RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT

RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
The measures taken to publicise the opportunities for access are:
a dedicated web site: http://www.ect.it/Meetings/Eurons/Eurons.htm
In web site it is described:
Who can apply
How to apply
Call for Proposals
Financial Support
Application Form
Structure and Services of the research infrastructure SELECTION PROCEDURE Users Selection Panel
The European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*)
offers a number of activities for established and young researchers, theoretical and
experimental physicists and nationals from all over the world. The scientific projects of
ECT* in Trento (Italy) are carried out under the responsibility of the Board of Directors
which acts as Selection Panel and with the daily supervision of the Director. The Board of
Directors conceives the scientific strategy of the Centre and co-ordinates the resulting
projects and activities. To apply for access to any ECT* activity under EURONS a written
project proposal has to be submitted. The guidelines for submitting project proposals and
subsequent organisational aspects can be found on the ECT* web page: www.ect.it.
The selection procedure regarding projects and group leader starts typically a year in
advance. The Selection Panel has 3 meetings a year, usually in January, June and October,
to deal with these matters.
Calls for proposals are put on the ECT* web page before the June Board Meetings where a
first selection of projects takes place. In the October meeting, the Board finalises the full
programme of the projects of the coming year.
In case a proposal is rejected, who made the proposal receives a letter containing detailed
information on the scientific, technical or formal (eligibility) reasons for not accepting the
proposal. Often they are invited to resubmit a revised proposal.
Please find in Annex 2 (Database) the list of the Selection Panel members for the reporting
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
There has not been any change in the Composition of the Users Selection Panel during the
reporting period. Selection Panel meetings
Three meetings: on February 26, June 11, and September 2005. Selection criteria
The Users Selection Panel bases its selection on scientific merit, following the instructions
In total 14 projects have been supported during the reporting period:
21 – 25 February
Exotic Hadrons
S. Kabana, group leader
(CERN, Switzerland, kabana@mail.cern.ch)
9 – 14 May
Partonic structure of hadrons (Concepts and Phenomenology)
M. Stratmann, group leader
(Univ. of Regensburg, Marco.Startmann@physik.uni-regensburg.de)
19 – 21 May
Investigation Protein Dynamics with Theoretical Physics Methods
(Collaboration meeting)
L. Pieri, group leader
(Univ. of Stockholm, lidia@physto.se),
23 – 28 May
Two-photon physics
O. Scholten, group leader
(KVI, scholten@kvi.nl)
2 – 11 June
Electromagnetic probes of hot and dense matter
P. Braun-Munzinger, group leader
(GSI Darmstadt, p.braun-munzinger@gsi.de)
13 – 17 June
Charge symmetry breaking and other isospin violations
C. Hanhart, group leader
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
(Inst. Für Kernphysik, Juelich, c.hanhart@fz-juelich.de)
20 June – 1 July
Nuclear forces and QCD: never the twain shall meet?
J. McGovern , group leader
(Univ. of Manchester, judith@a35.ph.man.ac.uk)
4 – 9 July
Highly excited hadrons
L. Ya. Glozman, group leader,
(Univ. of Graz, glozman@kfunigraz.ac.at),
11 – 16 July
Resonances in QCD
M.F.M. Lutz, group leader
(GSI Darmstadt, m.lutz@gsi.de)
18 – 23 July
Effective theories in nuclear physics and lattice QCD
A. Parreño, group leader
(Dept. ECM, UB, Barcelona, assum@ecm.ub.es)
25 – 30 July
Probing microscopic structure of the lightest nuclei in electron
scattering at Jlab energies and beyond
H. Arenhovel, group leader
(Johannes Gutenberg Univ., arenhoevel@kph.uni-mainz.de)
12 – 17 September
Quarks, leptons and hadrons in compact stars
D. Blaschke, group leader
(Univ. of Bielefeld, blaschke@physik.uni-bielefeld.de)
19 – 21 September
Understanding the structure of nucleon-deficient Pb nuclei
(Collaboration meeting)
K. Heyde, group leader
(Dept. of Subatomic and Radiation Physics, Gent, kris.heyde@ugent.be)
26 September – 7 October
Parton propagation through strongly interacting matter
B.Z. Kopeliovich, group leader
(Max-Planck Inst., Heidelberg, Boris.Kopeliovich@mpi-hdmpg.de)
During the reporting period, in total 813 accesses were delivered; 143 individual users have
visited the facilities at ECT*.
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
Please find in Annex 3 (Database) the list of user-projects for which costs has been incurred
in the reporting period.
Please find in Annex 4 (Database) the list of users in the reporting period. SIGNIFICANT
(For each sector indicate the web-link, if any.) - none Publications resulting from the activity
We do not expect any publication from such projects within less than one year. The publication listed
below refers to the scientific activities supported under the previous access contract of the FP5
programme (STATE). The underlined authors are just the users of ECT* supported by the STATE
1. Khanna F.C., Truhlik E., Weak axial exchange currents for the Bethe-Salpeter equation, Nucl.
Phys. A673 (2000) 445-478
2. Guéry-Odelin, Bose-Einstein condensation, Phys. Rev. A 62 (2000) 033607
3. Bennaceur, Dobaczewski J., Ploszajczak, Pairing anti-halo effect, Phys. Lett. B496 (2000) 154
4. Hillebrandt W., Reinecke M., Niemeyer J.C., Supernovae as stellar objects, astro-ph/0012072 in
Energy Densities in the Universe, Proc. Moriond (2000)
5. Ramos A., Polls A., Vidana I., Engvik L., Hjorth-Jensen M., Hyperon-hyperon interactions and
properties of neutron star matter, Phys. Rev. C62 (2000) 035801
6. Ring P., Vretenar D., Finelli P., Ventura A., Lalazissis G.A., Parity Violation Elastic Electron
Scattering and Neutron Density Distributions in The relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Model,
Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 064307 1-10
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
7. Ring P., Afanasjev A.V., Time-Odd Mean Fields in the Rotating Frame: Microscopic Nature of
Nuclear magnetism, Phys. Rev. C62 (2000) 031302 (R) 1-5
8. Ring P., Vretenar D., Finelli P., Ventura A., Lalazissis, Neutron Density Distributions for
Atomic Parity Non-Conservation Experiments, Phys. Rev. C62 (2000) 045502 1-11
9. Ring P., Vretenar D., Wandelt A., Isoscalar Dipole Mode in Relativistic random Phase
Approximation, Phys. Lett. B487 (2000) 334-340
10. Manka R. Bednarek I., Przybyla G., The neutron star in the Relativistic Mean-Field Theory,
Phys. Rev. C62 (2000)
11. Thielemann F.-K., Brachwitz F., Nomoto K., Iwamoto K., Langanke K., Martinez-Pinedo G.,
Dean D., Hiox W.R., Staryer M.S., Yields from Type Ia Supernovae (2000) 445 in The
Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way: Stars vs. Cluisters, eds. Giovanelli F., Matteucci F.,
Kluwer Academic
12. Klabucar D., Kez D., Scadron M., On the eta-eta complex in the SD-BS approach (2000)
13. Klabucar D., Dynamical Aspects of the QCD Phase transition, proc. Rostock2000/Trento
(2001) Exploring quark matter, Rostock University Pr. Editors. Burau R.G., Blaschke, Schimdt
14. Carjan N., Strottman D., Rizea M., Towards numerically solving the two-dimensional timedependent Schrodinger equation for long-lived decaying states, Roumanina Journal of Physics
15. Carjan N., Strottman D., Rizea M., Time-dependent formalism for the decay of ground-state
deformed nuclei by proton emission, to be published in Exotic Nuclei at the Proton Drip Line,
eds. Petrache C., Lo Bianco G. (2000)
16. Kalos M.H., Pederiva F., Exact Monte Carlo method for continuum fermion systems, Phy. Rev.
Lett. 85, 3547 (2000)
17. Ferreira L.S., Maglione E., Odd-Odd deformed proton emitters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 1721
18. Soramel F., Guglielmetti A., Stroe L., Müller L., Sonetti R., Poli G.L., Malerba F., Andrighetto
A., Guo J.Y., Li Z.C., Maglione E., Scarlassara F., Signorini C., Liu Z.H., Ruan M., Ivascu M.,
Brode C., Bednarczyk P., Ferriera L.S., A new strongly proton emitter…..(formula), Phys. Rev.
C63 (2001) 031304 (R)
19. Ferreira L.S., Maglione E., Resonances in Nuclear Physics...Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 12
(2001) 2697
20. Ferreira L.S., Maglione E., Finding Resonances in Deformed Systems and its Application to
Exotic Nuclei, Few-Body Systems Supp. 13 (2001) 162
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
21. Ferreira L.S., Maglione E., Resonances Beyond the Proton Drip-line, Few-Body Systems Supp,
13 (2001) 171
22. Ferreira L.S., Maglione E., Proton emission from deformed drip-line nuclei, in Nuclear
Structure, Proceedings of the conference: Bologna 2000 structure of the structure of the nucleus
at the dawn of the century, Eds. Bonsignori G.C., Bruno M., Ventura A., Vretenar D., World
Scientific (2001) 113-116
23. Desplanques B., About the parity-non-conserving asymmetry in n + p →d + photon B, Phys.
Lett. B512 (2001) 305
24. Theussl L., Wagenbrunn R., Desplanques B., Plessas W., Hadronic decays of N and Delta
resonances in a chiral quark model, Eur. Phys. Jour. A 12 (2001) 91
25. Calvo F., Doye J.P.K., Entropic tempering: a method for overcoming quasi-ergodicity, Phys.
Rev. E 63 (2001) 010902 (R)
26. Calvo F., Doye J.P.K., Wales D.J., Quantum partition functions from classical distributions.
Application to rare-gas clusters, J. Chem. Phys. 114 (2001) 7312-7329
27. Calvo F., Doye J.P.K., Entropic effects on the size dependence of cluster structure, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 86 (2001) 3570-3573
28. Dukelski J., Pittel S., New approach to large-scale nuclear structure calculations, Phys. Rev. C
63 (2001) 061303 (R)
29. Dukelski J., Esebbag C., Schuck P., A class of Exactly Solvable Pairing Models, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 87 (2001) 066403
30. Theussl L., Wagenbrunn R.F., Fourth P_11 resonance predicted by the constituent quark model,
Phys. Rev. C 64 (2001) 068201
31. Leibundgut B., Cosmological Implications from Type Ia Supernovae, Annual Review in
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 39 67 (2001)
32. Ramos A., Schaffner-Bielich J., Wambach J., Kaon condensation in neutron stars, Phisics of
neutron interiors, Edited by Blaschke D., Glendenning N., Sedrakian A., Lecture Notes in
Physics 578 (Springer-Verlag, 2001) 175-202
33. Ramos A., Tolos L., Polls A., Kuo T.T.S., Partial wave contributions to the antikaon potential at
finite momentum, Nucl. Phys. A690 (2001) 547
34. Ramos A., Polls A., Schulze H.J., Pairing with polarization effects in low-density neutron
matter, Phys. Rev. C63 (2001) 044310
35. Ramos A., Schulze H.J., Vidana I., Hypernuclear structure with the new Nijmegen potentials,
Phys. Rev. C64 (2001) 044301
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
36. Tiator L., Drechsel D., Kamalov S., Yang S.N., Recent progress in pion photo and
electroproduction analysis, proc. Of 9th International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics
and the Structure of the Nucleon, (2001)
37. Gouranga Nayak C., Dietrich Dennis D., Greiner W., Gluon pair production from a space-time
dependent classical chromofiels via vacuum polarization, in Rostock (2000) Trento (2001)
Exploring quark matter 71-78
38. Ring P., Lazissis G.A., Vretenar D., Mapping the Proton Drip Line from Z=31 to Z=49, Nucl.
Phys. A679 (2001) 481-493
39. Ring P., Zhong-yu Ma, Van Giai N., Wandelt A., Vretenar D., Isoscalar Compression Modes in
Relativistic Random Phase Approximation, Nucl. Phys. A685 (2001) 173-186
40. Ring P., Zhong-yu Ma, Van Giai N., Wandelt A., Vretenar D., A consistent Approach in
Relativistic Random Phase Approximation, Nucl. Phys. A687 (2001) 64c-71c
41. Ring P. Lalazissis G.A., Vretenar D., Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Description of Sizes and
Shapes of A~20 Isobars, Phys. Rev. C63 (2001) 034305 1-5
42. Ring P., Vretenar D., Paar N., Lalazissis G.A., Collectivity of Low-Lying Dipole Strenght in
Relativistic Random Phase Approximation, Nucl. Phys. A692 (2001) 496-517
43. Ring P., Vretenar D., Paar N., Lalazissis G.A, Pygmy Dipole Resonances in Relativistic
Random Phase Approximation, Phys. Rev. C63 (2001) 047301 (BR) (1-7)
44. Ring P., Zhong-yu Ma, Van Giai N., Vretenar D., Wandelt W., Li gang Cao, The TimeDependent Relativistic Mean Field Theory and the Random Phase Approximation, Nucl. Phys.
A694 (2001) 249-268
45. Ring P., Zhong-yu Ma, Wandelt W., Van Giai N., Vretenar D., Li-gang Cao, Collective
Multipole Excitations in a Microscopic Relativistic Approach, Nucl. Phys. A (2001)
46. Kabana S., A (Re)Interpretation of the QCD phase transition and of strangeness as QGP
signature, proc. of the XXXI International Symposium on multiparticle dynamics, Sept. 1-7
(2001) Datong, Shanxi Province, China, hep-ph/0111394
47. Kabana S., The Strange Border of the QCD Phases, Eur. Phys. Jour. C, Vol. 21, Issue 3, hepph/0104001 (2001) 545-555
48. Kabana S., et al., Strangelets, Strangeness and Antimater and the QCD Phase Transition: Report
From The NA52 Experiment At CERN, proc. of the International Conference on High Energy
Physics, (12-18 July 2001) Budapest, Hungary
49. Manka R., Bednarek I., The nucleon and mesons effective masses in the Relativistic MeanField Theory, Jour. Phys. G27 (2001)
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
50. Manka R., Bednarek I., Structure and Properties of neutron stars in the Relativistic Mean-Field
Theory, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D10 (2001) 607-624
51. Mazzali P.A., Nomoto K., Cappellaro E., Nakamura T., Umeda H., Iwamoto K., Can difference
in the nickel abundance in Chandrasekhar-mass models Explain the relation between the
brightness and decline of normal type Ia supernovae?, Astrophys. Jour. 547 (2001) 988-994
52. Nakamura T., Umeda H., Iwamoto K., Nomoto K., Hashimoto K., Hix M., Thielemann W.R.,
Explosive Nucleosynthesis in Hypernovae, F.-K. (2001) Ap. J. 555, 880
53. Thielemann F.-K., Brachwitz F., Freiburghaus C., Kolbe E., Martinez E., Pinedo G., Rauscher
T., Rembges F., Hix W.R., Liebendörfer, Mezzacappa M., Kratz A., Pfeiffer B., Langanke K.,
Nomoto K., Rosswog S., Schatz H., Wiescher M., Element Synthesis in Stars, Prog. Part. Nucl.
Phys. (2001) 46
54. Thielemann F.k., Brachwitz F., Freiburghaus C., Rosswog S., Nomoto K., Nakamura T.,
Iwamoto K., Kishimoto N., Langanke K., Martinez-Pinedo G., Dean D., Hix W.R., Strayer
M.S., Abundances from Supernovae, in The largest explosions since the Big Bang: supernovae
and Gamma-Ray Bursts, eds Livio M., Panagia N., Sahu K., Cambridge University Press
(2001) 258
55. Thielemann F.-K., Nucleosynthesis in Supernovae and Neutron Star Mergers, in Structure of
the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century, eds Bonsignori G.C., Bruno M., Ventura A., Vretenar
D., (2001) 246
56. Lentz E.J., Lundqvist P., Branch D., Hauschildt P.H., Fransson C., Garnavich P., Filippenko
A.V., Kirshner R.P., Challis P.M., Jha S., Leibundgut B., McCray R., Michael E., Panagia N.,
Phillips M.M., Pun C.S.J., Schimdt B., Sonneborn G., Suntzeff N.B., Wang L., Wheeler J.C.,
Analysis of the Type IIn Supernova 1998S: Effect of Circumstellar Interaction on Observed
Spectra, Ap. J., (2001), 406-411
57. Lentz E.J., Branch D., Hauschildt P.H., Delayed Detonation Models of Type Ia Supernovae,
Ap. J. (2001), 402-405
58. Mitchell R., Branch D., Lundqvist P., Blinnikov S., Hauschildt P.-H., Pun C.S.J., 56Ni Mixing
in the outer layers of SN 1987A, Ap. J. (2001), 979-986
59. Callegari C., Lehmann K.K., Schmied R., Scoles G., Helium nanodroplet isolation rovibrational
spectroscopy: methods and recent results, J.C.P. vol. 115, no. 22, (2001) 10090-10110
60. Nazarewicz W., Bender M., Reinhard P.G., Shell stabilization of super- and hyperheavy nuclei
without magic gaps, Phys. Lett. B 515, 42 (2001)
61. Nazarewicz W., Nowakowski R., Cwiok S., Heenen P.-H., Single-Nucleon Densities in
Superheavy Nuclei, Acta Phys. Pol. B32 (2001) 1113
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
62. Viefers S., Hansson T.H., Leinaas J.M., Exclusion Statistics in a trapped Two-Dimensional
Bose gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 2930 (2001)
63. Bonaccorso A., Brink D.M., Galès S., Hansen P.G., Reaction mechanism with exotic nuclei,
Nucl. Phys. News International, vol. 11, n .3 (2001) 14
64. Smotritsky L.M., Review of experimental status of PV observables in neutron-induced
reactions; (exper. ,manifestation of regular mechanism formation of PV sign observ.), Yad. Fiz.
64, 1501, (2001) (in Russia) and Phys. of Atom. Nucl. 64 1424 (2001) (English version)
65. Smotritsky L.M., Explanation of experimental sign dependence of PV observables by
introducing resonance phase, JETP Lett. 74, 51 (2001)
66. Nazarewicz W., Michel N., Ploszajczak, Bennaceur K., Gamow Shell Model Description of
Neutron-Rich Nuclei, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
67. Collett L., Pederiva F., Lipparini E., Umrigar C.J., Investigations of excitation energies and
Hund’s rule in open shell quantum dots by diffusion Monte Carlo, Eur. Phys. J. B27, 385
68. Nazarewicz W., Heenen P.H., Quest for Superheavy Nuclei, Europhysics News 33 1 (2002)
69. Dobaczewski J., Nazarewicz W., Stoitsov M.V., Nuclear ground-state properties from meanfield calculation, Eur. Phys. Jour. A (2002)
70. Manka R., Bednarek I., Przybyla G., The quark strange star in the enlarged Nmbu-Jona –
Lasiono model, New Journal of Phys. 4 (2002) 1, 1-19
71. Manka R., Przybyla G., The quark star in the Quark Mean-Field approach (2002)
72. Bonaccorso A., Carstoiu, Optical potentials of halo and weakly bound nuclei, Nucl. Phys. A.
73. Bonaccorso A., Margueron J., Brink D.M., Coulomb-nuclear coupling and interference effects
in halo nucleus breakup, Nuclear Phys. A703 (2002) 105
74. Bonaccorso A., Enders J., Brauer A., Bazin D., at al., Single-neutron knockout, Phys. Rev. C65
034318 (2002)
75. Mankiewicz L., Power Corrections to exclusive processes in Qcd, Nucl. Ohys. B, Vol 105 (1-3)
76. Rombouts S., Van Neck D., Peirs K., Pollet L., Maximum occupation number for composite
bosonstates, Phys. Rev. A (2002)
77. Ring P., Serra M., Rummel A., Relativistic Theory of Pairing in Infinite Nuclear Matter, Phys.
Rev. C65 (2002) 014301 1-9
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
78. Ring P., Vretenar D., Paar N., Nikšić T., Toroidal Dipole Resonance in the Relativistic Random
Phase Approximation, Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 021301 (R) 1-4
79. Ring P., Vretenar D., Nikšić T., Beyond the Relativistic Mean Field Approximation: Energy
Dependent Effective Mass, Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 024321 1-6
80. Meister M. et al., Evidence for a new Low-lying resonance State in 7He, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88
(2002) 102-501
81. Ferreira L.S., Maglione E., Fernandes D.E.P., Dependence of decay widths for proton emission
on the single particle potential, Phys. Rev. 65 (2002) 024323
82. Dukelski J., Esebbag C., Pittel S., Electrostatic mapping of nuclear pairing, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88
(2002) 062501
83. Desplanques B., Theussl L., Validity of the one-body current for the calculation of form factors
in the point form of relativistic quantum mechanics, Eur. Phys. Jour. A (2002)
84. Desplanques B., Nicolet A., Theussl L., Relationship of the 3p0 decay model to other strong
decay models, proceedings of BARYON2002 (World Scientific)
85. Helbing K. on behalf of the GDH-Collaboration, Experimental verification of the GDH sum
rule at ELSA and MAMI, Nucl. Phys. B (proc. Suppl.) (2002) 105, 113
86. Bernard D., Cousin T., Karmanov V.A., Mathiot J.-F., Nonpertubartive renormalization in a
scalar model within light-front dynamics, Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 025016
87. Keranen A., Becattini F., Chemical factors in canonical statistical models for relativistic heavy
ion collisions, Phys. Rev. C65 044901 (2002)
88. Hillebrandt W., Stars from Birth to Death: Laboratories for Exotic Nuclei?, EPJ A, (2002)
89. Hillebrandt W., Reinecke M., Niemeyer J.C., On the explosion mechanism of SNe Type Ia,
astro_ph/0111473, New Astron. Rev., (2002)
90. Hillebrandt W., Reinecke M., Niemeyer J.C., Refined numerical models for multidimensional
Type Ia supernova simulations, astro_ph/0111475, Astron. Astrophys., (2002)
91. Hosek J., Buballa M., Oertel M., Self-consistent parametrization of the two-flavor isotropic
color-superconducting ground state, Phys. Rev. D65, (2002) 014018
92. Buballa M., Hosek J., Oertel M., Color-flavor unlocking and phase diagram with
selfconsistently determined strange quark masses, Nucl. Phy. A, (2002)
93. Smotritsky L.M., Resonance phase and sign of P-odd and P-even observables, (2002)
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
94. Smirnova N.A., Pietralla N., Leviatan A., Ginocchio J.N., Fransen C., Extended M1 sum rule
for excited symmetric and mixed-symmetry states in nuclei, Phys. Rev. C65, 024319 (2002)
95. Blinnikov S.I., Fassia A., Lundqvist P., Meikle W.P.S., Chugai N.N., Sorokina E.I., The origin
of the high-velocity circumstellar gas around SN 1998S, (2002)
96. Blinnikov S.I., Nadyozhin D.K., Woosley S.E., Sorokina E.I., Shock breakouts in SNe~Ib/c,
proc. Of 11th workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany, Feb
11-16 (2002)
97. Blinnikov S.I., Sorokina E.I., Energy exchange inside SN ejecta and light curves of SNe Ia,
Proc. of 11th workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany, Feb
11-16 (2002)
98. Hegerfeldt G.C., Matter-Wave Diffraction of Nano Gratings: Quantum Effects, proc. Pf the
XXII Solvay Conference and in International Scientific Journal Quantum Computers ad
Computing, (2002)
100.Hernandez E., Oset E., Vacas V.V., Two pion decay for the Roper resonance, Phys. Rev. C66
065201 (2002)
101.van Baal P., Reflections on Topology – Viewpoints on Abelian Projections, Nucl. Phys.
B(Proc. Suppl.) 108 (2002 talk presented at the workshop on “Light-cone Physics: Particles and
Strings, 3-11 September 2001
102.Sarsa, S. Fantoni, K.E. Schmidt F., Pederiva "Neutron matter at zero temperature with an
Auxiliary Field Diffusion Monte Carlo method" , Phys. Rev. C 68, 024308 (2003)
103.Gasser J., Rusetsky, A., Schacher, J., HadAtom3, (2003)
104.Kolomeitsev E.E., Kaiser N., Weise W., Chiral Dynamics of Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, (2003)
105.Finelli P., Kaiser N., Vretenar D., Weise W., Nuclear many-Body Dynamics constrained by
QCD and Chiral Symmetry, Eur. Phys. J., A17 (2003)
106.Benet L., Leyvraz F., Seligman T.H., Wigner—Dyson statistics for a class of integrable
models, Phys. Rev. E, 68 (2003)
107.Kolomeitsev E.E., Lutz M.F.M., On baryon resonances and chiral symmetry, GSI-Preprint2003-17, Phys. Lett. B, in press
108.Splittorff K., Verbaarschot J.J.M., Factorization of Correlation Functions and the Replica Limit
of the Toda Lattice Equation, Nucl. Phys. B, in press
109.De Pace A., Nardi M., Alberico W.M., Donnelly T.W., Molinari A., Role of the 2p-2h
excitations in superscaling, Nucl. Phys. A, in press
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT*
110.Akemann G., Fyodorov Y.V., Vernizzi G., On matrix model partition functions for QCD with
chemical potential, Saclay preprint SPhT T04/029, (March 2004)
111.Finelli P., Kaiser N., Vretenar D., Weise W., Relativistic Model with Point-Couplings
constrained by QCD and Chiral Symmetry, Nucl. Phys. A (2004) in press
112.Fritsch S., Kaiser N., Chiral Approach to Nuclear Matter: Role of Explicit Short-Range NNTerms, Eur. Phys. J., A (2004) in press
113.Fritsch S., Kaiser N., Weise W., Chiral Dynamics of Nuclear Matter: Role of two-Pion
Exchange with Virtual Delta-Isobar Excitation”, in preparation
114.Bozek P., Short Range Correlations in Asymmetric Nuclear Matter, Phys. Lett. B, in press
115.Bürvenich T., Bender M., Marhun J.A., Reinhard P.G., Systematics of Fission Barriers in
Superheavy Elements, Phys. Rev. C, 69 (2004)
116.Alkofer R., Detmold W., Fischer C.S., Maris P., Analytic properties of the Landau gauge gluon
and quark propagators, submitted to Phys. Rev. D
117.Alkofer R., Detmold W., Fischer C.S., Maris P., Analytic structure of the gluon and the quark
propagators in Landau gauge QCD, submitted to Phys. Rev. D
118. Mitchell G.E., Lokitz S.J., Agvaanluvsan U., Pato M., Shriner J.F., Missing and Spurious
Levels in Nuclear Resonances, to be published in proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on
Interactions of Neutrons with Nuclei, Dubna, Russia.
119. Adeva B. et al., Detection of pi^+pi- atoms with the DIRAC spectrometer at CERN, submitted
to Phy. Lett. B
120. Afanasyev L. et al., Dynamics of the Pionium with the Density Matrix Formalism, submitted
to Jour. of Physics B. Patentable results - None Conference presentations - None Web-based activities - None Implementation of the plan to raise public participation - None
RII3-CT-2004-506065 / EURONS / Activity Report 2005/ TA06: ECT* Contacts with potential users outside the Consortium – yes, with scientists from the
Quantum Information Processing Community. Updated dissemination plan
The dissemination and use of knowledge proceed as foreseen in Annex I of the Contract.