fortification wall. These are discussed below. Finally, the present manuscript is the result of a 2003 application to the White-Levy fund for archaeological publications. The premise underlying this application was that sequential publishing (in whatever order) of all of Ephraim Stern’s excavation areas would create a hopeless backlog. The only solution is parallel processing, by several ‘publication fora’ working (as much as possible) independently of one another. Accordingly, the proposal called for the institution of a ‘B1 publication forum’ to be headed by Elizabeth Bloch-Smith. The publication-plan envisaged for this forum, and carried through in the present publication, is a bit complex. As already noted, the northern half of the gate was excavated as part of area B1 and the southern half as B2. Of course it makes no sense to publish them separately. On the other hand, the present publication forum does not possess the expertise to deal with post- 15 Iron Age materials, and even if we did recruit one of our ‘classical’ colleagues, the task of publishing the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman materials of B1 (much less all of area B) would have been too much to accomplish in the limited time frame of a White-Levy project. – and probably too lengthy to be accommodated in a single Qedem volume. Thus the decision was made to restrict ourselves to publishing the Iron Age of area B. This would leave task of publishing the Persian – Roman periods to another day. That, too, is problematic – as we also noted above the two-chambered gate was in all probability built in the Iron Age but stayed in use throughout most of the Persian period. The decision therefore was to carry the stratigraphic analysis through phase 5, but to defer the publication of the finds from the [early] Persian period – even those contexts that do refer to the two-chambered gate. Horizontal sub- divisions of the area Figure 14 Aerial photo of area B (at the end of the 1992 season). 16 Area B is rather extensive. 129 excavation units (3225 sq. m.) were opened (Figure 14 Aerial photo of area B (at the end of the 1992 season).Figure 14 [photo p06B1-0066 / 80746]) over fourteen seasons (1980 to 1995, with breaks at 1990 and 1994). Only about 32 of these, though (about 800 sq. m.) reached the Iron Age. This is still a rather extensive area, and to compound matters the Iron Age remains are discontinuous (mainly because of areas where late features were never removed – e.g. the Roman Decumanus and Cloaca Maxima between B1 and B2); and comprise of several different architectural units. To analyze and discuss the stratigraphy in manageable pieces, we divided this area to several ‘logical sub-areas’ – and these were analyzed and are presented here by different team-members. ‘Logical areas’ were used in the A&C report (Sharon 1995: 18) but there we used different local phase designations for each ‘logical area’ (usually an insula) whereas in the present report sufficient stratigraphic links exist between the sub-areas to use a unified set of phase numbers for all of area B. Within the sub-areas, however, the authors used stage numbers to denote sub-local sequences (cf. Sharon 1995: 16-18 for definition of phases and stages in the Dor registration system). 17 The stratigraphy is presented according to the following sub-areas (Figure 15): Figure 15 Area B, The regions in which Iron Age strata were reached, and their division into logical sub-areas for the purpose of this report. The [inner] gatehouse is divided to southern half and northern half. In between these lies the Roman decumanus and drain. The southern half of the gate, plus [the excavated portion of] the gate passage and spaces west and south of the gatehouse are treated by Elizabeth BlochSmith in chapter ***. It is further sub-divided by architectural complexes – the south chamber of the two-chamber gate and the ‘lodge’ house west of it in phase 5; the SE, SW chambers and the outside of the gate in phase 7; the ‘shell mosaic’ house and the mud-brick city wall (?) 18 under the SW and SE chambers, respectively. (see below and chapter *** for the definition of these architectural units). The northern half of the gate is presented by Svetlana Maskevich in chapter ***. It is further divided to ‘unit 1’ – the front tower of the gatehouse and area east of it; ‘unit 3’ incorporates the NE chamber of the four-chamber gate and the part of the twochambered gate that’s above it, while ‘unit 2’ is the part of the two-chambered gate extending north of the four-chambered gatehouse. ‘Unit 4’ is the NW chamber of the four-chambered gate, and ‘unit 5’ is the narrow strip west of the gate, between the gatehouse and the western edge of the area. The area north of the gate was dealt-with by Svetlana Maskevich in her MA thesis and is represented here in chapter ***. It, too is subdivided, along the axis of the N-S alley bisecting this area. The area east of this street can be further subdivided into N-S strips – in the lowermost phases – by the line of the massive phase 13-12 fortification wall, which still forms the edge of site in phase 11. A Brief Resumé of the Stratigraphic Sequence to Phase 5 The purpose of this section is to provide a very broad overview of the stratigraphy of area B, to define some terminology which will be used henceforward, and to briefly describe the stratigraphy of the phases later than those which will be described here in detail – justifying the beginning of our sequence with ‘phase 5’. The latest elements in area B are at least two Roman phases post-dating the Hellenistic fortification system. These are named phase B/1 and B/2. The fact that there is more than a single construction-phase within the Roman period is amply attested. Purely as an example, we show here a monumental structure just north of the gate, in area B1. The initial 19 construction – of huge square-sectioned ashlars on a deep cement foundation, is overlaid by inferior construction ([photo 11341 (1980)]). The Roman remains comprise mainly of a large open ‘piazza’, with a drainage system under it ([photo 11525] Figure 16 [IlanSlide]), and various installations connected with fresh water distribution above it ([photo 11223]). The latter are connected to the western terminus of the aquaduct (Figure 18 – Sharon Berg and Zilberstein 2002***) which also adjoins this ‘piazza’ just south of the city gate. Three streets come out of this ‘piazza’: The Decumanus Maximus runs west from the gate to area G in the center of the mound and hence to the main propylon of the temple in area F at the west end of town. The main drainage channel – the cloaca maxima runs under this street. Another street runs south from the ‘piazza’ through area B2 (Figure 17 [IlanSlide]); and a third runs through area B1 to A, C and points further north. Figure 16 The Roman Decomanus running east from the gate area (in the background), with the vaulted cloaca maxima under it. The thick cement walls are the foundations of the Roman stoa south of the street. The thin ashlar walls are Hellenistic – phase 3 and 4. 20 Figure 17 The Roman street leading south from the gate area (in the background). Figure 18 The two westernmost piers of the aquaduct, where it enters the town. The western pier is built directly over the two chamber gate (stones at lower left). We have no evidence that this Roman town was fortified. That the Hellenistic city wall was by this time dismantled down to its foundations is verified by the fact that the ashlar foundation-stones of the Hellenistic gate-jambs were cut in order to lay the paving stones of the Roman ‘piazza’ over them ([photo 11524(1980)],Figure 19[Dor077]). 21 Figure 19 The Hellenistic city wall and foundations of the north doorjamb of the Hellenistic city gate, area B1, looking north. Roman pavement (lower left) overlies the wall. [Dor077] The defining feature for phase 3 in B1 is the Hellenistic city wall (Figure 19). The gate in the wall (identified by the headers on the doorjambs and a small portion of pavement ([photo 17207 (1983)] is directly under the Roman ‘piazza’ pavement. The street layout of the Hellenistic town is identical here to the Roman – under the decumanus is a [narrower] E-W street ([photo 17404 (1983)]) and there is a Hellenistic street under the N-S street too. [photo 13987 (1981)]. 22 The existence of a stratigraphic phase (phase 4) sandwiched between the phase 3 Hellenistic city wall and the phase 5 two-chambered gate may be inferred by several features. Photo [11522 (1980) + 13760 (1981)] shows a phase 4 wall cut by the Hellenistic city wall, and set right on top the NE wall of the two-chamber gate. This phase, again, has no massive city wall. The town extends further east, and thin ashlar walls belonging to it are found above the outer gate area ([13790] ramp). As there is no fortification, there is no gate in this phase, but the axis of the main street is shifted slightly southwards (about 5 m.) from that of the Hellenistic and Roman streets above it – and continues the line of the Iron Age streets below ([photo 17402]. This brings us to phases 5 to 14, the subject of the next chapters. Area B – List of staff This list was compiled from the preliminary reports, occasional notations on locus cards, and the authors’ memory. Unfortunately, no full lists survive of all staff members in the various seasons and their specific functions. Many of the principles are unavailable for consultation, or could not accurately remember who-was-who. The authors apologize in advance for any omissions or errors. 1980 H. Neil Richardson & James D. Purvis (directors, Boston University group) Howard P. Goldfried (director, California State University) Shalom Yankelevich (field supervisor) Debborah Kennedy (?) recorder 1981 James D. Purvis (director, Boston University group) - in area B1 H. Neil Richardson (director, independent ‘RichDor’ group) – in area B1 Howard P. Goldfried (director, California State University) – in area B2 Shalom Yankelevich (field supervisor) 23 Debborah Kennedy (?) recorder 1982 H. Neil Richardson (B1 director, independent ‘RichDor’ group) Howard P. Goldfried (B2 director, California State University) Shalom Yankelevich (field supervisor) Elisha Frank, B1 recorder Margaret Remeta, B2 recorder 1983 H. Neil Richardson (B1 director, independent ‘RichDor’ group) Howard P. Goldfried (B2 director, California State University) Shalom Yankelevich (field supervisor) Elisha Frank, B1 recorder Ann Kopczick, B2 recorder 1984 H. Neil Richardson (B1 director, independent ‘RichDor’ group) Howard P. Goldfried (B2 director, California State University) Shalom Yankelevich (field supervisor) Elisha Frank, B1 recorder Ann Kopczick, B2 recorder R. Phares, J. Henderson, J. Bradley, J. Linde, J. Northrop, D. Weiss and S. Williams – unit supervisors and assistants. 1985 H. Neil Richardson (B1 director, independent ‘RichDor’ group) Howard P. Goldfried (B2 director, California State University) J. Bradley, Julie Linde (?), A. Bennet(?) H. Thomas – unit supervisors and assistants. 24 1986 H. Neil Richardson (B1 director, independent ‘RichDor’ group) Howard P. Goldfried (B2 director, California State University) (P. Koellner, L. Hopfe, H. Thomas) – unit supervisors and assistants. 1987 H. Neil Richardson (B1 director, independent ‘RichDor’ group) Howard P. Goldfried (B2 director, California State University) Lynne Banks, Paul Koelner, Maxine Beach, Shahira Ashkar, Traci O’Brien, Mark Shelton, Karen Walker(?) – unit supervisors and assistants. 1988 Alon De-Groot (B1 area supervisor) Howard P. Goldfried (B2 director, California State University) Idit Saragusti, Ronny Vander – unit supervisors and assistants. 1989 John Berg (B1 area supervisor) Howard P. Goldfried (B2 director, California State University) JoBeth Powell, Traci O’Brien, Barry Scott, Eyal Ben-Ari, Isabelle Dunaux, Eva von Dassow, Colette Kruyshaar – unit supervisors and assistants. 1991 Eyal Ben-Ari and Patricia Casson (B1 area supervisors) Chris Foley (B1-Can director) Howard P. Goldfried (B2 director, California State University) – unit supervisors and assistants. Orna Nagar – B1 Recorder 1992 Patricia Casson (B1 area supervisor) Howard P. Goldfried (B2 director, California State University) Orna Nagar – B1 Recorder 1993 Eli Haddad 25 Bibliography Gilboa, A. (1989) ‘New Finds at Tel Dor and the Beginnings of Cypro-Geometric Pottery Import to Palestine’, IEJ 39: 204-218. Sharon, I. (1995) ‘The Registration System’ Chapter two (pp. 13 – 20) in E. Stern (director) et. al. Excavations at Dor, Final Report, Volume IA, Areas A and C: Introduction and Stratigraphy. Qedem Reports 1 Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University and the Israel Exploration Society. Stern, E. (1981) ‘Tel Dor 1980’ IEJ 30: 209 - 213 Stern, E. (1982) ‘Excavations at Tel Dor 1981: Preliminary Report’ IEJ 32: 108 – 117 Stern, E. (1983) ‘Tel Dor 1982’ IEJ 33: 117 – 119 Stern, E. (1985) ‘Tel Dor 1984’ IEJ 35: 60 – 64 Stern, E. and I. Sharon (1986) ‘Tel Dor 1985’ IEJ 36:101 – 104 Stern, E. and I. Sharon (1987) ‘Tel Dor 1986 – Preliminary Report’ IEJ 37:201 - 211 Reich, R. and B. Brandl, (1983) ‘Gezer Under Assyrian Rule’ PEQ 117: 43 - 44 Stern, E. A. Gilboa and I. Sharon (1989) ‘Tel Dor 1987 – Preliminary Report’ IEJ 39:32-42 Stern, E., J. Berg and I. Sharon (1991) ‘Tel Dor 1988-1989 – Preliminary Report’ IEJ 41: 46 – 61 Stern, E. A. Gilboa and I. Sharon (1992) ‘Tel Dor 1991: Preliminary Report’ IEJ 42:34-46 26 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE NORTHERN HALF OF THE GATE The area of the northern half of the gate was divided sub-areas (see Fig.1). The following chapter is organized according to these units. Figure 20. Northern half of the gate: division into units 27 Unit 1: elements east of the northern gates towers. Squares: H28, H29, H30. Phase 2 – Roman drainage system (earlier). Phase 3 – no architectural features. Phase 4 – street (surface F2431) bounded by façades of the houses: W2433 in the north and W2413 in the south. W2433 is an EW oriented thin wall, it was found in the eastern part of the square where it makes a corner with W11010. In the west the wall was destroyed by later building activities but probably continued in Sq. I28 (its small segment was recognized there) into the western baulk of the area. In the west the wall was cut by the drain L2422 which belongs to the Roman drainage system, thus W2433 is earlier than phase 2. The façade of the southern house is W2413, parallel to W2433 and similarly constructed but thicker than it. It crosses the area from Sq.F27 in the east to Sq.K28 (as W2550 and W2454) in the west with some missing segments. Several walls outstand from this wall southward and divide the building to small spaces (rooms?). It seems to me that the row of the field stones along the ashlar-made face of the wall served as street margin pavement. Floor F2431 (#14.52 – 14.48) was uncovered in the southern part of the square H28 while reaching W2413 (the row of the field stones). This floor sealed the sequence of the fill layers 28 which came down to the pavement F2483. This is stone pavement leads up to the gates of phase 5 (see below). F2431 > F2483 The above discussed set of features is later than the phase 2 drainage and earlier than phase 5 pavement. Therefore these elements belong either to phase 3 or phase 4 or both. The preliminary stratigraphy analysis of this unit was done by Ilan Sharon in 1984. As it was pointed out then, it is unlikely that these features are contemporary to the Hellenistic (phase 3) fortifications. Most probably this dwelling unit was created in phase 4 and went out of use when the Hellenistic city wall was built. Phase 5 – stone pavement (main number F2483), the eastern wall of the northern tower of the two-chambered gate (Figure 33). Here we'll discuss only the features outside the gates. The gate towers and features between them will be described separately. In square I28 no phase 4 surface was found. Below the level of the Hellenistic gate threshold was excavated fill L2473 which was described by the excavators as "fallen mudbricks going down to the top of the W2476 (wall of the two-chambered gate)". It seems though that this 29 "fill" is a mud brick superstructure of the two-chambered gate which started below the phase 4 street level. In any case the fill wasn't sealed and may contain both phases 4, 5 and later material. Wall W2476 is the eastern wall of the northern tower of the two-chambered gate. The northern part of the same wall in Sq. H30 was excavated as W352. In the south it turns westward but only the eastern and the southern faces of the corner were exposed. The wall is about 1.5 m. widths, built of two rows of big boulders and filled by field stones in between. It's symmetrical to the W2862 in the southern tower and built similarly to it. The wall (stonemade stage) preserved in the south on the level of 14.72 and in the north to 15.99. W352 = W2476 =? L2473 In H28 and H29, below phase 4 architecture, was excavated fill (L2434, L2469, L2403, L2439) that came down on the pavement made of field stones of different sizes. The surface has several numbers: F2483=F11263=F11272 in H28, F2509 (=2502) in H29, it continues in H27 (area B2) as F2919. The pavement is sloping eastwards from the level of 14.14 in the west to 13.22 in the east (square F28). 30 Figure 21. F11272 - part of the phase 5 pavement. The pavement was partly destroyed by the walls of the later buildings and missing in the northern part of the square H29. It was cut by the drain L2459 (phase 2) all the way through squares H27, H28 and H29 along the eastern wall of the two-chambered gate and obviously cut the connection between the two. We can still argue that the pavement reached the gate because: 1. The level of the pavement F2483 in the west is 14.30 while the level of the pavement inside the passage way of the gate (F2944) is 14.37. 2. The stone-made surface in square H32 - F3144 is obviously another fragment of the same pavement; it reaches the wall W2205 which extends from the northern tower of the gate. Thus the pavement is contemporary to the two-chambered gate (phase 5). 31 Phase 6 - no architectural features were found in this unit, it's possible though that the fill sealed by the phase 5 pavement contains phase 6 material as well. Phase 7 – four-chambered gate Directly below the phase 5 pavement F2509 were uncovered two walls W3108 and W3109 making T-shape connection. Wall W3108 is the eastern wall of the northern tower of the fourchambered gate. It's probably 3.5 m thick (partly in the baulk), built from big boulders with small stones between them. For the eastern and the southern faces of the tower were used big ashlar stones instead of boulders. From the corner with W2813 (north-eastern corner of the tower) W3108 extends to the north as W2258 which connects to the city wall W2205. The inner corner where walls W3108 and W2258 are connected was covered by orthostat-like stones which were called by excavators W2487 and W7738. Wall W3109, only a few stones of which preserved, extends from W3108 eastwards. The width of the wall is about 1.20 m. and the highest preservation level is 13.74. It's unclear how far to the east extended the wall but it could serve as a boundary of the path to the outer gate of the city. The fill aside the walls of the gate was partly sealed by the phase 5 pavement and partly by the Roman drain. In one spot near the southeastern corner of the northern tower, the fill L3106 came down to another surface (#13.30) that wasn't drawn but was verbally described as a "cobble pavement". It reached the wall W3108 and thus obviously belongs to phase 7. The level of this surface is closer to the lowest floor levels inside the chambers, that's why we 32 can assume that it's contemporary to the earliest stage of use of the gate (phase 7b). This means that all debris between the two pavements contain both phase 6 and 7 material. Elements earlier than phase 7. Below the level of the four-chambered gate was excavated probe trench that reached charcoal surface F?3125 on the level of 11.47 – 11.09. The only thing we can say about the context of this layer is that it's earlier than phase 7 and thus should be assigned to phase 8 and/or earlier. Phase 4 F2431, W2433, W2413, W2432=W2238, W2226, W2209=W2210 Phase 5 F2483=F11263=F11272=F2509=F2502=F2919, W352=W2476=? L2473 Phase 6 - Phase 7a+7b W3108=W2487, W3109=W7738, W2258 Phase 7b F3106 Pre-phase 7 (8?) F?3125 33 Unit 2: inside two-chambered gate, outside four-chambered gate Squares: I30 Sequence: Phase 3 W247 (HL city wall) Phase 4 Phase 5 W366, W352, W7095 (walls of the 2-ch. gate), F7078? Phase 6 W7016?, F7078? Phase 7 W7156, W2813, W7116 7a F7167 7b F7703, F7704, L7702 (tabun) – east of W7156 F?11034 (#14.46) – east of W7156 Phase 8 W11046 (mudbrick city wall) Phase 3 Hellenistic city wall (W247) Phase 4?/5?? 34 W247 - the segment of the HL city wall was removed in several loci during 88-89 seasons: L7010, L7145 (partly), L7147 (partly). These are fill inside wall W247 and material in it belongs to the period prior to the wall construction, pre-phase3. The fill directly under the W247 was excavated in 3 loci: L7155 and L7162 in the west and L7161 in the east. In the western loci the excavators came down on top of W7156 which connected to the four-chambered gate, the dating of the material here is 4-6. Locus L7161 includes material above and against the W7156 that’s why the material dating is 4-7. Phase 5 The HL city wall (W247 here) seals middle section of the northern wall of the 2-ch. gate – W7095. This wall together with W366 in the west and W352 in the east creates the northern chamber of the gate of phase 5. L7078 phase 4+5 F7078 =< phase 5 Phase 6 35 W7016 is a rubble wall below the Hellenistic city wall W247. The top of the wall was found at 15.20, bottom probably at 14.81 (closing elevations). The top of W247 is 15.95 – 16.05, its western face was removed down to the level of 15.30. 1. In any case W7016 can't stand on top of W247 as it was written in the locus card, according to the elevations it's below the phase 3 city wall and thus earlier to it. 2. W7016 is seems to be cut by the foundation trenches of the two-chambered gate tower what would make it pre-phase 5. 3. The northern wall of the four-chambered gate (phase 7) was found below W 7016, thus it's later than phase 7. Figure 23. W7016 and W7095 looking south. Figure 22. W7016 and W7095 looking south. These relations leave only one option for W7016 stratigraphic designation – phase 6. Floor fragment F7078 (#15.13) was found along the western face of the W7016, its relation to the gate walls and to W7016 are unclear. Two observations were made by the excavators: - F7078 covered W2813 (phase 7 gate) - F7078 went beneath W7016. 36 The second statement is problematic because the floor is about 30 cm higher than the floating level of the wall W7016. The floor either reached or was cut by W7016 while the first option is more probable. F7078 == phase 6??/5? The fill above this floor contains material of phases 4+5+6? Figure 24. Schematic section (east-west looking south) in I30. 37 Figure 25. Isometric reconstruction of the wall relations. Phase 7 Elements outside the four-chambered gate were excavated in two small spots on both sides of the W7156. This wall extends from the W2813 northward, parallel to W2258 (western wall of the gate tower), and creates a western wall of the casemate-like space attached to the tower. West of W7156 In the small square created by the walls W2813 (S), W7156 (E) (see above) and the baulks under the two-chambered date walls W366 (W) and W7095 (N). Fill against the walls W7156 and W2813 in loci L7157, 7167 and L7166 came down to a layer of mud and a gray floor (#14.69 – 14.56) below it. This mud layer was traced in the northern and eastern baulks on the level 14.88 – 14.83. In the northern part of this square along W2813 were found two courses of mudbricks (L7187) and the same gray floor underneath. Both the mudbricks and the floor 38 reached W2813 and W7156. Two suggestions are possible based on the field records: 1) The mudbrick layer (platform?) originally expanded to the whole spot (and may be to the whole area around the gate walls? – see other units and general conclusions about the gate construction); 2) these two surfaces are probably contemporary. The mud surface got floor number F7076, while the gray floor is F7195 (locus number of the floor makeup). The floor F7195 (14.54-14.67) sealed fill down to plaster floor (L7703 + L7704) and tabun L7702 that was build against the gate wall W2813. It stood on the surface of F7703 (#14.50 – 14.48) that was burned around the tabun and continued as white floor F7704. These three elements sealed by F7095 but also were in use together with the gate walls. This means that we can reconstruct two stages of use of the gate: W2813 == W7156 == F7176 == F7195 == Phase 7a W2813 == W7156 == F7703=F7704 == L7702 == Phase 7b East of W7156 (inside the "casemate") The square created by W7156 (W), W2813 (S) and the baulks below W7095 (N) and W352 (E) was excavated later, in 1989 season. Under the fill (L11023) against W7156 was uncovered layer of stones on the level 14.46. It became wall number W11034 but since no faces of the wall were found, it is more likely that 39 W11034 is a pavement. This feature L?/W?11034 wasn’t drawn or photographed, its relations to the gate walls W2813 and W7156 are unclear. It may belong to the phase 7b because its level is close to these of the floor F7703=F7704. F?11034 == phase 7b Phase 8 Below F?11034 and sealed by it was excavated fill L11035 that came down on top of the mudbrick wall W11046. This is a segment of the mudbrick city wall of phase 8 that has different numbers W11045 (I31) = W7706 = W11172 (H31). 40 Unit 3: inside 2-ch. Gate and 4-ch. Gate Squares: I–J29, This unit includes area inside the northern chamber of the two chambered gate, south of wall W2813. Major part of the unit was excavated under the Hellenistic city wall whose segments (here W243 and W247) were removed during the seasons 1986 – 1989*. The core of the wall came Figure 26. Excavation of the Hellenistic city wall core and fill below it. down to the earthen fill (L7036, L7032, 7061). The faces of the city wall and the divider walls of the casemates were removed separately with the following numbers: western face W7068, northern divider wall W7069, southern wall W7033. Phase 4 41 No phase 4 features were found in this unit. The gate area either remained inbuilt in this period or the future path of the Hellenistic city wall was emptied before the construction works started. Phase 5 The city wall of phase 3 (W243 = W247) and sediment around it came down directly on the walls of the northern tower of the two chambered gate. Segment of the western wall W366 was found under fill of L2934 on the level of 15.47 – 15.32. Its southern most part was never excavated below phase 2 features; in the north W366 continued (see Unit 2) until the corner with the northern wall of the tower W7095. W366 was built of two rows of big boulders with small stones fill. The western wall of the tower - W352 (Figure 33), was built similarly to W366. The inner face of this wall was found only in the northeastern corner of sq. I29. Here and in I30 (Unit 2) the wall preserved in its complete width +/- 1.80 m. In the southern part of the square its segment was robbed and its continuation in sq. I28 remained under later features. The floor of the gate wasn't found here. We can approximate its level at 15.20 – 15.38, because: a) the floor fragment F7473 (=F7467) in the southern chamber was found on the level of 15.08 – 14.96; b) if the wall W7016 belongs to phase 6 (see discussion in Unit 2), then the floor of the gate should be higher than its top (15.20) but lower than top of the gate walls (15.38). 42 A stone basin was found probably directly under W243 (any locus card mentions this fact). It stands adjacent to the W352, symmetrically to the basin in the southern tower of the gate but probably higher then it (top: 15.69, bottom inside: 15.40). Phase 6 No architecture Phase 7 - northeastern chamber of the four chambered gate. As it was mentioned above, the floor F7078 (ph.6?/5??) sealed W2813 – the northern wall of the four chambered gate. Two other walls of this chamber served as a foundation for the western and the eastern walls of the phase 5 gate. The western wall W7116 was found partly below W366 (phase 5) and partly below fill L2934. It preserved up to the level of 15.02, the width of the wall is unknown, its inner face was built of big boulders. The eastern wall W7715 is the outer wall of the tower and its much wider then W7116. The central part is invisible under the W352, the inner face built of boulders as well (for the detailed description of the outer face see discussion in unit 2). 43 Inside the chamber was found series of underlying surfaces: F7188, F7194, F7700 (was drawn), F7710. This seems to be resurfacing of the chamber floor because of the similarity of their levels (14.87 – 14.78) to the floor of the southern tower F7480 (14.82 – 14.74) which reached the tower wall W7492. All these surfaces probably belong to the later stage of use of the gate (see discussion in Unit 4). F7188 = F7194 = F7700 = F7710 == phase 7a (Figure 34) The fill below this floor accumulation didn't reach any other architectural features, so the material in it is pre-7a. 44 Unit 4: elements in the NW chamber of the four chambered gate. Squares: J-K29. A lot of locus cards are missing. It's impossible to restore relations between the loci of different seasons from the existing locus cards. Tasks: This unit includes features in the northern part of J29 and southern part of K29, enclosed by W3357 in the west, W7116 in the east and W2813 in the north. 45 W3427 is a stone wall parallel to the northern wall of the four-chambered gate. Figure 27. W3427 The excavators defined four stages in this wall differently constructed and with a slight shift of stage A relatively to the other three. Two upper stages (A & B) and may be stage C are Roman, stage D (15,53 – 15.02) stood on top of the W2813 (phase 7). It's possible that the lowest stage was connected to the western wall of the two-chambered gate W366, i.e. belongs to phase 5. This will leave a gap in the use of the wall in phases 3 and 4. On the other hand, it oriented similarly to the walls of phases 3 & 4, seems to continue the line of W267 (phase 3) and its bottom level is close to these of the walls of phase 4. I would propose to date stage C of the W3427 as phase 3 and its stage D as phase 4. W3427C == W267 == phase 3 W3427D == phase 4 46 Phase 5? L2950 is a mudbrick material down to the cobble surface at #14.58, below the floating level of W3427 and above the top of the western wall of the 4-ch. gate W3357 (#14.71). 1. Both W3427 and F2950 are earlier than phase 7. 2. F2950 is earlier than W3427 This part of the area was heavily disturbed by the persian pits, and we can't discard the possibility that the mudbrick material and the cobble surface of L2950 are fill of pit L11206 (check pottery). If the material here is clean though, the mudbrick material, which is partly above the gate wall W3357 and partly inside the chamber, may be fallen superstructure of the wall W3357 and the cobbles are fragment of the chamber floor. In this case the locus will be assigned to phase 7 and the surface to phase 7a. L2950 == phase 7?/6? F2950 == phase 7a?/6? Phase 7 The uppermost floor fragments which probably belong to the gate were traced in L3355 and L3358 on the level of 14.57. The excavators noticed that the floor reached top of W3357 47 (western wall of the gate) as well as W3427. The second observation seems to be wrong since W3427 is floating on the level of 15.02. F3355 = F3358 == phase 7a (Figure 34) The surface below this one is a layer of pebbles F11204 (#13.76-13.78) disturbed by pit L11206. In the chambers of the southern tower were found two sets of surfaces with about 1 meter gap between. The lower floors: F3100, F3810 in the SW chamber and F12000 in the SE chamber (#13.65) seem to be on the approximately similar level as F11204 and may be contemporary. It seems like there were two stages of use of the gate with the same walls but different living surfaces. To the earlier stage (phase 7b) belong F12000 (SE ch.), F3100, F3810 (SW ch.), F11204 (NW ch.) and to the later stage (phase 7a) – F7480 (SE ch.), F7700 (NE ch.), F3355, F3358 (NW ch.). F11204 == phase 7b? Phase 8 (Figure 36) 48 W11207 is a stone-built wall running north-south, was found under fill L11205 on the level of 13.83 – 13.63. It seems to be a southern continuation of the W2798 – the western facade of the phase 8 street (top: 13.85). In the north the wall is disturbed by W2813 (excavated as W3131). The top of W11207 is on the same level as the cobble surface F11204. It's possible that F11204 reaches W11207 and both these features are earlier than the gate: W11207 == F11204 < Phase 8 Another option is that the top of W11207 was used as part of the cobble surface F11204 after the wall was cancelled by the gate. If so, the floor is contemporary to the gate and the wall is earlier than it: W11207 (phase 8) < F11204 (phase 7b) If the floor F11204 belongs to the earliest stage of the gate, then the fill sealed under it is earlier than the gate and should be assigned to phase 8 or earlier. 49 Unit 5 – northwest and west of the four-chambered gate Squares: J-K30, K30-31 This unit (Figure 32) is a relatively narrow strip around the north-western corner of the fourchambered gate. It can be divided into two parts: 1) western part of the squares K30 and K31 between the western wall of the gate W3357 and the western baulk of the area; 2) northern part of the squares J30 and K30, north of the W2813. Since there is no natural border between these parts, the area will be discussed as one unit. Area between the gate and the western baulk Massive architecture of phase 2 and 3 seals this area and in the same time disturbs the layers immediately below it. No phase 4 features were found under the Roman water channel L263 and the street west to it (L266). The ashlar wall W258 east of the channel, as well as W277 perpendicular to it, are floating above the northern wall of the four-chambered gate W2813. The lower layers were heavily disturbed by the big Assyrian pit that was only retroactively recognized and excavated as accumulation of fill layers. Phases 7 & 8 50 According to the elevations of the fill layers here, the uppermost debris that can be associated with the four-chambered gate is L2840. The area below it was disturbed by the pit L2848 in the east and the robber trench of W2884 – L2818 in the west. These two features cut through the hard packed surface F2847 (#14.58). W2884 is an ashlar build wall, parallel to the western wall of the four-chambered gate, it runs into the western baulk in the south, and its continuation in sq. K31 was robbed. The wall preserved here up to the level of 14.33 only (floating level: 13.84?), that's why the relation of F2847 and W2884 remains unclear. W7196 is a small segment of the wall abutting (?) the eastern face of W2884 near its southern end. L2887 (Figure 28) is drawn as pebble layer (#14.33) in the NW corner of sq. K30. Probably we are dealing here with one of the sub-layers inside the big pit and not with a real surface. F2888 = F2928 is a shell surface (#14.05 – 14.08) is either inside the pit as well, or a floor that reached wall W2884. 51 Figure 28. W2884a and floor? L2887 looking east. Wall W2764 is described by the excavators as "discovered below W2884 on the level 14.02, near the western baulk of the area". There is distinct probability that W2764 is a southern continuation of W2884, where the upper course of stones is missing. The arguments are: 1. The way, this wall was drawn: exactly in the same direction as W2884; 2. The fact that the wall W2884 is floating on the level of 14.05, similar to the top of W2764. These may be two different stages of the wall, i.e. W2884 = stage a, W2764 = stage b. The floor F7154 = F7198 (#13.45 – 13.75) is definitely lower than W2884a and it either reached W7196 or went beneath it. The floor was cut by the foundation trench of the gate wall W3357 in the east and by the big pit in the north. We can assume that this is a surface of phase 8 that reached wall W2884b in the west. 52 F7154 = F7198 < W3357 (phase 7) The wall W7196 seems to be cut by the gate as well, but remained in use with the W2884. Figure 29. Unit 4: phase 7b features. Figure 30. Unit 4: phase 8 features. W7196a == W2884a W7196b == F7154 = F7198 == W2884b 53 Since in the other parts of the area were defined two stages of phase 7, the features that were cut during the gate construction should be defined as phase 7b. W2884a == W7196a == F2888 == F2928 == Phase 7b(?) F7154=F7198 == W7196b(?) == W2884b(=W2764) == Phase 8 Phase 9 About half-meter debris under F7198 seems to be accumulation of grey surfaces, all (including F7198) cut by pit L7756. Same pit (L7756 = L7765 = L7927) cuts floor F7768 (#12.95) which seems to be a fragment of the so called "Ayelet's floor" of phase 9. The dating of the pit is unclear. F7768 == Phase 9 Pre-phase 9 The fill below F7768 goes down to the top of the wall W7164 – thick mudbrick fortification wall. The latest stage of use of this wall can be dated to either phase 11 or 12 (see discussion in M.A. thesis). 54 Phase 2 L266 Phase 3 W258, L2841 (foundation trench of W258) Phases 3-6 L367, L2831 L2818 (r.t. of W2884) Phase 7b(?) W2884a, W7196a, F2888, F2928 Phase 8 F7154=F7198, W7196b(?), W2884b (=W2764) Phase 9a F7768 ("Ayelet's floor?") Phase 11?/12? W7164 Area north of the gate Dating of the fill layers in the area north of the gate (sq. JK30) is based mainly on their levels relatively to the walls W258, W366 and W3357 which represent phases 3, 5 and 7 respectively. If W258 was build in phase 3 (and used in phases 2 &3), then the debris which starts below its foundation and continues down below the top of W366 (L272, L369 and L2802) contains 55 phases 4 and 5 material. The fill against the two-chambered gate walls was excavated as L2810, its unsealed material can be dated to phase 5. The series of loci below L2810 (L2814, L2822, L2823, L2830, L2834, L2836) down to the pavement F2836 seems to contain fill against the four-chambered gate wall W2813. The excavators noticed the soil change in the whole area as a reason for opening L2830 (approx. elevation 14.42), this might mean that below this level we have clean fill of phase 7. On this level was observed disturbance (L2833 = L2839 = L2844). This is either a pit later than the surrounding fill, or a pit which was dug from the surface of F2836 and associated with the gate, or area where the floor F2836 was missing and the material in it is earlier than this surface. The first option seems to me most probable, especially considering the fact that the area west to it was heavily disturbed by the large Assyrian pit and several small Persian pits. Figure 31. Silo L2858, view from the wall W2813. 56 The fragment of the stone pavement(?) F2836 was found on the level 14.33, while reaching W2813 in the south and enclosing silo L2858 in the north. The silo is about 1 m. in diameter and 1.20 m. depth; it was paved inside by small field stones. No recognizable organic materials were found inside the silo and its usage remains unknown. The fill (L2837 = L2838 = L2858) seems to be the same as the debris above the pavement F2836. Phase 2 + 3 W258 Phase 4 + 5 L272, L369, L2802 Phase 5 L2810 Phase 6?/7?/8?? L2833 = L2839 = L2844 Phase 7?(+6?) L2814, L2822, L2823 Phase 7 W2813, L2830, L2834, L2836, Silo L2837, L2838, L2858 57 Figure 32. Unit 5: area north and west of the gate. The "white floor"in foreground. 58 Figure 33. 59 Figure 34. 60 Figure 35. 61 Figure 36 62 GENEALOGY CHARTS 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Index of loci L/W Locus# Square L 215 I30 W 243 I29 Unit Clean. Phase PoM Description 3 u 3 mix L 244 I29 3 u 3+4+5 mix W 244 I29 3 u 4 mix W L L 247 249 255 2 4 4 3 2a W L 258 262 I30 J29 J-K29 K2930-31 J29 segment of the Hellenistic city wall =W247=W268 fill aside W243 and wall (excavated together with the locus, see separate entry) fill = phase 3 ashlar wall that was cut by W243 (phase 3), on top of W352 (phase 5). Excavated as part of W352. <W243<W352 seals W7095 (ph.5 Wall of HL city wall the gate) fill down to pavement (16.03) 5 3 3 3 L W L L L L W L L W L L 266 267 270 272 285 302 315 316 317 323 339 340 K30 J29 J29 KJ30 J-K29 J29 I-J30 I-J30 I-J30 J29 J31 J32 5 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 u 3? 2+3 u 4+5 u 3 2 3 fill partly below unexcavated Relations ph. 2 drainage, fill fill pit?/installation? fill inside HL city wall W? found in the eastern baulk of I30. fill fill same as W248, ==W250 pavement (#15.38) channel (15.37 - 15.18). almost appears on separation plan as ph. 3 72 L/W Locus# Square L 342 I30 Unit W L 352 364 I30 J33 L L L 367 369 2200 KJ30 KJ30 H30 5 5 1 W W W W 2205 2209 2210 2212 H30 H-I/30 H30 H-G/30 1 1 1 1 L L L L W L W W W L L L L L 2214 2215 2218 2223 2226 2233 2235 2237 2238 2239 2240 2250 2251 2254 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clean. Phase PoM 5 u u d 4? 4+5 - 4? 5+6+7 4 4 2 2-5 d 4 ? u u u u u 2 4 4?/3?? 4?/3?? 4?/3?? 4?/5? 5?/4?? mix Description Relations mudbrick fill with charcoal eastern wall of the northern tower of the two chambered gate. below pavement F339 partly sealed by ph.2 drainage, no ph. 3 surface fill below the ph. 3 street above fill topsoil ==4-chambered gate, ==2fortification wall chambered gate ashlar wall (HL) built on top of PR wall. =W2210 ashlar wall (HL) built on top of PR wall. = W2209 Roman wall =W2211 Thin plaster (?) layer with pottery on it\. Not a floor(?). >[W2205, W2209, W2210] Probe Fill Fill One course of stones. Wall? fill Wall? 3 ashlars ashlar wall. Ashlar wall Fill between W2205 and W2237 Fill between W2240 and W2237 Fill below W2237 and fill around it Fill 73 L/W L L L L L L L W Locus# 2255 2258 2259 2260 2264 2269 2271 2273 Square H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 Unit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L W 2274 2275 H30 H30 1 1 W L L L L L W L L L W L L 2276 2277 2278 2279 2292 2295 2297 2298 2303 2304 2305 2306 2404 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H30 H29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W W 2411 2414 H29 H29 1 1 Clean. d u u u d d u Phase 5? 5?/4?? PoM mix 4? ? 4? 4? 4? mix mix 4? 5-7 5 5-7 u u u u u u 8 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 u s s s s d 8 8 <8 8? 9? 8 8 pre-8 2a 2b 2a - 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 9? Description Relations Fill below W2238 down to the level of L2254. Ashy fill Fill and stones along the face of W2210. Shallow pit cut into L2254. W baulk removal. Brown hard packed fill. Ashy fill Two courses of two stones each. Fill down to W2279, W2275 and mudbrick fill L2276. 6 ashlars along the W2210. =W7706 (mudbrick Mudbrick wall (?), top # 14.06. fortification wall of ph.8) Fill Fill Small field stones. Probably not a wall. Pavement? Fill Fill Wall? "glacis" fill under the 'glacis" Sand fill Three courses of stones. Core of the "glacis"? hard packed surface below sand. topsoil Later of two drainage systems. =311, 2459, 2864, Roman drain 279, >2420 Wall of Roman drain (main number 2420). < 2411 74 L/W L L W L W Locus# 2415 2420 2421 2424 2432 Square H29 H29 H29 H29 H29 Unit 1 1 1 1 1 Clean. Phase 2b 2b d 4?/5? 4 (3??) W 2433 H28 1 L L L 2434 2438 2439 H28 H29 H28 1 1 1 u W L 2459 2469 I28 H28 1 1 u L W 2479 2482 H29 H29 1 1 d L 2483 H28 1 L W W 2485 2486 2487 H29 H29 H29 1 1 1 d 5?/7? 7 7 L L 2488 2498 H29 H29 1 1 d d? 7 7 W 2501 H29 1 PoM 2b 2b 4+3 3?/4?/5? 2a 2a+1 4(?)+5 7 or later 2b 5 Description Fill in Roman drain (main number 2420). Roman drain cancelled Fill Wall, same as W2238, parallel to W2226. Relations <2411 =2414=2415 < 2411 =?W2238=?W2226 cut by Roman drain, above F2483 (pavement) Hellenistic wall Fill between two floor layers leading to the gate F2431 (ph. 3) and F2483 (ph.5) Fill between channels 2411 and 2420. Fill Roman drain, belong to the later drainage system. Cuts everything down to (& incl.) PR floor. Fill above PR pavement =L2434 Fill above IR gate. > IR gate drainage channel == channel 2420, < 2411. main number of the PR pavement, leads to the PR gate, cut by Roman drain. #14.14 - 13.69 (sloping east) ==PR gate <W2423, >= W3108, Fill below W2423 and W3108, W3109 (IR gate). W3109 Wall, same as W3108 (Gate tower) =W3108 Ashlar facing of the gate tower W3108. =W2486 = W3108 Fill adjacent to the IR gate tower W3108. Disturbed by the drain 2411 ==W3108 Fill outside the gate tower W3108. =L2488 arc of 4 ashlars. Probably not a wall but fallen stones. 75 L/W Locus# Square Unit Clean. Phase L L 2502 2509 H29 H29 1 1 u 5 5 L L L 2541 2546 2556 H29 H29 H29 1 1 1 s 2-8 8 8 W L L L 2764 2769 2774 2775 K29-30 K29-30 K29-30 K29-30 5 5 5 5 L L L L L L L L 2778 2782 2793 2795 2802 2809 2810 2812 K29-30 K29-30 K29-30 K29-30 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 W L L L L L 2813 2814 2818 2822 2823 2830 KJI30 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 5 5 5 5 5 5 8? PoM 8? u u d d d d u u 4+5 u u 7? 7? 7? 7? 7 7? 7 7? pre-7 7? 7? 7 u s u u s? 7? 7? 7 Description Relations =F2483=F2919 (H27) = PR gate. =L2502. Fill between 2 drains down to pavement (#13.83). Cleaning? Of pavement F2502. rubble fill below drain 2411 and above IR gate W3108. Fill below the floating level of W2486 (=W3108). <? IR gate tower W3108. Sandy fill < IR gate tower W3108. =W2884b == W7196b == stone wall, probably lower course of W2884 F7154 = F7198 fill mudbrick fill down to surface at #13.68. Sandy pit =L2782=L2793=L2778 option 1: the upper part (a) is a fill down to surface at #13.42; the lower part (b) is sandy pit. Option 2: everything belong to pit =L2782=L2793=L2775 Sandy pit =L2775=L2793=L2778 Sandy pit =L2775=L2782=L2778 fill fill fill fill fill Northern wall of the 4-ch. Gate. Floating at 13.58. In 1985 was numbered W3131. fill robber trench? Down to the top of W2884 (ph.7) fill fill fill 76 L/W Locus# Square L 2831 KJ30 Unit 5 Clean. u Phase 5? PoM 5? L L 2833 2834 KJ30 KJ30 5 5 d u 7 7?/6?/8 ?? 7 L L L 2836 2837 2838 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 5 5 5 u u u 7 7 7 7 7 7 L L L 2839 2840 2841 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 5 5 5 d u 7?/6?/8 ?? 2 L L L L 2844 2847 2848 2858 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 5 5 5 5 d u u u L L 2859 2872 KJ30 KJ30 5 5 u s? W L L L L 2884 2885 2887 2888 2889 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 KJ30 5 5 5 5 5 u <2 7?/6?/8 ?? 7 7 8?/7? 8?/7? 7 7 7a? 7b? 7 7 Description fill sealed by street 367 pit? Starts from the level of the phase 7 surface. Either pit of ph.7 or pit later than ph.7, or unsealed fill below ph.7 surface fill fill down to pavement (#14.33) associated with the4-ch. gate uppermost layer inside the silo L2858 fill inside silo L2858 pit? Starts from the level of the phase 7 surface. Either pit of ph.7 or pit later than ph.7, or unsealed fill below ph.7 surface fill foundation trench (of W258?) pit? Starts from the level of the phase 7 surface. Either pit of ph.7 or pit later than ph.7, or unsealed fill below ph.7 surface fill down to floor? (#14.58) fill fill inside silo L2858 fill below the pit, still may contain disturbed material fill below surface? In L2847 stone wall NS, parallel to the western wall of the 4-ch. Gate fill fill down to pebble surface (#14.33) fill down to shells floor (#14.08) fill Relations =L2839=L2844 ==4-ch. Gate == L2858(silo) ==F2836 ==F2836 =L2833 = L2844 = L2833 = L2839 =L2837=L2838 ==F2836 > (floats above)W2764 =? F2928 77 L/W L L L L L L Locus# 2926 2928 2934 2942 2943 2946 Square KJ30 KJ30 J29 J29 J29 J29 Unit 5 5 4 4 4 4 L L 2950 2955 JK29 KJ30 4 5 L 3103 I28 L 3106 W 3108 W Clean. s s Phase 7 7b? PoM 7b? 7b? 2 5?/7a? 7b? 1 s d (s by Ph. 2a) 6+7 1 u 6+7 3109 I28 H-I/3829 H-I/3829 L 3110 H29 1 L 3111 H29 L L 3112 3114 L 3125 L 3130 7b mix Description fill sealed by F2887 fill down to shells floor (#14.05) fill inside the chamber FT of W250 fill fill Relations =?F2888 pre-gate, probably phase mudbrick fill down to cobble floor. 5,earlier? than W3427 makeup of F2928 Fill below the Roman drain L2459 and above IR gate. Opened below the level of PR floors. Fill beneath the PR floor level down to the pavement leading to the IR gate (#13.30). ==W3108 1 7 IR gate tower ==W3109 1 Eastern projection from the IR gate tower W3108 ==W308 s 7 7 (+ 6??) 7 1 s 7 H28 H29 1 1 s H28 1 u 7+8 7+8 7/8? 8 or earlier pre-7 6+7 Fill inside IR gate projection wall W3109. = W3109 ==W3108 Fill north of W3109, against it (or missing part of W3109 [by Ilan]). Sealed by ph.5 pavement. ==L3112 Fill against IR gate walls above and below floor level (F3106: #13.30). No floor was found. Material 7+8. Lowest part of the fill (#?) - sandy layer. Missing part of W3109 Fill from 1.5 m below the IR gate floor level and lower. Charcoal layer (#11.47-11.09). <IR gate climbs over W3140 and ash layer?/ surface? At #13.08 W3141 78 L/W Locus# Square Unit Clean. L L L L L L L L W 3142 3145 3146 3147 3150 3152 3154 3155 3174 K30 K30 K30 K30 K30 K30 K30 K30 J29 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 s L L 3231 3233 K29-30 K29-30 5 5 s s W 3258 I31 L L L 3272 3336 3392 H32 J30/31 W W L 3427 7010 7014 JK30 I30 I30 4 2 2 L 7015 I30 W L 7016 7017 I30 I30 Phase PoM pre-7 8? 8? pre-8 d? s 2+3+4 3 3 mix mix 2 s 3 pre-3 2 2 s 6 3 6 pre-3 Description Relations fill below part of W2813 (floats at 13.58) down to floor fragment at #13.56 and pit from level 13.36 down. pit below W2813, levels: 13.36 - 13.19 grey layer (pit?) sand layer layer of pebbles fill, many sherds ash layer mudbrick material (top: 12.32) fill sealed by W2884 down to shells floor at #13.93 >W2884 fill sealed by F3231 Wall on top or aside W2205. Removed as L7906 (1 RM sherd) rocky fill?/pavement? Between W2205 and W3258. floor (#14.61) under wall W347 (ph.5?) <W347 pit? pre-gate, stages A&B - ph.2, stone wall above NW chamber of the 4-ch. Gate st. C - ph.3, st.D - ph.4 fill inside HL city wall W247 fill inside HL city wall W247 fill between W face of W7016 and inner face of W247 wall on top of W247 (ph. 3) or fill inside it? Or <W247 (sealed by), <W7095 phase 4 wall? (cut by), >W2813 (seals) foundation trench of W7095 79 L/W Locus# Square L 7021 K29-30 L 7023 Unit Clean. Phase 3? 3? L 7032 I29 3 u 3 W 7033 I29 3 L L L L L L W W W 7034 7036 7037 7052 7061 7066 7068 7069 7074 I29 I29 3 3 I29 I-J29 J29 I29 I30 3 3 3 3 2 L L L L L L 7078 7092 7100 7131 7133 7143 I30 I29 J29 K30 K30 K30 2 3 3 5 5 5 L 7154 K30 5 L 7155 I30 2 W 7156 I30 2 PoM 3+2? u 3 3 4-7 4-7 d mix 3 3 3 s 5? u 7? s pre-7? 7? 7 7 7 Description foundation stones of W258 ? Relations Earth-stone fill inside the compartment of the Hellenistic city wall W243. =W243 N-S wall segment inside W243. May be was constructed earlier (phase2?) and incorporated into the city wall in phase 3. <=W243 fill of the wall W243. same as L7032 on the north of W7033. =W243 fill inside the Hellenistic city wall W243. fill fill down to cement floor at '14.98 - 14.90 fill inside the Hellenistic city wall W243. winter wash divider wall of the HL city wall renumbering of W243 (Hellenistic city wall) western face of W247 floor seals W2813 (ph. 7 fill below W247 down to floor #15.13? gate), below W7016 fill fill inside NE chamber of phase7 gate. floor F7052 makeup fill down to W2813 fill, probably against the 4-ch. Gate fill against 4-ch. Gate down to floor at #13.76 13.70 floor < W2884 fill directly under the W7016 (ph.6) down to the W7156 (ph.7) <W7016 (ph.6) wall abutting in to the northern wall of the 4-ch. ==W2813==4-ch. Gate 80 L/W Locus# Square Unit L 7157 I30 2 L L L 7161 7162 7163 I30 I30 I29 2 2 3 L 7166 I30 2 L 7167 7185 I30 2 L L 7188 7194 I29 I29 3 3 s s L 7195 7198 7700 I30 2 s I29 3 s 7702 7703 7704 7708 7709 7710 I30 I30 I30 I29 2 2 2 3 s I29 3 L L L L L L Clean. Phase PoM Description Gate (ph. 7) 7 7 fill west of W1756 (ph.7) fill under W247 same as L1755 + fill east of W7156 + stones (?) on level 14.50 - 14.40. Mudbricks were found in baulk on #14.75. fill on top of W7156 (ph.7) >W7156 fill below the removed section of W7069 (=W243) fill under W7090 in the NW corner of the chamber. fill down to mudbrick layer (14.91 - 14.14.55) and grey floor underneath (14.56 - 14.69). Mudbricks probably covered the whole locus. Both surfaces reached W2813 and W7156. F7167==W2813==W7156 fill sealed by F7154 fill below the removed section of W243 down to floor (#14.91) fill below F7188 down to floor (#14.87-14.82) fill under F7167 down to 3 grey layers (resurfacing): 1) 14.56 - 14.69; 2) 14.54 - 14.67; 3) 14.52-14.65. fill down to "white floor" =F2777; <W2884, <W7196 fill sealed by F7194 down to floor (#14.80?) ==F7703==F7704==W2813; tabun sealed by F7167 on floor F7703=F7704 >F7167; ==ph.7b ashy floor around tabun L7702. ==L7702==W2813 floor around F7703, probably same as it. ==L7702==W2813 fill below the removed section of W243 fill down to the same floor as F7198 fill sealed by F7700 down to floor (#14.78?) s s 7 7 8b d? 7+8 Relations 81 L/W Locus# Square L 7711 I29 L 7713 I29 Unit 3 3 Clean. s W L L 7715 7716 7717 I29 I30 I30 3 2 2 L 7720 I29 3 L L L L L 7721 7723 7724 7730 7733 K30 K30 K30 H30 I31 5 5 5 1 L L L W 7734 7736 7737 7738 I31 H30 H30 H30 1 1 1 s u L 7741 K30 5 u L L L 7744 7746 7749 K30 K30 K30 5 5 5 s s s L L 7750 7753 K30 K30 5 5 s s Phase PoM 7?/8?? s s pre-7 s s d - 8b? pre-8 - 5 5 5 5 4+5 5 Description Relations fill below F7710 fill in the chamber wall which seems to be a northern face of the W3108 (phase 7 gate). It's still possible that it's earlier than the gate. fill fill fill, probably includes material inside the chamber and the FT of the tower walls. fill excavate previously together with pit L7189. similar to fill in L7709. makeup of F7198 sealed fill down to floor at #13.47 - 13.39 Removal of the baulk between H29 and H30. Fill between W3263 and W3258. Fill between W3300 and W2205 down to the top of W3219 Fill below W2238 (ph.4) fill below the floating level of W2238. =L7736 Segment of W2813 (IR gate) ? =W2487==W3108 <W7196, <W2884. Probably re-numbering of L7724. Same floor at #13.36 = "white floor" floor accumulation (#13.32) or shallow pit in F7741 foundation trench (?) of W7196 fill down to floor (accumulation of surfaces?) -=F7750 fill down to floor sloping northward (#13.53 13.27) =F7749 fill down to floor (#13.32 - 13.20) 82 L/W Locus# Square L 7754 K30 L 7755 K30 Unit 5 5 Clean. d d L L L L L L L W 7756 7761 7765 7768 7772 7778 7791 7795 K30 K30 K30 K30 H30 H30 H30 H30 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 d s d s u u s L L 7798 7799 H30 H30 1 1 L L L L L L L 7905 7909 7912 7913 7914 7915 7916 H30 H30 H30 H-I/32 H30 H30 H30 W W 7919 7920 H30 H30 1 1 L L L 7927 7930 7931 K30 K30 H30 5 5 1 Phase PoM Relations fill along W2557. disturbed <=7 <=7 pit? That cuts all floors north of it. fill down to floor (#13.17-13.09) pit? fill down to floor (#12.95) Fill against W7738. Fill below W7738 and fill around it in the baulk. removal of stone pavement F7798. Orthostat?/terrace wall? Fill down to stone pavement (#13.41 - 13.53) F7791 fill below the pavement down to the sand layer. fill down to stone pavement? (13.57 - 13.87) or rubble. Removal of the surface(?) F7905. Fill sealed ? By pavement F7909 Fill under W3258 Sand fill Removal of W7738. Fill between W7738 (ph.7) and W352(ph.5). Wall (partly ashlar) parallel to W7738, lower than it. Wall makes a corner with W7919. <=7 pit disturbance (pit?) Fill between W7919 and W7920. 5 5 5 5 5 5 7+6?? u s 5 7+6?? 5 pre-5 1 1 1 u s s 5 5 7+6?? 5 1 1 1 u s u <7 <7 5? pre-7? pre-7? mix d d u Description pre-5 7?/<7? cuts F7198, F7724, F7750, F7753 == F7798 ==W7795 ==W7920 ==W7919 =L7765=L7756. Cuts L7922, F7768 same as L7755. Cuts F7768 83 L/W Locus# Square L 7932 H30 Unit 1 Clean. u W L 7933 11011 H30 1 u L 11023 I30 2 s? L L 11031 11034 H29 I30 1 2 L L L L L L L L L L L L L 11035 11046 11055 11061 11062 11063 11068 11074 11075 11076 11081 11103 11105 I30 I30 K30 K30 K30 K30 K30 K30 K30 K30 K30 H29 H30 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 L L L L L 11150 11201 11202 11203 11204 G28 J29 J29 J29 J29 1 4 4 4 4 Phase <=7 <=7 PoM 7?/<7? 7?/<7? d d u d u d d u u u <7 pre-7 s 4+5 4+5 Description Fill outside the corner of W7919 and W7920. mudbrick wall, seen in section only Fill above mudbrick wall East of W7156 (under L7161) - fill down to W11034. rubble fill below drain 2411 and above IR gate W3108. 1 coarse of stones. Pavement? On top of W11045. Fill from top of F?11034 down to the mudbrick wall W11046. Mudbrick city wall of ph.8. Top: 14.17 winter wash pit fill pit? fill pit pit. May be same as pit L11074 fill above W7164 fill against W7164 Relations >W7156, <F7168, cut by pit (L7927=L11061) <W11046==ph.8. =W11045<?F?11034 =L7930 cuts W7164 cuts W7164 Fill Fill below W2413 (Ph.3) down to PR pavement F11272. =L11263 (H28) ash layer fallen stones fill down to pebble pavement (13.65) ==?W11207 84 L/W L L W L L Locus# 11205 11206 11207 11208 11209 Square J29 J29 J29 J29 J29 Unit 4 4 4 4 4 Clean. Phase PoM Description u s 8? 8? 8? pre-7 pre-7 L L L L 11263 11264 11272 13044 H28 H30 G28 H30 1 1 1 1 s d 5 4+5 5 5 fill unsealed by F11204 down to cobble surface fill sealed by F11204 down to cobble surface Fill below W2413 (N) down to the pavement (#13.82 - 13.76) Cleaning section? Pavement leading to the PR gate. L L 7922a 7922b K30 K30 5 5 mudbrick material mudbrick material Relations =? W2798, ==F11209 =F11209 =F11208 = F11272=?F2483. <W2413 (Ph.3) =F11263=F2483 cut by L7756=L7765=L7927 cut by L7756=L7765=L7927 pit? pit? 85 Tel Dor Area B: Iron Age - Persian Period Gates Supervisors: 1983: Howard (“Howie Ka-zowie”) Thomas 1984: ?K (JK or AK), Joan Northrop, Scott William(s) 1985: EM Shelt/don, ?K, Julie Linde, Jason ? 1986: EM Shelt/don 1987: EM Shelt/don 1988: Barry Scott notes on old locus cards 1989: Jo Beth Powell, Ted Beder 1991: EDH, WEW 1995: MKF, MMR General Discussion Excavation of the Iron Age and Persian period gates at Tel Dor Area B began in 1983 and concluded in 1995. This protracted period complicates reconstructing the gates and their environs, for example, a single gate chamber was excavated during three seasons stretching over five years. In addition to the prolonged period of excavation, subsequent ancient construction destroyed, fragmented, and otherwise compromised earlier remains. Deeply bedded Roman foundations obliterated portions of the city gates and walls plus they divided the underlying Iron Age and Persian period remains into numerous discrete units with no stratigraphic connections to other excavation areas. 86 Attributing surfaces to late Phase 7 (the four-chamber gate), the transitional Phase 6, or early Phase 5 (the two-chamber gate) is problematic, and has been indicated accordingly in the report and locus index. Phase 7 surfaces were preserved to near the extant top of the stone socle. Phase 6 loci could be identified only in those rare instances where they both cover Phase 7 walls and underlie Phase 5 walls. Phase 5 surfaces begin from the very bottom of the Phase 5 walls and thus are difficult to distinguish from the transitional Phase 6 surfaces and upper Phase 7 surfaces. PHASING Phase 5a: the two-chamber gate and “lodge” with internal partition Phase 5b: the two-chamber gate and “lodge” Phase 5c: construction of the two-chamber gate and “plaza” Phase 6: a transitional phase consisting of disparate wall fragments and surfaces that both cover the Phase 7 gate and underlie the Phase 5 gate; surfaces that underlie Phase 5 walls but don’t stratigraphically relate to Phase 7 walls are indicated as either Phase 6 or 7 Phase 7: gate walls, loci outside the gate Phase 7a: later surface within the SE chamber of the four-chamber gate; Assyrian destruction of the gate Phase 7b: construction of the four-chamber gate and tower/casemate wall Phase 7c??: surface on which foundations of the Phase 7 gate sit In the corner formed by the city gate and casemate wall, squares K-L/25-26 provided the best preserved sequence of surfaces spanning Phases 7-5. Excavation reached the mudbrick detritis and sand characteristic of the foundation filling within the 87 gate, L3817 and 3818 (#13.57-.42). Superimposed surfaces began with the Phase 7 ashy floor L12029 (ca. #14.00), above which lay the ashy L12018 (#14.42-.26), then the cobble patch L12015 (#14.43-.40) =L12012 (#14.43) =L3805 cobbles ((#14.39) =L3752 (#14.49), and finally the fragmented white/plaster floor L7886 (ca. #14.40), all attributed to Phase 7. These in turn were topped by the succession of a mudbrick floor L3806 (#14.49; retrospectively noted in the baulk of L3693), the cobble surface L3805=L3752 (#14.48-.39), and the grey/ashy floor L7870 (#14.85-.52). The uppermost of all these surfaces, L7870, runs below the Phase 5 gate wall W3652 providing a phase 7 or 6 attribution to the full sequence of surfaces. The dirt floor immediately above, L7590 (#15.01-14.77), met the Phase 5 gate wall. Phase 5 stage i: L7590 dirt floor (#15.01-14.77) “plaza” Phase 6 or 7 (below Phase 5 wall but not stratigraphically related to a Phase 7 wall) stage ii: L7870 ash on floor (#14.85-.52) stage iii: L3806 mudbrick floor (#14.49) stage iv: L3805=3752 cobble surface (#14.49-.39) Phase 7 stage v: L7886 plaster floor (ca. #14.40), L12015=L3805 cobbles (#14.43-.40/ 14.39) stage vi: L12015, 12012, 3805, 3752 cobble surface (#14.43-.39) stage vii: L12018 ash on floor (#14.42-.26) stage viii: L12029 ash on floor (ca. #14.00) 88 Phase 7 Gate Add wall details W3069: N-S; SW pier of IA Gate, #14.50 - ??, western pier of the gate. Faced with orthostats (#14.37-13.78), core faced with rectilinear boulders with fieldstones filling interstices (as shown on plan, no description on card). W3104: E-W; sleeper wall enclosing SW chamber, #13.92-13.00 W3102: later addition above sleeper wall W3104, #14.16-(13.92?) W3681: N-S; S central pier in gate, #14.76-12.95, jutting stones of foundation to #13.77 W3794: E-W; southern wall of gate, #14.83-12.84, protruding foundation stones to #13.67 W7492: N-S; SE pier of gate, #15.01(Ph7?/6?)-12.84, jutting foundation stones to #14.75/14.21/13.44 from plan. #14.75 stones maybe Phase 7 wall with Phase 6 rebuild above to #15.01. The eastern portion of the Phase 7 gate is better preserved due to the Phase 5 gate directly above and the dismantling of the western portion to clear the open expanse of the “plaza.” Phase7 eastern and central gate piers and the north-south wall between them stand .3-.4m higher then their western counterparts and the chamber deposit, including a thick build-up with ash and charcoal, perhaps a destruction level, above the #14.40m chamber floor was preserved only in the eastern chamber. The Dor Iron Age gate was constructed with a version of the “standing foundation” comparable to the inner gatehouses of Lachish IV and Megiddo Str. IVA? For this type of construction, rather than digging a foundation, the ground surface was leveled, the gate stone foundation (and in some cases sleeper walls) assembled above 89 ground, and then interior and adjacent exterior areas were filled in to bury the stone foundation and create a new surface. In addition to the six-chamber gates of Lachish and Megiddo, David Ussishkin cites as examples the six-chamber gates of “Solomonic” Gezer, the lower city at Tel Ashdod, and Tel Batash plus the four-chamber gates of BeerSheba II and the Megiddo Str. VA-IVB southern palace. Gate walls, and in some cases sleeper walls, are founded at street level, then constructional fills in and around the gate bury the foundation and create a new elevated street level (Ussishkin 2004: 512-14). While differing in details, the Dor four-chamber was similarly built with a standing foundation. Dor differs from Lachish in three respects. First, at Dor, a stone socle of boulders rises above the buried foundation of smaller fieldstones. Second, Dor perhaps lacked sleeper walls in the main passage through the gate, though sleeper walls stood between piers sealing off individual chambers. Third, the interior side of the gate at street level was faced with orthostats (W3069, #14.37-13.78, photo #41207/9) demonstrating that only the fieldstone foundation was buried leaving a stone socle rising above the street. As in the other cases, a mudbrick wall stood on the stone foundation. The reconstructed gate measures 20.5m wide x 13.5m long, with front towers protruding 2.4m. Preserved walls, consistently 2.25m wide, create chambers of unequal size with longer chambers on the north side: 3.2-.5m wide x 4m long (SW), 3.7 x 3.5 (SE), 3.2 x 4.2m (NW), and 3.5 x 4.6m (NE). The southwestern outer pier, the only fullpreserved wall, measures 8 meters long (though northeast pier reconstructed as 8.75m long). Standing walls suggest a 4.5m wide passageway through the gate. These measurements, except for the chamber size differential, are consistent with other four- 90 chamber gates of the other late eleventh-ninth century (Megiddo IVA, Beer-Sheva V and III, Dan, Ashdod 10, T. en-Nasbeh).1 The southern half of the four-chamber gate was uniformly founded at #12.8512.90. Foundation stones protruded beyond the face of the wall up to approximately #13.80, the elevation of the original chamber floor. Preserved upper elevations of the stone socle range from #14.35 to #14.82. Builders of the Phase 5 gate built on top of the eastern Phase 7 walls so they, and the chamber contents, are preserved to a higher elevation than the western extent of the gate. The single preserved sleeper wall W3104, enclosing the southwestern chamber, stands from #13.00-13.92, with W3120 (#14.1613.86) above a later addition to the wall. “Sandboxes” likely served as constructional fill for the “standing foundation.” In the southwestern chamber, sand layers L3105, L3102, L3810, and L3822 (#13.8-12.9), in some cases with sand bedded on pebbles with shells, sherds or cobbles, filled the chamber in preparation for the initial floor L3100 (#13.58) (Phase 7b). A similar fill of sand on shells, pebbles, and cobbles was laid outside the gate to the south at a comparable level (L3818, #13.57-.42). This is the only identified instance of a possible constructional 1 Herzog, The Architecture of Ancient Israel, Table 3 p. 229 (Heb), pp. 278-80 (Eng). Lachish gate nearly square, 24.5 x 25m. Towers protrude ca. 5.5m. Chambers extend ca. 6m long and of varying width. Piers vary in width from 3.0m (outer pier) to 2.4-2.6m, (inner piers). Piers frame a 5.2m wide opening into gate. Founding walls 2.6-.8m below raised ground surface. Fill consisted of mudbricks and mudbrick detritis (Ussishkin 2004: 633). Foundation walls are slightly wider than superstructure with “their upper edge creating a kind of ledge at or slightly above floor level (Ussishkin 2004: 633). Chamber floors partly stone paved and partly lime plastered (Ussishkin 2004: fig. 12.14, p. 635). 91 fill outside the gate confines. In the southeastern chamber, mudbrick detritis filled the chamber up to the initial floor, L12000 (#13.64-.42) (Phase 7b). Subsequent to these initial floors, builders once again used sand, .4-.8m in depth to raise the floor level. In the southwestern chamber, L3100 sand filled the chamber to the subsequent surface L3100 at #14.40 (Phase 7a). Across the sleeper wall into the gate passageway, the sand locus L3107 (#14.15-13.77) corresponded in elevation to the sand fill in the southwestern gate chamber (L3100 #14.50-13.58). A comparable sequence was preserved in the southeastern chamber. Sand (L3851=L7885=L12002, L7882) covered the initial surface and filled the chamber to the subsequent floor, L7881=L7877=L7878 (#14.44-25) (Phase 7a). Two floor levels were preserved in each of the southern chambers, the initial floor at approximately 13.5m (Phase 7b) and a second surface at approximately 14.4m (Phase 7a). The twenty centimeter deposit with ash and charcoal atop upper floor in the southeastern chamber may attest to the destruction of the gate by the Assyrians. Extensive destruction outside the gate was preserved at approximately 13.9m, the elevation of the Phase 7b internal surfaces. Southeastern Chamber of Phase 7 Gate stage i: ash on floor L7480 (#14.86-.75) – above L7486 and edge of W7492 according to card stage ii: Cobble patch/floor L7486 (#14.86-.78) beside but not reaching W7492 stage iii: “Destruction” debris on surface(s) L7495 (#14.51-48) = L3682 (#14.62-.45) (check photo # 41259), L7485 destruction debris on floor above 7495 (#14.51.49) 92 stage iv: build-up of ashy surfaces L7877, L7878, L7881 (#14.35-.25m) stage v: constructional(?) sandy fills L12000, L3851= L7885, L12002, L12003, L7882 stage vi: gate chamber surface L12000 (#13.64-.42) stage vii: constructional fills of mudbrick and mudbrick detritis, L12025, L12010, L12007, L12006 stage viii: founding level of gate (#12.80-.95m) Walls enclosing the southeastern chamber - the southern gate wall, W3794, and the north-south piers, W7492 and W3681 - were founded at approximately the same level as the southwestern chamber walls, #12.80-.95m. All three walls show evidence of a socle rising above a foundation. A sleeper wall comparable to W3104 is presumed; the relevant area remains unexcavated. Mudbrick and mudbrick detritis (L12025, L12010, L12007, L12006) filled the chamber to the initial surface, L12000 (#13.64-.42; photo #48303), raised .40-.60m from the founding ground surface. Entering the chamber entailed stepping down into a room in which large foundation boulders protruded from the eastern and southern walls. Approximately .8m of sand buried this surface (L12000, L3851= L7885, L12002, L12003, L7882), comparable to the sequence in the southwestern chamber. Floor L7877, L7878, L7881 and L3842 (beginning of season cleaning) (#14.35-.25m), which sealed the successive sandy fills below, served as the second occupational surface in the gate chamber. Destruction debris above this floor L7495= L3682 (#14.51-45), L7485 (#14.51-.48; photo #34682) may attest to the Assyrian destruction of the gate (burnt clay, mudbrick, and wood – wood sent for analysis) (photo #41259). Nothing remains of a #14.40 occupation outside the gate; the extensive destruction debris at ca. #13.9 may preserve the Assyrian destruction. 93 Alternatively, when the Phase 5 builders leveled the area in preparation for a gate that opened into a plaza, they may have obliterated any evidence of a fiery destruction at a higher elevation. Southwestern Chamber of Phase 7 Gate 1983 stage i: mudbrick floors in baulks of L3100 (#14.40) and 3056 (#14.41) stage ii: fill of sand L3100 stage iii: surface L3100 (#13.58) stage iv: constructional sandy fill L3102, L3105a, L3810 stage v: Founding level of gate L3105a (#12.95) that continues as L3810 (#13.34) 1985 stage i: constructional sandy fills L3782, 3783, 3778 (#14.33-13.41) stage ii: founding level of gate on cobble surface L3810 (#13.41-.37) All three chamber walls, W3794, W3069, and W3681, were founded at approximately #12.9 above the Phase 8 loci L3128=L3105b=L3823 (photo #24498) at the bottom of L3105. Both the southern and eastern walls reveal foundation courses below the stone socle. Sleeper wall W3104 (#13.92-13.00) with W3120 above (#14.1613.9), at the level of the gate foundation, closed the chamber. The construction and occupational sequence corresponds to that in the southeastern chamber. The chamber foundation was initially of dirt (L3100=3810 #13.58 and #13.41-37), devoid of finds, was 94 sandwiched between sandy fills measuring .40-.60m below (L3102, L3105a, L3128= L3105b, L3823, L3822) and approximately .9-1.0 m above (L3100, 3778). A dirt floor noted in the baulks within L3100 (#14.40, on locus card for L3056) and L3056 (#14.41) constituted the upper chamber floor (Phase 7a). Most of this chamber was excavated in 1983, however in 1985, when the later wall W2554 was dismantled, a one meter wide strip along the eastern edge of the chamber was exposed and excavated. The two sequences differ. Destruction debris on cobbles L3752 (#14.62-.49; likely the continuation of L3776 #14.55-.33), corresponding in elevation to the destruction in the southeastern chamber, replicates the deposition sequence in the neighboring chamber. However, in this area the cobbles, now outside the Phase 5 two-chamber gate, are associated with the other cobble expanses comprising the Phase 5 “plaza.” The expected chamber floor at ca. #14.40 was not preserved. Sandy layers L3778, 3782, 3783 and 3810 (#14.33-.07, #14.07-13.37) correspond to L3100, 3102, and 3105a upper (#14.49-ca.13.50). The 1983 excavation uncovered W3069 and W3104 bedded on the mudbricky surface L3105a (#12.95); the 1985 excavation uncovered cobbles bedded on pebbles and shells on the continuation of this surface, L3810 (#13.41-37). Add Phase 8: plaster floor L3823 (#12.86) Phase 7 Gate Passageway stage i: cobble surfaces L3093 (#14.33-.24) and L3070 (#14.44-.30) 95 stage ii: cobble surface L3101 (#14.08-.02) Patches of two cobble surfaces fronted the city side of the gate. At roughly #14.1m, the lower surface L3101 met the top of the sleeper wall with the later addition of W3120. The subsequent resurfacing, L3093 at #14.30, serviced the upper chamber floor at #14.4m (L3056, L3100). Between the easternmost piers opening into the city proper, the lowest level reached was the cobble pavement L3101 (#14.14-13.98) In contrast to contemporary gates at Megiddo and Lachish, the Dor gate may have lacked sleeper walls across its entrance and egress. An ash pit L3099 and fill L3095 covered pavement L3101, with no indication of a sleeper wall. However, continuing the north-south line of the westernmost gate pier, a single course of stones “cemented” in kurkar L3113 (#14.45-.17), exposed for 2 x .5m, stretched across the exposed portion of the passageway where the sleeper wall should have stood. The top of the line of stones/wall matches the top of the stone foundation of the Phase 7 gate, and given its location, it is a possible remnant of a sleeper wall. [check phase 6 wall] If this line of stones is not a wall, then it joins the list of enigmatic loci. East of L3113, moving further into the gate interior, only fills were identified (L3107, L3118 and L3123). L3107 consisted of sand from #14.15-13.77, roughly corresponding in elevation to the sand fill in the southwestern gate chamber (L3100 #14.50-13.58). 96 Phase 7 Inside the City Walls L/27 and M/27-28 Surfaces: kurkar floor L3124 (#14.05-13.78) with burnt beam L3116 (#14.25-.05), plaster floor L13642 (#14.14-14.10), mudbrick floor L3595 (#14.06), dirt floor L13597 (#14.14-.09), mudbrick floor L3594 (#14.11-13.98) L/25-26: Phase 7 and possibly 6 (pre-5) stage i: surface L7870 (#14.85-.52) stage ii: plaster surface L7886 (#14.85-.35) stage iii: surfaces: cobbles L12012 (#14.81-.43), cobbles L12015 (#14.43-.40), cobbles L3805 (#14.39-.38), cobbles L3752 (#14.62-.49), mudbrick material L3806 (#14.49-.48) stage vi: surface L12018 (#14.42-.26) stage v: surfaces with concentration of ash, charcoal, and burnt mudbrick (and red brick): L3780 (#14.05-13.82); L3781 (#14.06-13.83), L3789 (#13.84-.70), L3704 (#14.94-13.98), L12029 (#14.43-13.98), L3799 (#14.27-.08) stage vi: constructional(?) mudbrick detritis L3817 (#13.57-.42) and sandbox L3818 (#13.57-.42) Isolated stretches and patches of surfacing - cobble, pebble, kurkar, plaster, and mudbrick material - were uncovered inside the city. These 5 superimposed stages of surfaces from phase 7 and possibly also 6 accumulated over more than half a meter, from #13.8 to #14.5m. Destruction debris, burnt mudbrick, charcoal and ash appeared throughout the area at #13.9-.8m. Following the “destruction,” surfaces L7886 and L7870 attest to resumed occupation before the construction of the Phase 5 gate and so may belong in Phase 6. 97 The earliest occupation contemporary with the gate, at approximately #13.9-.8, evidenced burning around the western and southern sides of the gate. A burnt beam, L3116 (#14.25-.05), lay on the kurkar surface L3124 (#13.78) that met the orthostats facing the southwestern gate pier. Circling around the gate to its southern face, piled against the gate were a thick layer of burnt(?) red brick detritis L3704 (#14.94-13.98) that continued east as burnt mudbrick with kurkar floor patches, L3780=3781 (#14.06-13.82). L12029 (#13.98), a compact ashy surface, likely represents the southern extension of L3781. The ash and charcoal sloping down to the south, L3789 (#13.84-.70), likely also belongs to this destruction. An addition isolated patch of mudbrick surface, L3594 (#13.98; probably = L3592 a fill from #1441-13.98 but with no mention of floor), lay due west of the gate passage. stage i: surface L7870 (#14.85-.52) stage ii: plaster surface L7886 (#14.85-.35) stage iii: surfaces: cobbles L12015 (#14.43-.40), cobbles L3805 (#14.39-.38), cobbles L3752 (#14.62-.49), mudbrick material L3806 (#14.49-.48) stage vi: surface L12018 (#14.42-.26) Surfaces with no evidence of burning or destruction extended around the southwestern corner of the gate at ca. #14.10m. West of the gate lay the plaster floor patch L13642 (#14.14-14.10) likely associated with the mudbrick floors L3595 (#14.06)=L13597 (#14.13-.09), and L3594 (#14.11-13.98) [which shifted location from 1984 to 1995]. South of the gate, the ashy floor L12018 (#14.42-.26/JB 14.52-.29) and adjacent “plaster” floor L7886 (#14.35) post-date the “destruction” and pre-date the cobbles above and so belong in with this occupational sub-phase. The cobble paved 98 approach into the gate passage L3101 (#14.12-.02) may also be contemporary. A cobble surface off the southwestern corner of the gate pre-dated Phase 5 but may belong in either Phase 7 or 6. Cobbles L12015 (#14.43, photo on card but number illegible) continued to the north as L3805 (#14.39, noted in the baulk) = L3752 (#14.49). Squares L26-25 descended deeper than any of the other city squares in the vicinity, into apparent constructional fills, with no evidence of occupation. Below the burned layer L3780=L3781, excavators encountered a fill with scattered large stones L3790, and below that a right-angled corner of a .15m deep sand-filled pit with a shell bottom, L3818, cut into a mudbrick detritis layer L3817 (both L3817 and L3818 #13.57.42). Might this sandbox be related to those inside the gate chambers? The Square L26 sandbox bottoms within .20m of the “sandboxes” in the southern gate chambers (L3100 #14.40-13.58; L7882, L7885, L3851,L12002, L12000 #14.40-13.64) and the gate passageway (L3107 #14.15-13.77), and at least three of the sandboxes are cut into mudbrick (passage matrix unspecified). [Though probably unrelated, east of sandbox L3818, “pit” L12005 (of unspecified dimensions, elevations, and fill), drawn as a rectangle with the single elevation of #14.48 provided (though the overlying layer ends at #14.61), was also cut into mudbrick.] Perhaps the sandboxes both inside and outside the gate were fills associated with the gate’s construction. Casemate Wall or Tower stage i: fill of casemate or collapse of walls L12005 (“pit”) and mudbrick detritis L7303, L7219, L7296, L3849 99 stage ii: walls W12014, W12021, W12036, W12035 with rubble fill L12020, and mudbrick superstructure L12008 A constellation of parallel and perpendicular walls, identified as a room within the casemate wall extends southward from the back-side of the gate (Figure 37; p06B1-0003; NEED PHOTO #; reconstruction). Unfortunately only a small, isolated portion is exposed due to the overlying Phase 5 gate. Two east-west walls W12014 (#14.41-?) and W12021 (#14.50), built of cobbles to medium-sized boulders, run adjacent and parallel to the back wall of the gate (W3794). An ashlar wall W12019 (#14.31) encloses the space between these two walls on the west to contain a rubble fill, L12020. South of this block of walls, perpendicular walls of smaller cobbles, W12035 to the east and W12036 to the west, abut W12021 to enclose a 1.3m wide room/casemate (photo #48645). As excavated and interpreted, this entire stone construction, preserved to approximately #14.50, was then covered with large mudbricks, “mainly red in color,” L12008 (#14.76-?) (Burnt?? Dimensions?) (photo #48379). These mudbricks likely belong to the Phase 7 casemate wall superstructure. However, a Phase 6 construction, either a city wall or another construction, may not be ruled out as L3849 covers a portion of the Phase 7 gate wall W3794. 100 Figure 37. Phase 7 casemate Phase 6 True and certain: W7016 Possible surfaces: L7870 (#14.85-.52) = L3806 (#14.49) with L7886 (#14.85-.35) below, L7219 (#14.83-.47), L3678 (#14.85-.76), plaster floor under W3831 (#14.76), kurkar floor with W3852 (#14.92), plaster floor L7303 (#15.21-14.72), L7480 (#14.86-.78) with cobble surface L7486 (#14.86-.78) 101 Phase 6 constitutes the occupation of the area after the four-chamber gate ceased to function as originally constructed, though select walls may have remained in use, and before the two-chamber gate. W7016 alone provides the sole stratigraphic proof of this phase. Having established the existence of this elusive phase, intermediary surfaces 102 between those stratigraphically assignable to Phase 7 and 5 are attributed to Phase 6 but they might belong in 7 or 5. Three contenders for Phase 6 floors either do not reach Phase 5 or 7 walls, or, they reach both Phase 5 and 7 walls and so are of indeterminate status. Phase 5 builders may have incorporated elements of the Phase 7 gate into their construction. First, the dirt floor L7870 (#14.85-.52; photo on card but number illegible), located south of the Phase 7 gate, extended under the Phase 5 gate. This surface continued to the north as L3806 (#14.49), a mudbrick floor noted in the baulk of L3693. It descended towards the north as it approached the Phase 7 W3794 and so, on the basis of elevation, likely originally met or just covered the stone socle. Significantly, it was not noted in the eastern baulk where it should have appeared had it reached the Phase 5 wall. L7219 to the south (#14.83-.47), if a surface, may be a continuation to the east. Both this surface and L7886 below postdate destruction loci of Phase 7 and pre-date the construction of the Phase 5 gate and so arguably may be attributed to Phase 6. Second, the northern portion of the area within the southern chamber of the Phase 5 gate, from the top of the Phase 7 walls and above, yielded an approximately .5m deep deposit of destruction debris (L7495=L3682, L7485 photo #34682), covered by a cobble patch (L7486 associated with L7480), which in turn was buried underneath ashy/sandy loci (L7211, L7309, L7343, L7467). The deposit begins in Phase 7 and ends in Phase 5, so the intervening cobble surface may belong in Phase 6 (L7486, L7480). Relevant loci include the plaster floors L3678 and the possible plaster floor mentioned on the locus card for W3831, perhaps the kurkar floor noted on the W3852 card, and the dirt/mudbrick floors 7303, 7480, and the cobble surface L7486. 103 Surfaces L7343 and L7480 met the Phase 7 gate wall W3794 to the south and the Phase 5 W3813 to the east suggesting that the top of the Phase 7 gate/wall may have remained in use in Phase 6 and earliest . Where superimposed floors exist above the destruction layers attributed to Phase 7 – as in the cases of L7297 above L7303; L3841 above L7219; and L7211, L7343, and L7467 above L7486 and L7480 – the upper surface/build-up is assigned to Phase 5 and the lower surface to Phase 6. Based on elevation, the cobble surface L7486 (#14.86-.77; photo #34679, 38452) was presumed contemporary with the nearby uppermost cobbles of Phase 7 gate pier W3794 though no stratigraphic connection existed. However, the uppermost cobbles considered part of the Phase 7 southeastern gate pier, W7492, may constitute a Phase 6 addition bedded on the Phase 7 pier below. This portion of W7492 stands higher than the preserved Phase 7 walls and is uncharacteristically faced with cobbles rather than the boulders employed everywhere. If this is a Phase 6 rebuild, it supports the interpretation that L7480 and the underlying cobbled surface L7486 also belong in Phase 6. A well-preserved stratigraphic sequence lies in L/25-26 at the southeastern corner of the Phase 5 gate. The uppermost dirt surface L7590 (#14.85-.77) reaches the Phase 5 gate wall W3652. At #14.85-.77, it sits .3m higher than the adjacent mudbrick and dirt surface L3806 (#14.49) that descends as it approaches the Phase 7 W3794. Immediately below L7590, the ashy surface L7870 (#14.85-.52) continues below W3652. L7870 covers the cobbled surface L12015 (#14.43), which must be pre-Phase 5. Kurkar and cobble surfaces, with no stratigraphic connection to gate walls, stretch across the western portion of the excavated area at a consistent elevation of 104 approximately 14.4-.5m. On the basis of proximity and the kurkar surface that covers a Phase 7 wall, L3062, and the cobble surface L2553 that meets the corner of the Phase 5 gate, the western cobbled surfaces, dubbed the “plaza,” are assigned to Phase 5. Phase 5 A two-chamber gate replaced the earlier four-chamber gate. The walls of the long, narrow chamber sat directly above the eastern and central pier of the Phase 7 gate below but the chamber extended over twice the depth of the underlying gate (photo #38253). In constructing Phase 5, the builders utilized the Phase 7 gate below and so it is preserved to a higher elevation than the portions of the gate not incorporated into the Phase 5 plan. The western extent of the gate may have been dismantled to clear a wide open space for the kurkar and cobbled “plaza.” Phase 5 Gate Gate walls: Walls: West: W3652 (#15.60-??); South: W7315 (#15.17-??); East: W3813 (15.24-??; massive fieldstones with rubble fill; bonded into W7315) [and W2862 (CARD requested)]; north W3071 (#15.28/.15-??; boulders below, inner stones atop fill and “outer stones” without underlying foundation stones; pavement L3046 butts up against “outer stone” facing) The Phase 5 gate sits directly above the eastern chambers of the Phase 7 gate utilizing the earlier gate spines as foundations (photo #38453). It was constructed with lower courses of large boulders topped by smaller field stones and rubble fill (southern 105 extent of W3813). Compared to the Phase 7 gate, the Phase 5 walls are thinner and built with comparably-sized and smaller boulders facing the walls and larger fieldstones for the fill. Sleeper wall, W3075, extends across the southern chamber entrance. A single orthostat abuts the face of W3071 with no foundation below. Stone pavement L3046 of the gate passageway meets this standing orthostat. Northwestern corner built of worked stones similar in dimensions to stones of the adjacent Phase 5 “lodge.” At the northeastern corner of the gate, a course(?) or wall of boulders protrudes .4-.6m into the gate passage, approximately .15m below the preserved top of the wall. FUNCTION (related to door jamb?)? Phase 5 Southern Gate Chamber: Basin L7468 on floor L7467=7309=7211=7343 Phase 6? Surfaces L7480 and L7486, L7870 with L7886 below, L7219, L3678, L7303, perhaps also with L3678 and L7303 A continuous sequence of surfaces approximately half a meter in depth within the superimposed gate chambers spanned phases 7, 6, and 5. Phase 7 surfaces reached the top of the preserved walls, some ashy deposits overlay W3749, the back wall of the Phase 7 gate, and others reached the very bottom of the Phase 5 walls. This clustering of surfaces and ashy splays at the elevation where the Phase 5 walls met their earlier counterparts complicates phasing. The extensive, but patchy, ash-covered surface that encompasses L3678, L7303 and L7480 along with the cobbled surface patch, L7486, has been assigned to Phase 6. Approximately .1m above this surface ash lay on the plaster surface L7211 106 (#14.95-.86) and dirt floor L7309 (#14.92-.78), both of which extended over the Phase 7 W3794. This surface also continued as the ashy L7343 (#14.98-.93) and L7467 (#15.0314.96), both of which met the Phase 5 W3813 to the east and the Phase 7 W3794 to the south. Adjacent loci with ash on a poorly preserved plaster or dirt floor include the plaster floor L7255 (#14.98), the dirt floor L7297 (#15.09), and L7303 (#15.21-14.72) with ash but no floor noted. Elements of this surface currently appear on the Phase 5 plan. The patchy kurkar surface L3841 (#14.85) and ash on a kurkar floor (noted on the W3852 card; #14.92) may be related. Within the chamber, a hollowed-out stone basin measuring .9 x .7m, L7468, sat on floor L7467 against the eastern wall of the chamber. Perhaps this basin, and a similar one comparably positioned in the northern chamber, served as water troughs. Phase 5 Gate passage The Phase 5 gate passageway was paved with flagstones. The stones of L3046 = L3059 = L2949, at a surface ranging in elevation from #14.82-14.3, lay in a line of headers across the gate entrance (L2949) and as stretchers everywhere else (photo #15997). A carved Assyrian-type gate socket (northern counterpart presumed), doorstop and bar-hole secured the door jambs and closing mechanism. The socket, which reflects Assyrian control, presence, or at least influence, provides an important datum for dating. 107 Inside the city The “plaza” cobbled surfaces: L13562 (#14.50-.30) =L3583 (14.44); L3590 (#14.49); L3585 (#14.65/.55-.41)=L2939 (#14.82-.40); L2940 (#15.00-14.60); L3057 (#14.54-.44); L3708 (#14.73-.40)=L3734 (#15.01-14.40), L3093 (14.33-.24, admittedly low); cobbles covering the Phase 7 gate W3794: L3708 (#14.73-.40) =L3734 (#15.0114.40); L3776 (#14.54-.33) and L3076 (#14.43) and L2553 (#15.06-14.40) ; cobbles L3752 (#14.62-.49)= L3805 (#14.39); L3776; L2553 (#15.06-14.5) 108 Kurkar surfaces: L3056 (#14.50) likely continues as the kurkar surface L3062 (technical locus)/3069 (#14.34); kurkar L13538, L13543 (#14.53-.38) apparently below cobbles L3583 according to JB drawings Dirt surface: L7590 (#15.01-14.77) After passing through the gate into the city, one stepped out into an open area or “plaza” surfaced, at least in part, with cobbles. Stretches and patches of kurkar or cobbled surfaces extended west of the gate through squares L-M/26-29. The phase 5 attribution rests on cobbles of L2553 that meet the very corner of the gate thus establishing the stratigraphic relationship. A kurkar surface buried the northern half of the Phase 7 southwestern gate chamber (L3056, L3069 and L3070). Surfaces comprised of cobbles measuring .05-.20m in diameter extended west from the gate: L3805=L3752, L3776, L3708, L2553, L3070, L3076, L3057, L3585=L2939, L3590, L2940, and L3583=L13562 (plan). At least in the case of the kurkar L3070, cobbles L3057 and L3076 lay directly above the kurkar suggesting that on occasion it may have functioned as bedding for cobbles (Figure 38; NEED PHOTO #, p06B1-0074). The dirt floor L7590 (#15.01-14.77) was the only other plaza surface to reach a Phase 5 gate wall. 109 Figure 38. Plaza cobbles L3057 on kurkar surface L3070 The “Lodge” Lodge walls: In Phase 5b, a “lodge” was constructed alongside the southern half of the Phase 5 gate. This rectangular building (12 x 3.7m) is framed by W2554 to the east, W2557/2558 to the west, W2551 to the north, and W7567 to the south. Initially, an internal partition wall W3696 (Figure 39; P06b1-0013; NEED PHOTO #) divided the building into two rooms of unequal size. The internal dimensions of the northern room, the longer of the two, measured 6.5 x 2.5m. Further partitioning the long, northern room with W2519, thus forming three rooms within the “lodge,” created Phase 5a. As reconstructed, the northern 110 face (W2551) of the “lodge” extended south to abut the gate wall, sealing off the narrow corridor between the two. Figure 39. Lodge walls stand on cobbled plaza which covers Phase 7 gate wall Through both rooms of the Phase 5b building, only L3040 (#14.65), a small patch of cobble surface abutting W2554, attested to Phase 5b occupation. Outside the building to the west, dirt surface L3081b (#14.65) was noted in a baulk. 111 The addition of a second, inner partition wall, W2519, initiated Phase 5a. This phase is better attested than the previous. Restorable pottery found in both the northern and central rooms at approximately 15.0m (L2552, L3694) likely signify Phase 5a surfaces. No floors from either Phase 5b or 5a survived in the southern room of the “lodge.” Outside the “lodge,” a kurkar surface or “street” ran the length of the building to the west and continued south beyond the excavation area (L3058 (#15.05) = L3656 (#15.09-14.96)). Though interrupted by a later Roman intrusion, this surface continued to the west as L3081a (#15.01). Around the southern side of the “lodge,” the preserved strip of ash flooring and L7581 (#15.38; pots 05) and dirt flooring L7599 (#15.30-.28; pots 06) with L7600 (#15.15-13; pots 06, 07; presumed to reach W3562) below suggest internal floors rather than a street. Walls: W2554 (#15.20[plan:15.75]-) 5b-a + 4?; ashlar headers 44-57 cm long, same as W2551, W2519, and bottom courses of W2558; on plan abuts W2551, various construction techniques W7498 (#15.40-15.11) ashlar corner in SE, no info W7567 (#15.90-.67/ drawn as 15.38-.01) 5b-4 W2557 (#16.53-) 5b-?, no info W2558 (#16.46/14.90 (stage 3)-14.43) 5b-3; “butts up against N side of W2519” W2551 (#15.20-) 5b-5a-4? Single row of headers 44-57 cm long, same as W2554, W2519 and W2558 (lower), AND, in section, “lower courses of wall which forms southern side of channel 2536” W2519 (#16.28/15.70 (Pers)-14.56) 5a?- 3 courses of rough ashlar headers 112 W3696 (#15.22-14.58) fieldstones drawn on plan Floors/Surfaces: Northern room 3040 (#14.65) 5b; small patch of cobble against W2554 (pre-2519) 2552 (E of W2558)(15.0?) 5a?; restorable pottery suggests a floor; above 3040 Middle room – L3694 (#14.89-.80/ tho restorable pots at 14.99); 5a? based on elevation; no mention of floor Sern room – no floor, all sandy fills Along west face of lodge: 3058 (#15.05 in baulk; 14.85 on card) 5a; kurkar floor (W of W2558) corresponds in elevation to L3081a on other side of Roman intrusion; = street L3656 3656 (#15.09-14.96) 5a; “street” kurkar; L3683 card refers to “kurkar layer of pavement removed” before opening L3683 below; =L3058 3081a +b floors seen in section at #15.00 (5a) and at #14.65 (5b) – both dirt?? Along south face of the lodge: L7600 (#15.15-13) strip of dirt floor (con’t line of W2554/7498) L7599 (#15.30-.28) strip of dirt floor directly above L7600 L7581 (#15.38) strip of ash floor (parallel to 7599, 7600); seemed to reach W7567 (N) and W7483 (S) Along the eastern extent of the excavated area, isolated excavation units revealed segments of parallel and perpendicular fieldstone walls, some with associated kurkar and cobble surfaces. [A wall running NE-SW through Square M.25 appears on the plan without a number and with no corresponding scanned card.] In Square M.26, walls W3584 and W3586 (below L2560; no plan) form a corner. Located within this corner, but not reaching either wall, the kurkar floors L3580 (#15.09) and L3582 below (#14.95) 113 have been assigned to Phases 5a and 5b respectively. [L3578 apparently erroneously appears on the Phase 5 plan (#15.16 on plan but two floors at #15.76 and 15.61 according to card; pottery from periods 02, 04, and 05).] Continuing to the north, no Phase 5 floors have been associated with W3588, below W3089 and parallel to W3586 (does not appear on the plan) and the perpendicular walls that don’t meet, W3589 and W2909. A kurkar floor was identified in the baulk of L3557 (#16.02-14.56) with no recorded elevation. Walls W3887 and W3874 form a corner with no associated surface (known only from plan, no scanned cards). M/25 Wall drawn with no number and no scanned card M/26 W3586 (#15.69-) along and below W2560 (Ph 4-5), no info; 5b and a? based on floors W3584 (#15.70-) along and below W3528 (Ph 2), no info; 5a and b based on floors L3580 (#15.09) kurkar floor; 5a based on sequence of floors L3582 (#14.95) kurkar floor below 3580; 5b based on sequence of floors L3578 (#15.16 on plan but two floors at #15.76 and 15.61 according to card) M/27-8 W3588 (#15.30) below and just east of southern extension of W3089, not on plan N/28 W3874 (#15.74 on plan; no scanned card) 114 W3887 (#15.75 on plan; no scanned card) Bibliography Dever, Wm. et al. 1971 “Further Excavations at Gezer, 1967-1971” Biblical Archaeologist 34: 94-132. Dothan, M. and Porath, Y. 1982 Ashdod IV: Excavation of Area M. ‘Atiqot (English series). 15 Loud, G. 1948 Megiddo II, Seasons of 1935-39. Oriental Institute Publications 62. Chicago. Mazar, A. 1997 Timnah (Tel Batash) I. Stratigraphy and Architecture. Qedem 37. Jerusalem. Ussishkin, D. 2004 The Renewed Archaeological Excavations at Lachish (1973-1994). Tel Aviv University Institute of Archaeology Monograph Series 22. Tel Aviv. 1990 “Notes on Megiddo, Gezer, Ashdod, and Tel Batash in the tenth to ninth centuries B.C.” BASOR 277/278: 71-91. 1980 “Was the ‘Solomonic’ city gate at Megiddo built by King Solomon?” BASOR 239: 1-18. 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season W W L L W L W W W L L L L L L L L L L L 2519 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2557 2558 2862 2865 2939 2940 2949 3007 3036 3040 3043 3044 3045 3046 3048 3056 3057 3058 3059 3061 3062 3069 3070 3071 3075 3076 3077 3081 3083 3086 3087 J-L/27 K/27-28 K/27 K/28 K/26-7 L/27-28 L/26 L/27 I-J/27 I/27 L/28 L/29 I/27 K/27 K-L/27 K-L/27 J-K/28 K/27 K/27 J-K/28 K/27 K-L/27 L/28 L/27 J-K/28 L/27 L/27 L/27 L/28 K/27 J/27 L/28 L/28 L/27 L/27-28 L/27-28 K-L/27 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 BS B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 lodge lodge lodge Gate Passage lodge W of gates lodge lodge S chamber gate passage inside city inside city Gate Passage lodge lodge lodge 81 83 83 83 81, 83 83 84 83 plaza? plaza? Gate Passage 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 5 plaza Gate Passage W of lodge Gate Passage W of lodge 5 plaza SW chamber Gate Passage S chamber S chamber Gate Passage Gate Passage W of lodge W of lodge W of lodge W of lodge 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 L L L L L L W L W W L L L L L L Clean. (p?) d d d Stage Phase 5a-4 5b-a 5a 5 5b-? 5a? 5 5b-3 5 5 7?/6? PoM Short Description 5c 5a?/4? 5a-b/5c? 5a-b 5? 5 5 (b?) 5c E-W wall of lodge northern wall of lodge probable latest floor in N room of lodge sandy fill to cobble pavement Eastern wall of lodge Fill western wall of lodge western wall of lodge gate wall fill to floor fill to pebble floor fill to cobble floor gateway pavement fill in N room of lodge fill in central room of lodge cobble floor in N room of lodge fill fill fill fill to pavement 5c 7?/6? 5a 5c 5a 5c 7 5c 5 5 7?/6? 5/6? 5a+b 5b?-c 5b-c? 6?/5c? plaza cobble floor fill; floor in baulk fill to pavement pit plaza western gate pier floor make-up to kurkar floor/bedding gate wall sleeper wall? cobble floor line of 3 ashlars floors in baulk lower pit/silo fill fill fill 122 L L L L L L L L W L L L L L L L L W L L L L W L W L L L L L L L W W L L L L 3092 3093 3094 3095 3097 3099 3100 3101 3102 3104 3105 3107 3113 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3123 3124 3126 3127 3128 3129 3557 3559 3578 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3586 3585 3590 3591 3592 L/27-28 L/28 K-L/27 L/28 J/27 L/28 K-L/27 L/28 K-L/27 K-L/27 K-L/27 K/28 K/28 L/27 L/27 K/28 K/28 I/27 K/27-28 K/28 K/28 L/27 K/27 K/27 K-L/27 K/27 M/28 M/28 M/26 M/26 M/27 M/26 M/27 M/26 M/26 M/28 M/28 M/28 M/28 B2 B2 B2 B2 W of lodge Gate Passage 5 plaza Gate Passage 83 83 83 83 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 Gate Passage SW chamber Gate Passage SW chamber SW chamber SW chamber gate Passage Gate Passage W of Ph 7 gate W of Ph 7 gate gate passage Gate Passage Gate Passage SW chamber gate Passage Gate Passage W of Ph 7 gate lodge 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 B2 7 plaza 83 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 W of 7 gate W of 7 gate inside city inside city W of 7 gate inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 s s s (s) s (s) (s) s/d i s s s s 6 7?/6? 5c 7 fill floor make-up to cobble surface plaza floor make-up and fill 7 7 7 6/7a? 7 7c?/8? 7 7 7+5? 7a 7 7 7 7?/6? 7 7 7 5 8 8 8 5 5 5? 5a? 5 5b? 7?/6? 5(b+a?) 5(b+a?) 7?/6? 7?/6? 5 7 ash pit fill+floor? In SW gate chamber floor make-up to cobble surface SW chamber of gate construction fill gate SW chamber sleeper wall fill+ floor of gate construction+fill below floor make-up; fill to sand stones cemented in kurkar fill against Ph 7 western pier burnt beam rubble fill fill fill SW chamber of gate partition wall fill fill in gate passage kurkar surface with "destruction" W of Ph 7 gate fill in N room of lodge 7c?/8? fill below Ph 7 gate SW chamber fill and floors fill to cobbles partial kurkar floor kurkar floor ashy fill floor make-up and kurkar floor below sandy fill to cobbles cobble pavement cobble pavement ash over mdbr w/charcoal fill 123 L L L L W L L L L L L L L L L L W L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L W L 3593 3594 3595 3596 3652 3656 3658 3669 3670 3673 3678 3682 3683 3690 3693 3694 3696 3702 3703 3704 3708 3734 3745 3752 3763 3764 3775 3776 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3789 3790 3793 3794 3798 M/27 M/28 M/27-28 M/28 K/26 L/26 L/26 K/26 J/26 L/26 J/26 K/26 L/26 L/26 L/26 L/26 L/26 K/26 L/26 L/26 L/26 L/26 L/26 K/26 K/26 K/26-27 K/26 K/26 K/26 L/26 L/26 L/26 K/27 K/27 L/26 K-L/26 L/26 J-L/26-27 L/26 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 inside city inside city inside city inside city S chamber south of Ph 7 gate S of gate SE chamber S chamber S of gate S chamber SE chamber south of gate south of gate 6 & 5 plaza lodge lodge lodge center room south of gate S of gate S of Ph 7 gate plaza? & above plaza? 5 plaza plaza? 5 plaza inside city 5 plaza SW chamber S of gate S of gate S of gate SW chamber SW chamber S of gate S of gate S of gate S gate wall S of gate 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 83 83 85 85 85 85 s s d s s s s s d 5(b?) 7 7 7 5 5 5 7a/6? 5 5+6?+7? 5 7a 7?/6? 7? 7+6+5 5 5 5 5?/4? 5?/ 6? 5?/6? 5? 5?/6? 7?/6? 5/6? 7/6?/5? mixed 7 7/6? 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7a-c 7?/6? cobbles sand to mudbrick floor ?? cobbles to mudbr floor fill to sand gate wall street mudbrick & kurkar floor patches jars in mixed deposit fill mixed floors and fills ash and charcoal ash and burning rocky fill sandy fill mixed floors and fills possible floor internal room divider fill in lodge center room fill in installation L3691 red bricky fill destruction debris fill under wall fill destruction on cobble surface fill cobbles above W3794 pit fill with cobbles or cobble surface sand fill: mudbrick detritis? burnt mudbrick probab destruction burnt mudbrick probab destruction sandy fill in SW chamber sandy fill in SW chamber destruction? rubble in fill line of stones S wall of gate sand then red bricky fill 124 L L L L L L W L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L W L L L 3799 3804 3805 3806 3810 3812 3813 3817 3818 3820 3822 3823 3827 3837 3840 3841 3842 3844 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3989 7210 7211 7218 7219 7246 7255 7296 7297 7303 7309 7315 7343 7467 7468 L/26 L/26 L/26 L/26 K/27 L/26 J/25-26 K-L/26 K/26 K/25 K/27 K/27 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 S of gate S of gate S of gate S of gate SW chamber S of gate S chamber S of gate S of gate K/25 K-L/26 K/25 K/26-27 B2 B2 B2 B2 K/25 K/26-27 K/26-27 K/25 K/26-27 L/26 J/225-26 J-K/26 J-K/26 J-K/25-26 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 S chamber S of gate S chamber SE chamber SW chamber SW chamber S chamber SE chamber city wall? K/25 K/25 J/26 J/25-26 J/26 J-K/25 J/26-27 J/26 J/26 SW chamber SE chamber south of gate S chamber S chamber S chamber S chamber S chamber S chamber S chamber S chamber S chamber S chamber S chamber plaza? SE chamber S chamber 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 s d d s s d d? s s s 7? 7?/8? 7?/6? 6?/7? 7 ? 5 7 7 5 8?/7? 8 8 5 5c?/6? 7b?/7a? 8 8 5?? 7b 7 5 7c 7?/6? 5 6?/5? 7?/6? 7/6? 7a? 6?/5? 7/6? 5c 7a?/6?/5? 6?/5? 5 5c/6? 5 5 reddish brown fill greyish brown fill with stones cobble floor within L3693 dirt & mudbrick floor in 3693 sandy fill to cobble floor pit gate wall mudbrick detritis fill sand to shell fill fill in/below SW chamber fill below Ph 7 gate to plaster floor mudbrick fill under 3128 fill not excavated fill to floor cleaning cleaning brown with clay fill fill of cobbles and mudbrick fill; missed floor sand layer inside SE chamber rocky fill fill under wall ash on plaster floor fill above W3794; make up for floor 7211 mostly mudbrick detritis pit?? fill to white "plaster" floor sandy soil to mudbrick fill above ash floor ash above fill ash on floor gate wall ash on compact surface ash on surface stone basin 125 L L L L W L L W L L W L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 7480 7484 7485 7486 7492 7495 7496 7498 7560 7564 7567 7574 7580 7581 7585 7589 7590 7591 7592 7598 7599 7600 7870 7871 7872 7873 7875 7876 7877 7878 7879 7880 7881 7882 7883 7885 7886 12000 12001 J/26-27 J/26-27 J/26-27 J/26-27 J/26-27 J/26-27 J/26 K/25 K/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 L/25 J/26-27 L/25 L/25 J/26-27 J/26-27 L/25 L/25 J/26-27 J/26-27 L/25 J/26-27 L/25 J/26-27 J/25-26 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 SE chamber SE chamber SE chamber SE chamber E gate pier SE chamber SE chamber lodge lodge lodge lodge lodge lodge lodge lodge lodge plaza lodge plaza plaza lodge lodge S of gate plaza/lodge lodge SE chamber lodge lodge SE chamber SE chamber lodge plaza SE chamber SE chamber S of gate SE chamber S of gate SE chamber S chamber 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 s s s s 7a?/6?/5? 7a 7a 7a/6? 7a-c 7a 7 5 5 5? 5b + c 5 5? 5 5 5 5c 5 6?/5? 6?/5? 5 5 6 5 5 d s/d d s s/d s s s 5 5 7b 7b 5 6?/5? 7b 7c 7 7c 7?/6? 7b 7 ashy floor clay and stones abutting W3794 sandy fill above destruction level cobble floor patch SE pier of Ph 7 gate destruction level to floor mortar wall corner fill robber trench east-west wall of lodge fill fill ash floor fill foundation trench dirt floor foundation trench fill above dirt floor fill above dirt floor alleged dirt floor alleged dirt floor combined floor and fill (RT?) fill robber trench cleaning fill fill floor L7495 make-up in SE chamber fill to floor in SE chamber fill fill between wall and floor floor in SE chamber floor L7881 and 7878 make-up in SE chamber fill sandy fill inside SE chamber floor make-up to floor below sand fill and surface in SE chamber cleaning 126 L L L L L L L L L L L W L L L L W L W L L W L L L L L L L W W L L L L L L L 12002 12003 12005 12006 12007 12008 12009 12010 12011 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016 12017 12018 12019 12020 12021 12022 12023 12024 12025 12026 12028 12029 12030 12031 12032 12034 12035 12036 13538 13543 13547 13548 13562 13594 13595 J/26 J/26-27 J/25-26 J/26-27 J/26-27 J/25-26 J/26 J/26-27 L/25 L/25 J/25-26 J/25-26 L/25 L/25 L/25 J/26-27 J/25-26 J/25-26 J/25-26 L/25 L/25 J/26-27 J/26-27 L/25 J/26-27 L/25 J/26-27 L/25 J/25-26 J/26-27 J/25-26 J/25-26 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 SE chamber SE chamber S chamber SE chamber 8 below SE chamber S chamber S chamber 8 below SE chamber S of gate S of gate S chamber S chamber S of gate S of gate S of gate S of gate S chamber S chamber S chamber S of gate S of gate 8 below SE chamber 8 below SE chamber S of gate SW chamber S of gate SW chamber S of gate S chamber SW chamber S chamber S chamber inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 s s s s s s s s s s s 7c 7c 7/8? 8?/7? 7c 7/6? 7/8? 7c 7 7?/6? 7/8? 7/8? 7?/6? 7 7 7 7/8? 7/8? 7/8? 7 7 8 7c 7 8 7?/6? 7c 7 7/8? 8 7/8? 7/8? 7?/6?/5? 7?/6?/5? 7?/6?/5? 7 7?/6? 7 7 sandy pit inside SE chamber foundation?? "pit"; more likely fill floor L12000 make-up at bottom of SE chamber below Ph 7 gate foundation mudbrick wall/tower superstructure a pot mudbrick detritis above L12025 fill cleaning, floor m-u soil between mudbricks and stone fndt wall/tower fndt cobble patch/floor grey fill grey matrix under cobbles "ashy" floor wall/tower fndt wall/tower fndt wall/tower fndt foundation trench for W2557 +/or fill fill above floor mudbrick wall below SE chamber mudbrick detritis above W12024 floor make-up mudbrick fill ashy fill to floor mudbrick detritis with stones fill fill mudbrick stone wall under mudbrick superstruct stone wall under mudbrick superstruct cleaning to kurkar floor pit-shaped kurkar floor rubble with pit contours kurkar to sand & pebbles 2 layers of cobbles ash pit lg stones in mudbr detritis 127 L L L L L L L L L L 13596 13597 13598 13621 13629 13641 13642 13644 13647 13649 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 L-M/27-28 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city inside city 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 s s(?) d? s 7 7 7 7 7 7?/6?/5? 7 7 7 7 fallen(?) stone rubble-filled pit to packed dirt floor pit in pit L13597 packed grey to partial floor mdbr det above N-S line of mudbrick mixed baulk removal floor m-u??, sand & shell, to dirt floor mdbr detritis/ cleaning?? floor m-u mdbr detritis and stones 128 Unit H/24-25, I/25 The unit borders are: West – W3767 and W12209. North – W7351, W7249 and W13151. East – W12259 and W12274. South – W3768. Excavation years: 1985 – I/25. 1987 – H/25. 1991– All 3 squares of the unit. 1992-1993 – H/24-25. Stage i Summary Walls – 12259, 3712. No floor. Description The first stage includes two features which are not connected to one another, so they might actually represent more than one construction phase. In the westernmost part of the unit a small drain was found (L3712), oriented app. north-south, just below topsoil (heights app. 16.30-16.00) and partly above W3767 and W3768 of stage ii (below); while in the easternmost section the bottom of a massive cement wall was observed 129 (W12259; height – 15.17). The latter is oriented northeast–southwest, and it is connected to the Roman aqueduct system which was found to the north of the unit. Underneath was found the bad preserved W12274 of stage ii. Stage ii Summary Walls – 3767, 3768, 7351, 12274. Floors and installations – 12194, 12182-12183??, 3766??. Description The first walls encountered in the excavation of this stage, back in 1985 (I/25, western part of the unit), were 3767 and 3768, at heights 16.18 and 16.02 respectively. As the excavation of these walls continued, two other observations became apparent: first, the meeting point of the walls was robbed (robbers’ trench dug as fill L3777). Second, both W3767 and W3768 comprise of upper courses built of dressed stones, and lower courses built of irregular field stones2. In the middle of the lower part of both walls a very thin layer of accumulation was observed, its thickness being only 1-2 cm (L3829 and L3830, at heights of 15.12-15.10). Thus, the excavators concluded that both walls consist of two separate construction phases3. In the following seasons, the excavation of these walls was completed, and it turned out that they were part of a trapezoidal room, the other two walls of which were W7351 and W12274. W7351 (H/25, 1987) is connected to W3767 in the latter’s 2 Both heights of the transition between the dresses and undressed stones and of the floating level of the walls were not recorded during the excavations. The floating level of W3767 seems to be 14.85; while that of W3768 is about 14.80-14.70 (estimation is based in photographs and related loci cards). 3 It should be emphasized that there is at least 40-50 cm difference between loci 38293830 and the beginning of the well-cut stones courses, estimated at 15.50-15.70 according to the photographs. 130 northern end, but survived to a lesser extent (15.56-15.11)4. In 1991 (H/24), W3768 was found to proceed to the southeast5, and to make a corner with W12274. This last observation was not made in the field, but represents our interpretation of the stratigraphical situation seen on photos 86660-866666. W12259 of stage i is clearly built on the top of W12274 and to its south; the former is probably the cause for the latter’s poor state of preservation7. Although the supposed corner between W12274 and W7351 was not found, it seems reasonable that they are elements of the same “room”, together with walls 3767 and 3768. The new evidence regarding the construction and stratigraphy of the above mentioned walls, especially of W3768, gathered during the 1987-1991 seasons, undermines some of the original determinations. First, inside the lower part of W3768, in a course of roughly-cut stones, were found at least two round catapult stones, described in the wall card and seen in photos (e.g. 70485, 70494-5, and 70583-4). This observation suggests that this wall was built after the catapult pit was in the vicinity (see stage iii below). Second, L12194 (dug in 1991) was defined as a patch of a kurkar floor, and was found to reach a well-cut stone course of W3768. This floor was observed only in H/24-25 baulk, and excavated during its removal, thus only a small part of which actually abutted the wall. It is explicitly written that floor 12194 is laid over and above the southern part of catapult pit 7356-12273 (L12186), though the floor’s exact 4 The corner of W3767 and W7351 was hidden in H-I/25 baulk during 1987 season. W7351 itself was taken down at the end of that season, but the corner was found and drawn only during the removal of the baulk, possibly in 1991. I didn’t find any documentation of the baulk removal or the discovery of the corner, although it is drawn on phase 3 master plan. 5 The continuation of W3768 was first labeled W12176 and W12225. 6 Although it is also possible that W12274 precedes catapult pit 7356-12273 (see below), since it is unclear whether the easternmost part of the pit disturbs the wall, our impression is that the wall was built after the pit was already existing. Some of the collapsed stones seen in photos 70553-5, found on top of the catapults, might have originated from W12274 (see also L7357 card). 7 Unfortunately, the heights of W12274 are not written properly. The only height given is 14.84, which seems not to correspond with either topmost or lowermost parts of the wall. I estimate the topmost height at app. 15.20-15.10, and the lowermost at around 14.70-14.60. 131 height is unclear (somewhere between 15.92-15.60)8. Third, the supposed discontinuation inside W3768, identified in 1985, was not found in 1991, implying to the existence of only one construction phase of this wall. Summing up, it seems that W3768, as well as W3767, were built and used only during stage ii, and were constructed of field or roughly-cut stones in their substructure, and well-cut stones in their superstructure, to which floor 12194 abuts. Both walls float above plaster floor L12272, which belongs to stage v (below); the accumulation underneath W3767 and above L12272 was excavated as L13007. Few more comments regarding this stage are required. Two other patches of possible floors connected to W3767 and W3768 were identified during their excavations. One of them is L3766, excavated already in 1985 and defined as “thin plaster wash, some of which seem to go up to wall”. Its height is 15.39-15.38, which makes it hard to relate it to floor 12194. No continuation of this “wash” was found in the following seasons. One of the following options is a possible solution: rejecting the identification of this locus as a floor, or seeing it as part of an installation connected with floor 12194 in a lower level. The first option is preferred here. Another assumed floor patch is L12182-12183, consisted of “paving stones” lying next to W3768 (H/24, 1991). In this case also, the exact function of these stones and their relations to other elements (the wall and floor 12194) are unclear9. We suggest treating these loci as parts of a blurred installation (and not pavement), which might have been connected to floor 12194 and W3768. The final issue concerns the photos which show the lowermost course of W3767 abutting W7249 in its uppermost preserved course (e.g. 70262-70270). This situation is the result of the deep foundations of stage ii walls, and not of an alleged contemporaneity of these walls with W7249, which is a much earlier wall. 8 The bottom height written on the locus card is 15.60, while on phase 2 master plan it is 15.92. In any case, it is probably at a higher level than the highest catapults (the uppermost of which were found at 15.61-15.58, according to L7346 card). 9 At the time of writing the loci cards, the excavators claimed that it seems that L12182 “cuts across” L12183, while both “go under” W3768. Since W3768 deepens significantly, it is impossible that the “paving” is going underneath the wall. The relations between L12182 and L12183 themselves are vague. 132 Stage iii Summary Catapult pit L7356-12186-12273-13196-13206. Description Immediately to the south of W7351, and under the topsoil loci (L7346 and L7352), a large pit containing many round catapult stones, mixed with dressed kurkar stones, was found during 1987 season (H/25). After removing all stones found that year, another small part of this pit was observed in 1991 season, under the baulk separating H/24 and H/25 (L12186; 15.25-14.69, including winter wash cleanings of H/25). While deepening beyond 1987 end of season level (14.89), it was realized that the pit deepens significantly. The 1991 part of the pit was excavated as L12273 (14.8914.13), while the pit’s bottom was excavated in a series of loci in 1993 season (13196, 13199-13204, 13206), down to the height of 13.34-13.23!! The pit is bordered to the north by W7351, W7249 and W13151; to the east by W12274 and the baulk underneath; and in the other directions by soil accumulations and floors which it cuts into. The uppermost floor cut by the pit is L7355 (see stage iv below). As stated above, the southernmost part of the pit (excavated as L12186) is partly sealed by floor 12194 of stage ii. Thus, not a single architectural element in this unit can be contemporaneous with the pit. Stage iv Summary No walls. Floor and installation – L7355 and L7464. Description This meager stage consists of badly preserved features, disturbed both by the catapult pit and stage ii walls. L7355, identified as whitish packed surface (1987, H/25), 133 L7465 being its make-up, was found to the west of the catapult pit at height of 15.4510. L7464 is a circular taboon made of clay built with floor 7355, only the edge of which was excavated that season (heights – 15.45-15.10)11. The only wall which could have been related to the floor is W7351, which is mentioned as its northern limit. But, as we have stressed above, W7351 belongs to stage ii, and it is later than the catapult pit; therefore, we suggest that floor 7355 does not abut the wall 12. Finally, as seen in phases 3 and 5 master plans, and obvious also from the heights given in the loci cards, taboon 7464 is built over (and possibly cuts) part of W12163 of stage v (see below). Stage v Option I – one stage Walls – W7249, W12163. Floor –12272 (12258-12184) and 12300 (possibly also pit L12311). Option II – two stages Stage v-a Walls – 7249, 12163. No floors. Stage v-b 10 The heights given for the make-up of the floor in L7465 card – 15.45-14.94, make no sense. The most logical explanation is that the app. 0.5 meter excavated underneath the floor is actually a fill. 11 The rest of the installation was found and drawn when H-I/25 baulk was excavated (see phase 3 master plan), but no documentation exists (see note n. 3 above). 12 It should be noted that the excavators did not specifically stated that the floor abuts the wall, but rather that the latter served as the northern border of the locus in which the floor was found. 134 No Walls. Floor – 12258-12184 (12272) and 12300 (possibly also pit L12311) Summary The relationship between the above-written elements holds the key for the understanding of the whole nature of the lower strata in this unit. Two basic options exist – either W7249 is contemporaneous with floor 12258-12184-12272-1229912300 which covers the area to its south, or it is later than the floor. W7249 is the wide wall, built of massive field stones, abutting the eastern wall of the southern chamber of the two-chamber gate belonging to phase 5 (W3813; see unit I-J/25). W7249 was found immediately under W7351 of stage ii (in between was excavated a thin accumulation designated L7494). Description Below stage ii floor 12194 and elements associated with it (see above), and beside the catapult pit, a series of accumulation loci was excavated as part of square H/24. The series includes L12180-1, L12210-2, L12214-5, L12219-21, L12227, L12233-4, L12251-2, L12258 and L12260, covering heights between 15.87 and 14.88 with various soil matrices and colors. It should be emphasized that these loci are not sealed by the upper floor due to latter’s discontinuity. The first floor encountered underneath the thick accumulation sequence was L12258, but it was re-named L12272. L12184 is a partial continuation of this floor to the northwest (mostly under H-I/25 baulk). Heights for both L12272 and L12184 are 14.84-14.68. The “make-up” of this floor was excavated as L12299 (heights 14.68-14.47). The thick white plastered floor (L12272) is somewhat discontinuous, but covers a significant area west of the catapult pit. The floor evidently runs under walls 3768 and 3767 of stage ii. Immediately below installation 7464 of stage iv, and above floor 12184, a wall fragment designated W12163 was found abutting the uppermost preserved course of W7249. As W12163 is clearly above floor 12184(-12272), it may support the possibility that both walls are later than the floor (see option I above). Yet, W7249 deepens much more than W12163, and therefore its relations with the floor should be examined separately. Unfortunately, the excavators could not determine the exact 135 association between the floor and the wall. L12272 card mentions a disagreement over this subject, but at some point it was decided to place W7249 in an upper stratum than that of floor 12272 (see phases 5 and 7 current master plans). The extension of floor 12272 to the east was also controversial. The excavators and surveyor were divided in the question of whether it covered the whole unit outside the catapult pit, or just its western portion. In the southeastern part of the unit, at the height of 14.68, a cobble floor was found (L12300): the surveyor thought that it was covered by L12272, while the excavators believed that the floor reached the western end of the cobbles, and that they were contemporaneous. This last observation, which means that during this stage the unit was floored with two different materials (serving two different functions?), seems to be the correct one, and is seen on current phase 7 master plan. Nevertheless, it is possible that at some point the whole unit was covered with white plaster, which extended above the cobbles too. The floor discussed here, 12272, is probably the continuation of floor 12159, excavated in unit I-J/25. While removing W3767 of stage ii, an accumulation (L13007) was found to separate the bottom of the wall from plaster floor L12272. The plaster floor runs over W12209 (see I-J/25 unit), and meets plaster of L7324-12159. A series of complete jars was found underneath floor 7324-12159 in I-J/25 unit (L12307, 12308, 12320, 12338), thought to be related to this floor. Another jar was found below floor 12272-12299 in the southwest corner of the present unit, inside pit L12311 (heights 14.58-14.28; photos 71371-2). The floor covers, either partially or completely, the jar pit, and is therefore constructively later than it, but possibly broadly contemporaneous in date. Nevertheless, the possibility that pit L12311 is significantly earlier than the floor can not be excluded, and may gain support from the presence of two more pits, L12333 and L12334, under the same floor (see stage vi below). If floor 12272-12300 does not relate to W7249, it is possible to try and relate it to W7316-13151, the massive fortification wall of phase 7 (see below, stage vii). This option is currently seen on phase 7 master plan, but it can not be accepted or denied based on present evidence, due to the fact that W7249 prevents any possibility to tie the two features. It is possible that pottery readings from the floor make-up (L12299) and below will help to solve this problem. 136 Stage vi Summary Floor (??) – 12310-12335. Pits – 12333, 12334. Description The last loci excavated during 1991 season were L12310 and L12335, below plaster floor L12272-12299 and cobble floor L12300 respectively. Both loci are described as a series of “discontinuous floors with no apparent boundaries”, in between brownish grey soils. The range of heights given In the loci card, 14.64-14.13, seem to imply to the series of bright layers visible in the section under W3768 in photos 71373-4, between pits 12333 and 12334 which are, at least partly, cut through these layers 13. It seems that loci 12310-12335 do not contain “real” floors, but rather layers which may represent some activity preceding the construction of plaster floor L12272. Pits 12333 and 12334, the former lined with field stones, are evidences for such activity. Yet, the possibility that the pits are connected with the upper floor (12272), as is pit L12311 (see above), can not be ruled out. In this case, the “discontinuous layers” of L1231012335 would seem to lack any other feature to relate to. It should be emphasized that L12310 is cut by foundation trench L12332 of W7249 to the north, meaning that the elements described here can not be related to this wall14. On the other hand, it seems that they are not related to earlier walls also, like W7316-13151 (“Iron Age Tower”) 13 The opening heights of pits 12333 and 12334 as recorded in the loci cards (14.2614.23) seem to be a little too low. 14 Photos 71386-7 imply that floor 12310-12335 abut W7249, but this is not the case, since they show the situation in the beginning of the excavation of this locus, and what is seen is actually the make-up of floor 12272. Better photos of the excavation of L12310 are n. 71425-6, showing foundation trench L12332 of W7249 cutting through L12310. 137 and brick wall 12209 to the west, since loci 12310-12335 lay above sloping surfaces connected with the outer glacis of W7316-13151 (see below)15. Stage vii Summary Floors – 13023-13081, 13074, 13038-13114, 13148, 13152, 13207. Wall – 13151. Description During 1992 and 1993 seasons, only the eastern half of the unit continued to be excavated. A series of sloping floors or surfaces, with sandy soils in between them (constructional fills?), was found in this probe, and all are probably connected with an outer “glacis” sloping east and south from a massive east-west wall (7316) which ends in a “tower” (13151). The latter elements are parts of an outer-gate fortification, which belongs to the 4-chamber gate of phase 7 (see phase 7 master plan), and were found immediately below W7249 of stage v. Some of W7249 stones were removed in order to trace the southwest corner of the tower (L13137), which is built of large worked boulders (photo 87165). The series of successive “floors” or surfaces, all stratigraphically related to the abovementioned fortification system, consists of L13074 “kurkar floor” (13.86-13.7516), which was observed only in the southeastern corner (e.g. photo 86661); L1303813114 “plaster floor” (14.15-13.73; photos 86660-86666), which is cut by L12310- 15 The relations between W7316-13151 and W12209 are not clear, due to the fact that their meeting point is located below W7249 of phase 5 (see current phase 7 master plan). The marked difference between brick wall 12209, which has no stone foundation, and the massive stone-built tower structure, implies to a chronological separation of the two elements, though not necessarily. Our guess, that W12209 precedes W7316-13151, may be supported by the assumption that no architecture should exist outside the fortification line. 16 The heights given to this floor in L13038 card are 13.98-13.91. 138 12335 to the west; 13148 (13.72); 13152 (13.54-13.44); and 13207, the deepest locus in the whole unit, at a height of 13.39-13.28. All surfaces, except for 13207, are disturbed by the deep catapult pit of stage iii (see above). The best preserved plaster surface is the lowest (L13207), and it adheres to the plaster which covers the lower courses of tower W13151 (photo 101869). Some of the higher surfaces were not traced clearly in the vicinity of the wall, but the overall stratigraphical picture seems clear. Summary The most important stratigraphical anchors in this unit, which may be helpful in correlating the local stages with the general phasing of area B, are W7249, which is clearly related to phase 5 gate, and W7316-13151, the outer fortification of phase 7 gate. Since those elements are described here as belonging to stages v and vii respectively, the other stages may be correlated with the general phases in a simple way, meaning that each stage should be attributed to the phase with the same number. Yet, two things must be taken into consideration before determining the final phasing of this unit’s stages: one is the possibility that stage v is actually consisting of two separate stages, designated here v-a and v-b, that may belong to two different phases; and the second is that it is always possible that some stratigraphical developments in the whole area are not represented in the examined unit, and the opposite, that local changes do not resemble the situation in the larger context. Therefore, the allocation of general phases to the local stages should be considered as tentative at best, and must wait for the pottery analysis (and other datable artifacts) of the different stages before the final determinations. 139 140 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season L 3685 I/25 B2 1985 L 3706 I/25 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1985 L 3707 I/25 B2 H-I/2425 L 3712 I/25 B2 L 3713 I/25 L 3722 L Clean. Stage Phase u 1985 H-I/2425 B2 I/25 B2 3739 I/25 B2 L 3746 I/25 B2 L 3760 I/25 L 3766 W PoM Description Short Descr. - topsoil I/25 topsoil i 1? accumulation west of water channel L3712, around pit L3705 accumulation u i 1? accumulation containing large dressed stones, top of channel L3712 accumulation + large stones 1985 u i 1? water channel, built of cement and covered by dressed stones, oriented north-south water channel H-I/2425 1985 u i-ii 1-2? accumulation in small area bordered by water channel and southern and eastern baulks; lowered to "floor" L3766 accumulation H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1985 u accumulation west of water channel L3712 accumulation 1985 u accumulation west of water channel L3712 accumulation 1985 u accumulation west of water channel L3712; W3767 was discovered in the eastern part of this locus and became its boundary accumulation above wall and plaster flr of two different stages B2 H-I/2425 1985 s ii 2? accumulation sealed by water channel L3712; came upon plaster wash "floor"L3766 accumulation I/25 B2 H-I/2425 1985 u ii 2? plaster floor (?) 3767 I/25 B2 H-I/2425 1985 ii 2? W 3768 H-I/2425 B2 H-I/2425 198591 ii 2? L 3777 I/25 B2 1985 u i 1? L 3791 I/25 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/24- plaster wash "floor", 0.5 cm thick, between W3767, W3768 and eastern baulk; may represent stage ii floor/installation north-east - south-west stone wall, upper courses built of dressed stones and lower ones of small field stones north-west - south-east stone wall, upper courses built of dressed stones and lower ones of small field stones and some satapult balls robbers' trench of walls 3767-3768 corner 1985 s? iii-v 3-5? accumulation under plaster wash L3766 accumulation stone wall stone wall robbers' trench 141 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season Clean. Stage Phase H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1985 s? ii 1985 s? PoM Description Short Descr. 2? thin accumulation (?) inside W3767 accumulation (?) ii 2? thin accumulation (?) inside W3768 accumulation (?) 1987 v/v-a 5 large stone wall, oriented north-west - southeast, forms the northern boundary of this unit stone wall H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1987 - - topsoil H/25 topsoil 1987 ii 2? stone wall, oriented north-west - south-east, forms the northern boundary of this unit stone wall 25 L 3829 I/25 B2 L 3830 I/25 B2 W 7249 H-J/25 B2 L 7346 H/25 B2 W 7351 H/25 B2 L 7352 H/25 B2 H-I/2425 1987 u iii 3? accumulation containing rubble of small stones, upper part of catapult pit? catapult pit L 7353 H/25 B2 1987 u i 1? robbers' trench of wall 7351 eastern part robbers' trench L 7355 H/25 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1987 u iv 4? sandy accumulation above plaster floor patch west of catapult pit accumulation and floor L 7356 H/25 B2 1987 u iii 3? catapult pit, containing many catapult stones catapult pit L 7357 H/25 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1987 u iii? 3? accumulation containing large stones, east of catapult pit but may be part of it accumulation (catapult pit?) L 7461 H/25 B2 1987 u i 1? 7464 H/25 B2 1987 u iv 4? L 7465 H/25 B2 H-I/2425 1987 s? iv-v 4? 5? continuation of robbers' trench L7353 of wall 7351 semi-sircular baked-clay installation (taboon/hearth?), most of which hidden in HI/25 baulk, connected to flr. 7355 make-up of flr. L7355, and accumulation below floor; floor showed up white and hard plaster robbers' trench L H-I/2425 H-I/2425 L 7494 H/25 B2 H-I/2425 1987 s? iii-iv? ? 10 cm accumulation between W7351 (st. ii) and W7249 (st. v) L 12152 H/24 B2 H-I/2425 1991 - - topsoil H/24 clay installation floor make-up and accumulation below accumulation topsoil 142 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season Clean. Stage Phase W 12163 H-I/25 B2 H-I/2425 1991 u v/v-a L 12168 H-I/25 B2 H-I/2425 1991 c L 12169 H-I/25 B2 H-I/2425 1991 L 12180 H/24 B2 L 12181 H/24 B2 L 12182 H/24 B2 L 12183 H/24 B2 L 12184 H-I/25 B2 L 12186 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 L 12194 H/24-25 B2 L 12210 H/24-25 B2 L 12211 H/24 B2 L 12212 H/24 B2 L 12214 H/24-25 B2 L 12215 H/24-25 B2 L 12219 H/24-25 B2 L 12220 H/24-25 B2 PoM Description Short Descr. 5? stone wall fragment that was hidden under HI/25 baulk stone wall - - winter wash cleanings and baulk removal winter wash & baulk removal s? v/v-b 5? 6? thin accumulation below W1263 and above plaster floor L12184-12272 sealed accumulation 1991 u ? ? accumulation north of W3768 accumulation 1991 u ? ? accumulation north of W3768 accumulation 1991 u ii? 2? stone installation 1991 u ii? 2? 1991 u v/v-b 5? 6? 1991 c iii 3? H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1991 u ii 2? stone installation or paving (?) connected to W3768 (?) stone installation or paving (?) connected to W3768 (?) patchy plaster floor , the northern continuation of flr. L12272 winter wash cleanings of L7356 bottom, and continuation of cataput pit under H/24-25 baulk kurkar floor observed only in H/24-25 1991 s below ii ? grayish brown accumulation sealed below kurkar flr. L12194 accumulation under floor H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1991 u ? ? grayish brown accumulation, north of W3768 accumulation 1991 s? ? ? grayish brown accumulation, north of W3768, sealed under L12183 accumulation under stones H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1991 u ? ? brown dense soil in H/24-25 baulk accumulation 1991 u ? ? grayish gritty soil in H/24-25 baulk accumulation 1991 u ? ? brownish sandy soil, north of W3768 accumulation 1991 u ? ? brownish sandy soil, north of W3768 accumulation stone installation plaster floor winter wash and catapult pit cont. kurkar floor 143 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season Clean. Stage Phase L 12221 H/24-25 B2 1991 u ? L 12227 H/24-25 B2 1991 u L 12233 H/24-25 B2 1991 L 12234 H/24-25 B2 L 12251 H/24-25 B2 L 12252 H/24-25 B2 L 12258 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 W 12259 G-H/2425 B2 H-I/2425 1991 L 12260 H/24-25 B2 1991 L 12272 H-I/2425 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1991 u v/v-b 5? 6? L 12273 H/25 B2 H-I/2425 1991 u iii 3? W 12274 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 1991 ii 2? L 12299 B2 s v/v-b 5? 6? 12300 1991 u v/v-b 5? 6? L 12310 H-I/2425 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1991 L H-I/2425 H/24-25 1991 s vi 6? 7? B2 PoM Description Short Descr. ? brownish sandy soil, north of W3768 accumulation ? ? Grayish soil, north of W3768 accumulation u ? ? Brown-grayish soil, north of W3768 accumulation 1991 u ? ? brownish sandy soil, north of W3768 accumulation 1991 u ? ? brown soil, north of W3768 accumulation 1991 u ? ? accumulation 1991 u ? ? i 1? gray soil, north of W3768; cement wall 12259 found below brown hard soil on top of plastered flr. L12272; W12274 was found in the eastern part, partly under cement W12259 bottom of cement wall, oriented north-east south-west, related to the aqurduct system to the north of the unit technical locus plaster floor which covers most of the unit; unclear if it stretches to the east above cobbles L12300 continuation of catapult pit L7356 and L7357, with many catapult stones and debris of dressed stones stone wall, oriented north-east - south-west, forms the eastern boundary of this unit; bonded (?) with W3768 make-up of flr. L12272, made of whitish plaster cobble floor to the east of plaster flr. L12272 plaster floor discontiuous leveled layers below flr. L12272; pits 12333 and 12334 are cut from these layers disconinuous layers accumulation above floor cement wall technical locus catapult pit cont. stone wall floor make-up cobble floor 144 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season Clean. Stage Phase L 12311 H-I/2425 B2 H-I/2425 1991 s? v/v-b L 12332 H/25 B2 1991 s? L 12333 H/24 B2 1991 L 12334 H/24 B2 L 12335 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 L 13007 I/25 B2 L 13008 B2 L 13014 H-I/2425 H/24-25 Description Short Descr. 5? 6? 7? pit containing complete jar below flr. L12272, but probably related to the latter pit containing jar v/v-a 5 foundation trench of W7249 s? v/v-b 6? 7? 1991 s? v/v-b 6? 7? pit below flr. L12272; possible lining of stones around pit pit below flr. L12272 foundation trench pit 1991 s vi 6? 7? discontiuous leveled layers below cobble flr. L12300; disconinuous layers H-I/2425 1992 s v/v-b 5? 6? accumulation under W3767 and above flr. L12272, which also covers W12209 accumulation below wall and above floor H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1992 winter wash winter wash L 13023 H/24-25 B2 L 13024 I/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 1992 L 13038 H/24-25 B2 1992 u vii 7 L 13074 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 1992 u vii L 13075 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 1992 u L 13081 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 1992 u B2 PoM pit 1992 u - - baulk removal and winter wash baulk removal 1992 s? vi 7? accumulation above white plastered surface, preserved badly, sloping significantly from west to east winter wash and cleanings on top of brick wall 12209 accumulation above white plastered surface, preserved badly, sloping significantly from west to east plaster surface 7 accumulation above white plastered surface, only one patch preserved plaster surface vi 7? winter wash vi 7? winter wash above L12310 and slightly under, to reach the plaster surface observed in L13023 accumulation above white plastered surface, preserved badly, sloping significantly from west to east winter wash plaster surface plaster surface 145 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season Clean. Stage Phase L 13114 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 1992 u vii L 13137 H/25 B2 H-I/2425 1992 u L 13148 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 1992 u W 13151 H/25 B2 H-I/2425 1992 L 13152 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 1992 L 13196 H/25 B2 L 13199 H/25 B2 L 13200 H/25 B2 L 13201 H/25 B2 L 13202 H/25 B2 L 13203 H/25 B2 L 13204 H/25 B2 L 13206 H/25 B2 L 13207 H/24-25 B2 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 H-I/2425 PoM Description Short Descr. 7 accumulation above white plastered surface, preserved badly, sloping significantly from west to east; cont. of L13038 plaster surface vii 7 accumulation under part of W7249, removed to clear W13151 ("tower") south-west corner accumulation under wall vii 7 accumulation and surface vii 7 u vii 7 1993 u iii 3? another sloping surface relating to outer glacis of tower 13151; accumulation above is reddish sand sothern wall of tower connected with outer fortification (W7316); W7249 used it as foundation another white-plaster sloping surface relating to outer glacis of tower 13151; accumulation above is reddish sand cont of catapult pit 12273 1993 u iii 3? cont of catapult pit cont. of pit 1993 u iii 3? cont of catapult pit cont. of pit 1993 u iii 3? cont of catapult pit cont. of pit 1993 u iii 3? cont of catapult pit cont. of pit 1993 u iii 3? cont of catapult pit cont. of pit 1993 u iii 3? cont of catapult pit cont. of pit 1993 u iii 3? bottom of catapult pit 7356-12273 bottom of pit 1993 u vii 7 the last white-plaster sloping surface excavated relating to outer glacis of tower 13151; accumulation above is reddish sand, cut slightly by pit L13206 accumulation and surface massive stone wall accumulation and surface cont. of pit 146 Unit I-J/25 The unit borders are: West – walls 3737 and 3813 (eastern wall of southern chamber of two-chamber gate). North – Baulk I25/I26 and W7249 (currently ph. 5 wall of “outer gate”). East – walls 3767 and 12209. South – Baulk I24/I25 and J24/J25, and wall 7276 (currently ph. 5 wall of outer gate). Excavated in years 1985, 1986 (only cleanings), 1991 and 1992. “Stage I”***17 Summary Walls – 3737, 3773, 3732, 3754, 3767, 3768, 7276. Floors – 3770=3795; patches in 3764 (?); 3796 (?). Heights – 15.26-15.17. Description This stage is based on the current phase 3 master plan. In includes a series of walls, from west to east: 3737, 3773, 3732, 3754, 3767 and 3768. W3737 rests on top of W3813 (see stage ii below) and to its west, in the western boundary of the unit; both oriented north-east to south-west. W3773 abuts W3737 in approximately right angle, and also lies over part of W3813. W3773 continues to the south-east, but is replaced 17 This is an artificial stage, consisting of elements which probably belong to more than one stratigraphical layer. I shell review the main features, just in order to show that they are clearly not related to W3813, the eastern wall of the twochamber gate, which serves as a “bench-mark” for phase 5 in this unit. The discussion presented here does not include the uppermost elements in this unit. I have no intention to discuss the relations between the elements belong to this stage in full, but rather to show that they are stratigraphically above phase 5 elements. 147 by robbers’ trench 3772. The latter locus “intersects” with L3748, which marks the robbers’ trench of yet another wall, W3732. The supposed intersection of these walls is not right angled. W3732 is lined app. north-south, and intersects with W3754, which lies in part under I/25-26 bulk. This intersection was not well-defined in the field. W3754 stretches form the junction eastwards, to make a corner with W376718. This intersection is also a bit unclear, due to the bad condition of W3754, but the two walls seem to be bonded. Few floor patches connect the above walls: L3370 & L3975, a plaster floor which abuts both W3773 and W3732; and L3796, which is a very bad preserved plaster floor, abutting only W3737 in a small area. Traces of the same plaster floor were possibly found also in L3746 in approximately the same heights 19. The height of floor L3770 is 15.26, and its make-up (L3795) is 15.17. L3796 is a little higher (15.55-15.47), and therefore may not represent the same surface. However, in most of square I/25, between W3732, W3754 and W3767, no trace of any floor was discerned. The bottom heights of the walls are: W3732– 15.24; W3754 – 15.36; W3773 – 14.85. Stage ii (corresponds to stage v in H-I/24-25 unit) Option I Walls – 3813 & 7249; 12156-12336; W7276 is a “stage i” wall. Floor – 7324=12159; 12308-12323?? Other features: complete jars found in L12307, 12318, 12320 and 12338. Option II Stage ii-a Walls – 7276, 3813 & 7249. 18 For a detailed discussion on W3767 and W3768, see H-I/24-25 unit description. 19 See description in L3770 locus card. 148 No floors. Stage ii-b Wall – 12156-12336. Floor – 7324=12159; 12308-12323?? Other features: complete jars found in L12307, 12318, 12320 and 12338. Summary After removing all of stage i walls, a plastered floor was found to cover most parts of the unit, bordered from three sides by walls: W7249 to its north, W3813 to the west and W7276 to the south. The floor clearly runs under W7276, as well as under W3767 to the east (see H-I/24-25 unit, stage v). Nevertheless, its relations with W3813 and especially with W7249 are not clear, to say the least, mainly due to the fragmentary state of preservation of the floor. Two suggestions are given here as stratigraphic possibilities for resolving the ambiguity: either that W7249 (and W3813) is later than the floor, or that it is contemporaneous with it (more probable). A feature which obviously relates to the floor is W12156, a one-course wall of well dressed stones, which seems to serve as a kind of an installation, possibly connected to the line of complete jars found to its south. Description After the removal of stage i walls, a series of fill loci was excavated in the unit. North of W3773 and under floor L3795 were fills 3800 and 3809; south of this wall - fills L3801, L3802, L3807, L3814 and L3826; under W3732 was L3815, and to its east L3746. While excavating in these loci, three lower walls appeared: W3813, the eastern wall of the southern chamber (under W3737); W7276 in the southern baulk; and W7249 under W3754 and northern baulk (see below). The lower fills were dug until the end of 1985 season, and reached patches of plastered floor at bottom level – 14.86 in L3815, 14.91 in L3826, and 15.00-14.82 in L3809. This floor was not welldefined that season, but only during winter washes cleanings at 1986, when it was 149 designated L7324 (and L7323 in I/25 square20). The floor was not entirely intact, but rather patchy and discontinuous. In 1991, the floor area of 7324 was cleared once again, in order to understand its relationship with the other features; it was than renamed 12159, and was found using the top of W12209 (see below) as its base in the eastern part. W3773 and L3772, the deepest elements in stage i, were dug slightly into the floor (closing height of the wall – 14.85). After removing stage i W3754 in the northern part of the unit, at height of 15.01, the uppermost course of the southern face of W7249 was found. Most of this wall was still hidden in I/25-26 baulk, taken down probably in 1986 in order to find its continuation21. W7249 was found to deepen significantly (closing heights 14.3414.22), and a series of fill loci was dug along its southern face, between and under the patches of floor 7324 – 7332, 7333, 7335, 12158, 12162, 12204 and 12222 – of which at least the lower two were identified as parts of a foundation trench. The relation between W7249 and W3813 is a bit unclear, due to the fact that the previous seems to abut the latter only in their upper courses, but as they deepen starts some kind of gap between the two. Furthermore, W7249 deepens much more than W3813. In contrast, W7276, which makes a right angled corner with W3813 in the latter’s southern tip, does not deepen more than one course of stones (estimated heights – 15.30-14.95; see photo. 86417-9)22. The bottom of W3813 is slightly lower than the height of floor 7324, i.e. app. 14.70-14.60. The relations between floor 7324 and W7249 can be interpreted in more than one way. Photo M-7035 is useful in addressing the problem, since a patch of the floor is seen very close to the wall. At first glance, it seems as if it abuts the wall, but actually it extends into the wall, i.e. in between two of its courses. During a visit in the field in January 2005, we (Ilan and Uri) observed a patch of white plaster floor inside the corner of W7249 and W3813, which might belong to the same floor. Both situations imply that the builders of the floor already knew the wall; moreover, the last 20 The floor will be referred to as 7324 only. 21 No record was found concerning the removal of this bulk. 22 W7276 card was never completed, so we have no “official” closing heights for it (neither on ph. 5 master plan). The same is valid for W3813. 150 observation may suggest that they were built at the same time, in a way that the floor was laid during the construction of the wall, and therefore penetrated slightly into it. If this is the case, we can conclude that floor 7324 and W7249 are contemporaneous. But, Taking into account that the analysis based on the photos can be misguided, the possibility that the wall is later than the floor can not be ruled out. This option was raised while examining the relationship between W7249 and floor 12272, the continuation of floor 7324 in H-I/24-25 unit (see description in stage v there). Similarly, both options are relevant also to W3183-Fl.7324 relations. Regarding W7276, which clearly lies above the floor (photos 86417-9), two options exist. If W7249 and W3813 are later than floor 7324, W7276 may be attributed to the same stage as theirs. But, if the former walls are contemporaneous with the floor, than W7276 must belong to an upper stage, in a way that its bottom course was laid against an older wall; the very same situation is evident in W7249-W3767 relations (see HI/24-25 unit). Another feature which clearly relates to the floor is W12156. This wall consists of one course of dressed kurkar stones set in one row, oriented east-west; heights – 14.8114.65. Floor 7324-12159 was not preserved well near the wall (photo M-7035), but the relative heights point to their probable contemporaneity. Moreover, a series of 5 complete store-jars was found immediately south of this wall, some partly leaning on it. The jars were recorded only as the floor was removed, in loci 12307, 12308, and 12320, as well as on top of W12209 (see below), in locus L12338 (photo 71391-5). The jars are clearly related to W12156, because if it was inserted after their deposition, the jars would have simply been demolished. It is possible that the whole purpose of the construction of this well-cut stone row, forming a narrow wall, was to serve as an installation connected to the placement of the jars. Therefore, the jars seem to relate also to floor 7324-12159 in some way, though some of them were found upside-down. Their relative heights also point to the same direction (14.7014.30 in general). A one-course brick wall found directly under W12156 and in the same orientation, designated W12336 (heights 14.69-14.48), served in my opinion as a lower course of the same installation. It is said that the bricks of W12336 reached within a distance of 3 cm from the upper course of W12209 to the east, while the 151 dressed stones of W12156 are laid on top of the latter wall23. Both courses (W1215612336) seem to be later than W12209 and to cut W12199 (see below). A more tricky question is posed while trying to establish the nature of a beaten-earth surface found under plaster floor 7324-12159, designated 12308 (make-up – L12323)24. This floor was found 10-25 cm below the plaster floor, sloping gently from east (14.58) to west (14.38). Three of the jars, found in L12307, 12308 and 12320, are sunk into this surface as well (their bottom heights are around 14.30). Brick wall 12336 is the surface’ border to the north-east, while it was found to continue beyond its line in the north-west (L13079; dug in 1992). The upper centimeters of W12209 form the eastern border of the locus. The relations between the latter wall and surface are not specified in the available documentation, but it seems that the surface either covered the wall, or used its topmost part as a platform (top height of the wall – app. 14.70-14.50; see above for its relation with the plaster floor). Thus, it may be understood as a primary surface on which a thin constructive fill and plaster floor were laid. Nevertheless, the possibility that it served as an independent surface, co-existing with W12209 in its final phase, and prior to the construction of floor 7324-12159, can not be excluded, and it is advised to wait for the ceramic reading of the pottery from Loci 12307, 12308, 12313, 12320 and 12321, to see if there is any difference in the material from above and below the plaster floor. Final remark: Two more loci were defined between the patches of floor 7324-12159 – 7331 & 7332; they were labeled as “pits”, and nothing significant was found inside them. Their relation to the floor is unknown. Two options may be applicable: the first is that those pits that were dug into the floor, and post-date it; and the second is that they are not pits at all, but rather areas where the floor did not preserve well (maybe due to winter damages between seasons??). 23 No Photos showing W12336 were found. My suggestion contradicts that of Ayelet made during excavation, i.e. that W12336 should be separated from W12156. 24 Actually, the floor was reached in 5 different loci (12307, 12308, 12313, 12320, 12321), covering the area dug under the plaster floor to the south of W12156, but was than named 12308. 152 Stage iii (corresponds to stage vi in H-I/24-25 unit?) Summary Wall – 12199. NO FLOOR. Description A stone wall was detected between W12156 and W7249, and was labeled 12199. According to the locus card, it abuts both walls; but on the photographs taken during the excavations, it clearly does not abut them. The heights given to this bad preserved wall fragment, 14.60-14.47, permit to assume that it also ran above W12209 to its east. In my opinion, it post-dates W12209, and pre-dates (and cut by) W7249 and W12156-12336. It is the only feature in this stage; it was dug in between fill loci – 12197, 12198, 12200 – and cut by loci connected with the foundation trench of W7249 – 12204 and 12222. Stages iv-v (correspond to stage vii in H-I/24-25 unit or predate this stage) Summary Stage iv Wall – 12209. Floor – 12240-12250. Stage v Wall – 12209. Floor – 12267. Description 153 The main feature in the unit underneath the walls of stage ii is W12209. This wall appears immediately under walls 3767, 7249, and 12156. Its part south of W12156 probably used as a platform when floors 7324-12159 and 12308-12323 were in use (see above), or simply as their eastern continuation. To the north of W12156 the plaster floor covered W12209, and continued eastwards under W3767 to meet floor 12272 in H-I/24-25 unit. W12209 preserved to a considerable height: in the south, next to floor 7324-12159, its uppermost height is approximately 14.70, while its lowermost point, next its foundation trench loci of 12287 in the northern part, is 13.14 (which is also the deepest height of the excavation in the northern probe; see below). Actually, only the northern and western parts of the unit were dug to a considerable depth under the level of L12328 (beneath floor 12308-12323), so that the floors which relate to W12209 were exposed to a very limited extent. The stratigraphic sequence in the deep northern probe, under W12199, contained two different surfaces abutting W12209. The upper one is L12240-12250, its height being 13.89-13.76. Above it there is a sequence of fill loci – 12213, 12223, 12228 and 12241. L12240 abuts W12209, while L12250 is its western continuation, where the surface is less clear (and may not exist). Partly sealed under these loci is L12261; under it are loci 12266 and 12267, the latter being consist of accumulation above a beaten-earth floor (13.40-13.30). L12283 was dug as the make-up of this floor, which was not preserved in the vicinity of the wall itself. Their relation could not be defined, so that the floor may either be contemporary with the wall in its early phase of use, or pre-date it. In favor of the first suggestion stands the field observation of a ledge protruding from W12209 at a height of 13.30, which may indicate the beginning of the superstructure, i.e. the height at which the lowest floor should have existed. Deepening more, L12287 was identified as foundation trench near the supposed substructure course of the wall. The final loci excavated in the probe, L12289 and L12301, were identified as accumulations, containing no architectural features25. 25 L12289 card is missing; heights on L12301 card seem wrong. The closing height of the probe should be around 13.00 154 Stage vi Summary Wall – 12268 NO FLOOR. Description Under fill L12261, in the western part of the northern probe, appeared W12268, oriented north-west–south-east. In order to define the nature of the wall more clearly, a second probe was dug in the south-western part of the unit. The stratigraphic sequence begins with the surfaces which connect to floor 12308-12323, i.e. 13025 and 13079; lowering more it consists of a series of fill loci –13028, 13039 – and parallel loci in a baulk that was left at first but than removed –13080 and 13095. At the bottom of L13039 and L13095, W12268 was encountered once again. Its high-most point is unclear – 14.03 in L13039 locus card, and 13.65-13.33 in L13095 locus card. Deepening more along the southern face of the wall (L13060), foundation trench was defined at L13077 (heights – 12.67-12.64); this is also the deepest point excavated in the whole unit. No floors related to W12268 were found in this thick sequence, although the wall itself was preserved to approximately one meter, or even more. Some of the loci cards mention the option that it served as a part of a glacis, because it is massively-built and slightly sloping towards north-east. In my opinion, the orientation 26 of the wall does not support such an explanation26. W12268 locus card does not include any relevant details concerning the building technique and dimensions of the wall. 155 156 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season Clean. Stage W 3732 I/25 B2 IJ/25 1985 L 3746 I/25 B2 IJ/25 1985 u i-ii L 3748 I/25 B2 1985 u i W 3754 I/25 B2 W 3767 I/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 L 3770 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 1985 u i L 3771 I-J/25 B2 1985 u i L 3772 I-J/25 B2 1985 u i W 3773 J/25 B2 1985 u i L 3777 I/25 B2 1985 u i L 3795 I-J/25 B2 1985 u i L 3796 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 1985 u i L 3800 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 1985 s L 3801 J/25 B2 IJ/25 1985 L 3802 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 L 3807 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 Phase Description Short Descr. stone wall, totally covered by fl. 3721, partially by L3723 & L3733 stone wall accumulation continued from between W3732 and L3760 above plaster floor 7324-12159 robber trench of W3732 to its south accumulation above floor wall in northern bulk, connected to walls 3732, 3767 north-east - south-west stone wall, upper courses built of dressed stones and lower ones of small field stones accumulation above beaten earth (and plastered?) floor stone wall accumulation south of W3773 and east of W3737 robber trench, continuous of W3773 accumulation stone wall built of dressed stones above field stones robbers' trench of walls 3767-3768 corner floor 3770 make up, made of plaster fragments & hard dirt plaster floor material, possibly not a floor but an installation stone wall i accumulation below flloor accumulation below floor s i accumulation below flr. L3796 accumulation below floor 1985 u i accumulation below flr. L3796 accumulation below floor 1985 u i-ii accumulation accumulation i 1985 i 1985 i 1-5 5?? PoM robber trench stone wall accumulation above floor robber trench robbers' trench floor make-up plaster ploor ? 157 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season Clean. Stage Phase L 3809 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 1985 u ii? 5? W 3813 J/25 B2 IJ/25 1985 ii 5 L 3814 I-J/25 B2 1985 u ii? 5? L 3815 I/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 1985 u ii? 5? L 3826 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 1985 u ii 5? L 3828 I/25 B2 IJ/25 1985 s L 3829 I/25 B2 1985 W 7276 J/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 Description Short Descr. accumulation above floor between W3773 and northern bulk which is cut by the wall south-eastern wall of the southern chamber of the two chamber gate accumulation above floor accumulation between W3813, W3773 and southern bulk accomulation below W3732 and r.t. 3748 accumulation accumulation above plastered floor, same as L3809 accumulation above floor i thin accumulation below W3754 and above W7249 accumulation below wall u i thin accumulation (?) inside W3767 accumulation (?) 1986 - ii stone wall, prbably connected to W3813 of the two chamber gate stone wall L 7277 J/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 1986 u i robber's pit 1986 u ii? 5? 1986 u ii 5? IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 1986 u ii 5? 1986 u ii? 5? 1986 s ii ? 5? 1986 ? ii? 5?? ashy materail in the supposed corner of W3813 & W7276 accumulation between W7249 & W12156 accumulation above floor, the southern part of flr. 7324-12159; probably the same as L3746, 3815, 3826; plaster floor which covers most of IJ/25; same as L12159 pit (?) cut into flr. 7324; bordered by W12156 pit (?) cut into flr. 7324; bordered by W12156 accumulation (below flr. 3809 ?) near the intersection of walls 3813 & 7249 L 7322 I/25 B2 L 7323 I/25 B2 L 7324 I-J/25 B2 L 7331 J/25 B2 L 7332 I-J/25 B2 L 7333 J/25 B2 L 7335 J/25 B2 IJ/25 1986 u ii-iii 5?6? accumulation accumulation 5? PoM stone wall accumulation (?) below wall accumulation accumulation above plastered floor plaster floor pit ? pit? accumulation 158 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season W 12156 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 1991 L 12157 I/25 B2 IJ/25 1991 L 12158 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 L 12159 I-J/25 B2 L 12162 I-J/25 B2 L 12197 I-J/25 B2 L 12198 I-J/25 B2 W 12199 I-J/25 B2 L 12200 I-J/25 B2 L 12204 I-J/25 B2 W 12209 I-J/25 B2 L 12213 I-J/25 L 12222 L L Clean. Stage Phase ii 5? u ii 5? 1991 u ii IJ/25 1991 u IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 1991 Description Short Descr. well-cut sandstone blocks lined as a wall of one course (or two courses if W12336 is actually a lower course of W12156) accumulation (mainly winter wash) in the beginning of season stone wall 5? accumulation and winter wash in the beginning of season winter wash and accumulation ii 5? same as 7324 plastered floor u iii? 6? accumulation 1991 u iii? 6? accumulation below level of stage ii floors accumulation east of wall 12199 1991 u ii-iii? 5? 6? accumulation west of W12199 accumulation iii 6? samll fragment of a stone wall, built of field stones accumulation above brick wall 12209 stone wall accumulation near W7249, part of its foundation trench massive brick wall, preserved to 1.5 m height, oriented NS; ayelet superstructure begins at a height of 13.30 accumulation below W12199 foundation trench brick wall B2 I-J/25 B2 foundation trench accumulation 12223 I-J/25 B2 12228 I-J/25 B2 1991 PoM 1991 u iii? 6? 1991 u ii? 5? 1991 - iv-v 7? <7? IJ/25 1991 s iv? 7? <7? IJ/25 IJ/25 1991 u ii? 5? bottom of W7249 foundation trench 1991 u iv? 7? <7? accumulation below level of W7249 foundation trench, west of W12209 IJ/25 1991 u iv? 7? <7? accumulation winter wash accumulation accumulation accumulation below wall accumulation 159 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season Clean. Stage Phase L 12240 I-J/25 B2 1991 u iv L 12241 I-J/25 B2 1991 u iv? L 12250 I-J/25 B2 1991 u iv? L 12261 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 1991 u v L 12266 I-J/25 B2 1991 u v L 12267 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 1991 u v W 12268 J/25 B2 1991 L 12282 I-J/25 B2 L 12283 I-J/25 B2 L 12284 I-J/25 B2 L 12287 I-J/25 B2 L 12289 I-J/25 B2 L 12301 I-J/25 B2 L 12307 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 L 12308 I-J/25 B2 L 12313 I-J/25 B2 PoM Description Short Descr. 7? <7? 7? <7? 7? <7? 7? <7? accumulation and parlty preserved floor west of W12209 accumulation beside the floor excavated in L12240 floor make up (of L12240) with ashy and burnt material accumulation (constructive fill?) below flr. 12250 accumulation & floor accumulation 7? <7? 7? <7? accumulation floor make-up accumulation below floor vi <7 7? <7? 7? <7? <7 accumulation west of flr. 12267 and above W12268 accumulation & partly preserved floor, probably related to W12209 though the relations were not clear in the field massive stone wall, not related to anything accumulation (& foundation trench of W12209 ?) accumulation sealed below the preserved part of flr L12267 accumulation to the north of W12268 accumulation, probably W12209 foundation trench accumulation below level of W12209 foundation trench accumulation accumulation & floor stone wall 1991 u v accumulation 1991 s v 1991 u vi? 1991 u v 1991 u <v 7? <7? <7 1991 u <v <7 accumulation below level of W12209 accumulation 1991 s ii? 5? accumulation above beaten surface and below flr 12159 beaten earth floor IJ/25 1991 s ii? 5? accumulation above beaten surface and below flr 12159 beaten earth floor IJ/25 1991 s ii? 5? accumulation above beaten surface and below flr 12159 beaten earth floor sealed accumulation accumulation 160 L/W Locus# Square Area Unit Season Clean. Stage Phase L 12320 I-J/25 B2 1991 s ii? 5? L 12321 I-J/25 B2 1991 s ii? 5? L 12323 I-J/25 B2 1991 s ii? 5? L 12328 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 1991 s iii? Iv? W 12336 I-J/25 B2 1991 L 12338 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 1991 L 13025 I-J/25 B2 L 13028 I-J/25 B2 L 13039 I-J/25 B2 L 13060 I-J/25 B2 L 13077 I-J/25 B2 L 13078 I-J/25 B2 L 13079 I-J/25 B2 L 13080 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 IJ/25 L 13095 I-J/25 B2 IJ/25 PoM Description Short Descr. accumulation above beaten surface and below flr 12159 accumulation above beaten surface and below flr 12159 floor make up beaten earth floor beaten earth floor floor make up 6? 7? accumulation below flr make-up L12323 accumulation (and floor???) ii? 5? brick wall s ii? 5? one-course brick wall, probably a lower course of W12156 area around jars # 4 & 5, on top of brick wall 12209 1992 u <ii ? accumulation 1992 u <ii ? 1992 u <ii ? accumulation (thought to be a floor in the beginning) accumulation above and south of W12268 accumulation south of W12268 1992 u <ii ? accumulation south of W12268 accumulation 1992 u vi <7 foundation trench of W12268 1992 u <ii ? accumulation south of f.t. 13077 foundation trench accumulation 1992 u <ii ? same floor as L12323 1992 u <ii ? accumulation in removal of E-W baulk between two halves of J/25 1992 u <ii ? accumulation in removal of E-W baulk between two halves of J/25 accumulation above brick wall accumulation accumulation beaten earth floor accumulation accumulation