Mrs. McCabe’s Lesson Plans -7:50-8:20 8:20-8:50 Guided Reading Title AR reading April 7-10 TUES Morning Wk, Annc, Song, Pldg, Att, Lunch count No School THURS Morning Wk, Annc,Song, Pldg, Att, Lunch count Silent Consonants p.73/word sort Workbook p.75 Plot and theme Morning Wk, Annc, Song, Pldg, Att, Lunch count Practice book p.77&78 Reading groups Reading groups Reading groups Concept 3C Silent E Assessment: p.66 8:50-9:20 Sitton TM Spelling WED Morning Wk, Annc, Song, Pldg, Att, Lunch count Spelling: Add it Read: One Dark Night Daily Lang/Math Warm up: Find it-words that rhyme with look FRI Morning Wk, Annc, Song, Pldg, Att, Lunch count PW129 Reading groups Unit 17 test Unit 18 word preview Grammar quiz: Pronouns Introducing I and Me Partner read: Bad Dog Dodger Silent Consonants review Vocabulary practice p.226D Assessment p.79 Read: How to Train your puppy p.228 Spelling: Practice silent consonants Assessment: Proofreading Grammar: Using I and Me Test ready: word patterns Assessment: Task 17 9:20-10:45 Whole Group Reading Instruction Phonics Reading Street Grammar Reading test: One Dark Night Grammar: Pronouns Build background: How can we be responsible family members? Organizer 15 Phonics: Silent Consonants 11-11:30 12-25-12:55 LUNCH Duty RECESS 12:00-12:25 Thinking Positively activities 12:35-1:15 Library Skill: Plot and theme/prior knowledge p.208-209 Assessment: p.74 Lunch Recess Thinking Positively activities Math: To estimate and measure the mass of objects in grams and kilograms p.419-420 Assessment: PS128 To measure area in units p.433-434 Assessment: PW132 Bad Dog Dodger Test Read: Bad Dog Dodger! P.212 Reader’s response journals Grade Level Meeting Recess Thinking positively activities LUNCH Recess Duty Lunch Duty Recess Study Island Words about great leaders Computer To estimate and measure the capacity in milliliters and liters p.417-418 Assessment: PS127 Grammar extra practice: Pronouns To measure perimeter PW/PS131 Build background: Things dogs can be trained to do Organizer 14 Silent Consonants Assessment: practice page Gym ST MATH: PA 2.13, 2.3 READING: PA1.1.3,1.2. 1.3.3 WRITING: PA1.4.3,1.5. Mo 1. Place Bi notes & 2. Restroom 3 Sharpen 2 4.Daily Math sheet or Math Heading on Calendar, Da 1. Represent 2. Check tim 3. Check tem Dismissal: 2 Start routine Check HW in Stack chairs Clean around Student Jobs Mrs. McCabe’s Lesson Plans 1:20-2:00 Math 2:00-2:40 Social Studies/Science April 7-10 ART: 1:20-2:00 Read: Bad Dog Dodger! P.212 Vocabulary strategy:suffixes p.210211 Assessment: p.76 Read aloud: Wild, Wild Wolves Wolves packet -What is a wolf? -Where do they live? -What do they look like? Skill: Fact and Opinion wolves Activity: Wolf or Dog? Build Background: Wolves Math: Reading a Celsius thermometer p.421-422 Assessment: Front and back RW/PW126 To use predict and test to solve problems p.435-436 Assessment: PW133 Wolves packet: How do Wolves talk to each other? -What do they eat? -A Pack of wolves Math: Use logical reasoning to solve problems p.423-424 To estimate and measure volume p.437-438 Wolves packet: A litter of pups Wolf life cycle Wolf to pet